.NET8 动态添加定时任务(CRON Expression, Whatever)

需要使用 Quartz .NET

csharp 复制代码
 <PackageReference Include="Quartz.AspNetCore"/>

建立 Global JobKey

csharp 复制代码
public static class GlobalJobKey
    public static JobKey CustomizedKey => new JobKey("xxx scheduled", "group1");

建立 Job

csharp 复制代码
public class CustomizedJob : IJob
    public async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
        // pass the parameter if you want,
        // depends on your business logic
        var customizedData =
      	// your logic

在 Program.cs 中配置 Quartz .NET

csharp 复制代码
// construct the Quartz Trigger
builder.Services.AddQuartz(q =>
	q.AddJob<CustomizedJob>(opt => { opt.WithIdentity(GlobalJobKey.CustomizedKey).StoreDurably(); });

builder.Services.AddQuartzHostedService(options => { options.WaitForJobsToComplete = true; });

builder.Services.AddScoped<IJob, CustomizedJob>();

可以在任意地方: Controller, Background Service, Service... 中进行配置

csharp 复制代码
public class CustomizedBackgroundService(
    ISchedulerFactory factory,
    IServiceScopeFactory scopeFactory,
    ILogger<CustomizedBackgroundService> logger) : IHostedService
    private IScheduler? Schedule { get; set; }

    public async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (Schedule != null)
            await StopJobs(cancellationToken);

        using var scope = scopeFactory.CreateScope();
        var repo = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<CustomizedRepository>();
        var configurations = (await repo.Query()).ToArray();
        Schedule = await factory.GetScheduler(cancellationToken);
        await Schedule.Start(cancellationToken);
        var jobDetail = JobBuilder.Create<CustomizedJob>()

        await Schedule.AddJob(jobDetail, true, cancellationToken);

        Array.ForEach(configurations, Action);


        async void Action(CustomizedConfiguration configuration)

            var triggerKey = new TriggerKey($"{configuration.Name}-trigger", "group1");

            var existingTrigger = await Schedule.GetTrigger(triggerKey, cancellationToken);
            if (existingTrigger != null)
                await Schedule.UnscheduleJob(triggerKey, cancellationToken);
            var trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
         		.WithCronSchedule("0 0 0 ? * 1")
                .UsingJobData("data", JsonSerializer.Serialize(configuration))

            await Schedule.ScheduleJob(trigger, cancellationToken);

            logger.LogCritical("add trigger for: {Trigger}", $"{configuration.Name}-trigger");

    public async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (Schedule != null)
            await StopJobs(cancellationToken);

    private async Task StopJobs(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        await Schedule?.Shutdown(cancellationToken)!;
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