kubebuilder创建k8s operator项目(下)

前文已经提到了kubebuilder init创建一个开发框架的方法,这篇继续介绍关于CRD的生成以及自定义controller的编写逻辑。目标是创建一个crd能够自动部署deployment资源,并显示实时状态。


bash 复制代码
`kubebuilder init --domain example.com --repo github.com/example/crd-demo`


sh 复制代码
kubebuilder create api --group apps --version v1 --kind Foo


go 复制代码
Copyright 2025.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package v1

import (
	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"

// NOTE: json tags are required.  Any new fields you add must have json tags for the fields to be serialized.

// FooSpec defines the desired state of Foo.
type FooSpec struct {
	// INSERT ADDITIONAL SPEC FIELDS - desired state of cluster
	// Important: Run "make" to regenerate code after modifying this file

	// Foo is an example field of Foo. Edit foo_types.go to remove/update
	//	Foo string `json:"foo,omitempty"`
	Replicas int32  `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
	Image    string `json:"image,omitempty"`

// FooStatus defines the observed state of Foo.
type FooStatus struct {
	// INSERT ADDITIONAL STATUS FIELD - define observed state of cluster
	// Important: Run "make" to regenerate code after modifying this file
	ReadyReplicas int32  `json:"readyReplicas,omitempty"`
	LastUpdated   string `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`

// +kubebuilder:object:root=true
// +kubebuilder:subresource:status
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Replicas",type=integer,JSONPath=`.spec.replicas`,description="期望副本数"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Ready",type=integer,JSONPath=`.status.readyReplicas`,description="就绪副本数"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="LastUpdated",type=date,JSONPath=`.status.lastUpdated`,description="最后更新时间"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Age",type=date,JSONPath=`.metadata.creationTimestamp`

// Foo is the Schema for the foos API.
type Foo struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
	metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

	Spec   FooSpec   `json:"spec,omitempty"`
	Status FooStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

// +kubebuilder:object:root=true

// FooList contains a list of Foo.
type FooList struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
	metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
	Items           []Foo `json:"items"`

// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=apps,resources=deployments,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete

func init() {
	SchemeBuilder.Register(&Foo{}, &FooList{})


bash 复制代码
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Replicas",type=integer,JSONPath=`.spec.replicas`,description="期望副本数"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Ready",type=integer,JSONPath=`.status.readyReplicas`,description="就绪副本数" 
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="LastUpdated",type=date,JSONPath=`.status.lastUpdated`,description="最后更新时间" 
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Age",type=date,JSONPath=`.metadata.creationTimestamp`



go 复制代码
Copyright 2025.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package controller

import (

	appsv1 "my-operator/api/v1"

	k8sappsv1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
	corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
	apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
	ctrl "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime"

// FooReconciler reconciles a Foo object
type FooReconciler struct {
	Scheme *runtime.Scheme

// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=apps.example.com,resources=foos,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=apps.example.com,resources=foos/status,verbs=get;update;patch
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=apps.example.com,resources=foos/finalizers,verbs=update
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=apps,resources=deployments,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;delete
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=apps,resources=deployments/status,verbs=get;update;patch

// Reconcile is part of the main kubernetes reconciliation loop which aims to
// move the current state of the cluster closer to the desired state.
// TODO(user): Modify the Reconcile function to compare the state specified by
// the Foo object against the actual cluster state, and then
// perform operations to make the cluster state reflect the state specified by
// the user.
// For more details, check Reconcile and its Result here:
// - https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/[email protected]/pkg/reconcile
func (r *FooReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
	_ = log.FromContext(ctx)
	// 获取 Foo 资源
	foo := &appsv1.Foo{}
	if err := r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, foo); err != nil {
		if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
			return ctrl.Result{}, nil
		return ctrl.Result{}, err

	// 更新关联的 Deployment 资源
	if err := r.reconcileDeployment(foo); err != nil {
		return ctrl.Result{}, err

	// 更新 Foo 资源的状态
	if err := r.updateFooStatus(foo); err != nil {
		return ctrl.Result{}, err

	return ctrl.Result{}, nil

// reconcileDeployment 更新关联的 Deployment 资源
func (r *FooReconciler) reconcileDeployment(foo *appsv1.Foo) error {
	// 创建 Deployment 资源
	desiredDeployment := &k8sappsv1.Deployment{
		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      foo.Name + "-deployment",
			Namespace: foo.Namespace,
			Labels: map[string]string{
				"app": foo.Name,
		Spec: k8sappsv1.DeploymentSpec{
			Replicas: &foo.Spec.Replicas,
			Selector: &metav1.LabelSelector{
				MatchLabels: map[string]string{
					"app": foo.Name,
			Template: corev1.PodTemplateSpec{
				ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
					Labels: map[string]string{
						"app": foo.Name,
				Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
					Containers: []corev1.Container{
							Name:  foo.Name,
							Image: foo.Spec.Image,

	// 设置 Deployment 资源的 OwnerReference
	if err := ctrl.SetControllerReference(foo, desiredDeployment, r.Scheme); err != nil {
		return err

	// 检查 Deployment 资源是否存在
	existingDeployment := &k8sappsv1.Deployment{}
	if err := r.Get(context.TODO(), client.ObjectKeyFromObject(desiredDeployment), existingDeployment); err != nil {
		if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
			return r.Create(context.TODO(), desiredDeployment)
		return err

	// 更新 Deployment 资源
	existingDeployment.Spec = desiredDeployment.Spec
	return r.Update(context.TODO(), existingDeployment)

// updateFooStatus 更新 Foo 资源的状态
func (r *FooReconciler) updateFooStatus(foo *appsv1.Foo) error {
	// 获取 Deployment 资源
	deployment := &k8sappsv1.Deployment{}
	if err := r.Get(context.TODO(), client.ObjectKey{
		Name:      foo.Name + "-deployment",
		Namespace: foo.Namespace,
	}, deployment); err != nil {
		return err

	foo.Status.ReadyReplicas = deployment.Status.ReadyReplicas
	foo.Status.LastUpdated = metav1.Now().Format(time.RFC3339)
	return r.Status().Update(context.TODO(), foo)

// SetupWithManager sets up the controller with the Manager.
func (r *FooReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
	return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).


sql 复制代码
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=apps.example.com,resources=foos/status,verbs=get;update;patch
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=apps.example.com,resources=foos/finalizers,verbs=update
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=apps,resources=deployments,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;delete
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=apps,resources=deployments/status,verbs=get;update;patch



1. 直接编译二进制文件,配合config文件实现controller功能

shell 复制代码
make build
make manifest
kubectl apply -f apps.example.com_foos.yaml

2. 通过make生成镜像及k8s部署yaml文件

bash 复制代码
.PHONY: generate-install
generate-install: manifests kustomize ## 生成安装文件(不部署)
	@mkdir -p dist  # 创建输出目录
	cd config/manager && $(KUSTOMIZE) edit set image controller=${IMG}
	$(KUSTOMIZE) build config/default > dist/install.yaml

make generate-install IMG=controller:v0.1

make docker-buildx IMG=controller:v0.1
#添加RUN go env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn,direct
#更改FROM gcr.io/distroless/static:nonroot为FROM alpine:latest

kubectl apply -f install.yaml


bash 复制代码
# Build the manager binary
FROM docker.io/golang:1.23 AS builder

WORKDIR /workspace
# Copy the Go Modules manifests
COPY go.mod go.mod
COPY go.sum go.sum
# cache deps before building and copying source so that we don't need to re-download as much
# and so that source changes don't invalidate our downloaded layer
RUN go env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn,direct
RUN go mod download

# Copy the go source
COPY cmd/main.go cmd/main.go
COPY api/ api/
COPY internal/ internal/

# Build
# the GOARCH has not a default value to allow the binary be built according to the host where the command
# was called. For example, if we call make docker-build in a local env which has the Apple Silicon M1 SO
# the docker BUILDPLATFORM arg will be linux/arm64 when for Apple x86 it will be linux/amd64. Therefore,
# by leaving it empty we can ensure that the container and binary shipped on it will have the same platform.
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=${TARGETOS:-linux} GOARCH=${TARGETARCH} go build -a -o manager cmd/main.go

# Use distroless as minimal base image to package the manager binary
# Refer to https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/distroless for more details
# FROM gcr.io/distroless/static:nonroot
FROM alpine:latest
COPY --from=builder /workspace/manager .
USER 65532:65532

ENTRYPOINT ["/manager"]


makefile 复制代码
# Image URL to use all building/pushing image targets
IMG ?= controller:latest

# Get the currently used golang install path (in GOPATH/bin, unless GOBIN is set)
ifeq (,$(shell go env GOBIN))
GOBIN=$(shell go env GOPATH)/bin
GOBIN=$(shell go env GOBIN)

# CONTAINER_TOOL defines the container tool to be used for building images.
# Be aware that the target commands are only tested with Docker which is
# scaffolded by default. However, you might want to replace it to use other
# tools. (i.e. podman)

# Setting SHELL to bash allows bash commands to be executed by recipes.
# Options are set to exit when a recipe line exits non-zero or a piped command fails.
SHELL = /usr/bin/env bash -o pipefail

.PHONY: all
all: build

##@ General

# The help target prints out all targets with their descriptions organized
# beneath their categories. The categories are represented by '##@' and the
# target descriptions by '##'. The awk command is responsible for reading the
# entire set of makefiles included in this invocation, looking for lines of the
# file as xyz: ## something, and then pretty-format the target and help. Then,
# if there's a line with ##@ something, that gets pretty-printed as a category.
# More info on the usage of ANSI control characters for terminal formatting:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#SGR_parameters
# More info on the awk command:
# http://linuxcommand.org/lc3_adv_awk.php

.PHONY: help
help: ## Display this help.
	@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*##"; printf "\nUsage:\n  make \033[36m<target>\033[0m\n"} /^[a-zA-Z_0-9-]+:.*?##/ { printf "  \033[36m%-15s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2 } /^##@/ { printf "\n\033[1m%s\033[0m\n", substr($$0, 5) } ' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)

##@ Development

.PHONY: manifests
manifests: controller-gen ## Generate WebhookConfiguration, ClusterRole and CustomResourceDefinition objects.
	$(CONTROLLER_GEN) rbac:roleName=manager-role crd webhook paths="./..." output:crd:artifacts:config=config/crd/bases

.PHONY: generate
generate: controller-gen ## Generate code containing DeepCopy, DeepCopyInto, and DeepCopyObject method implementations.
	$(CONTROLLER_GEN) object:headerFile="hack/boilerplate.go.txt" paths="./..."

.PHONY: fmt
fmt: ## Run go fmt against code.
	go fmt ./...

.PHONY: vet
vet: ## Run go vet against code.
	go vet ./...

.PHONY: test
test: manifests generate fmt vet setup-envtest ## Run tests.
	KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS="$(shell $(ENVTEST) use $(ENVTEST_K8S_VERSION) --bin-dir $(LOCALBIN) -p path)" go test $$(go list ./... | grep -v /e2e) -coverprofile cover.out

# TODO(user): To use a different vendor for e2e tests, modify the setup under 'tests/e2e'.
# The default setup assumes Kind is pre-installed and builds/loads the Manager Docker image locally.
# Prometheus and CertManager are installed by default; skip with:
.PHONY: test-e2e
test-e2e: manifests generate fmt vet ## Run the e2e tests. Expected an isolated environment using Kind.
	@command -v kind >/dev/null 2>&1 || { \
		echo "Kind is not installed. Please install Kind manually."; \
		exit 1; \
	@kind get clusters | grep -q 'kind' || { \
		echo "No Kind cluster is running. Please start a Kind cluster before running the e2e tests."; \
		exit 1; \
	go test ./test/e2e/ -v -ginkgo.v

.PHONY: lint
lint: golangci-lint ## Run golangci-lint linter

.PHONY: lint-fix
lint-fix: golangci-lint ## Run golangci-lint linter and perform fixes
	$(GOLANGCI_LINT) run --fix

.PHONY: lint-config
lint-config: golangci-lint ## Verify golangci-lint linter configuration
	$(GOLANGCI_LINT) config verify

##@ Build

.PHONY: build
build: manifests generate fmt vet ## Build manager binary.
	go build -o bin/manager cmd/main.go

.PHONY: run
run: manifests generate fmt vet ## Run a controller from your host.
	go run ./cmd/main.go

# If you wish to build the manager image targeting other platforms you can use the --platform flag.
# (i.e. docker build --platform linux/arm64). However, you must enable docker buildKit for it.
# More info: https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/build_enhancements/
.PHONY: docker-build
docker-build: ## Build docker image with the manager.
	$(CONTAINER_TOOL) build -t ${IMG} .

.PHONY: docker-push
docker-push: ## Push docker image with the manager.

# PLATFORMS defines the target platforms for the manager image be built to provide support to multiple
# architectures. (i.e. make docker-buildx IMG=myregistry/mypoperator:0.0.1). To use this option you need to:
# - be able to use docker buildx. More info: https://docs.docker.com/build/buildx/
# - have enabled BuildKit. More info: https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/build_enhancements/
# - be able to push the image to your registry (i.e. if you do not set a valid value via IMG=<myregistry/image:<tag>> then the export will fail)
# To adequately provide solutions that are compatible with multiple platforms, you should consider using this option.
PLATFORMS ?= linux/arm64,linux/amd64,linux/s390x,linux/ppc64le
.PHONY: docker-buildx
docker-buildx: ## Build and push docker image for the manager for cross-platform support
	# copy existing Dockerfile and insert --platform=${BUILDPLATFORM} into Dockerfile.cross, and preserve the original Dockerfile
	sed -e '1 s/\(^FROM\)/FROM --platform=\$$\{BUILDPLATFORM\}/; t' -e ' 1,// s//FROM --platform=\$$\{BUILDPLATFORM\}/' Dockerfile > Dockerfile.cross
	- $(CONTAINER_TOOL) buildx create --name my-operator-builder
	$(CONTAINER_TOOL) buildx use my-operator-builder
	- $(CONTAINER_TOOL) buildx build --push --platform=$(PLATFORMS) --tag ${IMG} -f Dockerfile.cross .
	- $(CONTAINER_TOOL) buildx rm my-operator-builder
	rm Dockerfile.cross

.PHONY: build-installer
build-installer: manifests generate kustomize ## Generate a consolidated YAML with CRDs and deployment.
	mkdir -p dist
	cd config/manager && $(KUSTOMIZE) edit set image controller=${IMG}
	$(KUSTOMIZE) build config/default > dist/install.yaml

##@ Deployment

ifndef ignore-not-found
  ignore-not-found = false

.PHONY: install
install: manifests kustomize ## Install CRDs into the K8s cluster specified in ~/.kube/config.
	$(KUSTOMIZE) build config/crd | $(KUBECTL) apply -f -

.PHONY: uninstall
uninstall: manifests kustomize ## Uninstall CRDs from the K8s cluster specified in ~/.kube/config. Call with ignore-not-found=true to ignore resource not found errors during deletion.
	$(KUSTOMIZE) build config/crd | $(KUBECTL) delete --ignore-not-found=$(ignore-not-found) -f -

.PHONY: deploy
deploy: manifests kustomize ## Deploy controller to the K8s cluster specified in ~/.kube/config.
	cd config/manager && $(KUSTOMIZE) edit set image controller=${IMG}
	$(KUSTOMIZE) build config/default | $(KUBECTL) apply -f -

.PHONY: undeploy
undeploy: kustomize ## Undeploy controller from the K8s cluster specified in ~/.kube/config. Call with ignore-not-found=true to ignore resource not found errors during deletion.
	$(KUSTOMIZE) build config/default | $(KUBECTL) delete --ignore-not-found=$(ignore-not-found) -f -

.PHONY: generate-install
generate-install: manifests kustomize ## 生成安装文件(不部署)
	@mkdir -p dist  # 创建输出目录
	cd config/manager && $(KUSTOMIZE) edit set image controller=${IMG}
	$(KUSTOMIZE) build config/default > dist/install.yaml
##@ Dependencies

## Location to install dependencies to
LOCALBIN ?= $(shell pwd)/bin
	mkdir -p $(LOCALBIN)

## Tool Binaries
KUBECTL ?= kubectl
KUSTOMIZE ?= $(LOCALBIN)/kustomize
CONTROLLER_GEN ?= $(LOCALBIN)/controller-gen
ENVTEST ?= $(LOCALBIN)/setup-envtest
GOLANGCI_LINT = $(LOCALBIN)/golangci-lint

## Tool Versions
#ENVTEST_VERSION is the version of controller-runtime release branch to fetch the envtest setup script (i.e. release-0.20)
ENVTEST_VERSION ?= $(shell go list -m -f "{{ .Version }}" sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime | awk -F'[v.]' '{printf "release-%d.%d", $$2, $$3}')
#ENVTEST_K8S_VERSION is the version of Kubernetes to use for setting up ENVTEST binaries (i.e. 1.31)
ENVTEST_K8S_VERSION ?= $(shell go list -m -f "{{ .Version }}" k8s.io/api | awk -F'[v.]' '{printf "1.%d", $$3}')

.PHONY: kustomize
kustomize: $(KUSTOMIZE) ## Download kustomize locally if necessary.
	$(call go-install-tool,$(KUSTOMIZE),sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kustomize/v5,$(KUSTOMIZE_VERSION))

.PHONY: controller-gen
controller-gen: $(CONTROLLER_GEN) ## Download controller-gen locally if necessary.
	$(call go-install-tool,$(CONTROLLER_GEN),sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools/cmd/controller-gen,$(CONTROLLER_TOOLS_VERSION))

.PHONY: setup-envtest
setup-envtest: envtest ## Download the binaries required for ENVTEST in the local bin directory.
	@echo "Setting up envtest binaries for Kubernetes version $(ENVTEST_K8S_VERSION)..."
	@$(ENVTEST) use $(ENVTEST_K8S_VERSION) --bin-dir $(LOCALBIN) -p path || { \
		echo "Error: Failed to set up envtest binaries for version $(ENVTEST_K8S_VERSION)."; \
		exit 1; \

.PHONY: envtest
envtest: $(ENVTEST) ## Download setup-envtest locally if necessary.
	$(call go-install-tool,$(ENVTEST),sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/tools/setup-envtest,$(ENVTEST_VERSION))

.PHONY: golangci-lint
golangci-lint: $(GOLANGCI_LINT) ## Download golangci-lint locally if necessary.
	$(call go-install-tool,$(GOLANGCI_LINT),github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint,$(GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION))

# go-install-tool will 'go install' any package with custom target and name of binary, if it doesn't exist
# $1 - target path with name of binary
# $2 - package url which can be installed
# $3 - specific version of package
define go-install-tool
@[ -f "$(1)-$(3)" ] || { \
set -e; \
package=$(2)@$(3) ;\
echo "Downloading $${package}" ;\
rm -f $(1) || true ;\
GOBIN=$(LOCALBIN) go install $${package} ;\
mv $(1) $(1)-$(3) ;\
} ;\
ln -sf $(1)-$(3) $(1)


yaml 复制代码
apiVersion: apps.example.com/v1
kind: Foo
  name: test
  namespace: my-operator-system 
  image: nginx:1.19
  replicas: 2


kubectl apply -f foo.yml
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kubebuilder创建k8s operator项目的方法