

  • 一、Panic
    • [1. What is Panic?](#1. What is Panic?)
    • [2. What should panic be used?](#2. What should panic be used?)
    • [3. Example](#3. Example)
    • [4. Defer Calls During a Panic 延迟panic](#4. Defer Calls During a Panic 延迟panic)
    • [5. Recovering from a Panic 关联](#5. Recovering from a Panic 关联)
    • [6. Getting Stack Trace after Recover 输出堆栈信息](#6. Getting Stack Trace after Recover 输出堆栈信息)
    • [7. Panic, Recover and Goroutines](#7. Panic, Recover and Goroutines)
  • [二、First Class Functions](#二、First Class Functions)
    • [1. What are first class functions?](#1. What are first class functions?)
    • [2. Anonymous functions 匿名函数](#2. Anonymous functions 匿名函数)
    • [3. User defined function types 自定义类型](#3. User defined function types 自定义类型)
    • [4. Passing functions as arguments to other functions 将函数作为参数传递给其他函数](#4. Passing functions as arguments to other functions 将函数作为参数传递给其他函数)
    • [5. Returning functions from other functions 从其他函数返回函数](#5. Returning functions from other functions 从其他函数返回函数)
    • [6. Closures闭包函数](#6. Closures闭包函数)
    • [7. Practical use of first class functions](#7. Practical use of first class functions)


1. What is Panic?

go 复制代码
	What is Panic?
	The idiomatic way of handling abnormal conditions in a Go program is using errors.  Errors are sufficient for most of the abnormal conditions arising in the program.
	But there are some situations where the program cannot continue execution after an abnormal condition.  In this case, we use panic to prematurely terminate the program.  When a function encounters a panic, its execution is stopped, any deferred functions are executed and then the control returns to its caller.  This process continues until all the functions of the current goroutine have returned at which point the program prints the panic message, followed by the stack trace and then terminates.  This concept will be more clear when we write an example program.
	It is possible to regain control of a panicking program using recover which we will discuss later in this tutorial.
	panic and recover can be considered similar to try-catch-finally idiom in other languages such as Java except that they are rarely used in Go.

2. What should panic be used?

go 复制代码
	When Should Panic Be Used?
	One important factor is that you should avoid panic and recover and use errors where ever possible.  Only in cases where the program just cannot continue execution should panic and recover mechanism be used.
	There are two valid use cases for panic.
	An unrecoverable error where the program cannot simply continue its execution.
	One example is a web server that fails to bind to the required port.  In this case, it's reasonable to panic as there is nothing else to do if the port binding itself fails.
	A programmer error.
	Let's say we have a method that accepts a pointer as a parameter and someone calls this method using a nil argument.  In this case, we can panic as it's a programmer error to call a method with nil argument which was expecting a valid pointer.
	1. 程序无法继续执行的不可恢复的错误。
	2. 程序员错误。

3. Example

go 复制代码
        package main

        import (

        func fullName(firstName *string, lastName *string) {
            if firstName == nil {
                panic("runtime error: first name cannot be nil")
            if lastName == nil {
                panic("runtime error: last name cannot be nil")
            fmt.Printf("%s %s\n", *firstName, *lastName)
            fmt.Println("returned normally from fullName")

        func main() {
            firstName := "Elon"
            fullName(&firstName, nil)
            fmt.Println("returned normally from main")

        // panic: runtime error: last name cannot be nil

        // goroutine 1 [running]:
        // main.fullName(0xc000062000?, 0xc0000c9f70?)
        //         D:/Go/oop/Panic.go:12 +0x114
        // main.main()
        //         D:/Go/oop/Panic.go:20 +0x35

4. Defer Calls During a Panic 延迟panic

go 复制代码
        package main

        import (  

        func fullName(firstName *string, lastName *string) {  
            defer fmt.Println("deferred call in fullName")		// 当defer遇见panic会先执行堆栈里面的所有defer再执行panic
            if firstName == nil {
                panic("runtime error: first name cannot be nil")		// 注意这是panic 不是println
            if lastName == nil {
                panic("runtime error: last name cannot be nil")
            fmt.Printf("%s %s\n", *firstName, *lastName)
            fmt.Println("returned normally from fullName")

        func main() {  
            defer fmt.Println("deferred call in main")
            firstName := "Elon"
            fullName(&firstName, nil)
            fmt.Println("returned normally from main")

        // deferred call in fullName  
        // ddeferred call in main  
        // dpanic: runtime error: last name cannot be nil

        // dgoroutine 1 [running]:  
        // dmain.fullName(0xc00006af28, 0x0)  
        // d    /tmp/sandbox451943841/prog.go:13 +0x23f
        // dmain.main()  
        // d    /tmp/sandbox451943841/prog.go:22 +0xc6

5. Recovering from a Panic 关联

go 复制代码
        package main

        import (  

        func recoverFullName() {  
            if r := recover(); r!= nil {		// 当前recover接受panic的错误信息
                fmt.Println("recovered from ", r)

        func fullName(firstName *string, lastName *string) {  
            defer recoverFullName()
            if firstName == nil {
                panic("runtime error: first name cannot be nil")
            if lastName == nil {
                panic("runtime error: last name cannot be nil")
            fmt.Printf("%s %s\n", *firstName, *lastName)
            fmt.Println("returned normally from fullName")

        func main() {  
            defer fmt.Println("deferred call in main")
            firstName := "Elon"
            fullName(&firstName, nil)
            fmt.Println("returned normally from main")

        // recovered from  runtime error: last name cannot be nil  
        // returned normally from main  
        // deferred call in main  

// Example 2

        package main

        import (  

        func recoverInvalidAccess() {  
            if r := recover(); r != nil {		// recover接收错误信息
                fmt.Println("Recovered", r)		

        func invalidSliceAccess() {  
            defer recoverInvalidAccess()
            n := []int{5, 7, 4}
            fmt.Println(n[4])		// 运行至此 发生错误 执行panic 执行defer 
            fmt.Println("normally returned from a")

        func main() {  
            fmt.Println("normally returned from main")

		// Recovered runtime error: index out of range [4] with length 3  
		// normally returned from main  

6. Getting Stack Trace after Recover 输出堆栈信息

go 复制代码
        package main

        import (  

        func recoverFullName() {  
            if r := recover(); r != nil {		// 接受错误panic信息
                fmt.Println("recovered from ", r)
                debug.PrintStack()				// debug.PrintStack()函数用于打印当前的堆栈跟踪信息 
            }								  // 用于在程序出现错误时输出堆栈跟踪,以帮助调试错误。

        func fullName(firstName *string, lastName *string) {  
            defer recoverFullName()
            if firstName == nil {
                panic("runtime error: first name cannot be nil")
            if lastName == nil {
                panic("runtime error: last name cannot be nil")
            fmt.Printf("%s %s\n", *firstName, *lastName)
            fmt.Println("returned normally from fullName")

        func main() {  
            defer fmt.Println("deferred call in main")
            firstName := "Elon"
            fullName(&firstName, nil)
            fmt.Println("returned normally from main")

        // recovered from  runtime error: last name cannot be nil  
        // goroutine 1 [running]:  
        // runtime/debug.Stack(0x37, 0x0, 0x0)  
        //     /usr/local/go-faketime/src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x9d
        // runtime/debug.PrintStack()  
        //     /usr/local/go-faketime/src/runtime/debug/stack.go:16 +0x22
        // main.recoverFullName()  
        //    /tmp/sandbox771195810/prog.go:11 +0xb4
        // panic(0x4a1b60, 0x4dc300)  
        //     /usr/local/go-faketime/src/runtime/panic.go:969 +0x166
        // main.fullName(0xc0000a2f28, 0x0)  
        //     /tmp/sandbox771195810/prog.go:21 +0x1cb
        // main.main()  
        //     /tmp/sandbox771195810/prog.go:30 +0xc6
        // returned normally from main  
        // deferred call in main  

7. Panic, Recover and Goroutines

go 复制代码
        package main

        import (  

        func recovery() {  
            if r := recover(); r != nil {
                fmt.Println("recovered:", r)

        func sum(a int, b int) {  
            defer recovery()
            fmt.Printf("%d + %d = %d\n", a, b, a+b)
            done := make(chan bool)
            go divide(a, b, done)		// 开启一个新的线程 

        func divide(a int, b int, done chan bool) {  
            fmt.Printf("%d / %d = %d", a, b, a/b)		// 不能除以0 integer divide by zero
            done <- true


        func main() {  
            sum(5, 0)	// 遇见错误不在向下执行
            fmt.Println("normally returned from main")

        // 5 + 0 = 5  
        // panic: runtime error: integer divide by zero

        // goroutine 18 [running]:  
        // main.divide(0x5, 0x0, 0xc0000a2000)  
        //     /tmp/sandbox877118715/prog.go:22 +0x167
        // created by main.sum  
        //     /tmp/sandbox877118715/prog.go:17 +0x1a9

二、First Class Functions

1. What are first class functions?

go 复制代码
	A language that supports first class functions allows functions to be assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions and returned from other functions. Go has support for first class functions.
	In this tutorial, we will discuss the syntax and various use cases of first class functions.

2. Anonymous functions 匿名函数

go 复制代码
        package main

        import (  

        func main() {  
            a := func() {
                fmt.Println("hello world first class function")
            fmt.Printf("%T", a)

            func() {
                fmt.Println("hello world first class function")

            func(n string) {
                fmt.Println("Welcome", n)

        // hello world first class function
        // func()
        // hello world first class function
        // Welcome Gophers

3. User defined function types 自定义类型

go 复制代码
        package main

        import (  

        type add func(a int, b int) int

        func main() {  
            var a add = func(a int, b int) int {
                return a + b
            s := a(5, 6)
            fmt.Println("Sum", s)

        // Sum 11

4. Passing functions as arguments to other functions 将函数作为参数传递给其他函数

go 复制代码
        package main

        import (  

        func simple(a func(a, b int) int) { // 接受一个名为 a 的参数,这个参数是一个函数类型,该函数接受两个整数参数并返回一个整数。
            fmt.Println(a(60, 7)) //	在 simple 函数内部,它调用了传递进来的函数 a,并传递了两个整数参数 60 和 7。

        func main() {
            f := func(a, b int) int { //
                return a + b // 接受两个整数参数并返回它们的和。

        // 67

5. Returning functions from other functions 从其他函数返回函数

go 复制代码
        package main

        import (  

        func simple() func(a, b int) int {  
            f := func(a, b int) int {
                return a + b
            return f

        func main() {  
            s := simple()
            fmt.Println(s(60, 7))

        // 67

6. Closures闭包函数

go 复制代码
        package main

        import "fmt"

        func appendStr() func(string) string {
            t := "hello"
            c := func(b string) string {
                t = t + " " + b
                return t
            return c

        func main() {
            a := appendStr()
            b := appendStr()


            fmt.Println(a("Gopher")) // 这个时候 已经变成 hello world + Gopher

7. Practical use of first class functions

go 复制代码
        package main

        import (  

        type student struct {  
            firstName string
            lastName  string
            grade     string
            country   string

        func filter(s []student, f func(student) bool) []student {  
            var r []student
            for _, v := range s {
                if f(v) == true {
                    r = append(r, v)
            return r

        func main() {  
            s1 := student{
                firstName: "Naveen",
                lastName:  "Ramanathan",
                grade:     "A",
                country:   "India",
            s2 := student{
                firstName: "Samuel",
                lastName:  "Johnson",
                grade:     "B",
                country:   "USA",
            s := []student{s1, s2}
            f := filter(s, func(s student) bool {
                if s.grade == "B" {
                    return true
                return false

        // [{Samuel Johnson B USA}]

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