
<page-meta page-style="{{ showPolish ? 'overflow: hidden;' : '' }}" />
<view class="wrap">
<view class="header-tab" style="justify-content: {{typeList.length > 2 ? 'start' : 'center'}}">
<view class="tab-list {{idx == item.id ? 'active' : ''}}" wx:for="{{typeList}}" wx:key="id" data-scene="{{item.scene}}" data-idx="{{item.id}}" data-ext="{{item.ext}}" bindtap="tabHandle">
<image src="{{item.thumb}}" class="icon-daily" mode="aspectFill" />
<view class="v1">{{item.name}}</view>
<!-- <view class="tab-list v2 {{idx == '2' ? 'active' : ''}}" data-idx="2" bindtap="tabHandle">
<image src="/image/outdoors.png" class="icon-daily" mode="widthFix"/>
<view class="tab-list {{idx == '3' ? 'active' : ''}}" data-idx="3" bindtap="tabHandle">
<image src="/image/mixedcollar.png" class="icon-daily" mode="widthFix"/>
</view> -->
<block wx:if="{{isAdmin || isSeniorTeacher || isTeacherDirector}}">
<scroll-view class="scroll-class-box" scroll-x="true">
<view class="scroll-class-list {{classCheckedId == item.classId ? 'active': ''}}" wx:for="{{classData}}" wx:key="id" data-index="{{index}}" data-id="{{item.classId}}" bindtap="checkClassHandle">
<view class="white-box record-white-box" wx:if="{{themeExt}}">
<view class="title-box">
<view class="yellow-fence"></view>
<view class="title-txt-part">
<view class="v1">指向主题活动</view>
<view class="close-box" bindtap="openThemeHandle">
<image src="{{openTheme ? '/image/icon_arrow_up2.png' : '/image/icon_arrow_down2.png'}}" data-idx="{{index}}" class="icon-close-black"></image>
<block wx:if="{{openTheme}}">
<view class="theme-item" wx:if="{{activityList.length > 0}}">
<view class="theme-list" wx:for="{{activityList}}" wx:key="id" data-idx="{{index}}" bindtap="checkActivityHandle">
<image src="{{item.checked?'/image/icon_checkbox_checked.png':'/image/icon_checkbox.png'}}" class="icon-checkbox"></image>
<view class="v1">{{item.name}}</view>
<view class="v2">{{item.status == '1' ? '整理' : '计划'}}{{item.monthWeek ? item.monthWeek : '-暂无'}}</view>
<view class="package-footer" bindtap="loadMoreActivity">{{moreTxt}}</view>
<view class="up-box mt20" bindtap="openThemeHandle">
<image src="/image/icon_arrow_up2.png" class="icon-close-black"></image>
<block wx:else>
<view class="close-box-str" bindtap="openThemeHandle">暂未安排活动 | 计划-无</view>
<view class="close-box-str" wx:if="{{!openTheme}}" bindtap="openThemeHandle">{{themeStr ? themeStr : '未选择相关主题活动'}}</view>
<view class="white-box record-white-box">
<view class="title-box">
<view class="yellow-fence"></view>
<view class="title-txt-part">
<view class="v1">
<text class="t1">*</text>
<view class="student-number">已选择{{checkedStudentsTreated.length}}个幼儿</view>
<view class="close-box" bindtap="openStudentHandle">
<image src="{{openStudents ? '/image/icon_arrow_up2.png' : '/image/icon_arrow_down2.png'}}" data-idx="{{index}}" class="icon-close-black"></image>
<block wx:if="{{openStudents}}">
<view class="student-box" wx:if="{{students.length > 0}}">
<view class="student-list" wx:for="{{students}}" wx:key="id" data-idx="{{index}}" bindtap="checkHandle">
<image src="/image/icon_check.png" class="icon-check" wx:if="{{item.checked}}" />
<image src="{{item.studentImage ? item.studentImage : '/image/default.png'}}" mode="aspectFill" class="student-photo" />
<view class="v1">{{item.studentNumber}}号-{{item.studentName}}</view>
<view class="up-box" bindtap="openStudentHandle" wx:if="{{students.length > 0}}">
<image src="/image/icon_arrow_up2.png" class="icon-close-black"></image>
<block wx:if="{{students.length == 0}}">
<view class="close-box-str">还未录入本班幼儿信息,请去后台录入</view>
<view class="student-box" wx:if="{{!openStudents && checkedStudents.length > 0}}" bindtap="openStudentHandle">
<view class="student-list2" wx:for="{{checkedStudentsTreated}}" wx:key="id">
<image src="{{item.studentImage ? item.studentImage : '/image/default.png'}}" mode="aspectFill" class="student-photo2" />
<view class="v1">{{item.studentNumber}}号-{{item.studentName}}</view>
<view class="student-list2" wx:if="{{checkedStudents.length > 10}}">
<view class="more-box">...</view>
<view class="no-graphs" wx:if="{{!openStudents && students.length > 0 && checkedStudents.length == 0}}" bindtap="openStudentHandle">未选择幼儿</view>
<view class="white-box record-white-box only-box">
<view class="title-box">
<view class="yellow-fence"></view>
<view class="title-txt-part">
<view class="v1">记录日期<text class="t1">*</text></view>
<view class="check-list-rig">
<picker mode="date" bindchange="bindDateChange" value="{{selectedDate}}">
<view class="picker">
{{selectedDate ? selectedDate : '日期未选'}}
<view class="white-box record-white-box only-box">
<view class="title-box">
<view class="yellow-fence"></view>
<view class="title-txt-part">
<view class="v1">观察场景<text class="t1">*</text></view>
<view class="check-list-rig">
<picker mode="selector" range="{{observeSceneList}}" bindchange="bindParentChange" value="{{observeParentIndex}}" range-key="expenseItem">
<view class="picker">
<view class="ones-aline">-</view>
<picker mode="selector" range="{{childArray}}" bindchange="bindChildChange" value="{{observeChildIndex}}" range-key="expenseItem">
<view class="picker">
<view class="white-box record-white-box">
<view class="title-box">
<view class="yellow-fence"></view>
<view class="title-txt-part">
<view class="v1">观察目的</view>
<!-- <view class="close-box" bindtap="openObserveHandle">
<image src="{{openObserve ? '/image/icon_arrow_up2.png' : '/image/icon_arrow_down2.png'}}" data-idx="{{index}}" class="icon-close-black"></image>
</view> -->
<view class="observe-cont mt-20">
<view class="textarea-wrap">
<textarea class="textarea-box2" value="{{observe}}" placeholder="" maxlength="500" bindinput="monitorObserveInput" style="border-radius: 10rpx 10rpx 0 0;"></textarea>
<!-- <view class="ai-wrap">
<view class="v1" data-aistyle="1" bindtap="aimAiHandle">
<image src="/image/ai.png" class="icon-ai" />
<view class="v1">AI续写</view>
</view> -->
<view class="textarea-foot">
<view class="textarea-foot-lef">已输入{{observeNumber}}个字</view>
<view class="textarea-foot-rig">{{observeNumber}}/500</view>
<!--如果时间 主题 textarea都是空的 则显示 暂无观察情境-->
<!-- <view class="close-box-str" wx:if="{{!openObserve}}" bindtap="openObserveHandle">{{observeStr ? observeStr : '未设相关信息'}}</view> -->
<view class="white-box record-white-box" wx:for="{{activityMaterials}}" wx:key="index">
<view class="title-box">
<view class="yellow-fence"></view>
<view class="title-txt-part">
<view class="v1">观察记录<text class="t1">*</text></view>
<image src="/image/close.png" data-idx="{{index}}" class="icon-close-black2" bindtap="deleteHandle" style="margin-right:9rpx"></image>
<view class="textarea-box-wrap">
<view class="voice-box" wx:if="{{item.recordArr.length > 0}}">
<view class="record-item" wx:for="{{item.recordArr}}" wx:key="txt" wx:for-item="oItem" wx:for-index="oIndex">
<!--down:-160rpx up:90rpx-->
<view class="pos-box" style="margin-top:{{oItem.directionUp?'-160':'90'}}rpx;" wx:if="{{oItem.showTip}}">
<view class="pos-box-lef" data-pidx="{{index}}" data-idx="{{oIndex}}" bindtap="txtRecordHandle">
<image src="/image/icon_txt.png" class="icon-txt" />
<text class="t1">转文字</text>
<view class="pos-box-rig" data-pidx="{{index}}" data-idx="{{oIndex}}" bindtap="delRecordHandle">
<image src="/image/icon_del.png" class="icon-del" />
<text class="t1">删除</text>
<image src="/image/icon_arrow_down.png" wx:if="{{oItem.directionUp}}" class="icon-arrow-down" />
<image src="/image/icon_arrow_up.png" wx:if="{{!oItem.directionUp}}" class="icon-arrow-up" />
<view class="record-list" data-pidx="{{index}}" data-idx="{{oIndex}}" bindtap="playHandle" bindlongpress="onLongPress">
<image src="{{oItem.played == true ? '/image/icon_pause.png' : '/image/icon_video.png'}}" class="icon-video" />
<text class="t1">语音</text>
<text class="t2">00:{{oItem.time}}</text>
<view class="record-txt" wx:if="{{oItem.showTxt}}">{{oItem.txt}}</view>
<textarea class="textarea-box" value="{{item.content}}" data-idx="{{index}}" bindinput="textareaBlurHandle" placeholder="请输入内容" maxlength="19999"></textarea>
<view class="textarea-box-footer">
<!-- <view class="ai-box" data-idx="{{index}}" data-aistyle="2" bindtap="recordAiHandle">
<image src="/image/ai.png" class="icon-ai" />
<view class="v1">AI续写</view>
</view> -->
<button class="record-btn" data-idx="{{index}}" bindtap="recordHandle">
<image src="/image/icon_record_gray.png" wx:if="{{!item.recordState}}" class="icon-record" />
<image src="/image/icon_record_red.png" wx:else="{{item.recordState}}" class="icon-record" />
<view class="material-box">
<block wx:for="{{activityMaterials[index].material}}" wx:for-item="mItem" wx:for-index="mIndex" wx:key="url">
<view class="material-list" wx:if="{{mItem.type == 'img'}}">
<image src="/image/icon_close.png" class="icon-close" data-pidx="{{index}}" data-idx="{{mIndex}}" bindtap="closeHadle" />
<image src="{{mItem.url}}" data-src="{{mItem.url}}" data-pidx="{{index}}" data-idx="{{mIndex}}" bindtap="preview" class="material-list-m2" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view class="material-list" wx:if="{{mItem.type == 'mp4'}}">
<image src="/image/icon_close.png" class="icon-close" data-pidx="{{index}}" data-idx="{{mIndex}}" bindtap="closeHadle" />
<video src="{{mItem.url}}" data-src="{{mItem.url}}" class="material-list-m2" mode="aspectFill"></video>
<button class="upload-box" data-idx="{{index}}" bindtap="uploadFile">
<image src="/image/icon_photo.png" class="icon-photo" />
<view class="add-box" bindtap="addListHandle">
<image src="/image/add.png" mode="widthFix" class="icon-add2" />添加新的图文描述
<view class="white-box record-white-box">
<view class="title-box">
<view class="yellow-fence"></view>
<view class="title-txt-part">
<view class="v1">幼儿发展水平评估</view>
<view class="close-box" bindtap="openAreaHandle" wx:if="{{selectArea.length > 0}}">
<image src="{{openArea ? '/image/icon_arrow_up2.png' : '/image/icon_arrow_down2.png'}}" data-idx="{{index}}" class="icon-close-black"></image>
<block wx:if="{{openArea && selectArea.length > 0}}">
<scroll-view class="scroll-box" scroll-x="true">
<view class="domain-first {{areaFirstIndex == index ? 'active': ''}}" wx:for="{{selectArea}}" wx:key="id" data-index="{{index}}" data-id="{{item.id}}" bindtap="getSelectAreaId">
<block wx:if="{{item.checked}}">
<image src="/image/corner_mark.png" class="corner-mark"></image>
<!--有可能消失的第二级 如果第一级的id用于查询指标列表 指标列表type是3 则第二级显示 如果type是4则该第二级隐藏 ***如果没有children 直接使用选项卡*** 第二级是单选-->
<view class="domain-second" wx:if="{{showAreaSecond}}">
<view class="domain-second-list {{areaSecondIndex == index ? 'active': ''}}" wx:for="{{listSelect}}" wx:key="id" data-index="{{index}}" bindtap="getAreaSecondIndex">{{item.label}}</view>
<!--必然存在的第三级 第三级的组成是title + list 第三级是子级单选 理论上有多个数组 多个数组有对应的子级-->
<view class="domain-three" wx:if="{{showAreaSecond}}">
<view class="domain-three-item" wx:for="{{threeData.children}}" wx:key="id">
<view class="domain-three-title">
<view class="v1">{{item.label}}</view>
<view class="v2">(请在下方选择一个水平)</view>
<view class="domain-three-list" wx:for="{{item.children}}" wx:for-item="mItem" wx:for-index="mIndex" wx:key="id" data-parentindex="{{index}}" data-childindex="{{mIndex}}" data-item="{{mItem}}" bindtap="checkedAreaHandle">
<image src="{{mItem.checked ? '/image/icon_checkbox_checked.png' : '/image/icon_checkbox.png'}}" class="icon-checkbox"></image>
<view class="v2 {{mItem.checked ? 'active' : ''}}">{{mItem.label}}</view>
<view class="domain-three" wx:else>
<view class="domain-three-item" wx:for="{{threeData}}" wx:key="id">
<view class="domain-three-title">
<view class="v1">{{item.label}}</view>
<view class="v2">(请在下方选择一个水平)</view>
<view class="domain-three-list" wx:for="{{item.children}}" wx:for-item="mItem" wx:for-index="mIndex" wx:key="id" wx:for-item="mItem" wx:for-index="mIndex" wx:key="id" data-parentindex="{{index}}" data-childindex="{{mIndex}}" data-item="{{mItem}}" bindtap="checkedAreaHandle">
<image src="{{mItem.checked ? '/image/icon_checkbox_checked.png' : '/image/icon_checkbox.png'}}" class="icon-checkbox"></image>
<view class="v2 {{mItem.checked ? 'active' : ''}}">{{mItem.label}}</view>
<view wx:if="{{selectArea.length == 0}}">
<view class="no-graphs">未做幼儿发展水平评估</view>
<view class="close-box-str" wx:if="{{!openArea && selectArea.length > 0}}" bindtap="openAreaHandle">{{areaStr ? areaStr : '暂无幼儿发展水平评估'}}</view>
<view class="white-box record-white-box">
<view class="title-box">
<view class="yellow-fence"></view>
<view class="title-txt-part">
<view class="v1">改进措施</view>
<!-- <view class="close-box">
<image src="/image/icon_arrow_down2.png" data-idx="{{index}}" class="icon-close-black"></image>
</view> -->
<view class="textarea-wrap" style="margin-top: 20rpx;">
<textarea class="textarea-box2" value="{{measure}}" placeholder="" maxlength="500" bindinput="monitorMeasureInput"></textarea>
<view class="textarea-foot">
<view class="textarea-foot-lef">已输入{{measureNumber}}个字</view>
<view class="textarea-foot-rig">{{measureNumber}}/500</view>
<!-- <view class="save-btn" bindtap="save">提交</view> -->
<view class="white-box record-footer">
<view class="footer">
<view wx:if="{{!oid}}" class="v3" bindtap="cacelObserve">取消</view>
<view wx:if="{{oid}}" class="v3" bindtap="deleteObserve">删除</view>
<view class="v1" data-status="0" bindtap="save">暂存</view>
<view class="v2" data-status="1" bindtap="save">提交</view>
<view class="mask" wx:if="{{maskShow}}" bindtap="closeTipHandle"></view>
<view class="ai-mask" wx:if="{{showPolish}}">
<view class="ai-pop">
<scroll-view class="ai-pop-cont" scroll-y="true">
<textarea class="textarea-box2" value="{{aiPolish}}" placeholder="" maxlength="500" style="border-radius: 10rpx 10rpx 0 0;" bindinput="monitorPopInput"></textarea>
<view class="ai-pop-footer">
<view class="v1" bindtap="aiCancel">取消</view>
<view class="v2" bindtap="aiAgain">重写</view>
<view class="v3" bindtap="aiConfirm">确定</view>
const app = getApp()
const util = require('../../utils/util.js');
const api = require('../../config/api.js');
const BASE_URL = app.globalData.BASE_URL
let lock = false
function getDayDate() {
const currentDate = new Date();
const year = currentDate.getFullYear();
const month = String(currentDate.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0');
const day = String(currentDate.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
return `${year}-${month}-${day}`;
const innerAudioContext = wx.createInnerAudioContext({
useWebAudioImplement: false // 是否使用 WebAudio 作为底层音频驱动,默认关闭。对于短音频、播放频繁的音频建议开启此选项,开启后将获得更优的性能表现。由于开启此选项后也会带来一定的内存增长,因此对于长音频建议关闭此选项
const recorderManager = wx.getRecorderManager();
var wxst; //语音websocket
var status = 0; // 音频的状态
var iatResult = [] // 识别结果
const searchoptions = {
duration: 1000 * 60,
sampleRate: 16000,
numberOfChannels: 1,
encodeBitRate: 48000,
format: 'mp3',
frameSize: 6
data: {
idx: '1',
students: [],
activityMaterials: [],
userInfo: {},
oid: null, //跳转过来编辑的id
//recordArr: [], recordArr率属于activityMaterials的子集 //音频数组 包含三个字段 url->mp3格式文件 txt:MP3的文字版的文本 time: 录音的时间 played:是否正在播放
parentIndex: null,
maskShow: false, //透明的遮罩层
srcMic: '',
edit_text_max: 200,
remain_length: 200,
edit_text: "",
is_focus: false,
tips: "",
index: -1,
voicePath: "",
//recordState: false, //录音状态 该字段纳入作为activityMaterials的子级 由activityMaterials统一调配
contentTxt: '', //内容
firstSend: true,
clientY: 0, //点击的地方到顶部的距离
activityId: null, //指向主题活动回显
themeList: [], //指向主题活动
themeChecked: {}, //主题选中
themeStr: '', //指向主题活动关闭时候显示的文本
openTheme: false, //指向主题活动开关
checkedStudents: [], //选中的幼儿列表
checkedStudentsTreated: [], //选中的幼儿处理过的列表 超过10个得截取成9个
openStudents: false, //选择幼儿开关
openObserve: false, //观察背景开关
observeStr: '', //观察关闭时候显示的文本
openArea: false, //幼儿发展水平评估开关
areaStr: '', //幼儿发展水平评估关闭时候显示的文本
observe: '', //观察目的
observeNumber: 0,
areaFirstIndex: 0, //一级选中的index 默认第一个选中
areaSecondIndex: 0, //二级选中的index 默认第一个选中 如果type为3
//selectArea: [], //评估对象列表
showAreaSecond: false, //是否展示二级
observationViewId: '', //编辑观察记录的id
listSelect: [], //指标列表
threeData: [], //三级列表数据
evaluationItems: [], //幼儿发展水平评估最终存储的数组 也就是选中的数组
activityList: [], //指向主题活动列表
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 6,
moreTxt: '点击加载更多',
flag: false,
selectedDate: getDayDate(),
observeSceneList: [],
childArray: [], // 子集数组
observeParentIndex: 0, // 当前选中的父级索引
observeChildIndex: 0, // 当前选中的子集索引
measure: '', //改进措施
measureNumber: 0,
isAdmin: false, //判断是不是管理员
isSeniorTeacher: false,//判断是不是超级教师
isTeacherDirector: false,//判断是不是混龄教师
classData: [],
classCheckedId: '', //选中的classId 如果是管理员的时候 默认选中第一个 非管理员不调用
typeList: [], //观察记录顶部tab
sceneChecked: '', //观察场景选中对象
themeExt: false, //指向主题活动是否显示
aiPolish: '', //Ai续写的内容
showPolish: false, //Ai续写弹窗
aistyle: null, //1是观察目的 2是观察记录
aiParentIndex: null, //观察记录 第几个在Ai续写
aimAiPolish: '', //观察目的Ai续写的内容
aimAiKeyword: '', //关键词
onLoad() {},
onShow: function () {
wx.setStorageSync('activtyTab', {}); //重置备课助手tab的条件
wx.setStorageSync('activityAdminTab', {}); //ly-add 2023-10-09 重置主题活动列表管理员状态下的班级选中状态
if (app.globalData.isActivityMaterials) return
app.globalData.isActivityMaterials = false //重置记观察记录的上传状态
lock = false;
const userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo');
//判断roles是不是'sch'判断当前用户是不是'园长' 如果roles是senior_teacher那么该角色和园长拥有相同'观察评价'权限 统计里也要和园长一样 也就是'观察记录'、'观察统计' 混龄账号目前不可能是超级老师 2024-04-16
let isAdmin = false
let isSeniorTeacher = false
let isTeacherDirector = false
let oarr = userInfo.roleKeysString.split(',')
isAdmin = util.arrayContainsSch(oarr)
isSeniorTeacher = util.arrayContainsSeniorteacher(oarr)
isTeacherDirector = util.arrayContainsTeacherdirector(oarr)
isAdmin: isAdmin,//判断是不是管理员
isSeniorTeacher: isSeniorTeacher,//判断是不是 超级教师
isTeacherDirector: isTeacherDirector,//判断是不是混龄教师
this.selectClass(); //加载的时候 幼儿发展水平评估 走的这个方法
loadRecord() {
var that = this;
recorderManager.onStart(() => { //开始录音时触发
status = 0;
iatResult = []
//console.log('recorder start');
that.data.firstSend = false;
recorderManager.onError((res) => { //错误回调
recorderManager.onStop((res) => { //结束录音时触发
//console.log('recorder stop')
let otime = (res.duration / 1000).toFixed(0)
status = 2;
var sendsty = '{"data":{"status":2,"audio":"","format":"audio/L16;rate=8000","encoding":"raw"}}'
data: sendsty
// 模拟https
url: BASE_URL + 'common/uploadMediaToTencent', //需要用HTTPS,同时在微信公众平台后台添加服务器地址
filePath: res.tempFilePath, //上传的文件本地地址
name: 'file',
formData: {
'userId': wx.getStorageSync('userInfo').userId,
'scene': 'observation'
success: function (result) {
// console.log("--结束录音--")
// console.log(that.data.contentTxt)
// console.log(JSON.parse(result.data).url)
// console.log(otime)
if (that.data.contentTxt) {
//recordArr: []//音频数组 包含三个字段 url->mp3格式文件 txt:MP3的文字版的文本 time: 录音的时间 played:是否正在播放
let ourl = JSON.parse(result.data).url
let pidx = that.data.parentIndex
let params = {
url: ourl,
txt: that.data.contentTxt,
time: that.timeHandle(otime), //这个时间是用来显示的
played: false,
showTxt: false, //语音的文字部分是否展示
showTip: false, //Tooltip 文字提示是否展示
directionUp: false, //Tooltip的方向是向上还是向下
let oarr = that.data.activityMaterials
oarr.forEach((item) => {
item.recordArr = item.recordArr && item.recordArr.length > 0 ? item.recordArr : []
activityMaterials: oarr
} else {
fail: function (err) {
recorderManager.onFrameRecorded((res) => { //每帧触发
const that = this
const {
} = res
let params = {
'common': {
'app_id': '57198f05'
'business': {
'language': 'zh_cn', //⼩语种可在控制台--语⾳听写(流式)--⽅⾔/语种处添加试⽤
'domain': 'iat',
'accent': 'mandarin', //中⽂⽅⾔可在控制台--语⾳听写(流式)--⽅⾔/语种处添加试⽤
'vad_eos': 1000,
'dwa': 'wpgs' //为使该功能⽣效,需到控制台开通动态修正功能(该功能免费)
'data': {
'status': 0,
'format': 'audio/L16;rate=16000',
'encoding': 'lame',
'audio': wx.arrayBufferToBase64(frameBuffer)
// 拼接数据
let status = 0
if (this.data.firstSend) {
this.data.firstSend = false
} else {
if (isLastFrame) {
status = 2
} else {
status = 1
params.data.status = status
data: JSON.stringify(params),
success: (data) => {
//console.log('send success:' + JSON.stringify(data))
fail: (err) => {
//console.log('send error:' + JSON.stringify(err))
completed: () => {
if (isLastFrame) {
// wx closeSocket
resetObserve() {
areaFirstIndex: 0,
selectArea: [], //评估对象列表
showAreaSecond: false, //是否展示二级
observationViewId: '', //编辑观察记录的id
listSelect: [], //指标列表
idx: '1',
openTheme: false, //指向主题活动开关
themeStr: '', //指向主题活动关闭时候显示的文本
openStudents: false,
openObserve: false,
openArea: false,
observeStr: '',
areaStr: '',
evaluationItems: [],
measureNumber: 0,
observeParentIndex: 0,
oid: app.globalData.isRecordEdit ? app.globalData.recordId : '', //判断是不是从报告页面跳转过来 如果是则赋值id
measure: '',
classData: [],
classCheckedId: '', //选中的classId 如果是管理员的时候 默认选中第一个 非管理员不调用
activityId: null,
checkedStudents: [],
checkedStudentsTreated: [],
students: [],
studentArr: [],
themeChecked: {},
selectedDate: getDayDate(), //记录日期
observeParentIndex: 0,
observeChildIndex: 0,
observe: '',
observeNumber: 0,
activityMaterials: [{
content: '',
material: []
typeList: [], //观察记录顶部tab
sceneChecked: '', //观察场景选中对象
themeExt: false, //指向主题活动是否显示
aiPolish: '', //Ai续写的内容
showPolish: false, //Ai续写弹窗
aistyle: null, //1是观察目的 2是观察记录
aiParentIndex: null, //观察记录 第几个在Ai续写
aimAiPolish: '', //观察目的Ai续写的内容
aimAiKeyword: '', //关键词
if (this.data.oid) {
loadData() {
const that = this;
util.request(api.observeDetail + this.data.oid, '', 'get').then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
let odata = res.data
let studentArr = this.data.students
let checkedStudents = []
if (odata.participants.length > 0) {
checkedStudents = odata.participants
//判断两个数组是否有相同的id 如果有相同的id 给当前的student添加选中状态
studentArr.forEach(item => {
const isChecked = checkedStudents.some(citem => citem.studentId === item.studentId);
item.checked = isChecked;
let oarr2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(checkedStudents))
let observeIndex = odata.scene.split(',')
let observeSceneList = this.data.observeSceneList
let observeParentIndex = 0
let observeChildIndex = 0
if (observeSceneList.length > 0) {
for (let i in observeSceneList) {
if (observeSceneList[i].expenseId == observeIndex[0]) {
observeParentIndex = i
for (let i in observeSceneList[observeParentIndex].children) {
if (observeSceneList[observeParentIndex].children[i].expenseId == observeIndex[1]) {
observeChildIndex = i
let scene = odata.recordDate + ',' + observeSceneList[observeParentIndex].expenseItem + observeSceneList[observeParentIndex].children[observeChildIndex].expenseItem + ',' + (odata.purpose ? odata.purpose : '')
//type 1图片 3视频
let oarr = odata.observationRecords.map(function (item) {
//由于后端返回的数据原因 导致得先把返回的数据剥离成两个数组 一个是语音部分的数组 一个是图片、视频的数组
let paragraphsRecord = [] //存储语音
let paragraphsIV = [] //存储图片视频
let paragraphsIVLastArr = [] //存储图片视频过滤后的最终形态
if (item.paragraphs && item.paragraphs.length > 0) {
for (let i in item.paragraphs) {
if (item.paragraphs[i].type == '2') {
paragraphsRecord.push(item.paragraphs[(i - 0) + 1])
paragraphsIV = item.paragraphs.slice(paragraphsRecord.length) //通过语音部分数组的长度切割数组 后面的数组就都是图片或者视频的数组了
for (let i in paragraphsIV) {
url: paragraphsIV[i].content,
type: paragraphsIV[i].type == '3' ? 'mp4' : paragraphsIV[i].type == '1' ? 'img' : '', //3是视频、1是图片
let oparagraphsRecord = []
for (let i in paragraphsRecord) {
if (paragraphsRecord[i].type == '2') {
url: paragraphsRecord[i].content,
txt: paragraphsRecord[(i - 0) + 1].content,
time: that.timeHandle(paragraphsRecord[i].fileSize - 0),
played: false,
showTxt: false, //语音的文字部分是否展示
showTip: false, //Tooltip 文字提示是否展示
directionUp: false, //Tooltip的方向是向上还是向下
return {
content: item.content,
recordArr: oparagraphsRecord, //语音部分
material: paragraphsIVLastArr, //图片、视频部分
let str = ''
let evaluationItems = odata.evaluationItems
for (let i in evaluationItems) {
str += (evaluationItems[i].sort + ':' + evaluationItems[i].syndrome)
str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1)
idx: odata.type,
activityId: odata.activityId,
activityMaterials: oarr,
students: studentArr, //处理过的学生列表
checkedStudents: checkedStudents, //选中的学生
checkedStudentsTreated: checkedStudents, //选中的学生
selectedDate: odata.recordDate, //记录日期
observeParentIndex: observeParentIndex,
childArray: this.data.observeSceneList[observeParentIndex].children, //ly-add 2023-09-15观察场景回显的问题
observeChildIndex: observeChildIndex,
observe: odata.purpose,
observeStr: scene,
observeNumber: odata.purpose ? odata.purpose.length : 0,
areaStr: str,
evaluationItems: odata.evaluationItems,
measure: odata.measure,
measureNumber: odata.measure ? odata.measure.length : 0,
classCheckedId: odata.classId,
pageNum: 1,
activityList: [], //指向主题活动列表
if (odata.type == '2') {
this.data.themeChecked.id = odata.activityId
} else {
this.data.themeChecked.id = ''
activityId: null
} else {
title: res.msg,
icon: 'error',
duration: 2000
getObservationTypeListFun() {
util.request(api.getObservationTypeList + this.data.userInfo.schoolId, '', 'get').then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
//获得列表数据 获取第一个idx的值
typeList: res.rows,
idx: res.rows[0].id,
sceneChecked: res.rows[0].scene
pageNum: 1,
activityList: [], //指向主题活动列表
flag: false,
this.getListSelectActivity(); //指向主题活动
} else {
title: res.msg,
icon: 'error',
showCancel: false,
duration: 3000
selectClass() {
util.request(api.selectClass + '?userId=' + this.data.userInfo.userId, '', 'get').then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
classData: res.data,
classCheckedId: res.data[0].classId
var oid = app.globalData.isRecordEdit ? app.globalData.recordId : '';
if (!oid) {
} else {
title: res.msg,
icon: 'error',
showCancel: false,
duration: 3000
openThemeHandle() {
openTheme: this.data.openTheme ? false : true
cacelObserve() {
const that = this
title: '',
content: '是否清空当前页面数据',
success(res) {
if (res.confirm) {
} else if (res.cancel) {
deleteObserve() {
const that = this
title: '',
content: '是否删除该观察记录',
success(res) {
if (res.confirm) {
util.request(api.deleteObservation + that.data.oid, '', 'delete').then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
title: '删除成功!',
icon: 'success',
duration: 2000
url: '/pages/report/report',
} else {
title: res.msg,
icon: 'error',
showCancel: false,
duration: 3000
} else if (res.cancel) {
save(e) {
let ostatus = e.currentTarget.dataset.status
if (this.data.checkedStudents.length == 0) {
if (!this.data.selectedDate) {
let allHasContent = true //后端要求内容必填 否则以下的内容都不会保存
allHasContent = this.data.activityMaterials.every(function (item) {
return item.content != '' && item.content != null && item.content != undefined
if (!allHasContent) {
//this.saveDocconfirm() //保存Ai续写的内容
if (lock) return
lock = true
let actArr = this.data.activityMaterials.map(function (item) {
let oarr = []
oarr[0] = {
content: item.content
for (let i in item.recordArr) {
content: item.recordArr[i].url,
fileSize: item.recordArr[i].time - 0, //后端要用这个字段名称存储时间
content: item.recordArr[i].txt
for (let i in item.material) {
content: item.material[i].url
return {
paragraphs: oarr
for (let i in actArr) {
//title等于编辑标题就代表没编辑过 paragraphs[0].content的值为空就代表textare没编辑过 paragraphs[1]不存在或者content为空就代表没编辑过
if (!actArr[i].paragraphs[0].content && (!actArr[i].paragraphs[1] || !actArr[i].paragraphs[1].content)) {
actArr.splice(i, 1)
let observeSceneList = this.data.observeSceneList
let observeParentIndex = this.data.observeParentIndex
let observeChildIndex = this.data.observeChildIndex
let scene = observeSceneList[observeParentIndex].expenseId + ',' + observeSceneList[observeParentIndex].children[observeChildIndex].expenseId
let oevaluationItems = this.data.evaluationItems
oevaluationItems = oevaluationItems.map(function (item) {
if (item.parentId) {
return {
evaluationIndicatorId: item.parentId,
id: item.id
} else {
return {
evaluationIndicatorId: item.evaluationIndicatorId,
id: item.id
let params = {
userId: this.data.userInfo.userId,
classId: this.data.classCheckedId,
type: this.data.idx,
activityId: this.data.themeChecked.id,
recordDate: this.data.selectedDate,
scene: scene,
purpose: this.data.observe,
measure: this.data.measure,
observationParticipants: this.data.checkedStudents,
observationRecords: actArr,
evaluationItems: oevaluationItems,
status: ostatus,
let requestStyle = ''
let requestUrl = ''
if (this.data.oid) {
params.id = this.data.oid
requestStyle = 'PUT'
requestUrl = api.observationViewEdit
} else {
requestStyle = 'POST'
requestUrl = api.observeSceneSave
title: '提交中'
util.request(requestUrl, params, requestStyle, 'application/json').then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
title: '提交成功!',
icon: 'success',
duration: 2000
this.bookHandle('suc', '')
} else {
this.bookHandle('err', res)
bookHandle(result, ores) {
const that = this
let isSuccess = false
tmplIds: ['hGQUXKwyQtenWhFPnKvGcZk1mq-hdjxOPSvh_5FT46w'],
success(res) {
if (result == 'suc') {
isSuccess = true
oid: '',
studentArr: [],
activityId: null,
checkedStudentsTreated: []
app.globalData.isActivityMaterials = false //阻止调用onshow
url: '/pages/report/report',
lock = false
} else {
title: ores.msg,
icon: 'error',
duration: 2000
app.globalData.isActivityMaterials = false
lock = false
complete() {
//如果调用成功 则不用调用第二遍 complete是必调用的 所以拦住省得第二次触发
if (isSuccess) return
app.globalData.isActivityMaterials = false //阻止调用onshow
url: '/pages/report/report',
lock = false
saveHandle() {
if (editType == 0) { //添加
url: '/pages/activityn/activityn',
} else { //修改
delta: 1
lock = false
tabHandle(e) {
let oindex = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx
openArea: false,
idx: oindex,
areaStr: '', //重置幼儿发展水平评估选中的值
areaSecondIndex: 0,
areaFirstIndex: 0,
// threeData: [],
// selectArea: [],
evaluationItems: [],
sceneChecked: e.currentTarget.dataset.scene,
themeExt: e.currentTarget.dataset.ext == 1 ? true : false,
//classCheckedId: this.data.classData[0].classId,//ly-add 2023-10-09
// if(oindex == '2'){
// this.setData({
// pageNum: 1,
// activityList: [],//指向主题活动列表
// })
// }
monitorMeasureInput(e) {
let value = e.detail.value.replace(/\n\s*/g, '\n'); // 获取输入的文本内容
if (value.length > 500) {
value = value.slice(0, 500);
measure: value,
measureNumber: value.length || 0,
bindParentChange: function (e) {
const observeParentIndex = e.detail.value;
const childArray = this.data.observeSceneList[observeParentIndex].children; // 根据选中的父级索引获取对应的子集数组
observeParentIndex: observeParentIndex,
childArray: childArray,
observeChildIndex: 0,
bindChildChange: function (e) {
const observeChildIndex = e.detail.value;
// 获取选中的父级和子集数据
// const parentData = this.data.observeSceneList[this.data.parentIndex];
// const childData = this.data.childArray[childIndex];
observeChildIndex: observeChildIndex
getObserveScene() {
var that = this;
util.request(api.listObserveScene, '', 'get').then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
observeSceneList: res.data
} else {
title: res.msg,
icon: 'error',
duration: 2000
getIndex() {
const that = this
let observeSceneList = this.data.observeSceneList
observeSceneList.forEach(function (item, index) {
//ly-edit 2023-09-15 非编辑状态添加默认的子级 如果是编辑状态就重新赋值
let sceneChecked = that.data.sceneChecked
if (item.expenseId == sceneChecked.split(",")[0]) {
let cIndex = item.children.findIndex(citem => citem.expenseId == sceneChecked.split(",")[1]);
observeParentIndex: index,
childArray: item.children, //先给一个默认值
observeChildIndex: cIndex
bindDateChange(e) {
let oval = e.detail.value
selectedDate: oval
loadMoreActivity() {
if (this.data.flag) return
checkActivityHandle(e) {
let otheme = this.data.activityList
let oidx = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx
let obj = otheme[oidx]
otheme = otheme.map(item => {
item.checked = false;
return item;
otheme[oidx].checked = true
let themeStr = otheme[oidx].name + (otheme[oidx].status == '1' ? '整理' : '计划') + (otheme[oidx].monthWeek ? otheme[oidx].monthWeek : '')
activityList: otheme,
themeChecked: obj,
openTheme: false,
themeStr: themeStr,
getListSelectActivity() {
let oclassId = this.data.classCheckedId == this.data.userInfo.schoolId ? '' : this.data.classCheckedId;
var param = '&classId=' + oclassId + '&schoolId=' + this.data.userInfo.schoolId
util.request(api.listSelectActivity + this.data.pageNum + '&pageSize=' + this.data.pageSize + param + '&id=' + (this.data.activityId ? this.data.activityId : '') + '&includeActiveAuthPlan=' + true, '', 'get').then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
let odata = res.rows
let newDataList = this.data.activityList.concat(odata);
if (this.data.activityId) {
for (let i in newDataList) {
if (newDataList[i].id == this.data.activityId) {
newDataList[i].checked = true
let themeStr = newDataList[i].name + (newDataList[i].status == '1' ? '整理' : '计划') + newDataList[i].monthWeek
themeStr: themeStr
activityList: newDataList,
pageNum: this.data.pageNum + 1,
if (newDataList.length >= res.total) {
flag: true,
moreTxt: '-无更多数据-'
} else {
flag: false,
moreTxt: '-点击加载更多-'
} else {
title: res.msg,
icon: 'error',
showCancel: false,
duration: 3000
//开关闭合 幼儿发展水平评估
openAreaHandle() {
let str = ''
let evaluationItems = this.data.evaluationItems
for (let i in evaluationItems) {
if (evaluationItems[i].label) {
str += evaluationItems[i].label
} else {
str += (evaluationItems[i].sort + ':' + evaluationItems[i].syndrome)
str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1)
openArea: this.data.openArea ? false : true,
areaStr: str
checkedAreaHandle(e) {
let parentIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.parentindex
let childindex = e.currentTarget.dataset.childindex
let oitem = e.currentTarget.dataset.item
let evaluationItems = this.data.evaluationItems
let threeData = this.data.threeData
//思路:点击的时候 判断当前checked是否为true 如果是true则改为false 如果是false通过父级index 把父级下标下所有的checked改为false 在子级下标对应的那个值改为true
//1、判断点击的元素 checked是否为true
let activeList = ''
if (this.data.showAreaSecond) {
activeList = threeData.children[parentIndex].children[childindex] //选中的元素
} else {
activeList = threeData[parentIndex].children[childindex] //选中的元素
if (activeList.checked) { //重置 如果是true改为false
for (let i in evaluationItems) { //删除相同id的item
if (evaluationItems[i].id == oitem.id) {
evaluationItems.splice(i, 1)
activeList.checked = false
} else {
if (this.data.showAreaSecond) {
threeData.children[parentIndex].children.forEach(function (item) {
for (let i in evaluationItems) {
if (item.id == evaluationItems[i].id) {
evaluationItems.splice(i, 1)
item.checked = false
} else {
threeData[parentIndex].children.forEach(function (item) {
for (let i in evaluationItems) {
if (item.id == evaluationItems[i].id) {
evaluationItems.splice(i, 1)
item.checked = false
activeList.checked = true
//如果threeData里有checked是true 那就出现角标
let hasCornerMark = false
if (this.data.showAreaSecond) {
hasCornerMark = this.findCheckedItem(threeData.children)
} else {
hasCornerMark = this.findCheckedItem(threeData)
let selectArea = this.data.selectArea
selectArea[this.data.areaFirstIndex].checked = hasCornerMark
findCheckedItem(arr) {
const that = this
for (let item of arr) {
if (item.checked === true) {
return true;
if (item.children && item.children.length > 0) {
const found = that.findCheckedItem(item.children);
if (found) {
return true;
return false;
updateCheckedStatus(arr1, arr2) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) {
// 检查当前元素的id是否在arr2中存在
if (arr2.some(item => item.id === arr1[i].id)) {
arr1[i].checked = true;
// 递归遍历children数组
if (arr1[i].children) {
this.updateCheckedStatus(arr1[i].children, arr2);
getThreeData() {
let listSelect = this.data.listSelect
if (this.data.showAreaSecond) {
let areaSecondIndex = this.data.areaSecondIndex
if(listSelect.length > 0 && this.data.evaluationItems.length > 0){
this.updateCheckedStatus(listSelect[areaSecondIndex].children, this.data.evaluationItems)
threeData: listSelect[areaSecondIndex]
} else {
if(listSelect.length > 0 && this.data.evaluationItems.length > 0){
this.updateCheckedStatus(listSelect, this.data.evaluationItems)
threeData: listSelect
getAreaSecondIndex(e) {
let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index
areaSecondIndex: index
getlistSelect(id) {
util.request(api.listSelect + id + '&observationViewId=' + this.data.observationViewId, '', 'get').then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
//有可能消失的第二级 如果第一级的id用于查询指标列表 指标列表type是3 则第二级显示 如果type是4则该第二级隐藏 ***如果没有children 直接使用选项卡*** 第二级是单选
let odata = res.data
let showAreaSecond = this.data.showAreaSecond //是否展示二级
// 使用find方法找到第一个包含非null children数组的元素
const elementWithChildren = odata.find(element => element.children !== null);
let firstType = ''
// 如果找到了包含非null children数组的元素
if (elementWithChildren) {
// 使用some方法遍历children数组,找到第一个type字段的值
firstType = elementWithChildren.children.find(child => child.type).type;
} else {
//console.log('No element with non-null children found.');
if (odata.length > 0 && (firstType == '3')) {
showAreaSecond = true
} else {
showAreaSecond = false
listSelect: res.data,
showAreaSecond: showAreaSecond
} else {
title: res.msg,
icon: 'error',
showCancel: false,
duration: 3000
getSelectAreaId(e) {
let id = e.currentTarget.dataset.id
let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index
areaFirstIndex: index,
getListSelectArea() {
util.request(api.listSelectArea2 + (this.data.userInfo.schoolId ? this.data.userInfo.schoolId : '') + '/' + this.data.idx, '', 'get').then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
let odata = res.data
let arryNew = []
odata.map((item) => {
arryNew.push(Object.assign({}, item, {
checked: false
selectArea: arryNew
if (odata.length == 0) return
} else {
title: res.msg,
icon: 'error',
showCancel: false,
duration: 3000
monitorObserveInput(e) {
observe: e.detail.value,
observeNumber: e.detail.cursor
openObserveHandle() {
let selectedDate = this.data.selectedDate
let observeSceneList = this.data.observeSceneList
let observeParentIndex = this.data.observeParentIndex
let observeChildIndex = this.data.observeChildIndex
let scene = selectedDate + ',' + observeSceneList[observeParentIndex].expenseItem + observeSceneList[observeParentIndex].children[observeChildIndex].expenseItem + ',' + (this.data.observe ? this.data.observe : '')
openObserve: this.data.openObserve ? false : true,
observeStr: scene
checkedStudentsHandle(oarr) {
if (this.data.openStudents && oarr.length > 10) {
//如果关闭的时候 选中的列表超过10个则截取列表剩下9个显示
oarr = oarr.slice(0, 9)
checkedStudentsTreated: oarr
} else {
checkedStudentsTreated: this.data.checkedStudents
openStudentHandle() {
let oarr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.data.checkedStudents))
openStudents: this.data.openStudents ? false : true
checkHandle(e) {
let idx = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx
let arr = this.data.students
arr[idx].checked = arr[idx].checked == true ? false : true
let checkedarr = arr.filter(function (item) {
return item.checked == true
students: arr,
checkedStudents: checkedarr
checkClassHandle(e) {
//this.data.classCheckedId == e.currentTarget.datasetid ? [] : this.data.checkedStudentsTreated
classCheckedId: e.currentTarget.dataset.id,
flag: false,
pageNum: 1,
activityList: [], //指向主题活动列表
students: [],
checkedStudents: [],
checkedStudentsTreated: [],
themeChecked: {},
themeStr: '',
activityId: null
this.getListSelectActivity();//ly-edit 2023-10-09
this.getListSelectArea(); //ly-add 2023-10-09
getStudent() {
var param = {};
param.deptId = this.data.classCheckedId;
param.schoolId = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo').schoolId;
util.request(api.studentList, param, 'POST').then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
let oarr = res.rows.map(function (item) {
return {
studentId: item.id,
studentName: item.name,
studentNumber: item.number,
studentImage: item.headUrl ? item.headUrl : '',
sex: item.sex,
checked: false
if (this.data.checkedStudents.length > 0) {
let checkedStudents = this.data.checkedStudents
//判断两个数组是否有相同的id 如果有相同的id 给当前的student添加选中状态
oarr.forEach(item => {
const isChecked = checkedStudents.some(citem => citem.studentId === item.studentId);
item.checked = isChecked;
students: oarr
} else {
title: res.msg,
icon: 'error',
showCancel: false,
duration: 3000
timeHandle(time) {
if (time < 10) {
return '0' + time
} else {
return time
resetRecordState() {
let activityMaterials = this.data.activityMaterials
activityMaterials[this.data.parentIndex].recordState = false
activityMaterials: activityMaterials
addListHandle() {
let obj = this.data.activityMaterials
content: '',
material: []
activityMaterials: obj
textareaBlurHandle(e) {
let oval = e.detail.value
let obj = this.data.activityMaterials
let idx = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx
obj[idx].content = oval
activityMaterials: obj
preview(e) {
let currentUrl = e.currentTarget.dataset.src
let pidx = e.currentTarget.dataset.pidx //父级循环的index
const oarr = []
for (let i in this.data.activityMaterials[pidx].material) {
current: currentUrl, // 当前显示图片的http链接
urls: oarr // 需要预览的图片http链接列表
closeHadle(e) {
const that = this
title: '',
content: '是否删除素材',
success(res) {
if (res.confirm) {
let obj = that.data.activityMaterials
let pidx = e.currentTarget.dataset.pidx //父级循环的index
let idx = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx //子级循环的index
obj[pidx].material.splice(idx, 1)
activityMaterials: obj
} else if (res.cancel) {
uploadFile: function (e) {
//如果不添加这个判断 则在这里会默认调用onshow
app.globalData.isActivityMaterials = true //阻止调用onshow
const that = this
let obj = this.data.activityMaterials
let pidx = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx
count: 9, // 设置为需要上传的文件数量
mediaType: ['image', 'video'],
sizeType: ['compressed'], //压缩图片
success: function (res) {
const files = res.tempFiles;
// 遍历选择的文件数组,依次上传每个文件
title: '上传中'
files.forEach(function (file) {
const tempFilePath = file.tempFilePath;
url: BASE_URL + 'common/uploadMediaToTencent',
formData: {
'userId': wx.getStorageSync('userInfo').userId,
'scene': 'observation'
filePath: tempFilePath,
name: 'file',
success: function (res) {
let ores = JSON.parse(res.data)
let otype = that.getFileExtension(ores.url)
if (otype) {
let params = {
url: ores.url,
type: otype
activityMaterials: obj,
fail: function (res) {
// 处理上传失败后的逻辑
//用一个方法来判断 返回的文件是mp4 还是图片
getFileExtension(url) {
const dotIndex = url.lastIndexOf('.');
const extension = url.substring(dotIndex + 1);
if (/(jpg|jpeg|png)$/.test(extension.toLowerCase())) {
return 'img'
} else if (/(mp4|avi|mov)$/.test(extension.toLowerCase())) {
return 'mp4'
return false
deleteHandle(e) {
const that = this
title: '',
content: '是否删除',
success(res) {
if (res.confirm) {
let obj = that.data.activityMaterials
let idx = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx //子级循环的index
obj.splice(idx, 1)
activityMaterials: obj
} else if (res.cancel) {
//识别语音 -- 初始化
initRecord: function () {
var that = this;
wx.onSocketOpen((res) => { // websocket打开
//console.log('监听到 WebSocket 连接已打开' + res);
wx.onSocketError((err) => { //连接失败
//console.log('websocket连接失败', err);
title: 'websocket连接失败',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000,
mask: false
wx.onSocketMessage((res) => { //接收返回值
var data = JSON.parse(res.data)
if (data.code != 0) {
//console.log("error code " + data.code + ", reason " + data.message)
let str = ""
if (data.data.status == 2) { //最终识别结果
// data.data.status ==2 说明数据全部返回完毕,可以关闭连接,释放资源
} else { //中间识别结果
iatResult[data.data.result.sn] = data.data.result
if (data.data.result.pgs == 'rpl') {
data.data.result.rg.forEach(i => {
iatResult[i] = null
iatResult.forEach(i => {
if (i != null) {
i.ws.forEach(j => {
j.cw.forEach(k => {
str += k.w
// console.log('这个是中间的语音识别结果')
// console.log(str)
contentTxt: str //这个是中间的语音识别结果
if (!this.data.contentTxt) {
title: '识别失败,请重新录入',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000,
mask: false
wx.onSocketClose((res) => { //WebSocket连接已关闭!
//var that = this;
// var str = that.data.contentTxt;
// console.log(str);
// str = str.replace(/\s*/g, "");//去除空格
// if (str.substr(str.length - 1, 1) == "。") {//去除句号
// str = str.substr(0, str.length - 1);
// }
// console.log('这个是最后确定的语音识别结果', str)
// that.setData({
// contentTxt: str//这个是最后确定的语音识别结果
// })
recordHandle(e) {
let oactivityMaterials = this.data.activityMaterials
let parentIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx
this.setData({ //获取父级的下标 后面录音结束后给对应的模块赋值
parentIndex: parentIndex
if (!oactivityMaterials[parentIndex].recordState) {
title: '开始录音',
icon: 'none',
duration: 1000
if (oactivityMaterials.length > 1) {
for (let i in oactivityMaterials) {
oactivityMaterials[i].recordState = false
activityMaterials: oactivityMaterials
oactivityMaterials[parentIndex].recordState = true
activityMaterials: oactivityMaterials //录音状态
wx.getSetting({ //查看用户有没有开启语音权限
success(res) {
if (res.authSetting['scope.record']) {
scope: 'scope.record',
success() {
var xfurl = "";
wx.request({ //请求接口 获取讯飞语音鉴权
url: BASE_URL + 'assistant/url',
method: "get",
header: {
'content-type': 'application/json' // 默认值
success: function (res) {
if (res.statusCode == "200" && res.data) {
xfurl = res.data;
wxst = wx.connectSocket({ // 开启websocket连接
url: xfurl,
method: 'GET',
success: function (res) {
recorderManager.start(searchoptions); //开始录音
} else {
title: '获取语音鉴权失败',
icon: 'none',
mask: true,
duration: 3000
fail: function () {
title: '获取语音鉴权失败',
icon: 'none',
mask: true,
duration: 3000
fail() {
title: '微信授权',
content: '您当前未开启语音权限,请在右上角设置(···)中开启"录音功能"',
showCancel: false,
success(res) {
if (res.confirm) {
} else {
title: '微信授权',
content: '您当前未开启语音权限,请在右上角设置(···)中开启"录音功能"',
showCancel: false,
success(res) {
if (res.confirm) {
} else {
oactivityMaterials[parentIndex].recordState = false
activityMaterials: oactivityMaterials
playHandle(e) {
const that = this
let idx = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx
let pidx = e.currentTarget.dataset.pidx
//recordArr的字段有url/txt/time/played/showTxt: false,//语音的文字部分是否展示showTip: false,//Tooltip 文字提示是否展示directionUp: false,//Tooltip的方向是向上还是向下
let activityMaterials = this.data.activityMaterials
let orecordArr = activityMaterials[pidx].recordArr[idx]
innerAudioContext.src = orecordArr.url
if (!orecordArr.played) {
//查找兄弟节点 把所有的played状态改成false
for (let i in activityMaterials) {
for (let j in activityMaterials[i].recordArr) {
activityMaterials[i].recordArr[j].played = false
// if(activityMaterials && activityMaterials.length > 1){
// that.setData({
// activityMaterials: activityMaterials
// })
// }
orecordArr.played = true
innerAudioContext.play() // 播放
innerAudioContext.onEnded(() => {
orecordArr.played = false
activityMaterials: activityMaterials
} else {
orecordArr.played = false
innerAudioContext.stop() // 停止
activityMaterials: activityMaterials
onLongPress(e) {
//const listItem = e.currentTarget;
let activityMaterials = this.data.activityMaterials
let pidx = e.currentTarget.dataset.pidx //父级下标
let idx = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx //子级下标
let oClientY = e.touches[0].clientY * 2 //点击的位置和Y轴顶部的距离
for (let i in activityMaterials) {
for (let j in activityMaterials[i].recordArr) {
activityMaterials[i].recordArr[j].showTip = false
activityMaterials: activityMaterials
//判断只要距离Y轴顶部的距离 大于220rpx 一律往上面冒泡
if (oClientY > 220) {
activityMaterials[pidx].recordArr[idx].directionUp = true
} else {
activityMaterials[pidx].recordArr[idx].directionUp = false
activityMaterials[pidx].recordArr[idx].showTip = true
activityMaterials: activityMaterials,
maskShow: true
txtRecordHandle(e) {
let activityMaterials = this.data.activityMaterials
let pidx = e.currentTarget.dataset.pidx //父级下标
let idx = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx //子级下标
activityMaterials[pidx].recordArr[idx].showTxt = true
activityMaterials[pidx].recordArr[idx].showTip = false
activityMaterials: activityMaterials
delRecordHandle(e) {
let activityMaterials = this.data.activityMaterials
let pidx = e.currentTarget.dataset.pidx //父级下标
let idx = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx //子级下标
activityMaterials[pidx].recordArr.splice(idx, 1)
activityMaterials: activityMaterials,
maskShow: false
closeTipHandle() {
let activityMaterials = this.data.activityMaterials
for (let i in activityMaterials) {
for (let j in activityMaterials[i].recordArr) {
activityMaterials[i].recordArr[j].showTip = false
activityMaterials: activityMaterials,
maskShow: false
onUnload: function () {
innerAudioContext.stop() // 停止
onShareAppMessage() {},
recordAiHandle(e) {
let oactivityMaterials = this.data.activityMaterials
let parentIndex = e ? e.currentTarget.dataset.idx : this.data.aiParentIndex
let params = {
docstyle: 3, //如果观察记录有值输入3 没值输入1
content: {
'level1': this.data.observeSceneList[this.data.observeParentIndex].expenseItem,
'level2': this.data.childArray[this.data.observeChildIndex].expenseItem,
text: oactivityMaterials[parentIndex].content
title: '加载中...'
util.request('https://ai.keeko.ai/docgeneration', params, 'POST', 'application/json').then(res => {
if (res.result == 1) {
aiPolish: res.data.text,
aistyle: e ? e.currentTarget.dataset.aistyle : this.data.aistyle,
aiParentIndex: parentIndex
if (!this.data.showPolish) {
showPolish: true
} else {
title: '尚在学习中',
icon: 'none',
mask: true,
duration: 3000
//Ai续写 观察目的
aimAiHandle(e) {
let observe = this.data.observe
let params = {
docstyle: !observe ? 1 : 2, //如果目的有值输入2 没值输入1
content: {
'level1': this.data.observeSceneList[this.data.observeParentIndex].expenseItem,
'level2': this.data.childArray[this.data.observeChildIndex].expenseItem,
text: observe
title: '加载中...'
util.request('https://ai.keeko.ai/docgeneration', params, 'POST', 'application/json').then(res => {
if (res.result == 1) {
aiPolish: res.data.text,
aistyle: e ? e.currentTarget.dataset.aistyle : this.data.aistyle
//aiAgain 重写的时候不刷新弹窗状态
if (!this.data.showPolish) {
showPolish: true
} else {
title: '尚在学习中',
icon: 'none',
mask: true,
duration: 3000
isEmptyObject(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).length === 0;
saveDocconfirm() {
let observe = this.data.observe
let level1 = this.data.observeSceneList[this.data.observeParentIndex].expenseItem
let level2 = this.data.childArray[this.data.observeChildIndex].expenseItem
let observeParams = {}
if (observe) {
observeParams = {
docstyle: 2, //2代表观察目的
content: {
'level1': level1,
'level2': level2,
title: '观察目的',
text: this.data.aimAiKeyword,
doctext: this.data.aimAiPolish
let activityArr = []
if (this.data.activityMaterials.length > 0 && this.data.activityMaterials[0].content) {
activityArr = this.data.activityMaterials.map(function (item) {
if (item.recordAiPolish) {
return {
docstyle: 3, //2代表观察目的
content: {
'level1': level1,
'level2': level2,
title: '观察记录',
text: item.aiKeyword,
doctext: item.recordAiPolish
if (!this.isEmptyObject(observeParams)) {
let params = {
doc: activityArr
if (activityArr.length == 0) return
util.request('https://ai.keeko.ai/docconfirm', params, 'POST', 'application/json').then(res => {
aiCancel() {
showPolish: false,
aiAgain() {
if (this.data.aistyle == '1') {
} else {
aiConfirm() {
if (this.data.aistyle == '1') {
let otxt = this.data.aiPolish
let value = (this.data.observe + otxt).replace(/\n\s*/g, '\n'); // 获取输入的文本内容
if (value.length > 500) {
value = value.slice(0, 500);
aimAiPolish: otxt,
aimAiKeyword: this.data.observe, //关键词
observe: value,
observeNumber: value.length,
showPolish: false,
} else {
let oactivityMaterials = this.data.activityMaterials
let parentIndex = this.data.aiParentIndex
let otxt = this.data.aiPolish
let value = (oactivityMaterials[parentIndex].content + otxt).replace(/\n\s*/g, '\n'); // 获取输入的文本内容
if (value.length > 500) {
value = value.slice(0, 500);
oactivityMaterials[parentIndex].aiKeyword = oactivityMaterials[parentIndex].content
oactivityMaterials[parentIndex].content = value
oactivityMaterials[parentIndex].recordAiPolish = otxt
activityMaterials: oactivityMaterials,
showPolish: false,
monitorPopInput(e) {
aiPolish: e.detail.value
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个人记录项目使用的 想使用的同学自己扣代码吧