一 k-eage基本概念
1 k-edge概念
K-edge称为K边, 其物理意义是高原子序数物质原子内部K层自由电子, 易与特定能量下X射线光子发生光电吸收作用, 导致对该能量的X射线光子吸收特别大。 而K-edge特性表现为X射线与物质发生相互作用时, 其衰减系数随着能量的增加而逐渐减小, 但在特定能量下X射线衰减系数会陡然增加。 不同材料其原子结构不同, 相应的K-edge特性表现也不同。 因此, 利用X射线能谱信息可以分析材料K-edge特性, 有助于判别被检物体的物理性质。
常规X-CT(X-ray computed tomography)系统, 其探测器采用的是X射线能量积分探测方式, 反映的是X射线平均衰减特性, 很难识别材料K-edge特性。 双能CT系统, 其探测器依然采用能量积分探测方式, 无法区分不同能量的X射线光子, 所提供的X射线能谱信息十分有限。
2 光谱的形成:轫致辐射,特征谱线之间的关系
3 X射线与物质的相互作用
4 K-edge和特征谱线之间的联系
"K-edge" 和 "特征X射线" 是与X射线相互作用以及X射线吸收光谱中的两个相关概念。它们在X射线光谱学中起到关键作用,但表示的是不同的现象。
K-edge(K边缘) 是X射线吸收光谱中的一个特定能量点。这个点与原子核的K壳层(内壳层)电子有关。当入射X射线的能量等于或略高于K壳层电子的束缚能量时,会发生K-edge吸收。
特征X射线 是X射线光谱中由电子跃迁产生的X射线线条。这些线条与原子的外壳层电子的能级有关。
K-edge 和特征X射线之间的联系在于它们都涉及X射线与原子相互作用的过程。具体来说:
K-edge 是X射线吸收光谱中的一个特定点,表示K壳层电子的能量。在K-edge附近,特征X射线Kα和Kβ线会出现,这些线条与K壳层电子的跃迁相关。
5 逃逸粒子
6 相关理解文献
J. M. Boone, in Handbook of Medical Imaging: Physics and Psychophysics, edited by J. Beutel, H. L. Kundel and R. L. Van Metter (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2000), Vol. 1, pp. 67--77.
二 积分探测器的结构及工作原理
Scintillator 是一个更广泛的术语,用于指代将辐射能量转化为可见光或其他电子激发的材料,而 GOS 是 Scintillator 中的一个具体种类,用于特定的X射线成像应用。 GOS 是 Scintillator 的一个子集。
(1)inoization detector(gaps inoization chamber)
(2)scintillator detector闪烁体探测器
x射线进入闪烁体,会和闪烁体发生反应,产生visible photons。photodiode将可见光转换成电信号
optical photons:
CT扫描过程中,X射线管产生X射线束,这些X射线通过患者的身体组织,并根据组织的密度和吸收特性而被部分吸收。当X射线与物质相互作用时,会产生散射和吸收,其中一部分能量以光子的形式被吸收。这些吸收的光子通常被称为 "optical photons",它们可以被CT检测器捕获并用于生成影像。
CT检测器测量和记录这些被吸收的光子,然后计算和重建成像,以呈现身体内部的详细结构。光子在CT扫描中的吸收和检测是生成CT图像的关键部分。因此,"optical photons" 在这个背景下指的是与CT扫描成像过程中的光子有关的光子。
photoelectron 光电子
scintillator 闪烁体
photocathode 光电阴极
photomultiplier 光电倍增管
photodiode 光电二极管
scintillator detector材料可以是气体,液体或者是固体
scintillator 里检测到的可见光不是光电效应产生的光电子,光电子其能量通常较高,而且位于紫外光谱或更高频段,因此它们不是可见光。
Scintillator 是一种用于将高能射线(如X射线或γ射线)能量转化为可见光的材料。当高能射线穿过 scintillator 时,它与 scintillator 中的原子或分子相互作用,导致电子激发并获得额外的能量。这些激发的电子会在 scintillator 中经历能级跃迁,释放出能量以形成可见光光子。这些可见光光子是 scintillator 内部能量转换的产物,它们的能量通常位于可见光谱范围内,因此可以被肉眼或光电探测器看到
scintillator material s absorb incident gamma radiation by one of there machaninsms. As the kinetic energy of the reaction electrons is deposited in the material,it raises the material electrons to escited states. during the subsequent de-excitation, the scitillator usually emits a photo in the visible light. The light emitted form the scintillator is guided to a photomultiplier tube, where it interacts with a photocathode, releasing electrons.
d https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scintillation_counter
e文献 Basic principles and clinical potential of photon‑counting detector CT
All medical CT systems today are equipped with solid-state scintillation detectors. In a two-step detection process, the absorbed X-rays are frst converted into visible light in the scintillation crystal [e.g., gadolinium oxide or gadolinium oxysulfde (GOS)]. The light is then converted into an electricalcurrent by a photodiode attached to the backside of each detector cell, see Fig. 1. The intensity of the scintillation light is proportional to the energy E of the absorbed X-ray photon, and so is the amplitude of the current pulse induced in the photodiode. All current pulses produced during the time of one reading (projection) are integrated and read-out as the detector signal of the projection. Solid-state detectors do not provide energy-resolved signals. Because of their detection principle, they are also called "energyintegrating detectors". X-ray photons with lower energy E contribute less to the detector signal than X-ray photons with higher energy, because they produce less scintillation light. This energy weighting degrades the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) in the CT images, because the lower energy X-ray photons carry most of the low contrast information. Most of the iodine signal in contrast-enhanced CT scans is generated by absorption of X-ray photons directly above the K-edge of iodine at 33 keV. These low-energy photons are downweighted in the detector signal, and the iodine contrast in the image is reduced.The low-level analog electric signal of the photodiodes is susceptible to electronic noise which sets an ultimate limit to potential further radiation dose reduction. Optically intransparent separation layers must be introduced between the individual detector cells to prevent optical crosstalk. They have a width of about 0.1 mm and reduce the geometric dose efciency of the detector: X-ray photons absorbed in the separation layers do not contribute to the measured signal, even though they have passed through the patient---from a radiation dose perspective, they are wasted dose. Today's CT detectors have detector cells with a size of about 1 × 1 mm2 and a geometric dose efciency of about 80--90%. Quartering the size of a detector element to about 0.5 × 0.5 mm2 to double the spatial resolution will reduce the geometric efciency if the width of the separation layers is kept constant---therefore,it is at least problematic to signifcantly increase the spatial resolution of solid-state scintillation detectors beyond today's performance levels.
fluorescence 荧光
探测器信号和pluse height 理想情况下是线性关系,但是事实上,可能会先上升后下降,这种情况下,一个y值就可能对应两个x值。
charge shareing:一个电信号,可能会被多个探测器检测到
Photon-counting detectors are made of semiconductors such as cadmium telluride (CdTe) or cadmium zinc telluride (CZT). In a direct conversion process, the absorbed X-rays create electron--hole pairs in the semiconductor. The charges are separated in a strong electric feld between cathode(阴极) on top and pixelated anode electrodes at the bottom of the detector, see Fig. 2. The electrons drift to the anodes and induce short current pulses which last a few nanoseconds (10−9 s). In a pulse-shaping circuit, the current pulses are transformed into voltage pulses with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 10--15 ns; the amount of charge in the current pulses is translated into the pulse height of the voltage pulses. The pulse height is, therefore, proportional to the energy E of the absorbed X-ray photons. The pulses are then individually counted as soon as they exceed a threshold, see Fig. 3.
Compared to solid-state scintillation detectors, photoncounting detectors have several advantages. The individual detector cells are defned by the strong electric feld between common cathode and pixelated anodes (Fig. 2), and there is no need for additional separation layers. The geometrical dose efciency is, therefore, better than that of scintillation detectors and only reduced by the unavoidable anti-scatter collimator blades or grids. Furthermore, each "macro" detector pixel confned by collimator blades may be divided into smaller detector sub-pixels which are read-out separately to signifcantly increase spatial resolution (see Fig. 2b).
三 k-escape
俄歇效应(Auger effect)和光电效应的关系
When a K-shell vacancy is filled by an electron coming from the outer shells, a K X-ray or an Auger electron is emitted。
1 Evaluation of K X-Ray Escape and Crosstalk in CdTe Detectors and Multi-Channel Detectors
(▲CdTe E-escape ohtsuchi1995 Evaluation of K X-Ray Escape and Crosstalk in CdTe Detectors and Multi-Channel Detectors)