
简单来说就:使用逗号分隔数据 ,当出现冲突的使用双引号包裹冲突数据 来解决冲突(没有冲突也可以使用双引号包裹数据)。通过逗号将数据分隔成列,通过 \n
换行符将数据分隔成行,因此 CSV 格式可以用来表示二维表格数据。
CSV 解析
根据上面的格式,简单写一个 CSV 解析器。思路其实很简单,就是先按 \n
进行分行,再按 ,
进行分列。只不过需要注意的是:在分列的时候遇到 "
// 特殊符号枚举
const SIGN = {
rowDelimiter: '\n',
colDelimiter: ',',
specialCharacter: '"',
const parseCsv = (str = '') =>
str.split(SIGN.rowDelimiter).map((row) => {
const chunk = []
let doubleQuoteIsClose = true
let unit = ''
for (let i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
const s = row[i]
if (s === SIGN.colDelimiter && doubleQuoteIsClose) {
// 去除首尾 ",这两个双引号可能是由于逗号冲突而添加的
unit = unit.replace(/^"|"$/g, '')
unit = ''
if (s === SIGN.specialCharacter) {
doubleQuoteIsClose = !doubleQuoteIsClose
unit += s
// 收集末尾的 unit
if (unit) {
unit = unit.replace(/^"|"$/g, '')
return chunk
通过上面处理,我们可以将一个 csv 格式的数据解析成一个二维数组。其实 csv 数据组织格式 的核心很简单:使用 \n
分隔行,使用 ,
分隔列,使用 "
作为特殊字符来解决字符冲突。 至于是否组装 header,以及一些优化处理就比较简单了。
PapaParse 源码分析
接下来我们来看一款成熟的工具:PapaParse。PapaParse 有丰富的使用文档,并且在 GitHub 上有 12k 的 star,npm 的周下载量也在非常高的两百多万,是一款比较推荐的 csv 解析库。
// Next delimiter comes before next newline, so we've reached end of field
if (
nextDelim !== -1 &&
(nextDelim < nextNewline || nextNewline === -1)
) {
row.push(input.substring(cursor, nextDelim))
cursor = nextDelim + delimLen
// we look for next delimiter char
nextDelim = input.indexOf(delim, cursor)
// End of row
if (nextNewline !== -1) {
row.push(input.substring(cursor, nextNewline))
saveRow(nextNewline + newlineLen)
if (stepIsFunction) {
if (aborted) return returnable()
if (preview && data.length >= preview) return returnable(true)
// If this quote is escaped, it's part of the data; skip it
// If the quote character is the escape character, then check if the next character is the escape character
if (quoteChar === escapeChar && input[quoteSearch + 1] === escapeChar) {
// If the quote character is not the escape character, then check if the previous character was the escape character
if (
quoteChar !== escapeChar &&
quoteSearch !== 0 &&
input[quoteSearch - 1] === escapeChar
) {
它的这个逻辑对于转义字符的判断更加细腻,不过我们之前的 double 应该也没有太大的问题。
if (s === SIGN.specialCharacter) {
doubleQuoteIsClose = !doubleQuoteIsClose
所以 csv 数据格式解析的核心逻辑其实是很简单的。
this.parse = function (input, baseIndex, ignoreLastRow) {
// For some reason, in Chrome, this speeds things up (!?)
if (typeof input !== 'string') throw new Error('Input must be a string')
// We don't need to compute some of these every time parse() is called,
// but having them in a more local scope seems to perform better
var inputLen = input.length,
delimLen = delim.length,
newlineLen = newline.length,
commentsLen = comments.length
var stepIsFunction = isFunction(step)
// Establish starting state
cursor = 0
var data = [],
errors = [],
row = [],
lastCursor = 0
if (!input) return returnable()
// Rename headers if there are duplicates
var firstLine
if (config.header && !baseIndex) {
firstLine = input.split(newline)[0]
var headers = firstLine.split(delim)
var separator = '_'
var headerMap = new Set()
var headerCount = {}
var duplicateHeaders = false
// Using old-style 'for' loop to avoid prototype pollution that would be picked up with 'var j in headers'
for (var j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) {
var header = headers[j]
if (isFunction(config.transformHeader))
header = config.transformHeader(header, j)
var headerName = header
var count = headerCount[header] || 0
if (count > 0) {
duplicateHeaders = true
headerName = header + separator + count
// Initialise the variable if it hasn't been.
if (renamedHeaders === null) {
renamedHeaders = {}
headerCount[header] = count + 1
// In case it already exists, we add more separators
while (headerMap.has(headerName)) {
headerName = headerName + separator + count
if (count > 0) {
renamedHeaders[headerName] = header
if (duplicateHeaders) {
var editedInput = input.split(newline)
editedInput[0] = Array.from(headerMap).join(delim)
input = editedInput.join(newline)
if (fastMode || (fastMode !== false && input.indexOf(quoteChar) === -1)) {
var rows = input.split(newline)
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
row = rows[i]
// use firstline as row length may be changed due to duplicated headers
if (i === 0 && firstLine !== undefined) {
cursor += firstLine.length
} else {
cursor += row.length
if (i !== rows.length - 1) cursor += newline.length
else if (ignoreLastRow) return returnable()
if (comments && row.substring(0, commentsLen) === comments) continue
if (stepIsFunction) {
data = []
if (aborted) return returnable()
} else pushRow(row.split(delim))
if (preview && i >= preview) {
data = data.slice(0, preview)
return returnable(true)
return returnable()
var nextDelim = input.indexOf(delim, cursor)
var nextNewline = input.indexOf(newline, cursor)
var quoteCharRegex = new RegExp(
escapeRegExp(escapeChar) + escapeRegExp(quoteChar),
var quoteSearch = input.indexOf(quoteChar, cursor)
// Parser loop
for (;;) {
// Field has opening quote
if (input[cursor] === quoteChar) {
// Start our search for the closing quote where the cursor is
quoteSearch = cursor
// Skip the opening quote
for (;;) {
// Find closing quote
quoteSearch = input.indexOf(quoteChar, quoteSearch + 1)
//No other quotes are found - no other delimiters
if (quoteSearch === -1) {
if (!ignoreLastRow) {
// No closing quote... what a pity
type: 'Quotes',
code: 'MissingQuotes',
message: 'Quoted field unterminated',
row: data.length, // row has yet to be inserted
index: cursor,
return finish()
// Closing quote at EOF
if (quoteSearch === inputLen - 1) {
var value = input
.substring(cursor, quoteSearch)
.replace(quoteCharRegex, quoteChar)
return finish(value)
// If this quote is escaped, it's part of the data; skip it
// If the quote character is the escape character, then check if the next character is the escape character
// 连续两个双引号,表示转译的意思
if (quoteChar === escapeChar && input[quoteSearch + 1] === escapeChar) {
// If the quote character is not the escape character, then check if the previous character was the escape character
if (
quoteChar !== escapeChar &&
quoteSearch !== 0 &&
input[quoteSearch - 1] === escapeChar
) {
// 说明匹配到 " 结束符号
if (nextDelim !== -1 && nextDelim < quoteSearch + 1) {
nextDelim = input.indexOf(delim, quoteSearch + 1)
if (nextNewline !== -1 && nextNewline < quoteSearch + 1) {
nextNewline = input.indexOf(newline, quoteSearch + 1)
// Check up to nextDelim or nextNewline, whichever is closest
var checkUpTo =
nextNewline === -1 ? nextDelim : Math.min(nextDelim, nextNewline)
var spacesBetweenQuoteAndDelimiter = extraSpaces(checkUpTo)
// Closing quote followed by delimiter or 'unnecessary spaces + delimiter'
// 跳过空格
if (
quoteSearch + 1 + spacesBetweenQuoteAndDelimiter,
) === delim
) {
.substring(cursor, quoteSearch)
.replace(quoteCharRegex, quoteChar)
cursor = quoteSearch + 1 + spacesBetweenQuoteAndDelimiter + delimLen
// If char after following delimiter is not quoteChar, we find next quote char position
if (
quoteSearch + 1 + spacesBetweenQuoteAndDelimiter + delimLen
] !== quoteChar
) {
quoteSearch = input.indexOf(quoteChar, cursor)
nextDelim = input.indexOf(delim, cursor)
nextNewline = input.indexOf(newline, cursor)
var spacesBetweenQuoteAndNewLine = extraSpaces(nextNewline)
// Closing quote followed by newline or 'unnecessary spaces + newLine'
if (
quoteSearch + 1 + spacesBetweenQuoteAndNewLine,
quoteSearch + 1 + spacesBetweenQuoteAndNewLine + newlineLen
) === newline
) {
.substring(cursor, quoteSearch)
.replace(quoteCharRegex, quoteChar)
saveRow(quoteSearch + 1 + spacesBetweenQuoteAndNewLine + newlineLen)
nextDelim = input.indexOf(delim, cursor) // because we may have skipped the nextDelim in the quoted field
quoteSearch = input.indexOf(quoteChar, cursor) // we search for first quote in next line
if (stepIsFunction) {
if (aborted) return returnable()
if (preview && data.length >= preview) return returnable(true)
// Checks for valid closing quotes are complete (escaped quotes or quote followed by EOF/delimiter/newline) -- assume these quotes are part of an invalid text string
type: 'Quotes',
code: 'InvalidQuotes',
message: 'Trailing quote on quoted field is malformed',
row: data.length, // row has yet to be inserted
index: cursor,
// Comment found at start of new line
if (
comments &&
row.length === 0 &&
input.substring(cursor, cursor + commentsLen) === comments
) {
if (nextNewline === -1)
// Comment ends at EOF
return returnable()
cursor = nextNewline + newlineLen
nextNewline = input.indexOf(newline, cursor)
nextDelim = input.indexOf(delim, cursor)
// Next delimiter comes before next newline, so we've reached end of field
if (nextDelim !== -1 && (nextDelim < nextNewline || nextNewline === -1)) {
row.push(input.substring(cursor, nextDelim))
cursor = nextDelim + delimLen
// we look for next delimiter char
nextDelim = input.indexOf(delim, cursor)
// End of row
if (nextNewline !== -1) {
row.push(input.substring(cursor, nextNewline))
saveRow(nextNewline + newlineLen)
if (stepIsFunction) {
if (aborted) return returnable()
if (preview && data.length >= preview) return returnable(true)
return finish()
function pushRow(row) {
lastCursor = cursor
* checks if there are extra spaces after closing quote and given index without any text
* if Yes, returns the number of spaces
function extraSpaces(index) {
var spaceLength = 0
if (index !== -1) {
var textBetweenClosingQuoteAndIndex = input.substring(
quoteSearch + 1,
if (
textBetweenClosingQuoteAndIndex &&
textBetweenClosingQuoteAndIndex.trim() === ''
) {
spaceLength = textBetweenClosingQuoteAndIndex.length
return spaceLength
* Appends the remaining input from cursor to the end into
* row, saves the row, calls step, and returns the results.
function finish(value) {
if (ignoreLastRow) return returnable()
if (typeof value === 'undefined') value = input.substring(cursor)
cursor = inputLen // important in case parsing is paused
if (stepIsFunction) doStep()
return returnable()
* Appends the current row to the results. It sets the cursor
* to newCursor and finds the nextNewline. The caller should
* take care to execute user's step function and check for
* preview and end parsing if necessary.
function saveRow(newCursor) {
cursor = newCursor
row = []
nextNewline = input.indexOf(newline, cursor)
/** Returns an object with the results, errors, and meta. */
function returnable(stopped) {
return {
data: data,
errors: errors,
meta: {
delimiter: delim,
linebreak: newline,
aborted: aborted,
truncated: !!stopped,
cursor: lastCursor + (baseIndex || 0),
renamedHeaders: renamedHeaders,
/** Executes the user's step function and resets data & errors. */
function doStep() {
data = []
errors = []