Bash Scripting Tutorial for Beginners - medium synoposis

Bash Scripting Tutorial for Beginners - medium synoposis

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2.15) SED

there will come a time where you want to change certain values in text files, and that's where sed or set comes in.

set is a command line tool that will allow you to modify values in a txt file using regular expressions. Let's have a look at an exact example on how to use 'sed' or 'set' to replace values in a text file.

Create a text file called settestdottxt. Let's write down some text here. Now we will replace the word fly with grasshopper, just for demonstration purposes.

so we type in sed, single quotes, s, forward slash , fly forward slash, grasshopper forward slash, G single quotes and then the name o our text file, which is settest dot txt.

Now the structure of this command is a little bit daunting, but let's break it down. First, we start off with the sed command, we open the single quotes and start our regular expression.

First we enter the mode we want to use, which is as for substitute, meaning we want to substitute the next word behind the forward slash with the word after the second forward slash, which is the First one is fly, and the second one is grasshopper.

That after the last, we provide the G which means that we want to do this globally. G stands for globally and globally means that you want to do this across the entire text file, which means that we want to change every occurrence, we close it

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