golang use Tdlib JSON interface


To use TDLib in Golang, you can use the `github.com/zelenin/go-tdlib` package, which is a Golang binding for the TDLib (Telegram Database Library) JSON interface.

Here is a simple example of how you can use `go-tdlib` to interact with TDLib in Golang:

  1. **Install the `go-tdlib` package:**


go get -u github.com/zelenin/go-tdlib


  1. **Write a Golang program:**


package main

import (







const (

apiID = "your_api_id"

apiHash = "your_api_hash"

phoneNumber = "your_phone_number"

code = "your_verification_code"


func main() {

// Create a new instance of the TDLib client

tdlibClient := client.NewClient(client.ClientConfig{


APIHash: apiHash,

PhoneNumber: phoneNumber,

Code: code,

Logger: log.New(log.Writer(), "tdlib", log.Lshortfile),


// Connect to the TDLib client

if err := tdlibClient.Connect(); err != nil {

log.Fatalf("Failed to connect to TDLib: %v", err)


defer tdlibClient.Close()

// Create a new context with a timeout for receiving updates

ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)

defer cancel()

// Receive updates from TDLib

for {

select {

case <-ctx.Done():

fmt.Println("Timeout reached. Exiting.")



update, err := tdlibClient.GetContext().Recv(ctx)

if err != nil {

log.Printf("Error receiving update: %v", err)



// Process the received update (you can handle different types of updates here)

fmt.Printf("Received update: %v\n", update)





Replace `your_api_id`, `your_api_hash`, `your_phone_number`, and `your_verification_code` with your actual Telegram API credentials and phone number.

  1. **Run the program:**


go run your_program.go


This example connects to TDLib, logs in with the specified phone number and verification code, and then continuously listens for updates from TDLib. You will need to handle different types of updates according to your application's requirements.

Make sure to check the [go-tdlib GitHub repository](https://github.com/zelenin/go-tdlib) for any updates or changes to the library. Additionally, ensure that you comply with Telegram's terms of service and usage policies when developing applications using the Telegram API.


/client/tdlib.go:5:10: fatal error: td/telegram/td_json_client.h: No such file or directory 5 | #include <td/telegram/td_json_client.h>


The error you're encountering indicates that the TDLib header file `td_json_client.h` is not found. This typically happens when the TDLib C library is not installed or not accessible during the build process.

Here are steps to resolve this issue:

  1. **Install TDLib:**

Ensure that you have TDLib installed on your system. You can follow the instructions on the [official TDLib GitHub repository](https://github.com/tdlib/td) to download, build, and install TDLib.

For example, you might need to run the following commands to clone the TDLib repository and build it:


git clone https://github.com/tdlib/td.git

cd td

mkdir build

cd build

cmake ..


sudo make install


Ensure that TDLib is installed in a location that your Golang program can access.

  1. **Specify TDLib Include Path:**

Make sure that the Golang binding (`go-tdlib` in this case) can find the TDLib header files during the build process. You can set the `CGO_CFLAGS` environment variable to include the path to TDLib's header files:


export CGO_CFLAGS="-I/path/to/td/include"


Replace `/path/to/td` with the actual path where TDLib is installed.

  1. **Rebuild Your Golang Program:**

After making these changes, try to rebuild your Golang program:


go build your_program.go


If you are using an IDE, make sure it is aware of the `CGO_CFLAGS` setting.

Make sure to replace `/path/to/td` with the actual path where TDLib is installed on your system.

If the issue persists or you encounter additional problems, double-check that TDLib is correctly installed, and the Golang binding (`go-tdlib`) is compatible with your TDLib version. Check the documentation and issues on the respective GitHub repositories for any additional guidance or updates.

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