I have a python project, whose folder has the structure
main_directory - lib - lib.py
- run - .py
.py is
from lib.lib import add_two
spark = SparkSession \
.builder \
.master('yarn') \
.appName('') \
and lib.py is
def add_two(x,y):
return x+y
I want to launch as a Dataproc job in GCP. I have checked online, but I have not understood well how to do it. I am trying to launch the with
gcloud dataproc jobs submit pyspark --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME --region=REGION \
But I receive the following error message:
from lib.lib import add_two
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lib.lib'
Could you help me on how I should do to launch the job on Dataproc? The only way I have found to do it is to remove the absolute path, making this change to .py:
from lib import add_two
and the launch the job as
gcloud dataproc jobs submit pyspark --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME --region=REGION \
--files /lib/lib.py \
However, I would like to avoid the tedious process to list the files manually every time.
Following the suggestion of @Igor, to pack in a zip file I have found that
zip -j --update -r libpack.zip /projectfolder/* && spark-submit --py-files libpack.zip /projectfolder/run/.py
works. However, this puts all files in the same root folder in libpack.zip, so if there were files with the same names in subfolders this would not work.
Any suggestions?
To zip the dependencies -
cd base-path-to-python-modules
zip -qr deps.zip ./* -x .py
Copy deps.zip to hdfs/gs. Use uri when submitting the job as shown below.
Submit a python project (pyspark) using Dataproc' Python connector
from google.cloud import dataproc_v1
from google.cloud.dataproc_v1.gapic.transports import (
region =
cluster_name =
project_id =
job_transport = (
dataproc_job_client = dataproc_v1.JobControllerClient(job_transport)
job_file =
command line for the main job file
args = ['args1', 'arg2']
required only if main python job file has imports from other modules
can be one of .py, .zip, or .egg.
addtional_python_files = ['hdfs://path/to/deps.zip', 'gs://path/to/moredeps.zip']
job_details = {
'placement': {
'cluster_name': cluster_name
'pyspark_job': {
'main_python_file_uri': job_file,
'args': args,
'python_file_uris': addtional_python_files
res = dataproc_job_client.submit_job(project_id=project_id,
job_id = res.reference.job_id
print(f'Submitted dataproc job id: {job_id}')