
How to install cangjie on Linux mint 22.1



今天,我们介绍一下仓颉语言在Linux mint 22.1上的安装。






bash 复制代码
tar -zxvf Cangjie-0.53.18-linux_x64.tar.gz
mv cangjie ~/.cangjie



bash 复制代码
lwk@qwfys:~$ ll .cangjie/
total 48
drwxr-x---  8 lwk lwk 4096 Mar 16 18:10 ./
drwxr-x--- 38 lwk lwk 4096 Mar 16 18:30 ../
drwxr-x---  2 lwk lwk 4096 Feb 28  2023 bin/
-rwxr-x---  1 lwk lwk 1458 Feb 28  2023 envsetup.sh*
drwxr-x---  4 lwk lwk 4096 Feb 28  2023 lib/
drwxr-x---  4 lwk lwk 4096 Feb 28  2023 modules/
-rwxr-x---  1 lwk lwk 9078 Feb 28  2023 README.md*
drwxr-x---  3 lwk lwk 4096 Feb 28  2023 runtime/
drwxr-x---  4 lwk lwk 4096 Feb 28  2023 third_party/
drwxr-x---  5 lwk lwk 4096 Feb 28  2023 tools/


bash 复制代码
source ~/.cangjie/envsetup.sh



bash 复制代码
tee -a ~/.bashrc <<-EOF
export CANGJIE_DIR="$HOME/.cangjie"
[[ -s "$HOME/.cangjie/envsetup.sh" ]] && source "$HOME/.cangjie/envsetup.sh"





bash 复制代码
lwk@qwfys:~$ cjc --help
      cjc [option] file...

  --diagnostic-format <value> Diagnostic format. Candidate modes: 
  --scan-dependency           Get the package(s) which the current package depends on
  --no-sub-pkg                The package doesn't have sub-packages
  --cfg <value>               User defined contion to compile
  --debug-macro               Enable debug macro
  --parallel-macro-expansion  Enable parallel macro expansion
  -g                          Enable compile debug version target
  --trimpath <value>          Remove a specified path prefix in debuginfo
  -s, --strip-all             Strip the symbol table from executable and dynamic library
  --test                      Enable compile test
  --mock <value>              Specify whether mock features are enabled, or disabled, or a runtime exception is thrown when trying to use mock features
  -o, --output <value>        Specify product name or output directory when compiling a package
  --output-dir <value>        Specify output directory (it affects '--output' option)
  --static-std                Statically link packages of the std module
  --dy-std                    Dynamically link packages of the std module
  --static-libs               Statically link packages of other modules except std
  --dy-libs                   Dynamically link packages of other modules except std
  --lto <value>               Enable LTO to either 'full' or 'thin' (Not available for Windows target)
  --profile-compile-time      Print time spent of all phases in the compilation
  --profile-compile-memory    Print memory usage of all phases in the compilation
                              Enable constant propagation optimizaion in CHIR
                              Disable constant propagation optimizaion in CHIR
  --fchir-function-inlining   Enable function inlining optimizaion in CHIR
                              Disable function inlining optimizaion in CHIR
  --fchir-devirtualization    Enable devirtualization optimizaion in CHIR
  --fno-chir-devirtualization Disable devirtualization optimizaion in CHIR
                              Enable sanitizer-coverage-inline-8bit-counters in CHIR
                              Enable sanitizer-coverage-inline-bool-flag in CHIR
                              Enable sanitizer-coverage-trace-pc-guard in CHIR
                              Enable sanitizer-coverage-pc-table in CHIR
                              Enable sanitizer-coverage-stack-depth in CHIR
                              Enable sanitizer-coverage-trace-compares in CHIR
                              Enable sanitizer-coverage-trace-memcmp in CHIR
                              sancov level 0
                              sancov level 1
                              sancov level 2
  --sanitizer-coverage-level <value>
                              Set sanitizer-coverage level
  --int-overflow <value>      Specify default integer overflow strategy: 
  --fast-math                 Enable fast-math mode
  --link-options <value>      Options directly passed to linker
  -L, --library-path <value>  Add directory to library search path
  -l, --library <value>       Link library
  -B, --toolchain <value>     Use toolchain binaries and object files at the given directory
  --target <value>            Generate code for the given target platform
  --target-cpu <value>        Generate instructions for the given target processor (Experimental)
  --sysroot <value>           Set the system root directory under which bin, lib and include can be found
  --output-type <value>       Specify output file type
    <value>=exe                 emit executable (default)
    <value>=staticlib           emit static library
    <value>=dylib               emit dynamic library
  -O0                         Optimization level 0 (default)
  -O, -O1                     Optimization level 1
  -O2                         Optimization level 2
  -Os                         Optimization level s, like -O2 with extra optimizations for size
  -Oz                         Optimization level z, like -Os but reduces code size further
  -O<value>                   Set Optimization level
  --module-name <value>       Tell compiler name of the module
  -p, --package               Specify package directory to be compiled
  --import-path <value>       Add .cjo search path
  --incremental-compile       Enable incremental compilation.
  --save-temps <value>        Save intermediate compilation results. <value>: path to save temp files.
  -Woff, --warn-off <value>   Suppress a specific group of warning
  -Won, --warn-on <value>     Report a specific group of warning
  --error-count-limit <value> Emit specified <number> of errors only. Available options: all, <number> (8 by default)
  -V, --verbose               Enable verbose
  -v, --version               Print compiler version information 
  -h, --help                  Show usage
  --compile-macro             Options to compile the macro define package
  --coverage                  Enable coverage
  --experimental              Enable experimental options
  -j, --jobs <value>          Number of tasks to run at once
  --apc, --aggressive-parallel-compile
                              Enable agrressive parallel compile
  --fobf-string               Enable string literal obfuscation
  --fno-obf-string            Disable string literal obfuscation
  --fobf-const                Enable constant literal obfuscation
  --fno-obf-const             Disable constant literal obfuscation
  --fobf-layout               Enable code layout obfuscation
  --fno-obf-layout            Disable code layout obfuscation
  --fobf-cf-flatten           Enable control flow flatten obfuscation
  --fno-obf-cf-flatten        Disable control flow flatten obfuscation
  --fobf-cf-bogus             Enable control flow bogus obfuscation
  --fno-obf-cf-bogus          Disable control flow bogus obfuscation
  --fobf-all                  Enable all obfuscations
  --fobf-export-symbols       Obfuscate export symbols when layout obfuscation is enabled
  --fno-obf-export-symbols    Don't obfuscate export symbols when layout obfuscation is enabled
  --obf-sym-input-mapping <value>
                              Specify the input files of symbol mapping for layout obfuscation
  --obf-sym-output-mapping <value>
                              Specify the output file of symbol mapping for layout obfuscation
  --obf-apply-mapping-file <value>
                              Supply user-defined symbol mapping file for layout obfuscation
  --obf-sym-prefix <value>    Specify the prefix of obfuscated symbols for layout obfuscation
  --fobf-source-path          Obfuscate source path of symbols when layout obfuscation is enabled
  --fno-obf-source-path       Don't obfuscate source path of symbols when layout obfuscation is enabled
  --fobf-line-number          Obfuscate line number of symbols when layout obfuscation is enabled
  --fno-obf-line-number       Don't obfuscate line number of symbols when layout obfuscation is enabled
  --obf-config <value>        Specify obfuscation configure file
  --obf-level <value>         Specify obfuscation level. Available value: 1 to 10 (5 by default)
  --obf-seed <value>          Specify random seed for obfuscation algorithm. Available value: <number>
  --disable-reflection        Disable reflection
  --stack-trace-format <value>
                              Specify stack trace format
  --pgo-instr-gen             PGO instrumentation
  --pgo-instr-use <value>     Read PGO instrumentation profile
  --discard-eh-frame          Discard the eh_frame section
bash 复制代码
lwk@qwfys:~$ cjpm --help
Cangjie Package Manager

  cjpm [subcommand] [option]

Available subcommands:
  init             Init a new cangjie module
  check            Check the dependencies
  update           Update cjpm.lock
  tree             Display the package dependencies in the source code
  build            Compile the current module
  run              Compile and run an executable product
  test             Unittest a local package or module
  clean            Clean up the target directory
  install          Install a cangjie binary
  uninstall        Uninstall a cangjie binary

Available options:
  -h, --help       help for cjpm
  -v, --version    version for cjpm

Use "cjpm [subcommand] --help" for more information about a command.



bash 复制代码
lwk@qwfys:~$ cjpm --help
Cangjie Package Manager

  cjpm [subcommand] [option]

Available subcommands:
  init             Init a new cangjie module
  check            Check the dependencies
  update           Update cjpm.lock
  tree             Display the package dependencies in the source code
  build            Compile the current module
  run              Compile and run an executable product
  test             Unittest a local package or module
  clean            Clean up the target directory
  install          Install a cangjie binary
  uninstall        Uninstall a cangjie binary

Available options:
  -h, --help       help for cjpm
  -v, --version    version for cjpm

Use "cjpm [subcommand] --help" for more information about a command.


今天我们带领大家完成了仓颉语言运行时环境的在Linux mint 22.1上的安装。以下几点,大家需要着重注意:

  • 版本


  • cjpm


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