Android Java Looper 机制

本文摘自写给应用开发的 Android Framework 教程 ,完整教程请查阅 更为详细的视频教程与答疑服务,请联系微信 zzh0838

本文基于 aosp android-12.0.0_r26 分支讲解

一个简单的 main 函数执行完毕后,整个进程也就结束了,为了让一个进程长时间的运行下去,就需要无限循环加事件通知的机制,这类机制的伪代码描述如下:

cpp 复制代码
int main()
        1. 线程进入休眠状态,等待通知;
        2. 其它地方给当前线程发送通知,线程从休眠中唤醒,读取通知,处理通知
        3. 进入下一个循环

    return 0;

在上一节,我们已经了解了 Android Native 层的 Looper 机制,接下来我们接着学习 Android Java 层的 Looper 机制。

这里先给出 Android Java Looper 的整体框架图,接着我们再根据源码逐步分析:

Java Looper 的使用

首先我们从一个典型的 Looper 线程来看看 Looper 具体是怎么使用的:

java 复制代码
// 典型的关于Handler/Looper的线程
class LooperThread extends Thread {

    public Handler mHandler;

    public void run() {
        mHandler = new Handler() {  
            public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
                Message msg = Message.obtain();


// 其他线程
Message msg = Message.obtain();
msg.what = 2; 
msg.obj = "B"; 
// 向 looper 发送一个消息


Looper 线程:

  • 调用 Looper.prepare() 初始化 Looper
  • 初始化一个 Handler 对象
  • Looper.loop() 进入循环休眠状态


  • 获取到 Looper 线程中的 Handler 对象
  • 构建一个 Message 对象
  • 调用 Handler 对象的 sendMessage 发送消息给 Looper

Looper.prepare() 实现分析

java 复制代码
public static void prepare() {

private static void prepare(boolean quitAllowed) {
    if (sThreadLocal.get() != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Only one Looper may be created per thread");
    sThreadLocal.set(new Looper(quitAllowed));

prepare 中首先从线程本地数据区取 Looper,如果没有,就 new 一个 Looper,并存到线程本地数据区中。

接下来看看 new 一个 Looper 的过程:

java 复制代码
private Looper(boolean quitAllowed) {
    mQueue = new MessageQueue(quitAllowed);  //创建MessageQueue对象
    mThread = Thread.currentThread();

构造函数中,new 了一个 MessageQueue,获取到了当前线程 Thread 对象。

接着看 MessageQueue 的初始化过程:

java 复制代码
MessageQueue(boolean quitAllowed) {
    mQuitAllowed = quitAllowed;
    mPtr = nativeInit();

private native static long nativeInit();

这里调用了 native 方法 nativeInit,对应的 JNI 函数是


cpp 复制代码
static jlong android_os_MessageQueue_nativeInit(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
    NativeMessageQueue* nativeMessageQueue = new NativeMessageQueue();
    if (!nativeMessageQueue) {
        jniThrowRuntimeException(env, "Unable to allocate native queue");
        return 0;

    return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(nativeMessageQueue);

这里,核心内容就是初始化一个 NativeMessageQueue 对象,并将其地址返回给 Java 层。我们接着看 NativeMessageQueue 对象的初始化过程:

cpp 复制代码
// NativeMessageQueue 构造函数
NativeMessageQueue::NativeMessageQueue() :
        mPollEnv(NULL), mPollObj(NULL), mExceptionObj(NULL) {
    // 初始化 Native 层的 looper
    mLooper = Looper::getForThread();
    if (mLooper == NULL) {
        mLooper = new Looper(false);

NativeMessageQueue 的构造函数中,从本地线程区获取当前线程的 Looper 对象,没有的话,就初始化一个,并存在线程本地数据区中。

Native 层 Looper 对象的初始化,核心内容就三点:

  • 初始化一个 eventfd
  • 初始化一个 epoll
  • 把 eventfd 放到 epoll 池中

具体代码请参考Android Native Looper 机制Native Looper 源码分析 章节,这里不再重复。


初始化工作完成后,我们接着再来看看 loop 方法都执行了哪些操作:

java 复制代码
    public static void loop() {
        // 获取 TLS 存储的 Looper 对象
        final Looper me = myLooper(); 
        if (me == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("No Looper; Looper.prepare() wasn't called on this thread.");
        if (me.mInLoop) {
            Slog.w(TAG, "Loop again would have the queued messages be executed"
                    + " before this one completed.");

        me.mInLoop = true;

        // Make sure the identity of this thread is that of the local process,
        // and keep track of what that identity token actually is.
        final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();

        // Allow overriding a threshold with a system prop. e.g.
        // adb shell 'setprop log.looper.1000.main.slow 1 && stop && start'
        final int thresholdOverride =
                        + Process.myUid() + "."
                        + Thread.currentThread().getName()
                        + ".slow", 0);

        me.mSlowDeliveryDetected = false;

        // 进入无限循环,调用 loopOnce 进入休眠状态
        for (;;) {
            if (!loopOnce(me, ident, thresholdOverride)) {

    public static @Nullable Looper myLooper() {
        return sThreadLocal.get();


  • 获取 TLS 存储的 Looper 对象
  • 进入无限循环,调用 loopOnce 进入休眠状态

接下来就来看看 loopOnce 到底是怎么工作的

java 复制代码
    private static boolean loopOnce(final Looper me,
            final long ident, final int thresholdOverride) {
        // 获取 Message,可能阻塞
        Message msg =; 
        if (msg == null) {
            // No message indicates that the message queue is quitting.
            return false;

        // This must be in a local variable, in case a UI event sets the logger
        final Printer logging = me.mLogging;
        if (logging != null) {
            logging.println(">>>>> Dispatching to " + + " "
                    + msg.callback + ": " + msg.what);
        // Make sure the observer won't change while processing a transaction.
        final Observer observer = sObserver;

        final long traceTag = me.mTraceTag;
        long slowDispatchThresholdMs = me.mSlowDispatchThresholdMs;
        long slowDeliveryThresholdMs = me.mSlowDeliveryThresholdMs;
        if (thresholdOverride > 0) {
            slowDispatchThresholdMs = thresholdOverride;
            slowDeliveryThresholdMs = thresholdOverride;
        final boolean logSlowDelivery = (slowDeliveryThresholdMs > 0) && (msg.when > 0);
        final boolean logSlowDispatch = (slowDispatchThresholdMs > 0);

        final boolean needStartTime = logSlowDelivery || logSlowDispatch;
        final boolean needEndTime = logSlowDispatch;

        if (traceTag != 0 && Trace.isTagEnabled(traceTag)) {

        final long dispatchStart = needStartTime ? SystemClock.uptimeMillis() : 0;
        final long dispatchEnd;
        Object token = null;
        if (observer != null) { 
            token = observer.messageDispatchStarting();
        long origWorkSource = ThreadLocalWorkSource.setUid(msg.workSourceUid);
        try {
            //分发消息,调用 handler 中的回调函数
            if (observer != null) {
                observer.messageDispatched(token, msg); 
            dispatchEnd = needEndTime ? SystemClock.uptimeMillis() : 0;
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            if (observer != null) {
                observer.dispatchingThrewException(token, msg, exception);
            throw exception;
        } finally {
            if (traceTag != 0) {
        if (logSlowDelivery) {
            if (me.mSlowDeliveryDetected) {
                if ((dispatchStart - msg.when) <= 10) {
                    Slog.w(TAG, "Drained");
                    me.mSlowDeliveryDetected = false;
            } else {
                if (showSlowLog(slowDeliveryThresholdMs, msg.when, dispatchStart, "delivery",
                        msg)) {
                    // Once we write a slow delivery log, suppress until the queue drains.
                    me.mSlowDeliveryDetected = true;
        if (logSlowDispatch) {
            showSlowLog(slowDispatchThresholdMs, dispatchStart, dispatchEnd, "dispatch", msg);

        if (logging != null) {
            logging.println("<<<<< Finished to " + + " " + msg.callback);

        // Make sure that during the course of dispatching the
        // identity of the thread wasn't corrupted.
        final long newIdent = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
        if (ident != newIdent) {
  , "Thread identity changed from 0x"
                    + Long.toHexString(ident) + " to 0x"
                    + Long.toHexString(newIdent) + " while dispatching to "
                    + + " "
                    + msg.callback + " what=" + msg.what);


        return true;


  • 通过 MessageQueue 的 next 方法拿到一个 Message,这里可能会阻塞休眠,具体为什么,后面马上说
  • 通过 dispatchMessage 调用 Handler 中的回调方法

接着就来看 的实现:

java 复制代码
    Message next() {
        // Return here if the message loop has already quit and been disposed.
        // This can happen if the application tries to restart a looper after quit
        // which is not supported.
        final long ptr = mPtr;
        if (ptr == 0) {
            return null;

        int pendingIdleHandlerCount = -1; // -1 only during first iteration
        int nextPollTimeoutMillis = 0;
        for (;;) {
            if (nextPollTimeoutMillis != 0) {

            // 陷入 Native 层,进入休眠状态
            nativePollOnce(ptr, nextPollTimeoutMillis);


    private native void nativePollOnce(long ptr, int timeoutMillis);

这里调用 nativePollOnce 陷入 Native 层,进入休眠状态,nativePollOnce 是一个 Native 方法,对应的 JNI 函数如下:

cpp 复制代码
static void android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj,
        jlong ptr, jint timeoutMillis) {
    NativeMessageQueue* nativeMessageQueue = reinterpret_cast<NativeMessageQueue*>(ptr);
    nativeMessageQueue->pollOnce(env, obj, timeoutMillis);

通过传入的指针,获取到 Native 层的 NativeMessageQueue 对象,接着调用 NativeMessageQueue 对象的 pollOnce 方法:

cpp 复制代码
void NativeMessageQueue::pollOnce(JNIEnv* env, jobject pollObj, int timeoutMillis) {
    mPollEnv = env;
    mPollObj = pollObj;
    // 内部调用 epoll_wait 阻塞
    mPollObj = NULL;
    mPollEnv = NULL;

    if (mExceptionObj) {
        mExceptionObj = NULL;

这里会调用 Native 层 Looper 的 pollOnce 函数,pollOnce 内部主要是调用 epoll_wait 来进入休眠状态。pollOnce 的具体代码分析可以参考Android Native Looper 机制,这里不再重复。

至此,我们的线程就下 cpu,进入休眠状态。




  • 初始化一个 Handler 对象,覆写 Handler 的 handleMessage 方法
  • 构建一个 Message 对象,通过 Handler 的 sendMessage 方法发送消息

Handler 初始化过程

在使用 Looper 的线程中通常会初始化一个 Handler 对象:

java 复制代码
    // new 一个 Handler,覆写 handleMessage 方法
    mHandler = new Handler() {  
        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {

Handler 的构造函数:

java 复制代码
    public Handler() {
        this(null, false);

    public Handler(@Nullable Callback callback, boolean async) {

        //拿到当前线程的 Looper 对象
        mLooper = Looper.myLooper();
        if (mLooper == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                "Can't create handler inside thread " + Thread.currentThread()
                        + " that has not called Looper.prepare()");
        mQueue = mLooper.mQueue;
        mCallback = callback;
        mAsynchronous = async;

初始化过程中,要对 Handler 中有两个重要变量进行赋值:

  • mLooper:当前线程中的 Looper 对象
  • mQueue:当前线程中的 Looper 对象的 MessageQueue 成员

做好以上的准备工作后,就可以向 Looper 发送消息了:

java 复制代码
    // 构建一个 Message
    Message msg = Message.obtain();
    msg.what = 2; 
    msg.obj = "B"; 
    // 通过 Handler 的 sendMessage 方法发送消息

我们先看看 Message 的初始化过程:

java 复制代码
    // frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/
    public static Message obtain() {
        synchronized (sPoolSync) {
            if (sPool != null) {
                Message m = sPool;
                sPool =;
       = null;
                m.flags = 0; // clear in-use flag
                return m;
        return new Message();

从缓存 sPool 里面取 Message,如果没有的话就 new 一个 Message。

接着我们来看 sendMessage 的过程:

java 复制代码
    // frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/
    public final boolean sendMessage(@NonNull Message msg) {
        return sendMessageDelayed(msg, 0);

    public final boolean sendMessageDelayed(@NonNull Message msg, long delayMillis) {
        if (delayMillis < 0) {
            delayMillis = 0;
        return sendMessageAtTime(msg, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + delayMillis);

    public boolean sendMessageAtTime(@NonNull Message msg, long uptimeMillis) {
        MessageQueue queue = mQueue;
        if (queue == null) {
            RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException(
                    this + " sendMessageAtTime() called with no mQueue");
            Log.w("Looper", e.getMessage(), e);
            return false;
        return enqueueMessage(queue, msg, uptimeMillis);

     private boolean enqueueMessage(@NonNull MessageQueue queue, @NonNull Message msg,
            long uptimeMillis) {

        // 注意这里,把 handler 赋值给了 msg 的 target 成员 = this;
        msg.workSourceUid = ThreadLocalWorkSource.getUid();

        if (mAsynchronous) {
        return queue.enqueueMessage(msg, uptimeMillis);

sendMessage 内部把 handler 赋值给了 msg 的 target 成员,最终调用到 MessageQueue 的 enqueueMessage 方法:

java 复制代码
    boolean enqueueMessage(Message msg, long when) {
        if ( == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Message must have a target.");

        synchronized (this) {
            if (msg.isInUse()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(msg + " This message is already in use.");

            if (mQuitting) {
                IllegalStateException e = new IllegalStateException(
               + " sending message to a Handler on a dead thread");
                Log.w(TAG, e.getMessage(), e);
                return false;

            msg.when = when;
            Message p = mMessages;
            boolean needWake;
            // 把传入的 Message 插入 mMessages 链表
            if (p == null || when == 0 || when < p.when) {
                // New head, wake up the event queue if blocked.
       = p;
                mMessages = msg;
                needWake = mBlocked;
            } else {
                // Inserted within the middle of the queue.  Usually we don't have to wake
                // up the event queue unless there is a barrier at the head of the queue
                // and the message is the earliest asynchronous message in the queue.
                needWake = mBlocked && == null && msg.isAsynchronous();
                Message prev;
                for (;;) {
                    prev = p;
                    p =;
                    if (p == null || when < p.when) {
                    if (needWake && p.isAsynchronous()) {
                        needWake = false;
       = p; // invariant: p ==
       = msg;

            // 唤醒 native 层的 epoll
            // We can assume mPtr != 0 because mQuitting is false.
            if (needWake) {
        return true;

enqueueMessage 代码有点长,核心逻辑就两点:

  • 把传入的 Message 插入 mMessages 链表
  • 调用 native 方法 nativeWake 唤醒 native 层的 epoll

接下来我们看看 nativeWake 的具体实现:

java 复制代码
private native static void nativeWake(long ptr);

// nativeWake 对应的 JNI 函数 
static void android_os_MessageQueue_nativeWake(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong ptr) {
    NativeMessageQueue* nativeMessageQueue = reinterpret_cast<NativeMessageQueue*>(ptr);

void NativeMessageQueue::wake() {

// eventfd 写数据,唤醒 epoll
void Looper::wake() {
    uint64_t inc = 1;
    ssize_t nWrite = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(mWakeEventFd.get(), &inc, sizeof(uint64_t)));
    if (nWrite != sizeof(uint64_t)) {
        if (errno != EAGAIN) {
            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Could not write wake signal to fd %d (returned %zd): %s",
                             mWakeEventFd.get(), nWrite, strerror(errno));

nativeWake 最终就是调用 native 层 mLooper 的 wake 函数,在 wake 函数中向 eventfd 写入数据,唤醒与 eventfd 绑定的 epoll。接下来我们就来看看 epoll 唤醒以后得流程。


cpp 复制代码
void NativeMessageQueue::pollOnce(JNIEnv* env, jobject pollObj, int timeoutMillis) {
    mPollEnv = env;
    mPollObj = pollObj;
    // Looper 线程阻塞在 Native 层的这里
    mPollObj = NULL;
    mPollEnv = NULL;

    if (mExceptionObj) {
        mExceptionObj = NULL;

唤醒后,回到上层函数 android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce:

cpp 复制代码
static void android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj,
        jlong ptr, jint timeoutMillis) {
    NativeMessageQueue* nativeMessageQueue = reinterpret_cast<NativeMessageQueue*>(ptr);
    nativeMessageQueue->pollOnce(env, obj, timeoutMillis);

接着,再回到更上一层 Java 层的 next 方法中:

Java 复制代码
    Message next() {
        // Return here if the message loop has already quit and been disposed.
        // This can happen if the application tries to restart a looper after quit
        // which is not supported.
        final long ptr = mPtr;
        if (ptr == 0) {
            return null;

        int pendingIdleHandlerCount = -1; // -1 only during first iteration
        int nextPollTimeoutMillis = 0;
        for (;;) {
            if (nextPollTimeoutMillis != 0) {

            nativePollOnce(ptr, nextPollTimeoutMillis);

            // 从 mMessages 链表中选取一个合适的 message 返回
            synchronized (this) {
                // Try to retrieve the next message.  Return if found.
                final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
                Message prevMsg = null;
                Message msg = mMessages;
                if (msg != null && == null) {
                    // Stalled by a barrier.  Find the next asynchronous message in the queue.
                    do {
                        prevMsg = msg;
                        msg =;
                    } while (msg != null && !msg.isAsynchronous());
                if (msg != null) {
                    if (now < msg.when) {
                        // Next message is not ready.  Set a timeout to wake up when it is ready.
                        nextPollTimeoutMillis = (int) Math.min(msg.when - now, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                    } else {
                        // Got a message.
                        mBlocked = false;
                        if (prevMsg != null) {
                        } else {
                            mMessages =;
               = null;
                        if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Returning message: " + msg);
                        return msg;
                } else {
                    // No more messages.
                    nextPollTimeoutMillis = -1;

                // Process the quit message now that all pending messages have been handled.
                if (mQuitting) {
                    return null;

                // If first time idle, then get the number of idlers to run.
                // Idle handles only run if the queue is empty or if the first message
                // in the queue (possibly a barrier) is due to be handled in the future.
                if (pendingIdleHandlerCount < 0
                        && (mMessages == null || now < mMessages.when)) {
                    pendingIdleHandlerCount = mIdleHandlers.size();
                if (pendingIdleHandlerCount <= 0) {
                    // No idle handlers to run.  Loop and wait some more.
                    mBlocked = true;

                if (mPendingIdleHandlers == null) {
                    mPendingIdleHandlers = new IdleHandler[Math.max(pendingIdleHandlerCount, 4)];
                mPendingIdleHandlers = mIdleHandlers.toArray(mPendingIdleHandlers);

            // Run the idle handlers.
            // We only ever reach this code block during the first iteration.
            for (int i = 0; i < pendingIdleHandlerCount; i++) {
                final IdleHandler idler = mPendingIdleHandlers[i];
                mPendingIdleHandlers[i] = null; // release the reference to the handler

                boolean keep = false;
                try {
                    keep = idler.queueIdle();
                } catch (Throwable t) {
          , "IdleHandler threw exception", t);

                if (!keep) {
                    synchronized (this) {

            // Reset the idle handler count to 0 so we do not run them again.
            pendingIdleHandlerCount = 0;

            // While calling an idle handler, a new message could have been delivered
            // so go back and look again for a pending message without waiting.
            nextPollTimeoutMillis = 0;

唤醒后,一般的流程就是从 mMessages 中找个合适的 message 返回,返回后进入上一层:

java 复制代码
    private static boolean loopOnce(final Looper me,
            final long ident, final int thresholdOverride) {
        // 从这里返回
        Message msg =; 
        if (msg == null) {
            // No message indicates that the message queue is quitting.
            return false;

        // This must be in a local variable, in case a UI event sets the logger
        final Printer logging = me.mLogging;
        if (logging != null) {
            logging.println(">>>>> Dispatching to " + + " "
                    + msg.callback + ": " + msg.what);
        // Make sure the observer won't change while processing a transaction.
        final Observer observer = sObserver;

        final long traceTag = me.mTraceTag;
        long slowDispatchThresholdMs = me.mSlowDispatchThresholdMs;
        long slowDeliveryThresholdMs = me.mSlowDeliveryThresholdMs;
        if (thresholdOverride > 0) {
            slowDispatchThresholdMs = thresholdOverride;
            slowDeliveryThresholdMs = thresholdOverride;
        final boolean logSlowDelivery = (slowDeliveryThresholdMs > 0) && (msg.when > 0);
        final boolean logSlowDispatch = (slowDispatchThresholdMs > 0);

        final boolean needStartTime = logSlowDelivery || logSlowDispatch;
        final boolean needEndTime = logSlowDispatch;

        if (traceTag != 0 && Trace.isTagEnabled(traceTag)) {

        final long dispatchStart = needStartTime ? SystemClock.uptimeMillis() : 0;
        final long dispatchEnd;
        Object token = null;
        if (observer != null) { 
            token = observer.messageDispatchStarting();
        long origWorkSource = ThreadLocalWorkSource.setUid(msg.workSourceUid);
        try {
            //分发消息,调用 handler 中的回调函数
            if (observer != null) {
                observer.messageDispatched(token, msg); 
            dispatchEnd = needEndTime ? SystemClock.uptimeMillis() : 0;
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            if (observer != null) {
                observer.dispatchingThrewException(token, msg, exception);
            throw exception;
        } finally {
            if (traceTag != 0) {
        if (logSlowDelivery) {
            if (me.mSlowDeliveryDetected) {
                if ((dispatchStart - msg.when) <= 10) {
                    Slog.w(TAG, "Drained");
                    me.mSlowDeliveryDetected = false;
            } else {
                if (showSlowLog(slowDeliveryThresholdMs, msg.when, dispatchStart, "delivery",
                        msg)) {
                    // Once we write a slow delivery log, suppress until the queue drains.
                    me.mSlowDeliveryDetected = true;
        if (logSlowDispatch) {
            showSlowLog(slowDispatchThresholdMs, dispatchStart, dispatchEnd, "dispatch", msg);

        if (logging != null) {
            logging.println("<<<<< Finished to " + + " " + msg.callback);

        // Make sure that during the course of dispatching the
        // identity of the thread wasn't corrupted.
        final long newIdent = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
        if (ident != newIdent) {
  , "Thread identity changed from 0x"
                    + Long.toHexString(ident) + " to 0x"
                    + Long.toHexString(newIdent) + " while dispatching to "
                    + + " "
                    + msg.callback + " what=" + msg.what);


        return true;


  • next() 处返回一个合适的 message
  • 通过 调用 handler 中的回调

至此,整个 Looper 流程就走完了。



我叫阿豪,2015 年本科毕业于国防科学技术大学指挥信息系统专业,毕业后从事信息化装备的研发工作,主要研究方向是 Android Framework 与 Linux Kernel。

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