
java 复制代码
@ApiOperation("8-15 交接班-标签设置排序")
            @ApiImplicitParam(name = "id", value = "id", dataType = "string", required = true),
            @ApiImplicitParam(name = "orgnCode", value = "机构代码", dataType = "string", required = true),
            @ApiImplicitParam(name = "sortId", value = "排序id", dataType = "string", required = true),
            @ApiImplicitParam(name = "sectionCode", value = "科室代码", dataType = "string", required = true),
            @ApiImplicitParam(name = "button", value = "上移(up)、下移(down)、置顶(top)、置底(bottom)", dataType = "string", required = true),
    public ResponseEntity<Object> sortOperate(@RequestParam("id") String id,
                                              @RequestParam("orgnCode") String orgnCode,
                                              @RequestParam("sortId") String sortId,
                                              @RequestParam("sectionCode") String sectionCode,
                                              @RequestParam("button") String button) {
        return shiftService.sortOperate(id, orgnCode, sortId, sectionCode, button);
java 复制代码
ResponseEntity<Object> sortOperate(String id, String orgnCode, String sortId, String sectionCode, String button);
java 复制代码
    public ResponseEntity<Object> sortOperate(String id, String orgnCode, String sortId, String sectionCode, String button) {
        ResponseMessage<Object> responseMessage = new ResponseMessage();
        if (button != null && button.equals("up")) {
            HashMap<String, String> sortMap = nursingHandoverMapper.infoBySortUp(orgnCode, sectionCode, sortId);
            if (sortMap != null && !sortMap.isEmpty()) {
                String upId = sortMap.get("id");
                String upSortId = sortMap.get("sortId");
                if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(upId) && StringUtil.isNotEmpty(upSortId)) {
                    nursingHandoverMapper.updateBySort(upId, sortId);
                    nursingHandoverMapper.updateBySort(id, upSortId);
        } else if (button != null && button.equals("down")) {
            HashMap<String, String> sortMap = nursingHandoverMapper.infoBySortDown(orgnCode, sectionCode, sortId);
            if (sortMap != null && !sortMap.isEmpty()) {
                String downId = sortMap.get("id");
                String downSortId = sortMap.get("sortId");
                if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(downId) && StringUtil.isNotEmpty(downSortId)) {
                    nursingHandoverMapper.updateBySort(downId, sortId);
                    nursingHandoverMapper.updateBySort(id, downSortId);
        } else if (button != null && button.equals("top")) {
            HashMap<String, String> sortMap = nursingHandoverMapper.infoBySortTop(orgnCode, sectionCode);
            if (sortMap != null && !sortMap.isEmpty()) {
                String topId = sortMap.get("id");
                String topSortId = sortMap.get("sortId");
                if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(topId) && StringUtil.isNotEmpty(topSortId)) {
                    nursingHandoverMapper.updateBySort(topId, sortId);
                    nursingHandoverMapper.updateBySort(id, topSortId);
        } else if (button != null && button.equals("bottom")) {
            HashMap<String, String> sortMap = nursingHandoverMapper.infoBySortTop(orgnCode, sectionCode);
            if (sortMap != null && !sortMap.isEmpty()) {
                String bottomId = sortMap.get("id");
                String bottomSortId = sortMap.get("sortId");
                if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(bottomId) && StringUtil.isNotEmpty(bottomSortId)) {
                    nursingHandoverMapper.updateBySort(bottomId, sortId);
                    nursingHandoverMapper.updateBySort(id, bottomSortId);
        return new ResponseEntity<>(responseMessage, HttpStatus.OK);
java 复制代码
HashMap<String, String> infoBySortUp(@Param("orgnCode") String orgnCode, @Param("sectionCode") String sectionCode, @Param("sortId") String sortId);

<select id="infoBySortUp" resultType="java.util.HashMap">
        SELECT top 1 ID id, SORT_ID sortId
        from NEMR_SET_SHIFT
        WHERE ORGN_CODE = #{orgnCode}
          AND SECTION_CODE = #{sectionCode}
          AND SORT_ID &lt; #{sortId}
java 复制代码
HashMap<String, String> infoBySortDown(@Param("orgnCode") String orgnCode, @Param("sectionCode") String sectionCode, @Param("sortId") String sortId);

<select id="infoBySortDown" resultType="java.util.HashMap">
        SELECT top 1 ID id, SORT_ID sortId
        from NEMR_SET_SHIFT
        WHERE ORGN_CODE = #{orgnCode}
          AND SECTION_CODE = #{sectionCode}
          AND SORT_ID &gt; #{sortId}
        ORDER BY SORT_ID asc
java 复制代码
HashMap<String, String> infoBySortTop(@Param("orgnCode") String orgnCode, @Param("sectionCode") String sectionCode);

<select id="infoBySortTop" resultType="java.util.HashMap">
        SELECT top 1 ID id, SORT_ID sortId
        FROM NEMR_SET_SHIFT(nolock)
        WHERE ORGN_CODE = #{orgnCode}
          AND SECTION_CODE = #{sectionCode}
        order by SORT_ID asc
java 复制代码
HashMap<String, String> infoBySortTop(@Param("orgnCode") String orgnCode, @Param("sectionCode") String sectionCode);

<select id="infoBySortTop" resultType="java.util.HashMap">
        SELECT top 1 ID id, SORT_ID sortId
        FROM NEMR_SET_SHIFT(nolock)
        WHERE ORGN_CODE = #{orgnCode}
          AND SECTION_CODE = #{sectionCode}
        order by SORT_ID asc
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