
🚀Solar energy takes off your coat faster than wind - a kind and friendly way is easier to change someone's mind than any violence


🚀 太阳能比风更快地脱下你的大衣------仁厚、友善的方式比任何暴力更容易改变别人的心意 ------美国成功学大师 戴尔-卡耐基

The Law of the South Wind: Warmth is better than harsh(/hɑːrʃ/) treatment


  • ⭐️ The south wind makes people feel spring breeze(/briːz/ 微风) brushing(/ˈbrʌʃɪŋ/ 拂) their faces, while the north wind makes people feel cold and cruel(/ˈkruːəl/ 残忍的). However, cruelty is often not more effective than warmth.

  • ❤️ 南风让人觉得春风拂面,北风让人觉得寒冷残酷,然而残酷很多时候并不比温暖更有效。

  • ⭐️ I believe many people have read a French fable(/ˈfeɪbl/ 寓言): the south wind and the north wind make a bet to prove who is stronger, to see who can make a pedestrian(/pəˈdestriən/ 行人) take off their coat.

  • ❤️ 相信很多人看过一则法国寓言:南风和北风为了证明谁更强大,就打了一个赌,看谁能让一个行人脱掉身上的大衣。

  • ⭐️ North wind took the lead and launched(/lɔːntʃt/ 开始从事) a powerful attack on this person. Who knew that the colder the weather, the tighter(/ˈtaɪtər/ 紧紧地) the people wrapped(/ræpt/ 高兴地;裹) their coats around them, and north wind had to end in failure.

  • ❤️ 北风率先发威,对这个人展开了强大的攻势,谁知道天气越冷行人将身上的大衣裹得越紧,北风不得不以失败告终。

  • ⭐️ The south wind, on the other hand, used a gentle breeze to make pedestrians feel warm and sunny, and soon felt as warm as spring. They unbuttoned their buttons and took off their coats.

  • ❤️ 而南风却用徐徐吹动的微风,让行人觉得风和日丽,不一会儿就觉得温暖如春,便解开了纽扣,脱掉了大衣。

  • ⭐️ This story tells us that warmth is more effective than harsh treatment, which is the origin of the South Wind Law.

  • ❤️ 这个故事告诉我们,温情扑面比严酷待人更加有效,这是南风法则的起源。

  • ⭐️ The South Wind Law is not difficult to understand, and such examples are everywhere in life.

  • ❤️ 南风法则理解起来并不困难,在生活中这样的例子比比皆是。

  • ⭐️ The mischievous(/ˈmɪstʃɪvəs/ 调皮的) child made a mistake, and the angry parents were overwhelmed(/ˌoʊvərˈwelmd/ 压到) with anger. Without saying a word, they resorted(/rɪˈzɔːrtɪd/ 求助;采取某种手段) to using bamboo weaving to apply family rules, without any serious persuasion(/pərˈsweɪʒn/ 说服) or guidance afterwards(ˈæftərwərdz/ 之后). Is this educational approach(/əˈproʊtʃ/ 方式) beneficial for the child's growth?

  • ❤️ 淘气的小孩犯了错误,暴怒的家长被气昏了头,二话不说就操起竹编施以家法,事后并没有语重心长的劝解和疏导,这样的教育方式对孩子的成长有益吗?

  • ⭐️ Children are still young, and their worldviews and values are in the process of forming(/ˈfɔːrmɪŋ/形成). A beating(/ˈbiːtɪŋ/ 揍) may help them understand their mistakes, but it cannot fundamentally(/ˌfʌndəˈmentəli/ 从根本上说) help them find the root cause of their mistakes.

  • ❤️ 孩子还小,世界观和价值观正在形成阶段,用一顿暴打或许能让他们明白自己犯了错,却不能让他们从根本上找到犯错的原因。

  • ⭐️ The behavior of 'filial(/ˈfɪliəl/ 子女的) piety(/ˈpaɪəti/ 虔诚) emerges(/iˈmɜːrdʒɪz/ 出现) under the stick(/stɪk/ 棍棒;粘贴)' is incorrect(/ˌɪnkəˈrekt/ 不正确的).

  • ❤️ "棍棒底下出孝子" 的行为方式是不正确的。

  • ⭐️ Being warm to others does not mean indulgence(/ɪnˈdʌldʒəns/ 放纵), but rather establishing a positive work atmosphere and good interpersonal(/ˌɪntərˈpɜːrsənl/ 人际关系的) relationships through kindness and care.

  • ❤️ 温情待人并不意味着放任和纵容,而是通过友善和关怀来建立积极的工作氛围和良好的人际关系。

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