我们的gradle脚本本质上是执行一个个gradle plugin,即apply plugin,可以执行外部导入的,也可以执行项目编写的编译脚本代码。所以settings.gradle.kts也是编译过程中一个gradle plugin。在 org.gradle.initialization.DefaultSettings
中有个getSettings方法,调用这个方法拿到我们配置的settings gradle plugin。settings.gradle.kts中可以配置的内容我们参考Settings这个类。在settings.gradle.kts这个文件中,主要配置一些项目全局的设置。
package org.gradle.api.initialization;
import org.gradle.StartParameter;
import org.gradle.api.Action;
import org.gradle.api.Incubating;
import org.gradle.api.UnknownProjectException;
import org.gradle.api.initialization.dsl.ScriptHandler;
import org.gradle.api.initialization.resolve.DependencyResolutionManagement;
import org.gradle.api.invocation.Gradle;
import org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionAware;
import org.gradle.api.plugins.PluginAware;
import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider;
import org.gradle.api.provider.ProviderFactory;
import org.gradle.api.toolchain.management.ToolchainManagement;
import org.gradle.api.cache.CacheConfigurations;
import org.gradle.caching.configuration.BuildCacheConfiguration;
import org.gradle.internal.HasInternalProtocol;
import org.gradle.plugin.management.PluginManagementSpec;
import org.gradle.vcs.SourceControl;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Arrays;
* <p>Declares the configuration required to instantiate and configure the hierarchy of {@link
* org.gradle.api.Project} instances which are to participate in a build.</p>
* <p>There is a one-to-one correspondence between a <code>Settings</code> instance and a <code>{@value
* #DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE}</code> settings file. Before Gradle assembles the projects for a build, it creates a
* <code>Settings</code> instance and executes the settings file against it.</p>
* <h3>Assembling a Multi-Project Build</h3>
* <p>One of the purposes of the <code>Settings</code> object is to allow you to declare the projects which are to be
* included in the build. You add projects to the build using the {@link #include(String...)} method. There is always a
* root project included in a build. It is added automatically when the <code>Settings</code> object is created. The
* root project's name defaults to the name of the directory containing the settings file. The root project's project
* directory defaults to the directory containing the settings file.</p>
* <p>When a project is included in the build, a {@link ProjectDescriptor} is created. You can use this descriptor to
* change the default values for several properties of the project.</p>
* <h3>Using Settings in a Settings File</h3>
* <h4>Dynamic Properties</h4>
* <p>In addition to the properties of this interface, the {@code Settings} object makes some additional read-only
* properties available to the settings script. This includes properties from the following sources:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>Defined in the {@value org.gradle.api.Project#GRADLE_PROPERTIES} file located in the settings directory of the
* build.</li>
* <li>Defined the {@value org.gradle.api.Project#GRADLE_PROPERTIES} file located in the user's {@code .gradle}
* directory.</li>
* <li>Provided on the command-line using the -P option.</li>
* </ul>
public interface Settings extends PluginAware, ExtensionAware {
* <p>The default name for the settings file.</p>
String DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE = "settings.gradle";
* <p>Adds the given projects to the build. Each path in the supplied list is treated as the path of a project to
* add to the build. Note that these path are not file paths, but instead specify the location of the new project in
* the project hierarchy. As such, the supplied paths must use the ':' character as separator (and NOT '/').</p>
* <p>The last element of the supplied path is used as the project name. The supplied path is converted to a project
* directory relative to the root project directory. The project directory can be altered by changing the 'projectDir'
* property after the project has been included (see {@link ProjectDescriptor#setProjectDir(File)})</p>
* <p>As an example, the path {@code a:b} adds a project with path {@code :a:b}, name {@code b} and project
* directory {@code $rootDir/a/b}. It also adds the a project with path {@code :a}, name {@code a} and project
* directory {@code $rootDir/a}, if it does not exist already.</p>
* <p>Some common examples of using the project path are:</p>
* <pre class='autoTestedSettings'>
* // include two projects, 'foo' and 'foo:bar'
* // directories are inferred by replacing ':' with '/'
* include 'foo:bar'
* // include one project whose project dir does not match the logical project path
* include 'baz'
* project(':baz').projectDir = file('foo/baz')
* // include many projects whose project dirs do not match the logical project paths
* file('subprojects').eachDir { dir ->
* include dir.name
* project(":${dir.name}").projectDir = dir
* }
* </pre>
* @param projectPaths the projects to add.
default void include(String... projectPaths) {
* <p>Adds the given projects to the build. Each path in the supplied list is treated as the path of a project to
* add to the build. Note that these path are not file paths, but instead specify the location of the new project in
* the project hierarchy. As such, the supplied paths must use the ':' character as separator (and NOT '/').</p>
* <p>The last element of the supplied path is used as the project name. The supplied path is converted to a project
* directory relative to the root project directory. The project directory can be altered by changing the 'projectDir'
* property after the project has been included (see {@link ProjectDescriptor#setProjectDir(File)})</p>
* <p>As an example, the path {@code a:b} adds a project with path {@code :a:b}, name {@code b} and project
* directory {@code $rootDir/a/b}. It also adds the a project with path {@code :a}, name {@code a} and project
* directory {@code $rootDir/a}, if it does not exist already.</p>
* <p>Some common examples of using the project path are:</p>
* <pre class='autoTestedSettings'>
* // include two projects, 'foo' and 'foo:bar'
* // directories are inferred by replacing ':' with '/'
* include(['foo:bar'])
* // include one project whose project dir does not match the logical project path
* include(['baz'])
* project(':baz').projectDir = file('foo/baz')
* // include many projects whose project dirs do not match the logical project paths
* file('subprojects').eachDir { dir ->
* include([dir.name])
* project(":${dir.name}").projectDir = dir
* }
* </pre>
* @param projectPaths the projects to add.
* @since 7.4
void include(Iterable<String> projectPaths);
* <p>Adds the given projects to the build. Each name in the supplied list is treated as the name of a project to
* add to the build.</p>
* <p>The supplied name is converted to a project directory relative to the <em>parent</em> directory of the root
* project directory.</p>
* <p>As an example, the name {@code a} add a project with path {@code :a}, name {@code a} and project directory
* {@code $rootDir/../a}.</p>
* @param projectNames the projects to add.
default void includeFlat(String... projectNames) {
* <p>Adds the given projects to the build. Each name in the supplied list is treated as the name of a project to
* add to the build.</p>
* <p>The supplied name is converted to a project directory relative to the <em>parent</em> directory of the root
* project directory.</p>
* <p>As an example, the name {@code a} add a project with path {@code :a}, name {@code a} and project directory
* {@code $rootDir/../a}.</p>
* @param projectNames the projects to add.
* @since 7.4
void includeFlat(Iterable<String> projectNames);
* <p>Returns this settings object.</p>
* @return This settings object. Never returns null.
Settings getSettings();
* Returns the build script handler for settings. You can use this handler to query details about the build
* script for settings, and manage the classpath used to compile and execute the settings script.
* @return the classpath handler. Never returns null.
* @since 4.4
ScriptHandler getBuildscript();
* <p>Returns the settings directory of the build. The settings directory is the directory containing the settings
* file.</p>
* @return The settings directory. Never returns null.
File getSettingsDir();
* <p>Returns the root directory of the build. The root directory is the project directory of the root project.</p>
* @return The root directory. Never returns null.
File getRootDir();
* <p>Returns the root project of the build.</p>
* @return The root project. Never returns null.
ProjectDescriptor getRootProject();
* <p>Returns the project with the given path.</p>
* @param path The path.
* @return The project with the given path. Never returns null.
* @throws UnknownProjectException If no project with the given path exists.
ProjectDescriptor project(String path) throws UnknownProjectException;
* <p>Returns the project with the given path.</p>
* @param path The path
* @return The project with the given path. Returns null if no such project exists.
ProjectDescriptor findProject(String path);
* <p>Returns the project with the given project directory.</p>
* @param projectDir The project directory.
* @return The project with the given project directory. Never returns null.
* @throws UnknownProjectException If no project with the given path exists.
ProjectDescriptor project(File projectDir) throws UnknownProjectException;
* <p>Returns the project with the given project directory.</p>
* @param projectDir The project directory.
* @return The project with the given project directory. Returns null if no such project exists.
ProjectDescriptor findProject(File projectDir);
* <p>Returns the set of parameters used to invoke this instance of Gradle.</p>
* @return The parameters. Never returns null.
StartParameter getStartParameter();
* Provides access to methods to create various kinds of {@link Provider} instances.
* @since 6.8
ProviderFactory getProviders();
* Returns the {@link Gradle} instance for the current build.
* @return The Gradle instance. Never returns null.
Gradle getGradle();
* Includes a build at the specified path to the composite build.
* @param rootProject The path to the root project directory for the build.
* @since 3.1
void includeBuild(Object rootProject);
* Includes a build at the specified path to the composite build, with the supplied configuration.
* @param rootProject The path to the root project directory for the build.
* @param configuration An action to configure the included build.
* @since 3.1
void includeBuild(Object rootProject, Action<ConfigurableIncludedBuild> configuration);
* Returns the build cache configuration.
* @since 3.5
BuildCacheConfiguration getBuildCache();
* Configures build cache.
* @since 3.5
void buildCache(Action<? super BuildCacheConfiguration> action);
* Configures plugin management.
* @since 3.5
void pluginManagement(Action<? super PluginManagementSpec> pluginManagementSpec);
* Returns the plugin management configuration.
* @since 3.5
PluginManagementSpec getPluginManagement();
* Configures source control.
* @since 4.4
void sourceControl(Action<? super SourceControl> configuration);
* Returns the source control configuration.
* @since 4.4
SourceControl getSourceControl();
* Enables a feature preview by name.
* @param name the name of the feature to enable
* @since 4.6
void enableFeaturePreview(String name);
* Configures the cross-project dependency resolution aspects
* @param dependencyResolutionConfiguration the configuration
* @since 6.8
void dependencyResolutionManagement(Action<? super DependencyResolutionManagement> dependencyResolutionConfiguration);
* Returns the dependency resolution management handler.
* @since 6.8
DependencyResolutionManagement getDependencyResolutionManagement();
* Configures toolchain management.
* @since 7.6
void toolchainManagement(Action<? super ToolchainManagement> toolchainManagementConfiguration);
* Returns the toolchain management configuration.
* @since 7.6
ToolchainManagement getToolchainManagement();
* Returns the configuration for caches stored in the user home directory.
* @since 8.0
CacheConfigurations getCaches();
* Configures the settings for caches stored in the user home directory.
* @param cachesConfiguration the configuration
* @since 8.0
void caches(Action<? super CacheConfigurations> cachesConfiguration);
rootProject.name = "DoraMusic"
package org.gradle.plugin.management;
import org.gradle.api.Action;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.RepositoryHandler;
import org.gradle.api.initialization.ConfigurableIncludedPluginBuild;
import org.gradle.internal.HasInternalProtocol;
import org.gradle.plugin.use.PluginDependenciesSpec;
* Configures how plugins are resolved.
* @since 3.5
public interface PluginManagementSpec {
* Defines the plugin repositories to use.
void repositories(Action<? super RepositoryHandler> repositoriesAction);
* The plugin repositories to use.
RepositoryHandler getRepositories();
* Configure the plugin resolution strategy.
void resolutionStrategy(Action<? super PluginResolutionStrategy> action);
* The plugin resolution strategy.
PluginResolutionStrategy getResolutionStrategy();
* Configure the default plugin versions.
* @since 5.6
void plugins(Action<? super PluginDependenciesSpec> action);
* The Plugin dependencies, permitting default plugin versions to be configured.
* @since 5.6
PluginDependenciesSpec getPlugins();
* Includes a plugin build at the specified path to the composite build.
* Included plugin builds can contribute settings and project plugins.
* @param rootProject The path to the root project directory for the build.
* @since 7.0
void includeBuild(String rootProject);
* Includes a plugin build at the specified path to the composite build, with the supplied configuration.
* Included plugin builds can contribute settings and project plugins.
* @param rootProject The path to the root project directory for the build.
* @param configuration An action to configure the included build.
* @since 7.0
void includeBuild(String rootProject, Action<ConfigurableIncludedPluginBuild> configuration);
在PluginManagementSpec的源码中,我们可以得知,这个高阶函数传入的block可以配置repositories、resolutionStrategy、plugins、includeBuild这几个函数。我们用的比较多的是前面三个。我们再细看repositories,需要传入的是Action<? super RepositoryHandler>
,那么问题来了,我明明是要传入的Action,怎么编译器提示的是Action里面的泛型类。 比如:
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven { setUrl("xxx")

package org.gradle.api;
* Performs some action against objects of type T.
* @param <T> The type of object which this action accepts.
public interface Action<T> {
* Performs this action against the given object.
* @param t The object to perform the action on.
void execute(T t);
如果你理解T.() -> Unit,那么就会很好理解这个概念了。这里其实是kotlin的一个高级的用法,SAM接口。Kotlin中的SAM接口是指"Single Abstract Method"接口,它也被称为函数式接口。在Kotlin中,可以使用lambda表达式来代替这些只有一个抽象方法的接口。通过使用lambda表达式,可以更简洁地表示函数或方法。
button.setOnClickListener { view ->
// 点击事件的处理逻辑
* Copyright 2009 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl;
import groovy.lang.Closure;
import groovy.lang.DelegatesTo;
import org.gradle.api.Action;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.ArtifactRepositoryContainer;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories.ArtifactRepository;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories.ExclusiveContentRepository;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories.FlatDirectoryArtifactRepository;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories.IvyArtifactRepository;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories.MavenArtifactRepository;
import org.gradle.internal.HasInternalProtocol;
import java.util.Map;
* A {@code RepositoryHandler} manages a set of repositories, allowing repositories to be defined and queried.
public interface RepositoryHandler extends ArtifactRepositoryContainer {
* Adds a resolver that looks into a number of directories for artifacts. The artifacts are expected to be located in the
* root of the specified directories. The resolver ignores any group/organization information specified in the
* dependency section of your build script. If you only use this kind of resolver you might specify your
* dependencies like <code>":junit:4.4"</code> instead of <code>"junit:junit:4.4"</code>.
* The following parameter are accepted as keys for the map:
* <table summary="Shows property keys and associated values">
* <tr><th>Key</th>
* <th>Description of Associated Value</th></tr>
* <tr><td><code>name</code></td>
* <td><em>(optional)</em> The name of the repository.
* The default is a Hash value of the rootdir paths. The name is used in the console output,
* to point to information related to a particular repository. A name must be unique amongst a repository group.</td></tr>
* <tr><td><code>dirs</code></td>
* <td>Specifies a list of rootDirs where to look for dependencies. These are evaluated as per {@link org.gradle.api.Project#files(Object...)}</td></tr>
* </table>
* <p>Examples:</p>
* <pre class='autoTested'>
* repositories {
* flatDir name: 'libs', dirs: "$projectDir/libs"
* flatDir dirs: ["$projectDir/libs1", "$projectDir/libs2"]
* }
* </pre>
* @param args The arguments used to configure the repository.
* @return the added resolver
* @throws org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException In the case neither rootDir nor rootDirs is specified of if both
* are specified.
FlatDirectoryArtifactRepository flatDir(Map<String, ?> args);
* Adds and configures a repository which will look for dependencies in a number of local directories.
* @param configureClosure The closure to execute to configure the repository.
* @return The repository.
FlatDirectoryArtifactRepository flatDir(@DelegatesTo(FlatDirectoryArtifactRepository.class) Closure configureClosure);
* Adds and configures a repository which will look for dependencies in a number of local directories.
* @param action The action to execute to configure the repository.
* @return The repository.
FlatDirectoryArtifactRepository flatDir(Action<? super FlatDirectoryArtifactRepository> action);
* Adds a repository which looks in Gradle Central Plugin Repository for dependencies.
* @return The Gradle Central Plugin Repository
* @since 4.4
ArtifactRepository gradlePluginPortal();
* Adds a repository which looks in Gradle Central Plugin Repository for dependencies.
* @param action a configuration action
* @return the added resolver
* @since 5.4
ArtifactRepository gradlePluginPortal(Action<? super ArtifactRepository> action);
* Adds a repository which looks in Bintray's JCenter repository for dependencies.
* <p>
* The URL used to access this repository is {@literal "https://jcenter.bintray.com/"}.
* The behavior of this repository is otherwise the same as those added by {@link #maven(org.gradle.api.Action)}.
* <p>
* Examples:
* <pre class='autoTestedWithDeprecations'>
* repositories {
* jcenter {
* artifactUrls = ["http://www.mycompany.com/artifacts1", "http://www.mycompany.com/artifacts2"]
* }
* jcenter {
* name = "nonDefaultName"
* artifactUrls = ["http://www.mycompany.com/artifacts1"]
* }
* }
* </pre>
* @param action a configuration action
* @return the added repository
* @deprecated JFrog announced JCenter's <a href="https://blog.gradle.org/jcenter-shutdown">sunset</a> in February 2021. Use {@link #mavenCentral()} instead.
MavenArtifactRepository jcenter(Action<? super MavenArtifactRepository> action);
* Adds a repository which looks in Bintray's JCenter repository for dependencies.
* <p>
* The URL used to access this repository is {@literal "https://jcenter.bintray.com/"}.
* The behavior of this repository is otherwise the same as those added by {@link #maven(org.gradle.api.Action)}.
* <p>
* Examples:
* <pre class='autoTestedWithDeprecations'>
* repositories {
* jcenter()
* }
* </pre>
* @return the added resolver
* @see #jcenter(Action)
* @deprecated JFrog announced JCenter's <a href="https://blog.gradle.org/jcenter-shutdown">sunset</a> in February 2021. Use {@link #mavenCentral()} instead.
MavenArtifactRepository jcenter();
* Adds a repository which looks in the Maven central repository for dependencies. The URL used to access this repository is
* {@value org.gradle.api.artifacts.ArtifactRepositoryContainer#MAVEN_CENTRAL_URL}.
* <p>The following parameter are accepted as keys for the map:
* <table summary="Shows property keys and associated values">
* <tr><th>Key</th>
* <th>Description of Associated Value</th></tr>
* <tr><td><code>name</code></td>
* <td><em>(optional)</em> The name of the repository. The default is
* {@value org.gradle.api.artifacts.ArtifactRepositoryContainer#DEFAULT_MAVEN_CENTRAL_REPO_NAME} is used as the name. A name
* must be unique amongst a repository group.
* </td></tr>
* <tr><td><code>artifactUrls</code></td>
* <td>A single jar repository or a collection of jar repositories containing additional artifacts not found in the Maven central repository.
* But be aware that the POM must exist in Maven central.
* The provided values are evaluated as per {@link org.gradle.api.Project#uri(Object)}.</td></tr>
* </table>
* <p>Examples:</p>
* <pre class='autoTested'>
* repositories {
* mavenCentral artifactUrls: ["http://www.mycompany.com/artifacts1", "http://www.mycompany.com/artifacts2"]
* mavenCentral name: "nonDefaultName", artifactUrls: ["http://www.mycompany.com/artifacts1"]
* }
* </pre>
* @param args A list of urls of repositories to look for artifacts only.
* @return the added repository
MavenArtifactRepository mavenCentral(Map<String, ?> args);
* Adds a repository which looks in the Maven central repository for dependencies. The URL used to access this repository is
* {@value org.gradle.api.artifacts.ArtifactRepositoryContainer#MAVEN_CENTRAL_URL}. The name of the repository is
* {@value org.gradle.api.artifacts.ArtifactRepositoryContainer#DEFAULT_MAVEN_CENTRAL_REPO_NAME}.
* <p>Examples:</p>
* <pre class='autoTested'>
* repositories {
* mavenCentral()
* }
* </pre>
* @return the added resolver
* @see #mavenCentral(java.util.Map)
MavenArtifactRepository mavenCentral();
* Adds a repository which looks in the Maven central repository for dependencies. The URL used to access this repository is
* {@value org.gradle.api.artifacts.ArtifactRepositoryContainer#MAVEN_CENTRAL_URL}. The name of the repository is
* {@value org.gradle.api.artifacts.ArtifactRepositoryContainer#DEFAULT_MAVEN_CENTRAL_REPO_NAME}.
* <p>Examples:</p>
* <pre class='autoTested'>
* repositories {
* mavenCentral()
* }
* </pre>
* @param action a configuration action
* @return the added resolver
* @since 5.3
MavenArtifactRepository mavenCentral(Action<? super MavenArtifactRepository> action);
* Adds a repository which looks in the local Maven cache for dependencies. The name of the repository is
* {@value org.gradle.api.artifacts.ArtifactRepositoryContainer#DEFAULT_MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO_NAME}.
* <p>Examples:</p>
* <pre class='autoTested'>
* repositories {
* mavenLocal()
* }
* </pre>
* <p>
* The location for the repository is determined as follows (in order of precedence):
* </p>
* <ol>
* <li>The value of system property 'maven.repo.local' if set;</li>
* <li>The value of element <localRepository> of <code>~/.m2/settings.xml</code> if this file exists and element is set;</li>
* <li>The value of element <localRepository> of <code>$M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml</code> (where <code>$M2_HOME</code> is the value of the environment variable with that name) if this file exists and element is set;</li>
* <li>The path <code>~/.m2/repository</code>.</li>
* </ol>
* @return the added resolver
MavenArtifactRepository mavenLocal();
* Adds a repository which looks in the local Maven cache for dependencies. The name of the repository is
* {@value org.gradle.api.artifacts.ArtifactRepositoryContainer#DEFAULT_MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO_NAME}.
* <p>Examples:</p>
* <pre class='autoTested'>
* repositories {
* mavenLocal()
* }
* </pre>
* <p>
* The location for the repository is determined as follows (in order of precedence):
* </p>
* <ol>
* <li>The value of system property 'maven.repo.local' if set;</li>
* <li>The value of element <localRepository> of <code>~/.m2/settings.xml</code> if this file exists and element is set;</li>
* <li>The value of element <localRepository> of <code>$M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml</code> (where <code>$M2_HOME</code> is the value of the environment variable with that name) if this file exists and element is set;</li>
* <li>The path <code>~/.m2/repository</code>.</li>
* </ol>
* @param action a configuration action
* @return the added resolver
* @since 5.3
MavenArtifactRepository mavenLocal(Action<? super MavenArtifactRepository> action);
* Adds a repository which looks in Google's Maven repository for dependencies.
* <p>
* The URL used to access this repository is {@literal "https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/"}.
* <p>
* Examples:
* <pre class='autoTested'>
* repositories {
* google()
* }
* </pre>
* @return the added resolver
* @since 4.0
MavenArtifactRepository google();
* Adds a repository which looks in Google's Maven repository for dependencies.
* <p>
* The URL used to access this repository is {@literal "https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/"}.
* <p>
* Examples:
* <pre class='autoTested'>
* repositories {
* google()
* }
* </pre>
* @param action a configuration action
* @return the added resolver
* @since 5.3
MavenArtifactRepository google(Action<? super MavenArtifactRepository> action);
* Adds and configures a Maven repository. Newly created instance of {@code MavenArtifactRepository} is passed as an argument to the closure.
* @param closure The closure to use to configure the repository.
* @return The added repository.
MavenArtifactRepository maven(@DelegatesTo(MavenArtifactRepository.class) Closure closure);
* Adds and configures a Maven repository.
* @param action The action to use to configure the repository.
* @return The added repository.
MavenArtifactRepository maven(Action<? super MavenArtifactRepository> action);
* Adds and configures an Ivy repository. Newly created instance of {@code IvyArtifactRepository} is passed as an argument to the closure.
* @param closure The closure to use to configure the repository.
* @return The added repository.
IvyArtifactRepository ivy(@DelegatesTo(IvyArtifactRepository.class) Closure closure);
* Adds and configures an Ivy repository.
* @param action The action to use to configure the repository.
* @return The added repository.
IvyArtifactRepository ivy(Action<? super IvyArtifactRepository> action);
* Declares exclusive content repositories. Exclusive content repositories are
* repositories for which you can declare an inclusive content filter. Artifacts
* matching the filter will then only be searched in the repositories which
* exclusively match it.
* @param action the configuration of the repositories
* @since 6.2
void exclusiveContent(Action<? super ExclusiveContentRepository> action);
接下来我们看resolutionStrategy,它传入的是一个PluginResolutionStrategy。Kotlin DSL中有大量Action的用法。
pluginManagement {
resolutionStrategy {
eachPlugin {
if (requested.id.namespace == "com.android.tools.build") {
if (requested.id.namespace == "com.google.firebase") {
package org.gradle.plugin.management;
import org.gradle.api.Action;
import org.gradle.internal.HasInternalProtocol;
* Allows modification of {@link PluginRequest}s before they are resolved.
* @since 3.5
public interface PluginResolutionStrategy {
* Adds an action that is executed for each plugin that is resolved.
* The {@link PluginResolveDetails} parameter contains information about
* the plugin that was requested and allows the rule to modify which plugin
* will actually be resolved.
void eachPlugin(Action<? super PluginResolveDetails> rule);
package org.gradle.plugin.management;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Allows plugin resolution rules to inspect a requested plugin and modify which
* target plugin will be used.
* @since 3.5
public interface PluginResolveDetails {
* Get the plugin that was requested.
PluginRequest getRequested();
* Sets the implementation module to use for this plugin.
* @param notation the module to use, supports the same notations as {@link org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.DependencyHandler}
void useModule(Object notation);
* Sets the version of the plugin to use.
* @param version version to use
void useVersion(@Nullable String version);
* The target plugin request to use.
PluginRequest getTarget();
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { setUrl("https://jitpack.io") }
package org.gradle.api.initialization.resolve;
import org.gradle.api.Incubating;
* The repository mode configures how repositories are setup in the build.
* @since 6.8
public enum RepositoriesMode {
* If this mode is set, any repository declared on a project will cause
* the project to use the repositories declared by the project, ignoring
* those declared in settings.
* This is the default behavior.
* If this mode is set, any repository declared directly in a project,
* either directly or via a plugin, will be ignored.
* If this mode is set, any repository declared directly in a project,
* either directly or via a plugin, will trigger a build error.