BT bluedroid connection_HFP 连接

基于Android P版本分析




  • 通话音频 - HFP;
  • 媒体音频 - A2DP + AVRCP;
  • 共享联系人 - PBAP;





在L2CAP链路信道的基础上建立RFCOMM Session(即对等双方RFCOMM层之间的一个链接),并向上层应用提供模拟串口,使得以前遗留下来的基于串口通信的应用程序,能很容易的应用到蓝牙协议之上,保证蓝牙技术与现有技术的融合,以及各种应用之间的互通性。RFCOMM协议层命令的执行和数据的发送都是通过各种帧来完成的;

HFP connect



  • 我们在车机端连接HFP时,会从上层将需要与车机设备进行HFP连接的Remote设备发送到底层,在协议栈中,存在一个连接设备的队列,用于保存将要进行hfp连接的蓝牙设备;
  • 需要连接的蓝牙设备保存到connect_queue队列中后,紧接着就是调用了btif_queue_connect_next函数用于处理connect_queue,从队列中获取到对应的Profile并执行对应的connect操作;
  • 在对应的Profile的connect操作中,通过SDP进行了服务搜索,同时在SDP服务搜索过程中,确认L2CAP协议连接是否建立,因为在bluedroid中,很多的上层协议都会向L2CAP注册相关服务,例如rfcomm、sdp、gatt等。都是通过L2CA_ConnectReq的方法发送请求;


  • 搜索执行完毕之后,在bta_hf_client_sdp_cback函数中发送了BTA_HF_CLIENT_DISC_INT_RES_EVT事件,通过映射关系分析,对应的处理函数为bta_hf_client_disc_int_res函数;
  • 在bta_hf_client_disc_int_res函数中,将服务搜索成功的信息保存到一个tBTA_HF_CLIENT_DATA*类型的变量中,然后发送BTA_HF_CLIENT_DISC_OK_EVT事件;
  • BTA_HF_CLIENT_DISC_OK_EVT事件对应的处理函数为bta_hf_client_rfc_do_open函数,在该函数中,调用了RFCOMM_CreateConnection函数,用于连接RFCOMM连接,同时绑定对应的Complete_cb = bta_hf_client_mgmt_cback;
  • RFCOMM_CreateConnection函数中,首先先进行dlci设置、信号状态设置等操作,然后调用port_open_continue函数;
  • 继续往下会调用RFCOMM_StartReq函数,进行连接,通过发送RFC_MX_EVENT_START_REQ事件,通过与rfcomm协议的状态机判断可知该事件对应的处理函数为rfc_mx_sm_state_idle函数;
  • rfc_mx_sm_state_idle函数响应RFC_MX_EVENT_START_REQ事件,同样是通过L2CA_ConnectReq的方法发送Start RFCOMM请求;

RFC Response

我们知道,RFCOMM Complete的回调函数为bta_hf_client_mgmt_cback,在该函数中发送了BTA_HF_CLIENT_RFC_OPEN_EVT事件,而改事件对应两个函数,逻辑如下:

  • bta_hf_client_rfc_open

    • bta_sys_conn_open:用于向上层上报rfc的连接状态信息,通过HAL_CBACK的形式上报;
    • bta_hf_client_slc_seq:Service Level Connection服务级连接过程,在该过程中,主要用于根据一些条件发送执行的AT指令,然后等待AT指令响应;
  • bta_hf_client_sco_listen:主要是用于建立SCO链路连接;

AT Response



HFP 协议包分析

我们在分析蓝牙数据包的时候,发现在开始SDP服务搜索逻辑之前,首先先发送了Create Connection的HCI_COMMAND指令,该Command涉及的就是ACL链路连接;


HCI 协议分析


Create Connection
yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Command - Create Connection
    Command Opcode: Create Connection (0x0405)
        0000 01.. .... .... = Opcode Group Field: Link Control Commands (0x01)
        .... ..00 0000 0101 = Opcode Command Field: Create Connection (0x005)
    Parameter Total Length: 13
    BD_ADDR: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)
    Packet Type: 0xcc18, DH5, DM5, DH3, DM3, DH1, DM1
        1... .... .... .... = DH5: True
        .1.. .... .... .... = DM5: True
        ..0. .... .... .... = 3-DH5: False
        ...0 .... .... .... = 2-DH5: False
        .... 1... .... .... = DH3: True
        .... .1.. .... .... = DM3: True
        .... ..0. .... .... = 3-DH3: False
        .... ...0 .... .... = 2-DH3: False
        .... .... 000. .... = Reserved: 0x0
        .... .... ...1 .... = DH1: True
        .... .... .... 1... = DM1: True
        .... .... .... .0.. = 3-DH1: False
        .... .... .... ..0. = 2-DH1: False
        .... .... .... ...0 = Reserved: False
    Page Scan Repetition Mode: R1 (0x01)
    Page Scan Mode: Mandatory Page Scan Mode (0x00)
    .011 0011 0101 1011 = Clock Offset: 0x335b (16433.8 msec)
    1... .... .... .... = Clock_Offset_Valid_Flag: true (1)
    Allow Role Switch: Local device may be master, or may become slave after accepting a master slave switch. (0x01)
    [Pending in frame: 820]
    [Command-Pending Delta: 5.655ms]
    [Response in frame: 821]
    [Command-Response Delta: 509.2ms]

该指令用于按照指定的Remote Device Address创建ACL链路;

  • Packet Type:包类型,列出了Remote Device支持的不同的数据包类型;
  • 接入码用于同步、直流、载频泄漏偏置补偿标识;
  • 分组头包含链路信息,确保纠正较多的错误。

返回对应执行发送完成的Response,Status = Pending;

yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Event - Connect Complete
    Event Code: Connect Complete (0x03)
    Parameter Total Length: 11
    Status: Success (0x00)
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    BD_ADDR: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)
    Link Type: ACL connection (Data Channels) (0x01)
    Encryption Mode: Encryption Disabled (0x00)
    [Command in frame: 819]
    [Pending in frame: 820]
    [Pending-Response Delta: 503.545ms]
    [Command-Response Delta: 509.2ms]

Controller响应Create Connection指令后向上层上报了Connect Complete事件;

  • Status:Success;
  • Connection Handle:0x0003,连接句柄,表示本地设备和远端设备之间的ACL连接;
  • BD_ADDR:HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd
  • Link Type:ACL connection (Data Channels)
  • Encryption Mode:加密禁用
Read Clock offset
yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Command - Read Clock offset
    Command Opcode: Read Clock offset (0x041f)
        0000 01.. .... .... = Opcode Group Field: Link Control Commands (0x01)
        .... ..00 0001 1111 = Opcode Command Field: Read Clock offset (0x01f)
    Parameter Total Length: 2
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    [Pending in frame: 824]
    [Command-Pending Delta: 1.051ms]
    [Response in frame: 838]
    [Command-Response Delta: 47.019ms]
  • Connection Handle:操作句柄,该句柄为ACL Connection Success时生成的Handle;

返回对应执行发送完成的Response,Status = Pending,意为等待状态,该状态代表了指令已经发送成功,但是Controller还未响应该指令的HCI_EVENT;

yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Event - Read Clock Offset Complete
    Event Code: Read Clock Offset Complete (0x1c)
    Parameter Total Length: 5
    Status: Success (0x00)
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    .011 0011 0101 1010 = Clock Offset: 0x335a (16432.5 ms)
    [Command in frame: 822]
    [Pending in frame: 824]
    [Pending-Response Delta: 45.968ms]
    [Command-Response Delta: 47.019ms]
  • Clock Offset:表示master和slave之间的clock的偏差,有了这个值可以加快master和slave之间page的时间;
Read Remote Version Information
yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Command - Read Remote Version Information
    Command Opcode: Read Remote Version Information (0x041d)
        0000 01.. .... .... = Opcode Group Field: Link Control Commands (0x01)
        .... ..00 0001 1101 = Opcode Command Field: Read Remote Version Information (0x01d)
    Parameter Total Length: 2
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    [Pending in frame: 826]
    [Command-Pending Delta: 0.817ms]
    [Response in frame: 839]
    [Command-Response Delta: 46.215ms]

该指令用于读取Remote Device 的 Controller的版本信息;

返回对应执行发送完成的Response,Status = Pending;

yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Event - Read Remote Version Information Complete
    Event Code: Read Remote Version Information Complete (0x0c)
    Parameter Total Length: 8
    Status: Success (0x00)
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    LMP Version: 5.1 (0x0a)
    Manufacturer Name: HiSilicon Technologies Col, Ltd. (0x010f)
    LMP Subversion: 33561
    [Command in frame: 825]
    [Pending in frame: 826]
    [Pending-Response Delta: 45.398ms]
    [Command-Response Delta: 46.215ms]
  • LMP Version:LMP版本号;
  • Manufacturer Nam = HiSilicon Technologies Col, Ltd:生产商名称,深圳市海思半导体有限公司;
  • LMP Subversion:用于识别不同的芯片组;

LMP(Link Manager Protocol):链路管理协议,通常被用来控制和协商两个设备之间的蓝牙连接操作,其中包括配置和控制逻辑传输、逻辑链路、物理链路;

LMP被用于两个LM(Link Manager)之前的交流。所有的LMP消息仅适用于发送和接收设备之间的物理链路、相关逻辑链路和逻辑传输;

yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Command - Write Link Policy Settings
    Command Opcode: Write Link Policy Settings (0x080d)
        0000 10.. .... .... = Opcode Group Field: Link Policy Commands (0x02)
        .... ..00 0000 1101 = Opcode Command Field: Write Link Policy Settings (0x00d)
    Parameter Total Length: 4
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    .... .... .... ...1 = Enable Master Slave Switch: true (1)
    .... .... .... ..1. = Enable Hold Mode: true (1)
    .... .... .... .1.. = Enable Sniff Mode: true (1)
    .... .... .... 0... = Enable Park Mode: false (0)
    [Response in frame: 830]
    [Command-Response Delta: 4.994ms]


该指令在发送了Authentication Requested指令之后执行的,无需等待Authentication指令的响应。而且在bluedroid enable的过程中,执行过 Write Default Link Policy Settings指令,用于向Controller写入默认的连接策略,这两个阶段的连接策略配置一致;

  • Enable Master Slave Switch:支持主设备/从设备开关;
  • Enable Hold Mode:保持模式;
  • Enable Sniff Mode:呼吸模式;
  • Enable Park Mode:休眠模式;

返回对应执行发送完成的Response,Status = Success;

yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Command - Write Link Supervision Timeout
    Command Opcode: Write Link Supervision Timeout (0x0c37)
        0000 11.. .... .... = Opcode Group Field: Host Controller & Baseband Commands (0x03)
        .... ..00 0011 0111 = Opcode Command Field: Write Link Supervision Timeout (0x037)
    Parameter Total Length: 4
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    Timeout: 8000 slots (5000 msec)
    [Response in frame: 834]
    [Command-Response Delta: 0.668ms]

改命令用于设置Link Supervision timeout(也就是Link lost时间)监控;

  • Timeout:8000 时隙,即5000 ms;

返回对应执行发送完成的Response,Status = Success;

Authentication Requested

该指令的操作是在Link Key Settings之前就发送了,但是响应Response却是在一段时间之后,不是立马响应;

yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Command - Authentication Requested
    Command Opcode: Authentication Requested (0x0411)
        0000 01.. .... .... = Opcode Group Field: Link Control Commands (0x01)
        .... ..00 0001 0001 = Opcode Command Field: Authentication Requested (0x011)
    Parameter Total Length: 2
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    [Pending in frame: 884]
    [Command-Pending Delta: 0.682ms]
    [Response in frame: 888]
    [Command-Response Delta: 84.693ms]


返回对应执行发送完成的Response,Status = Pending;

最后通过Authentication Complete事件返回Authentication Requested的结果,Status = Success,在Command和Event之间有一段响应时间,在该时间段内,Controller和Host还执行了一些操作;

yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Command - Link Key Request Reply
    Command Opcode: Link Key Request Reply (0x040b)
        0000 01.. .... .... = Opcode Group Field: Link Control Commands (0x01)
        .... ..00 0000 1011 = Opcode Command Field: Link Key Request Reply (0x00b)
    Parameter Total Length: 22
    BD_ADDR: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)
    Link Key: 6d35cb027a790e800b76e75250bfad34
    [Response in frame: 887]
    [Command-Response Delta: 1.087ms]

该命令用于对方请求linkkey的时候,而我们有此link key,我们回复link key,这个HCI_COMMAND区别于Link_Key_Request_Negative_Reply,这个命令是用于在没有可用的LinkKey的情况下使用的指令;

  • BD_ADDR:Remote Device Address;
  • Link Key = 6d35cb027a790e800b76e75250bfad34:已经存在的可用的LinkKey;

返回对应执行发送完成的Response,Status = Success;

IO Capability Request & User Confirmation Request Reply

我们知道,在首次进行连接的时候,是需要进行配对操作的,而该操作对应的HCI 执行就是Authentication Command,紧接着就是执行SSP,因为在双端的设备中,没有可用的LinkKey,所以在授权过程中,需要进行IO Capability Request请求,同时也需要进行User Confirmation Request Reply指令发送进行用户确认;

Read Remote Supported Features
yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Command - Read Remote Supported Features
    Command Opcode: Read Remote Supported Features (0x041b)
        0000 01.. .... .... = Opcode Group Field: Link Control Commands (0x01)
        .... ..00 0001 1011 = Opcode Command Field: Read Remote Supported Features (0x01b)
    Parameter Total Length: 2
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    [Pending in frame: 841]
    [Command-Pending Delta: 0.786ms]
    [Response in frame: 847]
    [Command-Response Delta: 38.489ms]


返回对应执行发送完成的Response,Status = Pending;

yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Event - Read Remote Supported Features
    Event Code: Read Remote Supported Features (0x0b)
    Parameter Total Length: 11
    Status: Success (0x00)
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    LMP Features
        .... ...1 = 3-slot packets: True
        .... ..1. = 5-slot packets: True
        .... .1.. = Encryption: True
        .... 1... = Slot Offset: True
        ...1 .... = Timing Accuracy: True
        ..1. .... = Role Switch: True
        .0.. .... = Hold Mode: False
        1... .... = Sniff Mode: True
        .... ...0 = Park Mode: False
        .... ..1. = Power Control Requests: True
        .... .1.. = Channel Quality Driven Data Rate: True
        .... 1... = SCO Link: True
        ...1 .... = HV2 packets: True
        ..1. .... = HV3 packets: True
        .1.. .... = u-law Log Synchronous Data: True
        1... .... = A-law Log Synchronous Data: True
        .... ...1 = CVSD Synchronous Data: True
        .... ..1. = Paging Parameter Negotiation: True
        .... .1.. = Power Control: True
        .... 1... = Transparent Synchronous Data: True
        .100 .... = Flow Control Lag: 4 (1024 bytes)
        0... .... = Broadband Encryption: False
        .... ...0 = Reserved: False
        .... ..1. = EDR ACL 2 Mbps Mode: True
        .... .1.. = EDR ACL 3 Mbps Mode: True
        .... 1... = Enhanced Inquiry Scan: True
        ...1 .... = Interlaced Inquiry Scan: True
        ..1. .... = Interlaced Page Scan: True
        .1.. .... = RSSI with Inquiry Results: True
        1... .... = EV3 Packets: True
        .... ...1 = EV4 Packets: True
        .... ..1. = EV5 Packets: True
        .... .0.. = Reserved: False
        .... 1... = AFH Capable Slave: True
        ...1 .... = AFH Classification Slave: True
        ..0. .... = BR/EDR Not Supported: False
        .1.. .... = LE Supported Controller: True
        1... .... = 3-slot EDR ACL packets: True
        .... ...1 = 5-slot EDR ACL packets: True
        .... ..1. = Sniff Subrating: True
        .... .1.. = Pause Encryption: True
        .... 1... = AFH Capable Master: True
        ...1 .... = AFH Classification Master: True
        ..1. .... = EDR eSCO 2 Mbps Mode: True
        .1.. .... = EDR eSCO 3 Mbps Mode: True
        1... .... = 3-slot EDR eSCO Packets: True
        .... ...1 = Extended Inquiry Response: True
        .... ..1. = Simultaneous LE and BR/EDR to Same Device Capable Controller: True
        .... .0.. = Reserved: False
        .... 1... = Secure Simple Pairing: True
        ...1 .... = Encapsulated PDU: True
        ..0. .... = Erroneous Data Reporting: False
        .1.. .... = Non-flushable Packet Boundary Flag: True
        0... .... = Reserved: False
        .... ...1 = Link Supervision Timeout Changed Event: True
        .... ..1. = Inquiry TX Power Level: True
        .... .1.. = Enhanced Power Control: True
        .000 0... = Reserved: False
        1... .... = Extended Features: True
    [Command in frame: 840]
    [Pending in frame: 841]
    [Pending-Response Delta: 37.703ms]
    [Command-Response Delta: 38.489ms]

该Event可以Remote Host Supported Features Notification event进行比较,当所出状态不同时,该阶段支持的LMP Feature不同;

Read Remote Extended Features
yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Command - Read Remote Extended Features
    Command Opcode: Read Remote Extended Features (0x041c)
        0000 01.. .... .... = Opcode Group Field: Link Control Commands (0x01)
        .... ..00 0001 1100 = Opcode Command Field: Read Remote Extended Features (0x01c)
    Parameter Total Length: 3
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    Page Number: 1
    [Pending in frame: 849]
    [Command-Pending Delta: 2.237ms]
    [Response in frame: 855]
    [Command-Response Delta: 26.101ms]


  • Page Number:如果是0x00表示获取一般的LMP features,跟Read Remote Supported Features Command功能是一样的,0x01-0xFF表示获取对应页的LMP extended features。当前读取的是第一页的内容;

返回对应执行发送完成的Response,Status = Pending;


Page 1
yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Event - Read Remote Extended Features Complete
    Event Code: Read Remote Extended Features Complete (0x23)
    Parameter Total Length: 13
    Status: Success (0x00)
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    Page Number: 1
    Max. Page Number: 2
    LMP Features
        .... ...1 = Secure Simple Pairing Host: True
        .... ..1. = LE Supported Host: True
        .... .1.. = Simultaneous LE and BR/EDR to Same Device Capable Host: True
        .... 1... = Secure Connections Host: True
        0000 .... = Reserved: 0x0
        Reserved: 00000000000000
    [Command in frame: 848]
    [Pending in frame: 849]
    [Pending-Response Delta: 23.864ms]
    [Command-Response Delta: 26.101ms]
Page 2

这个是对应Page Number = 2的Request 对应的Response;

yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Event - Read Remote Extended Features Complete
    Event Code: Read Remote Extended Features Complete (0x23)
    Parameter Total Length: 13
    Status: Success (0x00)
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    Page Number: 2
    Max. Page Number: 2
    LMP Features
        .... ...0 = Connectionless Slave Broadcast Master Operation: False
        .... ..0. = Connectionless Slave Broadcast Slave Operation: False
        .... .0.. = Synchronization Train: False
        .... 0... = Synchronization Scan: False
        ...1 .... = Inquiry Response Notification Event: True
        ..0. .... = Generalized Interlaced Scan: False
        .0.. .... = Coarse Clock Adjustment: False
        0... .... = Reserved: False
        .... ...1 = Secure Connections Controller: True
        .... ..1. = Ping: True
        .... .0.. = Reserved: False
        .... 0... = Train Nudging: False
        ...0 .... = Slot Availability Mask: False
        Reserved: 000000000000
    [Command in frame: 856]
    [Pending in frame: 859]
    [Pending-Response Delta: 31.575ms]
    [Command-Response Delta: 33.129ms]
Change Connection Packet Type
yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Command - Change Connection Packet Type
    Command Opcode: Change Connection Packet Type (0x040f)
        0000 01.. .... .... = Opcode Group Field: Link Control Commands (0x01)
        .... ..00 0000 1111 = Opcode Command Field: Change Connection Packet Type (0x00f)
    Parameter Total Length: 4
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    Packet Type: 0xcc18, DH5, DM5, DH3, DM3, DH1, DM1
        1... .... .... .... = DH5: True
        .1.. .... .... .... = DM5: True
        ..0. .... .... .... = 3-DH5: False
        ...0 .... .... .... = 2-DH5: False
        .... 1... .... .... = DH3: True
        .... .1.. .... .... = DM3: True
        .... ..0. .... .... = 3-DH3: False
        .... ...0 .... .... = 2-DH3: False
        .... .... 000. .... = Reserved: 0x0
        .... .... ...1 .... = DH1: True
        .... .... .... 1... = DM1: True
        .... .... .... .0.. = 3-DH1: False
        .... .... .... ..0. = 2-DH1: False
        .... .... .... ...0 = Reserved: False
    [Pending in frame: 866]
    [Command-Pending Delta: 0.721ms]
    [Response in frame: 868]
    [Command-Response Delta: 1.069ms]

该指令用于动态的修改一个已建立使用的Packet types;

返回对应执行发送完成的Response,Status = Pending;

yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Event - Connection Packet Type Changed
    Event Code: Connection Packet Type Changed (0x1d)
    Parameter Total Length: 5
    Status: Success (0x00)
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    Packet Type for ACL: 0xcc18, DH5 may be used, DM5 may be used, DH3 may be used, DM3 may be used, DH1 may be used, DM1 may be used
        1... .... .... .... = DH5 may be used: True
        .1.. .... .... .... = DM5 may be used: True
        ..0. .... .... .... = 3-DH5 shall NOT be used: False
        ...0 .... .... .... = 2-DH5 shall NOT be used: False
        .... 1... .... .... = DH3 may be used: True
        .... .1.. .... .... = DM3 may be used: True
        .... ..0. .... .... = 3-DH3 shall NOT be used: False
        .... ...0 .... .... = 2-DH3 shall NOT be used: False
        .... .... 000. .... = Reserved: 0x0
        .... .... ...1 .... = DH1 may be used: True
        .... .... .... 1... = DM1 may be used: True
        .... .... .... .0.. = 3-DH1 shall NOT be used: False
        .... .... .... ..0. = 2-DH1 shall NOT be used: False
        .... .... .... ...0 = Reserved: False
    [Command in frame: 865]
    [Pending in frame: 866]
    [Pending-Response Delta: 0.348ms]
    [Command-Response Delta: 1.069ms]
Set Connection Encryption

直到协议栈接收到Authentication Complete Event之后,我们就可以开始Set Encryption,当加密改变时,所以的与远端设备所有的ACL通信都会关闭;

yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Command - Set Connection Encryption
    Command Opcode: Set Connection Encryption (0x0413)
        0000 01.. .... .... = Opcode Group Field: Link Control Commands (0x01)
        .... ..00 0001 0011 = Opcode Command Field: Set Connection Encryption (0x013)
    Parameter Total Length: 3
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    Encryption Enable: Link Level Encryption is ON (0x01)
    [Pending in frame: 890]
    [Command-Pending Delta: 1.452ms]
    [Response in frame: 891]
    [Command-Response Delta: 85.975ms]


  • Encryption Enable:加密状态

    • 0x00:表示Turn Link Level Encryption OFF(关闭连接层加密)
    • 0x01:表示Turn Link Level Encryption ON(开启连接层加密)

当本地和远端设备都支持Secure Connections (Controller Support)和Secure Connections (Host Support) features时,如果Connection_Handle的加密是enable,此时设置Encryption_Enable为Turn Link Level Encryption OFF,controller会报错:Encryption Mode Not Acceptable (0x25).

返回对应执行发送完成的Response,Status = Pending;

yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth HCI Event - Encryption Change
    Event Code: Encryption Change (0x08)
    Parameter Total Length: 4
    Status: Success (0x00)
    Connection Handle: 0x0006
    Encryption Enable: Unknown (0x02)
    [Command in frame: 889]
    [Pending in frame: 890]
    [Pending-Response Delta: 84.523ms]
    [Command-Response Delta: 85.975ms]

在实际的Response过程中返回了0x0003,意为Unknown; (这个问题后续确认一下。)


在HCI 层面,执行到Encryption阶段,基本上HCI_COMMAND和HCI_EVENT就基本上结束了,在后续过程中再出现了HCI_EVENT基本上就都是Host接收到数据包的Complete Event,可以忽略,不影响正常流程;




Information(Extended Features Mask)
Sent Information Request(Extended Features Mask)
yaml 复制代码
    [Source: BarrotTe_50:67:20 (04:7f:0e:50:67:20)]
    [Destination: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)]
Bluetooth HCI H4
    [Direction: Sent (0x00)]
    HCI Packet Type: ACL Data (0x02)
Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet
    .... 0000 0000 0110 = Connection Handle: 0x006
    ..10 .... .... .... = PB Flag: First Automatically Flushable Packet (2)
    00.. .... .... .... = BC Flag: Point-To-Point (0)
    Data Total Length: 10
    [Connect in frame: 821]
    [Disconnect in frame: 1236]
    [Source BD_ADDR: BarrotTe_50:67:20 (04:7f:0e:50:67:20)]
    [Source Device Name: HAVAL_6720]
    [Source Role: Master (1)]
    [Destination BD_ADDR: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)]
    [Destination Device Name: dupz]
    [Destination Role: Slave (2)]
    [Last Role Change in Frame: 819]
    [Current Mode: Active Mode (0)]
    [Last Mode Change in Frame: 821]
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 6
    CID: L2CAP Signaling Channel (0x0001)
    Command: Information Request
        Command Code: Information Request (0x0a)
        Command Identifier: 0x02
        Command Length: 2
        Information Type: Extended Features Mask (0x0002)

该命令用于向Remote Device请求某种Info Type的信息;

  • CID:L2CAP通道;
  • Information Type = Extended Features Mask:
Value Type Desc
0x0001 Connectionless MTU 无连接的最大传输单元,用来通知对方所能接受数据服务单元的最大尺寸,说明发送方能够接受的有效载荷大小
0x0002 Extended Features Mask 扩展功能Mask,即支持的extended feature
0x0003 Fixed Channels Supported 固定通道支持
Other Reserved 保留


  • 在未通过InfoType = 0x0002确认远端设备的Extended feature的Fixed Channels bit为1之前,不能发送InfoType = 0x0003的Information Request;
  • 在未通过InfoType = 0x0003确认远端设备具体支持哪些Fixed Channel之前,不能使用除了L2CAP signaling channel以外的其他Fiexed Channel
  • Information Request和Information Response不能使用CID为0x0005的Fixed Channel(LE signaling channel)
Rcvd Information Request(Extended Features Mask)
yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 6
    CID: L2CAP Signaling Channel (0x0001)
    Command: Information Request
        Command Code: Information Request (0x0a)
        Command Identifier: 0x02
        Command Length: 2
        Information Type: Extended Features Mask (0x0002)
Sent Information Response(Extended Features Mask , Success)
yaml 复制代码
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 12
    CID: L2CAP Signaling Channel (0x0001)
    Command: Information Response
        Command Code: Information Response (0x0b)
        Command Identifier: 0x02
        Command Length: 8
        Information Type: Extended Features Mask (0x0002)
        Result: Success (0x0000)
        Features: EnhRetransmission Streaming FCS FixedChan 
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...0 = Flow Control Mode: 0
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..0. = Retransmission Mode: 0
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .0.. = Bi-Directional QOS: 0
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 1... = Enhanced Retransmission Mode: 1
            .... .... .... .... .... .... ...1 .... = Streaming Mode: 1
            .... .... .... .... .... .... ..1. .... = FCS: 1
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .0.. .... = Extended Flow Specification for BR/EDR: 0
            .... .... .... .... .... .... 1... .... = Fixed Channels: 1
            .... .... .... .... .... ...0 .... .... = Extended Window Size: 0
            .... .... .... .... .... ..0. .... .... = Unicast Connectionless Data Reception: 0

收到有效的Information Request时可以使用information response进行回复,Data字段的包含的内容根据InfoType字段的内容确定;

  • Result:Success
Value Result Desc
0x0000 Success 成功
0x0001 Not Supported 不支持
Other Reserved 保留
  • Features:支持的扩展功能;
Feature Desc Status
Flow Control Mode 流量控制方式 0
Retransmission Mode 重传模式 0
Bi-Directional QOS 双向QOS 0
Enhanced Retransmission Mode 增强重传模式 1
Streaming Mode 流模式 1
Extended Flow Specification for BR/EDR BR/EDR扩展流量规范 0
Fixed Channels 固定通道 1
Extended Window Size 扩展窗口大小 0
Unicast Connectionless Data Reception 单播无连接数据接收 0
Rcvd Information Response(Extended Features Mask , Success)
yaml 复制代码
Frame 850: 21 bytes on wire (168 bits), 21 bytes captured (168 bits)
    [Source: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)]
    [Destination: BarrotTe_50:67:20 (04:7f:0e:50:67:20)]
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 12
    CID: L2CAP Signaling Channel (0x0001)
    Command: Information Response
        Command Code: Information Response (0x0b)
        Command Identifier: 0x02
        Command Length: 8
        Information Type: Extended Features Mask (0x0002)
        Result: Success (0x0000)
        Features: EnhRetransmission Streaming FCS FixedChan 
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...0 = Flow Control Mode: 0
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..0. = Retransmission Mode: 0
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .0.. = Bi-Directional QOS: 0
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 1... = Enhanced Retransmission Mode: 1
            .... .... .... .... .... .... ...1 .... = Streaming Mode: 1
            .... .... .... .... .... .... ..1. .... = FCS: 1
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .0.. .... = Extended Flow Specification for BR/EDR: 0
            .... .... .... .... .... .... 1... .... = Fixed Channels: 1
            .... .... .... .... .... ...0 .... .... = Extended Window Size: 0
            .... .... .... .... .... ..0. .... .... = Unicast Connectionless Data Reception: 0
Rcvd Echo Request
yaml 复制代码
    [Source: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)]
    [Destination: BarrotTe_50:67:20 (04:7f:0e:50:67:20)]
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 22
    CID: L2CAP Signaling Channel (0x0001)
    Command: Echo Request
        Command Code: Echo Request (0x08)
        Command Identifier: 0x03
        Command Length: 18
        Data: 3f0101010a000102030405060708090a1265

Echo requests用于向远端设备请求一个response。一般用于测试连接或者传输vendor specific information

Sent Echo Response
yaml 复制代码
    [Source: BarrotTe_50:67:20 (04:7f:0e:50:67:20)]
    [Destination: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)]
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 22
    CID: L2CAP Signaling Channel (0x0001)
    Command: Echo Response
        Command Code: Echo Response (0x09)
        Command Identifier: 0x03
        Command Length: 18
        Data: 3f0101010a000102030405060708090a1265

这个command用来回复Echo requests;

Information(Fixed Channels Supported)
Sent Information Request(Fixed Channels Supported)
yaml 复制代码
Frame 851: 15 bytes on wire (120 bits), 15 bytes captured (120 bits)
    [Source: BarrotTe_50:67:20 (04:7f:0e:50:67:20)]
    [Destination: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)]
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 6
    CID: L2CAP Signaling Channel (0x0001)
    Command: Information Request
        Command Code: Information Request (0x0a)
        Command Identifier: 0x03
        Command Length: 2
        Information Type: Fixed Channels Supported (0x0003)
Rcvd Information Request(Fixed Channels Supported)
yaml 复制代码
    [Source: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)]
    [Destination: BarrotTe_50:67:20 (04:7f:0e:50:67:20)]
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 6
    CID: L2CAP Signaling Channel (0x0001)
    Command: Information Request
        Command Code: Information Request (0x0a)
        Command Identifier: 0x04
        Command Length: 2
        Information Type: Fixed Channels Supported (0x0003)
Sent Information Response(Fixed Channels Supported, Success)
yaml 复制代码
    [Source: BarrotTe_50:67:20 (04:7f:0e:50:67:20)]
    [Destination: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)]
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 16
    CID: L2CAP Signaling Channel (0x0001)
    Command: Information Response
        Command Code: Information Response (0x0b)
        Command Identifier: 0x04
        Command Length: 12
        Information Type: Fixed Channels Supported (0x0003)
        Result: Success (0x0000)
        Fixed Channels Supported:
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...0 = Null identifier: 0
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..1. = L2CAP signaling channel: 1
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .0.. = Connectionless reception: 0
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0... = AMP Manager protocol: 0
            0... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = AMP Test Manager: 0
Rcvd Information Response(Fixed Channels Supported, Success)
yaml 复制代码
    [Source: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)]
    [Destination: BarrotTe_50:67:20 (04:7f:0e:50:67:20)]
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 16
    CID: L2CAP Signaling Channel (0x0001)
    Command: Information Response
        Command Code: Information Response (0x0b)
        Command Identifier: 0x03
        Command Length: 12
        Information Type: Fixed Channels Supported (0x0003)
        Result: Success (0x0000)
        Fixed Channels Supported:
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...0 = Null identifier: 0
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..1. = L2CAP signaling channel: 1
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .0.. = Connectionless reception: 0
            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0... = AMP Manager protocol: 0
            0... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = AMP Test Manager: 0

Fixed Channels Supported代表的InfoType,其中的Data字段保存的就是支持哪些Fixed L2CAP Channels,目前只支持L2CAP signaling channel;

Connection Request
yaml 复制代码
    [Source: BarrotTe_50:67:20 (04:7f:0e:50:67:20)]
    [Destination: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)]
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 8
    CID: L2CAP Signaling Channel (0x0001)
    Command: Connection Request
        Command Code: Connection Request (0x02)
        Command Identifier: 0x04
        Command Length: 4
        PSM: SDP (0x0001)
        Source CID: Dynamically Allocated Channel (0x0052)
    [Disconnect in frame: 880]

这个Command用来建立两个设备之间的L2CAP channel;

  • PSM(Protocol/Service Multiplexer):表示上层的profile,即使用L2CAP协议通道的应用层协议;
  • Source CID:发送connection request端的CID;
yaml 复制代码
    [Source: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)]
    [Destination: BarrotTe_50:67:20 (04:7f:0e:50:67:20)]
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 12
    CID: L2CAP Signaling Channel (0x0001)
    Command: Connection Response
        Command Code: Connection Response (0x03)
        Command Identifier: 0x04
        Command Length: 8
        Destination CID: Dynamically Allocated Channel (0x0044)
        Source CID: Dynamically Allocated Channel (0x0052)
        Result: Successful (0x0000)
        Status: No further information available (0x0000)
  • Destination CID(Destination Channel Identifier):发送connection response的设备的CID;
  • Source CID:发送connection request端的CID;
  • Result:Successful
  • Status:当result=0x0001时,这个字段才有用,表示连接的状态;
Configure Request
yaml 复制代码
    [Source: BarrotTe_50:67:20 (04:7f:0e:50:67:20)]
    [Destination: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)]
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 12
    CID: L2CAP Signaling Channel (0x0001)
    Command: Configure Request
        Command Code: Configure Request (0x04)
        Command Identifier: 0x05
        Command Length: 8
        Destination CID: Dynamically Allocated Channel (0x0044)
        0000 0000 0000 000. = Reserved: 0x0000
        .... .... .... ...0 = Continuation Flag: False
        Option: MTU
            Type: Maximum Transmission Unit (0x01)
            Length: 2
            MTU: 1024

Configuration request命令用于建立2个L2CAP实体之间的初始传输协议,并且可以对传输协议的Configuration option进行重新协商,只有当一个Configuration option需要进行修改时才需要包含在configuration request里面。

  • Configuration Options:表示需要进行协商的选项,这部分可以有,也可以没有;

    • Type:需要进行配置的类型;
    • MTU:最大传输单元为1024;


yaml 复制代码
    [Source: BarrotTe_50:67:20 (04:7f:0e:50:67:20)]
    [Destination: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)]
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 10
    CID: L2CAP Signaling Channel (0x0001)
    Command: Configure Response
        Command Code: Configure Response (0x05)
        Command Identifier: 0x05
        Command Length: 6
        Source CID: Dynamically Allocated Channel (0x0044)
        0000 0000 0000 000. = Reserved: 0x0000
        .... .... .... ...0 = Continuation Flag: False
        Result: Success (0x0000)

Configuration Response用来回复Configuration Request的,并且对Configuration Request中的选项进行调整;

  • Result:配置成功;


yaml 复制代码
    [Source: BarrotTe_50:67:20 (04:7f:0e:50:67:20)]
    [Destination: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)]
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 27
    CID: Dynamically Allocated Channel (0x0044)
    [Connect in frame: 861]
    [Disconnect in frame: 880]
    [PSM: SDP (0x0001)]
Bluetooth SDP Protocol
    PDU: Service Search Attribute Request (0x06)
    Transaction Id: 0x0000
    Parameter Length: 22
    Service Search Pattern: Handsfree Audio Gateway
        Data Element: Sequence uint8 3 bytes
            0011 0... = Data Element Type: Sequence (6)
            .... .101 = Data Element Size: uint8 (5)
            Data Element Var Size: 3
            Data Value
                Data Element: UUID 2 bytes
                    0001 1... = Data Element Type: UUID (3)
                    .... .001 = Data Element Size: 2 bytes (1)
                    Data Value
                        Value: UUID: Handsfree Audio Gateway (0x111f)
    Maximum Attribute Byte Count: 1008
    Attribute ID List
        Data Element: Sequence uint8 12 bytes
            0011 0... = Data Element Type: Sequence (6)
            .... .101 = Data Element Size: uint8 (5)
            Data Element Var Size: 12
            Data Value
                Attribute ID: Service Class ID List 
                    Data Element: Unsigned Integer 2 bytes
                        0000 1... = Data Element Type: Unsigned Integer (1)
                        .... .001 = Data Element Size: 2 bytes (1)
                        Data Value
                            Attribute ID: Service Class ID List (0x0001)
                Attribute ID: Protocol Descriptor List 
                    Data Element: Unsigned Integer 2 bytes
                        0000 1... = Data Element Type: Unsigned Integer (1)
                        .... .001 = Data Element Size: 2 bytes (1)
                        Data Value
                            Attribute ID: Protocol Descriptor List (0x0004)
                Attribute ID: Bluetooth Profile Descriptor List 
                    Data Element: Unsigned Integer 2 bytes
                        0000 1... = Data Element Type: Unsigned Integer (1)
                        .... .001 = Data Element Size: 2 bytes (1)
                        Data Value
                            Attribute ID: Bluetooth Profile Descriptor List (0x0009)
                Attribute ID: Supported Features (HFP AG) 
                    Data Element: Unsigned Integer 2 bytes
                        0000 1... = Data Element Type: Unsigned Integer (1)
                        .... .001 = Data Element Size: 2 bytes (1)
                        Data Value
                            Attribute ID: Supported Features (0x0311)
    Continuation State: no (00)

该命令用于根据指定的Service Search Pattern来搜索特定的service,然后在搜索到的service里面进行attribute的搜索;

  • PDU:传输的消息ID
Value Parameter Description Desc
N The PDU ID field identifies the type of PDU.I.e. its meaning and the specific parameters
All other values Reserved for future use
  • Transaction Id:传输消息的事务ID,request放可以在0x0000~0xffff之间取任意值,但是response要跟request一致,根据TID来区分是回应哪个request.

  • Service Search Pattern:服务搜索模式,使用UUID列表来定位匹配的服务记录;

  • UUID:可以简单的理解为,一个服务对应一个UUID,且这个UUID是固定的。

  • Attribute ID List:属性列表


    • Service Class ID List:M
    • Protocol Descriptor List:M
    • Bluetooth Profile Descriptor List:M
    • Supported Features:O,其中HFP AG代表了执行的功能;
SDP_ServiceSearchRequest PDU and SDP_ServiceSearchResponse PDU



SDP_ServiceAttributeRequest PDU and SDP_ServiceAttributeResponse PDU


在SDP服务器收到有效SDP_ServiceAttributeRequest报文时,将生成一个 SDP_ServiceAttributeResponse应答。该应答包含被请求服务记录属性列表(属性ID和属性值);

SDP_ServiceSearchAttributeRequest PDU and SDP_ServiceSearchAttributeResponse PDU

SDP_ServiceSearchAttributeRequest事务综合SDP_ServiceSearchRequest和 SDP_ServiceAttributeRequest 二者功能于一个请求中。作为参数,它既包含服务搜索模式,又包含一张属性表,该属性表从与服务搜索模式匹配的服务记录中检索;

在SDP服务器有效SDP_ServiceSearchAttributeRequest 时将生成一个SDP_ServiceSearchAttributeResponse应答。该应答包含一张服务记录属性表(属性 ID 和属性值),该服务记录要求与所请求的服务搜索模式匹配;

yaml 复制代码
    [Source: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)]
    [Destination: BarrotTe_50:67:20 (04:7f:0e:50:67:20)]
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 60
    CID: Dynamically Allocated Channel (0x0052)
    [Connect in frame: 861]
    [Disconnect in frame: 880]
    [PSM: SDP (0x0001)]
Bluetooth SDP Protocol
    PDU: Service Search Attribute Response (0x07)
    Transaction Id: 0x0000
    Parameter Length: 55
    Attribute List Byte Count: 52
    Attribute Lists [count =  1]
        Data Element: Sequence uint8 50 bytes
            0011 0... = Data Element Type: Sequence (6)
            .... .101 = Data Element Size: uint8 (5)
            Data Element Var Size: 50
            Data Value
                Attribute List [count =  4] (Handsfree Audio Gateway)
                    Data Element: Sequence uint16 47 bytes
                        0011 0... = Data Element Type: Sequence (6)
                        .... .110 = Data Element Size: uint16 (6)
                        Data Element Var Size: 47
                        Data Value
                            Service Attribute: Service Class ID List (0x1), value = Handsfree Audio Gateway -> Generic Audio
                                Attribute ID: Service Class ID List
                                    Data Element: Unsigned Integer 2 bytes
                                        0000 1... = Data Element Type: Unsigned Integer (1)
                                        .... .001 = Data Element Size: 2 bytes (1)
                                        Data Value
                                            Attribute ID: Service Class ID List (0x0001)
                                    Data Element: Sequence uint8 6 bytes
                                        0011 0... = Data Element Type: Sequence (6)
                                        .... .101 = Data Element Size: uint8 (5)
                                        Data Element Var Size: 6
                                        Data Value
                                            Data Element: UUID 2 bytes
                                                0001 1... = Data Element Type: UUID (3)
                                                .... .001 = Data Element Size: 2 bytes (1)
                                                Data Value
                                                    Value: UUID: Handsfree Audio Gateway (0x111f)
                                            Data Element: UUID 2 bytes
                                                0001 1... = Data Element Type: UUID (3)
                                                .... .001 = Data Element Size: 2 bytes (1)
                                                Data Value
                                                    Value: UUID: Generic Audio (0x1203)
                            Service Attribute: Protocol Descriptor List (0x4), value = L2CAP -> RFCOMM:3
                                Attribute ID: Protocol Descriptor List
                                    Data Element: Unsigned Integer 2 bytes
                                        0000 1... = Data Element Type: Unsigned Integer (1)
                                        .... .001 = Data Element Size: 2 bytes (1)
                                        Data Value
                                            Attribute ID: Protocol Descriptor List (0x0004)
                                    Data Element: Sequence uint8 12 bytes
                                        0011 0... = Data Element Type: Sequence (6)
                                        .... .101 = Data Element Size: uint8 (5)
                                        Data Element Var Size: 12
                                        Data Value
                                            Protocol #1: L2CAP
                                                Data Element: Sequence uint8 3 bytes
                                                    0011 0... = Data Element Type: Sequence (6)
                                                    .... .101 = Data Element Size: uint8 (5)
                                                    Data Element Var Size: 3
                                                    Data Value
                                                        Protocol Entry: L2CAP
                                                            Data Element: UUID 2 bytes
                                                                0001 1... = Data Element Type: UUID (3)
                                                                .... .001 = Data Element Size: 2 bytes (1)
                                                                Data Value
                                                                    Value: UUID: L2CAP (0x0100)
                                            Protocol #2: RFCOMM, RFCOMM Channel: 3
                                                Data Element: Sequence uint8 5 bytes
                                                    0011 0... = Data Element Type: Sequence (6)
                                                    .... .101 = Data Element Size: uint8 (5)
                                                    Data Element Var Size: 5
                                                    Data Value
                                                        Protocol Entry: RFCOMM, RFCOMM Channel: 3
                                                            Data Element: UUID 2 bytes
                                                                0001 1... = Data Element Type: UUID (3)
                                                                .... .001 = Data Element Size: 2 bytes (1)
                                                                Data Value
                                                                    Value: UUID: RFCOMM (0x0003)
                                                            Data Element: Unsigned Integer 1 byte (0 bytes if Nil)
                                                                0000 1... = Data Element Type: Unsigned Integer (1)
                                                                .... .000 = Data Element Size: 1 byte (0 bytes if Nil) (0)
                                                                Data Value
                                                                    RFCOMM Channel: 3 (0x03)
                            Service Attribute: Bluetooth Profile Descriptor List (0x9), value = Handsfree 1.6
                                Attribute ID: Bluetooth Profile Descriptor List
                                    Data Element: Unsigned Integer 2 bytes
                                        0000 1... = Data Element Type: Unsigned Integer (1)
                                        .... .001 = Data Element Size: 2 bytes (1)
                                        Data Value
                                            Attribute ID: Bluetooth Profile Descriptor List (0x0009)
                                    Data Element: Sequence uint8 8 bytes
                                        0011 0... = Data Element Type: Sequence (6)
                                        .... .101 = Data Element Size: uint8 (5)
                                        Data Element Var Size: 8
                                        Data Value
                                            Data Element: Sequence uint8 6 bytes
                                                0011 0... = Data Element Type: Sequence (6)
                                                .... .101 = Data Element Size: uint8 (5)
                                                Data Element Var Size: 6
                                                Data Value
                                                    Profile Descriptor List #1: Handsfree, Version 1.6
                                                        Data Element: UUID 2 bytes
                                                            0001 1... = Data Element Type: UUID (3)
                                                            .... .001 = Data Element Size: 2 bytes (1)
                                                            Data Value
                                                                Value: UUID: Handsfree (0x111e)
                                                        Data Element: Unsigned Integer 2 bytes
                                                            0000 1... = Data Element Type: Unsigned Integer (1)
                                                            .... .001 = Data Element Size: 2 bytes (1)
                                                            Data Value
                                                                Protocol Version: 0x0106
                            Service Attribute: (HFP AG) Supported Features (0x311), value = (Three Way Calling) (EC and/or Nr Function) (Voice Recognition Function) (Inband Ring Tone Capability) (Wide Band Speech) 
                                Attribute ID: Supported Features
                                    Data Element: Unsigned Integer 2 bytes
                                        0000 1... = Data Element Type: Unsigned Integer (1)
                                        .... .001 = Data Element Size: 2 bytes (1)
                                        Data Value
                                            Attribute ID: Supported Features (0x0311)
                                    Data Element: Unsigned Integer 2 bytes
                                        0000 1... = Data Element Type: Unsigned Integer (1)
                                        .... .001 = Data Element Size: 2 bytes (1)
                                        Data Value
                                            0000 0000 00.. .... = Supported Features: Reserved: 0x000
                                            .... .... ..1. .... = Supported Features: Wide Band Speech: True
                                            .... .... ...0 .... = Supported Features: Attach a Phone Number to a Voice Tag: False
                                            .... .... .... 1... = Supported Features: Inband Ring Tone Capability: True
                                            .... .... .... .1.. = Supported Features: Voice Recognition Function: True
                                            .... .... .... ..1. = Supported Features: EC and/or Nr Function: True
                                            .... .... .... ...1 = Supported Features: Three Way Calling: True
    Continuation State: no (00)




  • Handsfree Audio Gateway
  • PnP Information: Attribute Range
  • Handsfree
  • L2CAP: Attribute Range
  • Audio Source
  • Phonebook Access Server: Attribute Range
  • A/V Remote Control
Disconnection Request
yaml 复制代码
    [Source: BarrotTe_50:67:20 (04:7f:0e:50:67:20)]
    [Destination: HuaweiDe_42:c7:dd (30:aa:e4:42:c7:dd)]
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet
Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
    Length: 8
    CID: L2CAP Signaling Channel (0x0001)
    Command: Disconnection Request
        Command Code: Disconnection Request (0x06)
        Command Identifier: 0x06
        Command Length: 4
        Destination CID: Dynamically Allocated Channel (0x0044)
        Source CID: Dynamically Allocated Channel (0x0052)
    [PSM: SDP (0x0001)]
    [Connect in frame: 861]

发送disconnection request请求断开L2CAP channel,发送disconnection request以后,在这条L2CAP channel上的数据都应该忽略,同样,收到disconnection request后,也应该停止发送数据。

  • Destination CID - DCID (2个字节):收到disconnection request的设备的CID;
  • Source CID - SCID (2个字节):发送disconnection request的设备的CID

当收到一个有效的disconnection request时需要用这个Disconnection Response进行回复;

Sent Connection Request & Sent Configure Request(RFCOMM)

我们在之前的流程分析的时候可知,我们都是通过L2CA_ConnectReq的方法发送的上层应用层协议连接指令,所有上述的协议格式统一采用Sent Connection Request,只是后续追加的协议不同;

L2CAP channel采用的传输格式也是相同的;

RFCOMM Channel



  • SABM---Start Asynchronous Balanced Mode (startup command):设置异步平衡模式
  • UA---Unnumbered Acknowledgement (response when connected):未编号的确认信息
  • DISC---Disconnect (disconnect command):断开连接
  • DM---Disconnected Mode (response to a command when disconnected):断开连接模式
  • UIH---Unnumbered Information with Header check:未编号的带校验头的信息

SABM, UA, DM和 DISC是底层的控制帧,RFCOMM使用信道,每个信道有一个数据连接链路标识(DLCI),UIH帧上的 DLCI = 0时用作发送控制信息, DLCI≠0时用作发送数据;

HFP AT 指令发送

我们知道,在响应RFCOMM协议连接成功之后,会调用bta_hf_client_slc_seq函数用于Service Level Connection服务级连接,在该过程中,主要用于根据一些条件发送执行的AT指令,然后等待AT指令响应;

而涉及到的AT指令的逻辑,可以参考:蓝牙电话数据包分析中的AT 指令详解模块,这个模块描述的AT指令就是HFP协议在刚刚启动且还没有开始通话工作过程中执行的AT指令流程;

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