



| Tradition Chinese Ink Painting style | 东方山水画 |
| Japanese Ukiyo-e | 浮世绘 |
| Japanese comics/ manga | 日本漫画风格 |
| stock illustration style | 童话故事书插图风格 |
| CGSociety | 梦工厂动西风格 |
| DreamWorks Pictures | 梦工厂影业 |
| Pixar | 皮克斯 |
| Disney | 迪士尼 |
| Fashion | 时尚 |
| poster ofapanese graphic design | 日本海报风格 |
| 90s video game | 90年代电视游戏 |
| french art | 法国艺术 |
| Bauhaus | 包豪斯 |
| Anime | 日本动画片 |
| Pixel Art | 像素画 |
| Vintage | 古典风,18-19世纪 |
| Pulp Noir | 黑白电影时期 |
| Country style | 乡村风格 |
| Abstract | 抽象风 |
| risograph | riso印刷风 |
| Graphic | 设计风 |
| ink render | 墨水渲染 |
| Ethnic Art | 民族艺术 |
| retro dark vintage | 复古黑暗 |
| Tradition Chinese Ink Painting style | 国风 |
| Ccyberpunk | 赛博朋克 |
| art deco | 装饰艺术 |
| Future Machinery | 未来机械 |
| Steampunk | 蒸汽朋克 |
| film photography | 电影摄影风格 |
| concept art | 概念艺术 |
| montage | 剪辑 |
| full details | 充满细节 |
| Gothic gloomy | 哥特式黑暗 |
| realism | 写实主义 |
| black and white | 黑白 |
| Unity Creations | 统一创作 |
| Baroque | 巴洛克时期 |
| Impressionism | 印象派 |
| Art Nouveau | 新艺术风格 |
| Rococo | 新艺术 |
| Renaissance | 文艺复兴 |
| Fauvism | 野兽派 |
| Cubism | 立体派 |
| Abstract Art | 抽象表现主义 |
| Surrealism | 超现实主义 |
| OP Art /Optical Art | 欧普艺术/光效应艺术 |
| Victorian | 维多利亚时代 |
| futuristic | 未来主义 |
| Minimalist | 极简主义 |
| brutalist | 粗犷主义 |
| Constructivist | 建构主义 |
| botw | 旷野之息 |
| Warframe | 星际战甲 |
| Pokemon | 宝可梦 |
| APEX | Apex英雄 |
| The Elder Scrolls | 上古卷轴 |
| From Software | 魂系游戏 |
| Detroit: Become Human | 底特律:变人 |
| AFK Arena | 剑与远征 |
| Cookie Run: Kingdom | 跑跑姜饼人 |
| League of legends | 英雄联盟 |
| ojo's bizarre adventure | Jojo的奇妙冒险 |
| Makoto Shinkai | 新海诚 |
| Soejima Shigenori | 副岛成记 |
| sci-fi punk | 科幻朋克 |
| knolling | 拆分 |
| 3D printing/3d printed | 层积式样3D打印 |
| Yamada Akihiro | 山田章博 |
| Munashichi | 六七质 |
| Watercolor children's illustration | 水彩儿童插画 |
| Ghibli Studio | 吉卜力风格 |
| Stained glass window | 彩色玻璃窗 |
| ink illustration | 水墨插图 |
| Miyazaki Hayao style | 宫崎骏风格 |
| Vincent Van Gogh | 梵高 |
| Leonardo Da Vinci | 达芬奇 |
| manga | 漫画 |
| pointillism | 点彩派 |
| Claude Monet | 克劳德莫奈 |
| quilted art | 绗缝艺术 |
| partial anatomy | 局部解剖 |
| color ink on paper | 彩墨纸本 |
| doodle | 涂鸦 |
| Voynich manuscript | 伏尼契手稿 |
| book page | 书页 |
| realistic | 真实的 |
| 3D | 3D风格 |
| sophisticated | 复杂的 |
| photoreal | 真实感 |
| national geographic | 国家地理 |
| hyperrealism | 超写实主义 |
| cinematic | 电影般的 |
| architectural sketching | 建筑素描 |
| symmetrical portrait | 对称肖像 |
| clear facial features | 清晰的面部特征 |
| interior design | 室内设计 |
| weapon design | 武器设计 |
| subsurface scattering | 次表面散射 |
| Game scene graph | 游戏场景图 |
| character concept art | 角色概念艺术 |
| character design | 角色设计 |
| plane vector painting | 平面适量插画 |
| Graphic | 设计风 |
| surrealism | 超现实主义 |
| neo-realism | 新现实主义 |
| impressionism | 印象主义 |
| post-impressionism | 后印象主义 |
| cubism | 立体主义 |
| abstractionism | 抽象主义 |
| dadaism | 达达主义 |
| modernism | 现代主义 |
| ukiyoe | 浮世绘-简约版 |
| trending on dixiy concept art | 概念艺术 |
| subconsciousness | 潜意识 |
| genesis | 创世纪风 |
| Wasteland Punk | 废土风格 |
| digitally engraved | 数字雕刻风格 |
| architectural design | 建筑设计风格 |
| poster style | 海报风格 |
| studio Ghibli | 宫崎骏风格 |
| landscape | 山水画 |
| Trending on artsationA | 站趋势风格 |
| surrealism | 超现实风格 |
| oil painting | 油画风格 |
| Original | 原画风格 |
| Cyberpunk | 赛博朋克风格 |
| post-impressionism | 后印象主义风格 |
| Anime | 日本动画片 |
| illustration | 插画 |
| minimalist art | 极简艺术(3极简主义壁纸) |
| minimalist | 极简 |
| limited palette | 有限颜色 |
| watercolor | 水彩 |
| vector pattern | 矢量图案 |
| vector illustration | 矢量插画 |
| Ink Dropped in water | 水墨 |
| Pop art | 波普艺术 |
| Chinese propaganda | 中国宣传画 |
| Dot Art | 点艺术 |
| Line Art | 线艺术 |
| Oil paint | 油画 |
| Palette Knife painting | 调色刀油画 |
| classicism | 古典主义 |
| neoclassicism | 新古典主义 |
| romanticism | 浪漫主义 |
| realism | 现实主义 |


| galaxy | 银河 |
| dungeon | 黑暗地牢 |
| nebula | 星云 |
| mad max | 疯狂麦斯沙地风格 |
| Hanging Gardens of Babylon | 巴比伦空中花园 |
| meadow | 草原草地 |
| overgrown nature | 杂草丛生的 |
| post apocalyptic | 后启示录、末日后 |
| Castle in the Sky | 天空之城 |
| Mythical World | 神话世界 |
| Outer Space | 外太空 |
| Magical Forest | 魔幻森林 |
| Ancient Temple | 古代神庙器 |
| Cyberpunk street | 赛博朋克街道 |
| Volcanic Eruption | 火山喷发 |
| Mystic temple | 神秘寺庙 |
| Futuristic Robots | 未来机器人 |
| Ancient ruins | 古代遗迹 |
| Giant Machines | 巨大机 |
| Desert oasis | 沙漠绿洲 |
| Lunar colony | 月球殖民地 |
| Steampowered machinery | 蒸汽动力机械 |
| Abandoned spaceship | 废弃宇宙飞船 |
| Alien planet | 外星球 |
| Underworld | 冥界 |
| Neon city | 霓虹城市 |
| Futuristic park | 未来公园 |
| Cyberpunk Alley | 暴走机甲小巷 |
| Starry Night | 星空夜景 |
| Gothic Cathedral | 哥特式大教堂 |
| Digital Universe | 数字宇宙 |
| Surreal Dreamland | 超现实梦境 |
| Spaceship | 宇宙飞船 |
| Cliff | 悬崖峭壁 |
| Mystical Forest | 神秘森林 |
| Sky island- | 天空岛屿 |
| Crystal palace- | 水晶宫殿 |
| Desolate Desert | 荒漠孤烟 |
| Sunken Shipwreck | 沉船遗迹 |
| Cactus Desert | 仙人掌沙漠 |
| Mushroom Forest | 蘑菇森林 |
| Rainy City | 雨天城市 |
| Fairy Tale Castle | 童话城堡 |
| Mystic mountain | 神秘山脉 |
| Ice cave | 冰洞穴 |
| Underwater world | 水下世界 |
| Futuristic metropolis | 未来都市 |
| Enchanted garden | 魔法花园 |
| Dreamy clouds | 梦幻云彩 |
| Magical castle | 魔法城堡 |
| Industrial cityscape | 工业城市 |
| Robot factory | 机器人工厂 |
| Cyber jungle | 赛博朋克丛林 |
| Time travel cityscape | 时光穿越城市 |
| Cyberpunk city | 赛博朋克城市 |
| Extraterrestrial landscape | 外星地貌 |
| Dystopian future | 反乌托邦未来 |
| Lunar landscape | 月球地貌 |
| Haunted forest | 鬼屋森林 |
| Crystal cave | 水晶洞穴 |
| Surreal landscape | 超现实主义风景 |
| Starry night sky | 星空夜景 |
| Medieval castle | 中世纪城堡 |
| Apocalyptic city | 世界末日城市 |
| Apocalypse Ruins | 末日废墟 |
| Star Wars | 星球大战 |
| Mars Exploration | 火星探险 |
| Enchanted Forest | 魔法森林 |
| Aurora Borealis | 极光北极 |
| Technological City | 科技城市 |
| Giant Architecture | 巨大建筑 |
| Romantic Town | 浪漫小镇 |
| Enchanted Garden | 迷人花园 |
| Post-Apocalyptic World | 后启示录世界 |
| Magical Kingdom | 魔法王国 |
| Dystopian Landscape | 反乌托邦景观 |
| Dark Forest | 黑暗森林 |
| Lunar Landscape | 月球景观 |
| Neon City | 霓虹城市 |
| Steampunk Factory | 蒸汽朋克工厂 |
| bedroom | 卧室 |
| forest | 森林 |
| ruins | 废墟 |
| city | 城市 |
| fantasy | 幻想 |
| classroom | 教室 |
| street scenery | 街景 |
| Alchemy Laboratory | 炼金室 |
| universe l cosmos | 宇宙 |
| rain | 雨天 |
| mist | 雱 |
| whimsically | 异想天开 |
| deserted city buildings | 废弃城市建筑群 |
| near future city | 近未来都市 |
| In the morning mist | 在晨雾中 |
| full of sunlight | 充满阳光 |
| growing, alive | 有机的,可生长的 |
| liminal space | 极小空间 |
| Castle in the Sky | 天空之城 |


| andala | 曼茶罗构图 |
| ultrawide shot | 超广角 |
| extreme closeup | 极端特写 |
| macroshot | 微距拍摄 |
| an expansive view of | 广阔的视野 |
| busts | 半身像 |
| profile | 侧面 |
| symmetrical body | 对称的身体 |
| symmetrical face | 对称的脸 |
| wide view | 广角 |
| bird view 俯 | 视/鸟瞰 |
| up view | 俯视图 |
| front view | 正视图 |
| symmetrical | 对称 |
| Center the composition | 居中构图 |
| symmetrical the composition | 对称构图 |
| rule of thirds composition | 三分法构图 |
| S-shaped composition S | 型构图 |
| diagonal composition | 对角线构图 |
| Horizontal composition | 水平构图 |
| A bird's-eye view,aerial view | 乌瞰图 |
| Top view | 顶视圉 |
| tilt-shift | 倾斜移位 |
| satellite view | 卫星视图 |
| Bottom view | 底视图 |
| front, side, rear view | 前视图、侧视图、后视图 |
| product view | 产品视图 |
| extreme closeup view | 极端特写视图 |
| look up | 仰视 |
| first-person view | 第一人称视角 |
| isometric view | 等距视图 |
| closeup view | 特写视图 |
| high angle view | 高角度视图 |
| microscopic view | 微观 |
| super side angle | 超博角 |
| third-person perspective | 第三人称视角 |
| Aerial view | 鸟瞰图 |
| two-point perspective | 两点透视 |
| Three-point perspective | 三点透视 |
| portrait | 肖像 |
| Elevation perspective | 立面透视 |
| ultra wide shot | 超广角镜头 |
| headshot | 爆头 |
| a cross-section view of (a walnut) | (核桃)的横截面图 |
| cinematic shot | 电影镜头 |
| in focus | 焦点对准 |
| depth of field (dof) | 景深(dof) |
| Wide- angle view | 广角镜头 |
| canon 5d,1fujifilm xt100,Sony alpha | 相机型号焦段光圈 |
| Close-Up(CU) | 特写 |
| Medium Close-Up(MCU) | 中特写 |
| Medium Shot(MS) | 中景 |
| Medium Long Shot(MLS) | 中远景 |
| Long Shot(LS) | 远景 |
| over the shoulder shot | 过肩景 |
| loose shot | 松散景 |
| tight shot | 近距离景 |
| two shot(2S), three shot(3S), group shot(GS) | 两景(25)、三景(3S)、群景(GS) |
| scenery shot | 风景照 |
| bokeh | 背景虚化 |
| foreground | 前景 |
| background | 背景 |
| Detail Shot(ECU) | 细节镜头(ECU) |
| Face Shot (VCU) | 面部拍摄(VCU) |
| Knee Shot(KS) | 膝景(KS) |
| Full Length Shot(FLS) | 全身照(FLS) |
| Detail Shot(ECU) | 大特写 |
| Chest Shot(MCU) | 胸部以上 |
| Waist Shot(WS) | 腰部以上 |
| Knee Shot(KS) | 膝盖以上 |
| Full Length Shot(FLS) | 全身 |
| Long Shot(LS) | 人占3/4 |
| Extra Long Shot(ELS) | 人在远方 |
| Big Close-Up(BCU) | 头部以上 |
| Big Close-Up(BCU) | 脸部特写 |


| beautiful lighting | 好看的灯光 |
| soft light | 柔软的光线 |
| Cinematic light | 电影光 |
| Volumetric light | 立体光 |
| Studio light | 影棚光 |
| Volumetric light | 自然光 |
| Raking light | 侧光 |
| Edge light | 边缘光 |
| Back light | 逆光 |
| Hard light | 硬光 |
| Bright | 明亮的光线 |
| Top light | 顶光 |
| Rim light | 轮廓光 |
| Morning light | 晨光 |
| Sun light | 太阳光 |
| Golden hour light | 黄金时段光 |
| Cold light | 冷光 |
| Warm light | 暖光 |
| Dramatic light | 戏剧光 |
| Color light | 色光 |
| Cyberpunk light | 赛博朋克光 |
| Rembrandt light | 伦勃朗光 |
| reflection light | 反光 |
| mapping light | 映射光 |
| atmospheric lighting | 气氛照明 |
| volumetric lighting | 层次光 |
| mood lighting | 情绪照明 |
| Soft illuminaotion/ soft lights | 柔和的照明/柔光 |
| fluorescent lighting | 荧光灯 |
| rays of shimmering light/ morning light | 微光/晨光 |
| Crepuscular Ray | 黄昏射线 |
| outer space view | 外太空观 |
| cinematic lighting/ Dramatic lighting | 电影灯光破剧灯光 |
| bisexual lighting | 双性照明 |
| Rembrandt Lighting | 伦勃朗照明 |
| Split Lighting | 分体照明 |
| front lighting | 敏 |
| Back lighting | 背光照明 |
| clean background trending | 干净的背景趋势 |
| rim lights | 边缘灯 |
| global illuminations | 全局照明 |
| neon cold lighting | 霓虹灯冷光 |
| hard lighting | 强光 |


| Etching | 蚀刻(浅) |
| Engraving | 雕(中度) |
| Deep carving | 刻(深) |
| lvory | 象牙 |
| Obsidian | 黑曜石 |
| Granite | 花岗岩 |
| Basalt | 玄武岩 |
| Marble | 大理石 |
| Pine | 松木 |
| Pearl | 珍珠 |
| Jade | 玉石 |
| Amber | 琥珀 |
| Ruby | 红宝石 |
| Amethyst | 紫水晶 |
| Diamond | 钻石 |
| Heliodor | 太阳石 |
| Antique | 做旧 |
| High Polished | 抛光 |
| Brushed | 拉丝 |
| Matte | 哑光 |
| Satin | 缎面 |
| Hammered | 捶打 |
| Sandblasted | 喷砂 |
| Ebony | 乌木 |
| Cuprite | 赤铜 |
| Clay material | 粘土材质 |
| popmart | 泡泡玛特 |
| 3d | 3d |
| cartoon | 卡通 |
| finisher | 玩具 |
| IP Garage Kit | ip手办 |
| resin | 树脂 |
| gold | 黄金 |
| silver | 白银 |
| titanium alloy | 钢钛 |


| Gold and silver tone | 金银色调 |
| white and pink tone | 白色和粉红色调 |
| yellow and black tone | 黄黑色调 |
| red and black tone | 红黑色调 |
| neon shades | 霓虹色调 |
| black background centered | 黑色背景为中心 |
| colourful color matching | 多色彩搭配 |
| rich color palette | 多彩的色调 |
| Luminance | 亮度 |
| the low-purity tone | 低纯度色调 |
| the high-purity tone | 高纯度色调 |
| muted tone | 谈色调 |
| monotone | 单色调 |
| red | 红色 |
| white | 白色 |
| black | 黑色 |
| green | 绿色 |
| yellow | 黄色 |
| blue | 蓝色 |
| purple | 紫色 |
| gray | 灰色 |
| brown | 棕色 |
| tan | 褐色 |
| syan | 青色 |
| orange | 橙色 |
| contrast | 对比度 |


| moody | 暗黑的 |
| happy | 鲜艳的,浅色的 |
| dark | 黑暗的 |
| epic detail | 超细节的 |
| Brutal | 残酷的,破碎的 |
| dramatic contrast | 强烈对比的 |
| hopeful | 充满希望的 |
| anxious | 焦虑的 |
| depressed | 沮丧 |
| elated | 高兴地 |
| upset | 难过的 |
| fearful | 令人恐惧的 |
| hateful | 令人憎恨的 |
| happy | 高兴 |
| excited | 兴奋 |
| angry | 生气 |
| afraid | 害怕 |
| disgusted | 厌恶 |
| surprised | 惊喜 |


| Unreal Engine | 虚幻引擎 |
| octane render | 渲染器 |
| Maxon Cinema 4D | 渲染器 |
| architectural visualisation | 建筑渲染 |
| Corona Render | 室内渣染 |
| Quixel Megascans Render | 真实感 |
| V-Ray | V射线 |
| Behance | |
| C4D | |
| 3D | |
| blender | |
| surreal photography | |
| realistic 3D | |
| zbrush | |


| illustration | 插画 |
| Vector | 向量图 |
| oil painting | 油画 |
| photography | 摄影 |
| watercolor | 水彩 |
| sketch | 素描 |
| ink painting | 雕塑 |
| sculpture | 水墨画 |
| Blockprint | 印刷版画 |
| Lino cut | 利诺剪裁 |
| manuscript | 手稿 |




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