
1- Class Templates

Review: Function Templates

  • A function template is not a type, to a function, or any other entity
  • No code is generated from a source file that contains only template definitions
  • The template arguments must be determined, then the compiler can generate an actual function
  • "Function Template" vs "Template Function"
cpp 复制代码
template<typename T>
T sum(T x, T y)
  cout << "The input type is " << typeid(T).name() << endl;
  return x + y;

// instantiates sum<double>(double, double)
template double sum<double> (double, double);
// instantiates sum<char> (char, char), template argument deduced
template char sum<> (char, char);
// instantiates sum<int>(int, int), template argument deduced
template int sum(int, int);


  • Implicit instantiation occurs when a function template is not explicitly instantiated
cpp 复制代码
template<typename T>
T sum(T x, T y)
  cout << "The input type is " << typeid(T).name() << endl;
  return x + y;

// Implicitlyy instantiates product<int>(int, int)
cout << "product = " << product<int>(2.2f, 3.0f) << endl;
// Implicitly instantiates product<float>(float, float)
cout << "product = " << product(2.2f, 3.0f) << endl;

Different Classes for Different Type Matrices

  • Matrix with int elements, Matrix with float elements


cpp 复制代码
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Class IntMat
class IntMat
    size_t rows;
    size_t cols;
    int * data;
    IntMat(size_t rows, size_t cols): 
                    rows(rows), cols(cols)
        data = new int[rows * cols]{};
        delete [] data;
    IntMat(const IntMat&) = delete;
    IntMat& operator=(const IntMat&) = delete;
    int getElement(size_t r, size_t c);
    bool setElement(size_t r, size_t c, int value);
int IntMat::getElement(size_t r, size_t c)
    if ( r >= this->rows || c >= this->cols)
        cerr << "Indices are out of range" << endl;
        return 0;
    return data[ this->cols * r + c];
bool IntMat::setElement(size_t r, size_t c, int value)
    if ( r >= this->rows || c >= this->cols)
        return false;

    data[ this->cols * r + c] = value;
    return true;

// Class FloatMat
class FloatMat
    size_t rows;
    size_t cols;
    float * data;
    FloatMat(size_t rows, size_t cols): 
                    rows(rows), cols(cols)
        data = new float[rows * cols]{};
        delete [] data;
    FloatMat(const FloatMat&) = delete;
    FloatMat& operator=(const FloatMat&) = delete;
    float getElement(size_t r, size_t c);
    bool setElement(size_t r, size_t c, float value);
float FloatMat::getElement(size_t r, size_t c)
    if ( r >= this->rows || c >= this->cols)
        cerr << "getElement(): Indices are out of range" << endl;
        return 0.f;
    return data[ this->cols * r + c];
bool FloatMat::setElement(size_t r, size_t c, float value)
    if ( r >= this->rows || c >= this->cols)
        cerr << "setElement(): Indices are out of range" << endl;
        return false;
    data[ this->cols * r + c] = value;
    return true;

int main()
    IntMat imat(3,4);
    imat.setElement(1, 2, 256);
    FloatMat fmat(2,3);
    fmat.setElement(1, 2, 3.14159f);

    // FloatMat fmat2(fmat); //error

    // FloatMat fmat3(2,3); 
    // fmat3 = fmat; //error

    cout << imat.getElement(1,2) << endl;
    cout << fmat.getElement(1,2) << endl;
    return 0;
bash 复制代码

Class Templates

  • A class template defines a family of classes

mat template.cpp

cpp 复制代码
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Class Template
template<typename T>
class Mat
    size_t rows;
    size_t cols;
    T * data;
    Mat(size_t rows, size_t cols): rows(rows), cols(cols)
        data = new T[rows * cols]{};
        delete [] data;
    Mat(const Mat&) = delete;
    Mat& operator=(const Mat&) = delete;
    T getElement(size_t r, size_t c);
    bool setElement(size_t r, size_t c, T value);
template <typename T>
T Mat<T>::getElement(size_t r, size_t c)
    if ( r >= this->rows || c >= this->cols)
        cerr << "getElement(): Indices are out of range" << endl;
        return 0;
    return data[ this->cols * r + c];
template <typename T>
bool Mat<T>::setElement(size_t r, size_t c, T value)
    if ( r >= this->rows || c >= this->cols)
        cerr << "setElement(): Indices are out of range" << endl;
        return false;

    data[ this->cols * r + c] = value;
    return true;

template class Mat<int>; // Explicitly instantiate template Mat<int>
//template Mat<float> and Mat<double> will be instantiate implicitly
int main()
    Mat<int> imat(3,4);
    imat.setElement(1, 2, 256);
    Mat<float> fmat(2,3);
    fmat.setElement(1, 2, 3.14159f);
    Mat<double> dmat(2,3);
    dmat.setElement(1, 2, 2.718281828);

    // Mat<float> fmat2(fmat); //error

    // Mat<float> fmat3(2,3);
    // fmat3 = fmat; //error

    cout << imat.getElement(1,2) << endl;
    cout << fmat.getElement(1,2) << endl;
    cout << dmat.getElement(1,2) << endl;
    return 0;
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2- Template Non-Type Parameters

Non-Type Parameters

  • To declare a template
cpp 复制代码
template <parameter-list> declareation
  • The parameters can be

(1) type tamplate parameters

(2) template template parameters

(3) non-type template parameters

integral types, floating-point type, pointer types, Value reference types

cpp 复制代码
vector<int> vec1;
vector<int, 16> vec2;
  • If we want to create a static matrix(no dynamic memory allocation inside)
cpp 复制代码
// Class Template
template<typename T, size_t rows, size_t cols>
class Mat
    T data[rows][cols];
    T getElement(size_t r, size_t c);
    bool setElement(size_t r, size_t c, T value);
cpp 复制代码
Mat<int> vec1(3, 3);
Mat<int, 3, 3> vec2;


cpp 复制代码
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Class Template
template<typename T, size_t rows, size_t cols>
class Mat
    T data[rows][cols];
     the default copy constructor will copy each element of a static array member
     so we do not 'delete' the copy constructor
     the same with the assignment operator
    // Mat(const Mat&) = delete;
    // Mat& operator=(const Mat&) = delete;
    T getElement(size_t r, size_t c);
    bool setElement(size_t r, size_t c, T value);
template<typename T, size_t rows, size_t cols>
T Mat<T, rows, cols>::getElement(size_t r, size_t c)
    if ( r >= rows || c >= cols)
        cerr << "getElement(): indices are out of range" << endl;
        return 0;
    return data[r][c];
template<typename T, size_t rows, size_t cols>
bool Mat<T, rows, cols>::setElement(size_t r, size_t c, T value)
    if ( r >= rows || c >= cols)
        cerr << "setElement(): Indices are out of range" << endl;
        return false;

    data[r][c] = value;
    return true;

template class Mat<int, 2, 2>; // Explicitly instantiate template Mat<int, 2, 2>
typedef Mat<int, 2, 2> Mat22i;

//template Mat<float, 3, 1> will be instantiate implicitly

int main()
    Mat22i mat;

    mat.setElement(2, 3, 256);
    cout << mat.getElement(2, 3) << endl;

    mat.setElement(1, 1, 256);
    cout << mat.getElement(1, 1) << endl;

    Mat<float, 3, 1> vec;
    vec.setElement(2, 0, 3.14159f);
    cout << vec.getElement(2, 0) << endl;

    Mat<float, 3, 1> vec2(vec);
    cout << vec2.getElement(2, 0) << endl;

    // vec2 = mat; //error

    return 0;
bash 复制代码
setElement(): Indices are out of range
getElement(): indices are out of range

Template in OpenCV

  • 模版的继承


3- Class Template Specialization

Class template specialization

  • The class template can be for most types
  • But we want to save memory for type bool (1 byte or 1bit)
cpp 复制代码
template<typename T>
class MyVector
    size_t length;
    T * data;
    MyVector(size_t length): length(length)
        data = new T[length]{};
        delete [] data;
    MyVector(const MyVector&) = delete;
    MyVector& operator=(const MyVector&) = delete;
    T getElement(size_t index);
    bool setElement(size_t index, T value);
  • Specialize MyVector for bool
cpp 复制代码
class MyVector<bool>
    size_t length;
    unsigned char * data;
    MyVector(size_t length): length(length)
        int num_bytes =  (length - 1) / 8 + 1;
        data = new unsigned char[num_bytes]{};
        delete [] data;
    MyVector(const MyVector&) = delete;
    MyVector& operator=(const MyVector&) = delete;
    bool getElement(size_t index);
    bool setElement(size_t index, bool value);



cpp 复制代码
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Class Template
template<typename T>
class MyVector
    size_t length;
    T * data;
    MyVector(size_t length): length(length)
        data = new T[length]{};
        delete [] data;
    MyVector(const MyVector&) = delete;
    MyVector& operator=(const MyVector&) = delete;
    T getElement(size_t index);
    bool setElement(size_t index, T value);
template <typename T>
T MyVector<T>::getElement(size_t index)
    if (index >= this->length)
        cerr << "getElement(): Indices are out of range" << endl;
        return 0;
    return data[index];
template <typename T>
bool MyVector<T>::setElement(size_t index, T value)
    if (index >= this->length)
        cerr << "setElement(): Indices are out of range" << endl;
        return false;

    data[ index ] = value;
    return true;

template class MyVector<int>; // Explicitly instantiate template Mat<int>

// class specialization
class MyVector<bool>
    size_t length;
    unsigned char * data;
    MyVector(size_t length): length(length)
        int num_bytes =  (length - 1) / 8 + 1;
        data = new unsigned char[num_bytes]{};
        delete [] data;
    MyVector(const MyVector&) = delete;
    MyVector& operator=(const MyVector&) = delete;
    bool getElement(size_t index);
    bool setElement(size_t index, bool value);
bool MyVector<bool>::getElement(size_t index)
    if (index >= this->length)
        cerr << "getElement(): Indices are out of range" << endl;
        return 0;
    size_t byte_id = index / 8;
    size_t bit_id = index % 8;
    unsigned char mask = (1 << bit_id);
    return bool(data[byte_id] & mask) ;
bool MyVector<bool>::setElement(size_t index, bool value)
    if (index >= this->length)
        cerr << "setElement(): Indices are out of range" << endl;
        return false;

    size_t byte_id = index / 8;
    size_t bit_id = index % 8;
    unsigned char mask = (1 << bit_id);

    if (value)
        data[byte_id] |= mask; 
        data[byte_id] &= ~mask;

    return true;

int main()
    MyVector<int> vec(16);
    vec.setElement(3, 256);
    cout << vec.getElement(3) << endl;
    MyVector<bool> boolvec(17);
    boolvec.setElement(15, false);
    boolvec.setElement(16, true);

    cout << boolvec.getElement(15) << endl;
    cout << boolvec.getElement(16) << endl;
    return 0;
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4-std Class


  • Store and manipulate sequences of char-like objects


  • a container that encapsulates fixed size arrays
cpp 复制代码
  class T,
  std::size_t N
>struct array;
std::array<int, 3>a2 = {1,2,3};  

Some other templates

  • vector
cpp 复制代码
  class T,
  class Allocator = std::allocator<T>
>class vector;
  • list
cpp 复制代码
  class T,
  class Allocator = std::allocator<T>
>class list;
  • set
cpp 复制代码
  class Key,
  class Compare = std::less<Key>,
  class Allocator = std::allocator<Key>
>class set
  • map
cpp 复制代码
  class Key,
  class T,
  class Compare = std::less<Key>,
  class Allocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const Key, T>>
>>class map;
  • stack
cpp 复制代码
  class T,
  class Container = std::deque<T>
>class stack;
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