Grafana Promtail 配置解析



-print-config-stderr 通过 ./promtail 直接运行Promtail时能够快速输出配置
-log-config-reverse-order 配置通过反向输出,这样再Grafana中就能从上到下正确读取


-config.file 通过该配置指定需要加载的文件,
-config.expand-env=true 通过该配置可以在配置文件中引用环境变量,比如${VAR},VAR是环境变量的名称。每个变量引用在启动时都会替换为环境变量的值。替换区分大小写,发生在解析YAML文件之前。除非指定默认值或自定义错误文本,否则对未定义变量的引用将替换为空字符串。指定默认值使用:${VAR:-default_value}


  • <boolean>: true 或 false
  • <int>: 匹配 [1-9]+[0-9]* 正则的任何整数
  • <duration>: 匹配[0-9]+(ms|[smhdwy])正则的时间
  • <labelname>: 匹配[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* 正则的字符串
  • <labelvalue>: Unicode编码字符串
  • <filename>: 相对于当前工作目录的有效路径或绝对路径
  • <host>: 主机名或 ip:port端口号组成的字符串
  • <string>: 字符串
  • <secret>: 表示密码字符串


yaml 复制代码
# Configures global settings which impact all targets.
# 影响所有target的全局配置
[global: <global_config>]

# Configures the server for Promtail.
# Promtail server端配置
[server: <server_config>]

# Describes how Promtail connects to multiple instances
# of Grafana Loki, sending logs to each.
# 描述Promtail如何连接到多个Loki实例,并向每个实例发送日志
# WARNING: If one of the remote Loki servers fails to respond or responds
# with any error which is retryable, this will impact sending logs to any
# other configured remote Loki servers.  Sending is done on a single thread!
# It is generally recommended to run multiple Promtail clients in parallel
# if you want to send to multiple remote Loki instances.
#这将影响向任何其他配置的远程Loki Server发送日志。
  - [<client_config>]

# Describes how to save read file offsets to disk
# 描述如何将读取文件偏移量保存到磁盘
[positions: <position_config>]

  - [<scrape_config>]

# Configures global limits for this instance of Promtail
# 配置此Promtail实例的全局限制
[limits_config: <limits_config>]

# 目标监视配置
[target_config: <target_config>]

# 其他promtail配置
[options: <options_config>]

# Configures tracing support
# 配置跟踪支持
[tracing: <tracing_config>]


yaml 复制代码
# Configure how frequently log files from disk get polled for changes.
# 配置轮询磁盘中日志文件的更改频率
[file_watch_config: <file_watch_config>]


yaml 复制代码
# Minimum frequency to poll for files. Any time file changes are detected, the
# poll frequency gets reset to this duration.
# 轮询文件的最小频率,检测到任何文件更改时,轮询频率都会重置为此持续时间
[min_poll_frequency: <duration> | default = "250ms"]

# Maximum frequency to poll for files. Any time no file changes are detected,
# the poll frequency doubles in value up to the maximum duration specified by
# this value.
# The default is set to the same as min_poll_frequency.
# 轮询文件的最大频率,未检测到任何文件变更,轮询频率都会加倍,直到制定的最大值
# 默认设置为与min_poll_frequency相同
[max_poll_frequency: <duration> | default = "250ms"]


yaml 复制代码
# Disable the HTTP and GRPC server.
# 禁用HTTP 和 GRPC服务
[disable: <boolean> | default = false]

# Enable the /debug/fgprof and /debug/pprof endpoints for profiling.
[profiling_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]

# HTTP server listen host
# HTTP服务监听地址
[http_listen_address: <string>]

# HTTP server listen port (0 means random port)
# HTTP服务监听端口,0表示随机端口
[http_listen_port: <int> | default = 80]

# gRPC server listen host
[grpc_listen_address: <string>]

# gRPC server listen port (0 means random port)
# gRPC服务监听端口,0表示随机端口
[grpc_listen_port: <int> | default = 9095]

# Register instrumentation handlers (/metrics, etc.)
# 注册检测程序
[register_instrumentation: <boolean> | default = true]

# Timeout for graceful shutdowns
# 正常关机超时时间
[graceful_shutdown_timeout: <duration> | default = 30s]

# Read timeout for HTTP server
# HTTP 服务读取超时时间
[http_server_read_timeout: <duration> | default = 30s]

# Write timeout for HTTP server
# HTTP 服务写入超时时间
[http_server_write_timeout: <duration> | default = 30s]

# Idle timeout for HTTP server
# HTTP 服务空闲超时时间
[http_server_idle_timeout: <duration> | default = 120s]

# Max gRPC message size that can be received
# gRPC能够接收的最大消息
[grpc_server_max_recv_msg_size: <int> | default = 4194304]

# Max gRPC message size that can be sent
# gRPC能够发送的最大消息
[grpc_server_max_send_msg_size: <int> | default = 4194304]

# Limit on the number of concurrent streams for gRPC calls (0 = unlimited)
# gRPC并发调用的最大数量,0 不限制
[grpc_server_max_concurrent_streams: <int> | default = 100]

# Log only messages with the given severity or above. Supported values [debug,
# info, warn, error]
# 日志级别
[log_level: <string> | default = "info"]

# Base path to server all API routes from (e.g., /v1/).
# 所有API路径前缀,比如 /v1/
[http_path_prefix: <string>]

# Target managers check flag for Promtail readiness, if set to false the check is ignored
# 是否健康检查
[health_check_target: <bool> | default = true]

# Enable reload via HTTP request.
# 通过HTTP请求开启重载
[enable_runtime_reload: <bool> | default = false]


配置Promtail 如何连接到 Loki实例

yaml 复制代码
# The URL where Loki is listening, denoted in Loki as http_listen_address and
# http_listen_port. If Loki is running in microservices mode, this is the HTTP
# URL for the Distributor. Path to the push API needs to be included.
# Example:
# Loki监听的URL,在Loki中表示为http_listen_address和http_listen_port
# 如果Loki在微服务模式下运行,如下是HTTP示例:
url: <string>

# Custom HTTP headers to be sent along with each push request.
# Be aware that headers that are set by Promtail itself (e.g. X-Scope-OrgID) can't be overwritten.
# 每个请求发送的HTTP头
  # Example: CF-Access-Client-Id: xxx
  [ <labelname>: <labelvalue> ... ]

# The tenant ID used by default to push logs to Loki. If omitted or empty
# it assumes Loki is running in single-tenant mode and no X-Scope-OrgID header
# is sent.
# 默认情况下用于将日志推送到Loki的租户ID。
# 如果省略或为空,则假定Loki在单租户模式下运行,并且不发送X-Scope-OrgID标头。
[tenant_id: <string>]

# Maximum amount of time to wait before sending a batch, even if that
# batch isn't full.
# 一批发送之前等待的最长时间,即使该批未满
[batchwait: <duration> | default = 1s]

# Maximum batch size (in bytes) of logs to accumulate before sending
# the batch to Loki.
# 向 Loki 发送批次之前要累积的日志的最大批大小(以字节为单位)
[batchsize: <int> | default = 1048576]

# If using basic auth, configures the username and password
# sent.
# 基础认证,配置用户名和密码
  # The username to use for basic auth
  [username: <string>]

  # The password to use for basic auth
  [password: <string>]

  # The file containing the password for basic auth
  [password_file: <filename>]

# Optional OAuth 2.0 configuration
# Cannot be used at the same time as basic_auth or authorization
# 可选的
# OAuth 2.0配置不能与basic_auth或授权同时使用
  # Client id and secret for oauth2
  [client_id: <string>]
  [client_secret: <secret>]

  # Read the client secret from a file
  # It is mutually exclusive with `client_secret`
  # 从文件中读取client secret,跟client_secret排斥
  [client_secret_file: <filename>]

  # Optional scopes for the token request
  # 可选,Token请求作用域
    [ - <string> ... ]

  # The URL to fetch the token from
  # 获取token的URL地址
  token_url: <string>

  # Optional parameters to append to the token URL
  # 可选,token URL地址附加参数
    [ <string>: <string> ... ]

# Bearer token to send to the server.
# 发送到服务端的 Bearer token
[bearer_token: <secret>]

# File containing bearer token to send to the server.
# 发送到服务端的包含bearer token的文件
[bearer_token_file: <filename>]

# HTTP proxy server to use to connect to the server.
# 连接到服务端的HTTP代理
[proxy_url: <string>]

# If connecting to a TLS server, configures how the TLS
# authentication handshake will operate.
  # The CA file to use to verify the server
  [ca_file: <string>]

  # The cert file to send to the server for client auth
  [cert_file: <filename>]

  # The key file to send to the server for client auth
  [key_file: <filename>]

  # Validates that the server name in the server's certificate
  # is this value.
  [server_name: <string>]

  # If true, ignores the server certificate being signed by an
  # unknown CA.
  [insecure_skip_verify: <boolean> | default = false]

# Configures how to retry requests to Loki when a request
# fails.
# 配置请求失败时如何重试对Loki的请求
# Default backoff schedule:
# 默认策略
# 0.5s, 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, 32s, 64s, 128s, 256s(4.267m)
# For a total time of 511.5s(8.5m) before logs are lost
# 在日志丢失之前总共持续511.5秒(8.5分钟)
  # Initial backoff time between retries
  # 重试之间的初始回退时间
  [min_period: <duration> | default = 500ms]

  # Maximum backoff time between retries
  # 重试之间的最大回退时间
  [max_period: <duration> | default = 5m]

  # Maximum number of retries to do
  # 要执行的最大重试次数
  [max_retries: <int> | default = 10]

# Disable retries of batches that Loki responds to with a 429 status code (TooManyRequests). This reduces
# impacts on batches from other tenants, which could end up being delayed or dropped due to exponential backoff.
# 在 Loki 返回 429 状态码(大量请求)的情况下禁用批量的重试
# 这减少了对其他租户批量的影响,这些租户最终可能会因指数回退而延迟或减少
[drop_rate_limited_batches: <boolean> | default = false]

# Static labels to add to all logs being sent to Loki.
# Use map like {"foo": "bar"} to add a label foo with
# value bar.
# These can also be specified from command line:
# -client.external-labels=k1=v1,k2=v2
# (or --client.external-labels depending on your OS)
# labels supplied by the command line are applied
# to all clients configured in the `clients` section.
# NOTE: values defined in the config file will replace values
# defined on the command line for a given client if the
# label keys are the same.
# 要添加到发送到Loki的所有日志中的静态标签
# 比如{"foo": "bar"},添加 foo标签 bar值
# 也可以通过命令行指定:-client.external-labels=k1=v1,k2=v2 ,或者 --client.external-labels
# 命令行提供的标签应用于"客户端"部分中配置的所有客户端
# 如果标签键相同,则配置文件中定义的值将替换命令行中为给定客户端定义的值
  [ <labelname>: <labelvalue> ... ]

# Maximum time to wait for a server to respond to a request
# 等待服务器响应请求的最长时间
[timeout: <duration> | default = 10s]



yaml 复制代码
# Location of positions file
[filename: <string> | default = "/var/log/positions.yaml"]

# How often to update the positions file
[sync_period: <duration> | default = 10s]

# Whether to ignore & later overwrite positions files that are corrupted
# 是否要忽略并稍后覆盖损坏的positions文件
[ignore_invalid_yaml: <boolean> | default = false]



yaml 复制代码
# Name to identify this scrape config in the Promtail UI.
# 在Promtail UI中标识的唯一名称
job_name: <string>

# Describes how to transform logs from targets.
# 描述如何从目标转换日志
[pipeline_stages: <pipeline_stages>]

# Defines decompression behavior for the given scrape target.
  # Whether decompression should be tried or not.
  # 是否尝试解压缩
  [enabled: <boolean> | default = false]

  # Initial delay to wait before starting the decompression.
  # 开始解压前等待的初始延迟
  # Especially useful in scenarios where compressed files are found before the compression is finished.
  # 在压缩完成之前发现压缩文件的情况下尤其有用
  [initial_delay: <duration> | default = 0s]

  # Compression format. Supported formats are: 'gz', 'bz2' and 'z.
  # 压缩格式,支持'gz', 'bz2' and 'z
  [format: <string> | default = ""]

# Describes how to scrape logs from the journal.
# 描述如何从journal中拉取日志
[journal: <journal_config>]

# Describes from which encoding a scraped file should be converted.
# 描述应从哪种编码将提取的文件转换为编码的方法
[encoding: <iana_encoding_name>]

# Describes how to receive logs from syslog.
# 描述如何从syslog中接收日志
[syslog: <syslog_config>]

# Describes how to receive logs via the Loki push API, (e.g. from other Promtails or the Docker Logging Driver)
# 描述如何通过Loki 推送API 接收日志
[loki_push_api: <loki_push_api_config>]

# Describes how to scrape logs from the Windows event logs.
[windows_events: <windows_events_config>]

# Configuration describing how to pull/receive Google Cloud Platform (GCP) logs.
[gcplog: <gcplog_config>]

# Configuration describing how to get Azure Event Hubs messages.
[azure_event_hub: <azure_event_hub_config>]

# Describes how to fetch logs from Kafka via a Consumer group.
[kafka: <kafka_config>]

# Describes how to receive logs from gelf client.
[gelf: <gelf_config>]

# Configuration describing how to pull logs from Cloudflare.
[cloudflare: <cloudflare>]

# Configuration describing how to pull logs from a Heroku LogPlex drain.
[heroku_drain: <heroku_drain>]

# Describes how to relabel targets to determine if they should
# be processed.
# 描述是否重写这些目标
  - [<relabel_config>]

# Static targets to scrape.
# 静态目标拉取
  - [<static_config>]

# Files containing targets to scrape.
# 目标文件拉取
  - [<file_sd_configs>]

# Describes how to discover Kubernetes services running on the
# same host.
# k8s拉取配置
  - [<kubernetes_sd_config>]

# Describes how to use the Consul Catalog API to discover services registered with the
# consul cluster.
# consul 拉取配置
  [ - <consul_sd_config> ... ]

# Describes how to use the Consul Agent API to discover services registered with the consul agent
# running on the same host as Promtail.
# 通过consul aget api来发现拉取配置
  [ - <consulagent_sd_config> ... ]

# Describes how to use the Docker daemon API to discover containers running on
# the same host as Promtail.
# 通过Docker 守护API来发现拉取的配置
  [ - <docker_sd_config> ... ]




yaml 复制代码
- [
    <docker> |
    <cri> |
    <regex> |
    <json> |
    <template> |
    <match> |
    <timestamp> |
    <output> |
    <labels> |
    <metrics> |
    <tenant> |


yaml 复制代码
docker: {}


json 复制代码
`{"log":"level=info ts=2019-04-30T02:12:41.844179Z caller=filetargetmanager.go:180 msg=\"Adding target\"\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2019-04-30T02:12:41.8443515Z"}`


Docker 阶段只是一个便捷的包装器定义:

yaml 复制代码
- json:
      output: log
      stream: stream
      timestamp: time
- labels:
- timestamp:
    source: timestamp
    format: RFC3339Nano
- output:
    source: output


yaml 复制代码
cri: {}


json 复制代码
2019-01-01T01:00:00.000000001Z stderr P some log message

time 提取为日志时间戳,stream提取为标签,将剩余的消息打包到消息中


yaml 复制代码
- regex:
    expression: "^(?s)(?P<time>\\S+?) (?P<stream>stdout|stderr) (?P<flags>\\S+?) (?P<content>.*)$"
- labels:
- timestamp:
    source: time
    format: RFC3339Nano
- output:
    source: content


yaml 复制代码
  # The RE2 regular expression. Each capture group must be named.
  # RE2 正则表达式,必须命名每个拉取组
  expression: <string>

  # Name from extracted data to parse. If empty, uses the log message.
  # 要分析的提取数据的名称。如果为空,则使用日志消息
  [source: <string>]


yaml 复制代码
  # Set of key/value pairs of JMESPath expressions. The key will be
  # the key in the extracted data while the expression will be the value,
  # evaluated as a JMESPath from the source data.
  # 做为JMESPath表达式的 key/valu键值,key是提取数据中的键,value是表达式
    [ <string>: <string> ... ]

  # Name from extracted data to parse. If empty, uses the log message.
  # 从提取的数据中解析的名称。如果为空,则使用日志消息。
  [source: <string>]

使用GO的 text/template语言操作值

yaml 复制代码
  # Name from extracted data to parse. If key in extract data doesn't exist, an
  # entry for it will be created.
  # 分析数据的名称,如果key在数据中不存在,将创建一个条目
  source: <string>

  # Go template string to use. In additional to normal template
  # functions, ToLower, ToUpper, Replace, Trim, TrimLeft, TrimRight,
  # TrimPrefix, TrimSuffix, and TrimSpace are available as functions.
  # 要使用的Go模板字符串。
  template: <string>


yaml 复制代码
  source: level
  template: '{{ if eq .Value "WARN" }}{{ Replace .Value "WARN" "OK" -1 }}{{ else }}{{ .Value }}{{ end }}'


yaml 复制代码
  # LogQL stream selector.
  selector: <string>

  # Names the pipeline. When defined, creates an additional label in
  # the pipeline_duration_seconds histogram, where the value is
  # concatenated with job_name using an underscore.
  [pipeline_name: <string>]

  # Nested set of pipeline stages only if the selector
  # matches the labels of the log entries:
  # 仅当选择器与日志条目标签匹配时,才使用的管道阶段的嵌套集合
    - [
        <docker> |
        <cri> |
        <json> |
        <template> |
        <match> |
        <timestamp> |
        <output> |
        <labels> |


yaml 复制代码
  # Name from extracted data to use for the timestamp.
  source: <string>

  # Determines how to parse the time string. Can use
  # pre-defined formats by name: [ANSIC UnixDate RubyDate RFC822
  # RFC822Z RFC850 RFC1123 RFC1123Z RFC3339 RFC3339Nano Unix
  # UnixMs UnixUs UnixNs].
  format: <string>

  # IANA Timezone Database string.
  [location: <string>]


yaml 复制代码
  # Name from extracted data to use for the log entry.
  source: <string>


yaml 复制代码
  # Key is REQUIRED and the name for the label that will be created.
  # Value is optional and will be the name from extracted data whose value
  # will be used for the value of the label. If empty, the value will be
  # inferred to be the same as the key.
  [ <string>: [<string>] ... ]


yaml 复制代码
# A map where the key is the name of the metric and the value is a specific
# metric type.
  [<string>: [ <counter> | <gauge> | <histogram> ] ...]


yaml 复制代码
# The metric type. Must be Counter.
type: Counter

# Describes the metric.
[description: <string>]

# Key from the extracted data map to use for the metric,
# defaulting to the metric's name if not present.
[source: <string>]

  # Filters down source data and only changes the metric
  # if the targeted value exactly matches the provided string.
  # If not present, all data will match.
  [value: <string>]

  # Must be either "inc" or "add" (case insensitive). If
  # inc is chosen, the metric value will increase by 1 for each
  # log line received that passed the filter. If add is chosen,
  # the extracted value must be convertible to a positive float
  # and its value will be added to the metric.
  action: <string>


yaml 复制代码
# The metric type. Must be Gauge.
type: Gauge

# Describes the metric.
[description: <string>]

# Key from the extracted data map to use for the metric,
# defaulting to the metric's name if not present.
[source: <string>]

  # Filters down source data and only changes the metric
  # if the targeted value exactly matches the provided string.
  # If not present, all data will match.
  [value: <string>]

  # Must be either "set", "inc", "dec"," add", or "sub". If
  # add, set, or sub is chosen, the extracted value must be
  # convertible to a positive float. inc and dec will increment
  # or decrement the metric's value by 1 respectively.
  action: <string>


yaml 复制代码
# The metric type. Must be Histogram.
type: Histogram

# Describes the metric.
[description: <string>]

# Key from the extracted data map to use for the metric,
# defaulting to the metric's name if not present.
[source: <string>]

  # Filters down source data and only changes the metric
  # if the targeted value exactly matches the provided string.
  # If not present, all data will match.
  [value: <string>]

  # Must be either "inc" or "add" (case insensitive). If
  # inc is chosen, the metric value will increase by 1 for each
  # log line received that passed the filter. If add is chosen,
  # the extracted value must be convertible to a positive float
  # and its value will be added to the metric.
  action: <string>

  # Holds all the numbers in which to bucket the metric.
    - <int>


yaml 复制代码
  # Either label, source or value config option is required, but not all (they
  # are mutually exclusive).

  # Name from labels to whose value should be set as tenant ID.
  [ label: <string> ]

  # Name from extracted data to whose value should be set as tenant ID.
  [ source: <string> ]

  # Value to use to set the tenant ID when this stage is executed. Useful
  # when this stage is included within a conditional pipeline with "match".
  [ value: <string> ]


yaml 复制代码
  # The RE2 regular expression. Each named capture group will be added to extracted.
  # Each capture group and named capture group will be replaced with the value given in
  # `replace`
  expression: <string>

  # Name from extracted data to parse. If empty, uses the log message.
  # The replaced value will be assigned back to soure key
  [source: <string>]

  # Value to which the captured group will be replaced. The captured group or the named
  # captured group will be replaced with this value and the log line will be replaced with
  # new replaced values. An empty value will remove the captured group from the log line.
  [replace: <string>]



yaml 复制代码
# Configures the discovery to look on the current machine.
# This is required by the prometheus service discovery code but doesn't
# really apply to Promtail which can ONLY look at files on the local machine
# As such it should only have the value of localhost, OR it can be excluded
# entirely and a default value of localhost will be applied by Promtail.
# 当前机器上发现配置。
# 因此,它应该只有localhost值,或者可以完全排除它,Promtail将应用默认值localhost
  - localhost

# Defines a file to scrape and an optional set of additional labels to apply to
# all streams defined by the files from __path__.
  # The path to load logs from. Can use glob patterns (e.g., /var/log/*.log).
  # 加载的日志路径
  __path__: <string>

  # Used to exclude files from being loaded. Can also use glob patterns.
  # 从加载中排除文件
  __path_exclude__: <string>

  # Additional labels to assign to the logs
  # 要分配的其他标签
  [ <labelname>: <labelvalue> ... ]


Kubernetes SD configurations allow retrieving scrape targets from Kubernetes' REST API and always staying synchronized with the cluster state.

Kubernetes SD配置允许从Kubernetes REST API 中检索目标,以便与集群保持同步

One of the following role types can be configured to discover targets:

以下role 类型之一可以配置为发现目标


The node role discovers one target per cluster node with the address defaulting to the Kubelet's HTTP port.

node 角色将发现的每个集群节点做为一个目标,地址默认为Kubelete的HTTP端口

The target address defaults to the first existing address of the Kubernetes node object in the address type order of NodeInternalIP, NodeExternalIP, NodeLegacyHostIP, and NodeHostName.


Available meta labels:

  • __meta_kubernetes_node_name: The name of the node object.
  • _meta_kubernetes_node_label: Each label from the node object.
  • _meta_kubernetes_node_labelpresent: true for each label from the node object.
  • _meta_kubernetes_node_annotation: Each annotation from the node object.
  • _meta_kubernetes_node_annotationpresent: true for each annotation from the node object.
  • _meta_kubernetes_node_address<address_type>: The first address for each node address type, if it exists.

In addition, the instance label for the node will be set to the node name as retrieved from the API server.


  • __meta_kubernetes_node_name: 节点对象的名称
  • _meta_kubernetes_node_label: 节点对象的每个标签
  • _meta_kubernetes_node_labelpresent: 对于节点对象中的每个标签为true
  • _meta_kubernetes_node_annotation: 节点对象中的每个注释
  • _meta_kubernetes_node_annotationpresent: 对于节点对象的每个注释为true。
  • _meta_kubernetes_node_address<address_type>: 每个节点地址类型的第一个地址(如果存在)



The service role discovers a target for each service port of each service. This is generally useful for blackbox monitoring of a service. The address will be set to the Kubernetes DNS name of the service and respective service port.

service 角色将每个发现的服务做为一个目标。这对于服务的黑盒监视通常很有用。地址将设置为服务的Kubernetes DNS名称和相应的服务端口

Available meta labels:

  • __meta_kubernetes_namespace: The namespace of the service object.
  • _meta_kubernetes_service_annotation: Each annotation from the service object.
  • _meta_kubernetes_service_annotationpresent: "true" for each annotation of the service object.
  • __meta_kubernetes_service_cluster_ip: The cluster IP address of the service. (Does not apply to services of type ExternalName)
  • __meta_kubernetes_service_external_name: The DNS name of the service. (Applies to services of type ExternalName)
  • _meta_kubernetes_service_label: Each label from the service object.
  • _meta_kubernetes_service_labelpresent: true for each label of the service object.
  • __meta_kubernetes_service_name: The name of the service object.
  • __meta_kubernetes_service_port_name: Name of the service port for the target.
  • __meta_kubernetes_service_port_protocol: Protocol of the service port for the target.

The pod role discovers all pods and exposes their containers as targets. For each declared port of a container, a single target is generated. If a container has no specified ports, a port-free target per container is created for manually adding a port via relabeling.

pod 角色将发现的所有pod 做为目标。每个容器的端口将生成一个目标,如果容器没有指定的端口,则会为每个容器创建一个无端口目标,用于通过重新标记手动添加端口。

Available meta labels:

  • __meta_kubernetes_namespace: The namespace of the pod object.
  • __meta_kubernetes_pod_name: The name of the pod object.
  • __meta_kubernetes_pod_ip: The pod IP of the pod object.
  • _meta_kubernetes_pod_label: Each label from the pod object.
  • _meta_kubernetes_pod_labelpresent: truefor each label from the pod object.
  • _meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation: Each annotation from the pod object.
  • _meta_kubernetes_pod_annotationpresent: true for each annotation from the pod object.
  • __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_init: true if the container is an InitContainer
  • __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name: Name of the container the target address points to.
  • __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name: Name of the container port.
  • __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number: Number of the container port.
  • __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_protocol: Protocol of the container port.
  • __meta_kubernetes_pod_ready: Set to true or false for the pod's ready state.
  • __meta_kubernetes_pod_phase: Set to Pending, Running, Succeeded, Failed or Unknown in the lifecycle.
  • __meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name: The name of the node the pod is scheduled onto.
  • __meta_kubernetes_pod_host_ip: The current host IP of the pod object.
  • __meta_kubernetes_pod_uid: The UID of the pod object.
  • __meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_kind: Object kind of the pod controller.
  • __meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_name: Name of the pod controller.

The endpoints role discovers targets from listed endpoints of a service. For each endpoint address one target is discovered per port. If the endpoint is backed by a pod, all additional container ports of the pod, not bound to an endpoint port, are discovered as targets as well.

Available meta labels:

  • __meta_kubernetes_namespace: The namespace of the endpoints object.
  • __meta_kubernetes_endpoints_name: The names of the endpoints object.
  • For all targets discovered directly from the endpoints list (those not additionally inferred from underlying pods), the following labels are attached:
    • __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_hostname: Hostname of the endpoint.
    • __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_node_name: Name of the node hosting the endpoint.
    • __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_ready: Set to true or false for the endpoint's ready state.
    • __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name: Name of the endpoint port.
    • __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_protocol: Protocol of the endpoint port.
    • __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_address_target_kind: Kind of the endpoint address target.
    • __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_address_target_name: Name of the endpoint address target.
  • If the endpoints belong to a service, all labels of the role: service discovery are attached.
  • For all targets backed by a pod, all labels of the role: pod discovery are attached.

The ingress role discovers a target for each path of each ingress. This is generally useful for blackbox monitoring of an ingress. The address will be set to the host specified in the ingress spec.

Available meta labels:

  • __meta_kubernetes_namespace: The namespace of the ingress object.
  • __meta_kubernetes_ingress_name: The name of the ingress object.
  • _meta_kubernetes_ingress_label: Each label from the ingress object.
  • _meta_kubernetes_ingress_labelpresent: true for each label from the ingress object.
  • _meta_kubernetes_ingress_annotation: Each annotation from the ingress object.
  • _meta_kubernetes_ingress_annotationpresent: true for each annotation from the ingress object.
  • __meta_kubernetes_ingress_scheme: Protocol scheme of ingress, https if TLS config is set. Defaults to http.
  • __meta_kubernetes_ingress_path: Path from ingress spec. Defaults to /.

See below for the configuration options for Kubernetes discovery:

yaml 复制代码
# The information to access the Kubernetes API.

# The API server addresses. If left empty, Prometheus is assumed to run inside
# of the cluster and will discover API servers automatically and use the pod's
# CA certificate and bearer token file at /var/run/secrets/
# API服务器地址。如果为空,Prometheus在集群内部运行
# 将自动发现API服务并使用在/var/run/secrets/路径下的CA证书和 bearer token文件
[ api_server: <host> ]

# The Kubernetes role of entities that should be discovered.
# Kubernetes中应该被发现的实体角色
role: <role>

# Optional authentication information used to authenticate to the API server.
# Note that `basic_auth`, `bearer_token` and `bearer_token_file` options are
# mutually exclusive.
# password and password_file are mutually exclusive.

# Optional HTTP basic authentication information.
  [ username: <string> ]
  [ password: <secret> ]
  [ password_file: <string> ]

# Optional bearer token authentication information.
[ bearer_token: <secret> ]

# Optional bearer token file authentication information.
[ bearer_token_file: <filename> ]

# Optional proxy URL.
[ proxy_url: <string> ]

# TLS configuration.
  [ <tls_config> ]

# Optional namespace discovery. If omitted, all namespaces are used.
# 可选的,发现命名空间,省略使用所有的命名空间
    [ - <string> ]

# Optional label and field selectors to limit the discovery process to a subset of available
#  resources. 
# 可选的标签和字段选择器,用于将发现过程限制为可用资源的子集
# and to learn
# more about the possible filters that can be used. The endpoints role supports pod,
# service, and endpoint selectors. Roles only support selectors matching the role itself;
# for example, the node role can only contain node selectors.
# Note: When making decisions about using field/label selectors, make sure that this
# is the best approach. It will prevent Promtail from reusing single list/watch
# for all scrape configurations. This might result in a bigger load on the Kubernetes API,
# because for each selector combination, there will be additional LIST/WATCH.
# On the other hand, if you want to monitor a small subset of pods of a large cluster,
# we recommend using selectors. The decision on the use of selectors or not depends
# on the particular situation.
[ selectors:
          [ - role: <string>
                  [ label: <string> ]
                  [ field: <string> ] ]]

Where must be endpoints, service, pod, node, or ingress.

See this example Prometheus configuration file for a detailed example of configuring Prometheus for Kubernetes.

You may wish to check out the 3rd party Prometheus Operator, which automates the Prometheus setup on top of Kubernetes.

包含endpoints, service, pod, node, 或 ingress

有关为Kubernetes配置Prometheus的详细示例,请参阅此示例Prometheus配置文件。其他第三方的 Prometheus Operator,能够自动配置Kubernetes上的Prometheus


Prometheus 系列文章

  1. Prometheus 的介绍和安装
  2. 直观感受PromQL及其数据类型
  3. PromQL之选择器和运算符
  4. PromQL之函数
  5. Prometheus 告警机制介绍及命令解读
  6. Prometheus 告警模块配置深度解析
  7. Prometheus 配置身份认证
  8. Prometheus 动态拉取监控服务
  9. Prometheus 监控云Mysql和自建Mysql

Grafana 系列文章,版本:OOS v9.3.1

  1. Grafana 的介绍和安装
  2. Grafana监控大屏配置参数介绍(一)
  3. Grafana监控大屏配置参数介绍(二)
  4. Grafana监控大屏可视化图表
  5. Grafana 查询数据和转换数据
  6. Grafana 告警模块介绍
  7. Grafana 告警接入飞书通知

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