
测试环境:hive on spark











bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv表:分区表,总数据量120E+,本次采用分区20240522的数据关联,数据量5900W+,其中 bid like '1%' & pv>100 的数据量120W+




sql 复制代码
from poi_data.poi_res t1 
join (select bid, pv from bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv where event_day='20240522') t2
on t1.bid=t2.bid 
and t2.bid like '1%' and t2.pv>100;
== Physical Plan ==
AdaptiveSparkPlan (28)
+- == Final Plan ==
   CollectLimit (17)
   +- * Project (16)
      +- * SortMergeJoin Inner (15)
         :- * Sort (6)
         :  +- AQEShuffleRead (5)
         :     +- ShuffleQueryStage (4), Statistics(sizeInBytes=5.3 GiB, rowCount=4.57E+7)
         :        +- Exchange (3)
         :           +- * Filter (2)
         :              +- Scan hive poi_data.poi_res (1)
         +- * Sort (14)
            +- AQEShuffleRead (13)
               +- ShuffleQueryStage (12), Statistics(sizeInBytes=58.5 MiB, rowCount=1.28E+6)
                  +- Exchange (11)
                     +- * Project (10)
                        +- * Filter (9)
                           +- * ColumnarToRow (8)
                              +- Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv (7)
+- == Initial Plan ==
   CollectLimit (27)
   +- Project (26)
      +- SortMergeJoin Inner (25)
         :- Sort (20)
         :  +- Exchange (19)
         :     +- Filter (18)
         :        +- Scan hive poi_data.poi_res (1)
         +- Sort (24)
            +- Exchange (23)
               +- Project (22)
                  +- Filter (21)
                     +- Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv (7)

(1) Scan hive poi_data.poi_res
Output [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Arguments: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317], HiveTableRelation [`poi_data`.`poi_res`, org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe, Data Cols: [bid#297, type#298, name#299, address#300, phone#301, alias#302, post_code#303, catalog_id#304, c..., Partition Cols: []]

(2) Filter [codegen id : 1]
Input [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Condition : (StartsWith(bid#297, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#297))

(3) Exchange
Input [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#297, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=774]

(4) ShuffleQueryStage
Output [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Arguments: 0

(5) AQEShuffleRead
Input [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Arguments: coalesced

(6) Sort [codegen id : 3]
Input [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Arguments: [bid#297 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0

(7) Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv
Output [3]: [bid#334, pv#335, event_day#338]
Batched: true
Location: InMemoryFileIndex [afs://kunpeng.afs.baidu.com:9902/user/g_spark_rdw/rdw/poi_engine/warehouse/bi_report.db/mon_ronghe_pv/event_day=20240522]
PartitionFilters: [isnotnull(event_day#338), (event_day#338 = 20240522)]
PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(bid), IsNotNull(pv), StringStartsWith(bid,1), GreaterThan(pv,100)]
ReadSchema: struct<bid:string,pv:int>

(8) ColumnarToRow [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [bid#334, pv#335, event_day#338]

(9) Filter [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [bid#334, pv#335, event_day#338]
Condition : (((isnotnull(bid#334) AND isnotnull(pv#335)) AND StartsWith(bid#334, 1)) AND (pv#335 > 100))

(10) Project [codegen id : 2]
Output [2]: [bid#334, pv#335]
Input [3]: [bid#334, pv#335, event_day#338]

(11) Exchange
Input [2]: [bid#334, pv#335]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#334, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=799]

(12) ShuffleQueryStage
Output [2]: [bid#334, pv#335]
Arguments: 1

(13) AQEShuffleRead
Input [2]: [bid#334, pv#335]
Arguments: coalesced

(14) Sort [codegen id : 4]
Input [2]: [bid#334, pv#335]
Arguments: [bid#334 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0

(15) SortMergeJoin [codegen id : 5]
Left keys [1]: [bid#297]
Right keys [1]: [bid#334]
Join condition: None

(16) Project [codegen id : 5]
Output [5]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317, pv#335]
Input [6]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317, bid#334, pv#335]

(17) CollectLimit
Input [5]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317, pv#335]
Arguments: 1000

(18) Filter
Input [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Condition : (StartsWith(bid#297, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#297))

(19) Exchange
Input [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#297, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=759]

(20) Sort
Input [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Arguments: [bid#297 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0

(21) Filter
Input [3]: [bid#334, pv#335, event_day#338]
Condition : (((isnotnull(bid#334) AND isnotnull(pv#335)) AND StartsWith(bid#334, 1)) AND (pv#335 > 100))

(22) Project
Output [2]: [bid#334, pv#335]
Input [3]: [bid#334, pv#335, event_day#338]

(23) Exchange
Input [2]: [bid#334, pv#335]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#334, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=760]

(24) Sort
Input [2]: [bid#334, pv#335]
Arguments: [bid#334 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0

(25) SortMergeJoin
Left keys [1]: [bid#297]
Right keys [1]: [bid#334]
Join condition: None

(26) Project
Output [5]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317, pv#335]
Input [6]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317, bid#334, pv#335]

(27) CollectLimit
Input [5]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317, pv#335]
Arguments: 1000

(28) AdaptiveSparkPlan
Output [5]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317, pv#335]
Arguments: isFinalPlan=true

从物理执行计划可以看到第(2)步中的Filter使用条件Condition : (StartsWith(bid#297, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#297))在t1表读取源数据时进行了过滤,在第(7)步中通过谓词下推在t2表scan源数据时使用条件PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(bid), IsNotNull(pv), StringStartsWith(bid,1), GreaterThan(pv,100)]进行了过滤,两表都是在数据源侧进行的数据过滤,减少了shuffle和参与join的数据量。


sql 复制代码
from poi_data.poi_res t1 
join (select bid, pv from bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv where event_day='20240522') t2
on t1.bid=t2.bid 
where t2.bid like '1%' and t2.pv>100;
== Physical Plan ==
AdaptiveSparkPlan (28)
+- == Final Plan ==
   CollectLimit (17)
   +- * Project (16)
      +- * SortMergeJoin Inner (15)
         :- * Sort (6)
         :  +- AQEShuffleRead (5)
         :     +- ShuffleQueryStage (4), Statistics(sizeInBytes=5.3 GiB, rowCount=4.57E+7)
         :        +- Exchange (3)
         :           +- * Filter (2)
         :              +- Scan hive poi_data.poi_res (1)
         +- * Sort (14)
            +- AQEShuffleRead (13)
               +- ShuffleQueryStage (12), Statistics(sizeInBytes=58.5 MiB, rowCount=1.28E+6)
                  +- Exchange (11)
                     +- * Project (10)
                        +- * Filter (9)
                           +- * ColumnarToRow (8)
                              +- Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv (7)
+- == Initial Plan ==
   CollectLimit (27)
   +- Project (26)
      +- SortMergeJoin Inner (25)
         :- Sort (20)
         :  +- Exchange (19)
         :     +- Filter (18)
         :        +- Scan hive poi_data.poi_res (1)
         +- Sort (24)
            +- Exchange (23)
               +- Project (22)
                  +- Filter (21)
                     +- Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv (7)

(1) Scan hive poi_data.poi_res
Output [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Arguments: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370], HiveTableRelation [`poi_data`.`poi_res`, org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe, Data Cols: [bid#350, type#351, name#352, address#353, phone#354, alias#355, post_code#356, catalog_id#357, c..., Partition Cols: []]

(2) Filter [codegen id : 1]
Input [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Condition : (StartsWith(bid#350, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#350))

(3) Exchange
Input [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#350, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=908]

(4) ShuffleQueryStage
Output [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Arguments: 0

(5) AQEShuffleRead
Input [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Arguments: coalesced

(6) Sort [codegen id : 3]
Input [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Arguments: [bid#350 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0

(7) Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv
Output [3]: [bid#387, pv#388, event_day#391]
Batched: true
Location: InMemoryFileIndex [afs://kunpeng.afs.baidu.com:9902/user/g_spark_rdw/rdw/poi_engine/warehouse/bi_report.db/mon_ronghe_pv/event_day=20240522]
PartitionFilters: [isnotnull(event_day#391), (event_day#391 = 20240522)]
PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(bid), IsNotNull(pv), StringStartsWith(bid,1), GreaterThan(pv,100)]
ReadSchema: struct<bid:string,pv:int>

(8) ColumnarToRow [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [bid#387, pv#388, event_day#391]

(9) Filter [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [bid#387, pv#388, event_day#391]
Condition : (((isnotnull(bid#387) AND isnotnull(pv#388)) AND StartsWith(bid#387, 1)) AND (pv#388 > 100))

(10) Project [codegen id : 2]
Output [2]: [bid#387, pv#388]
Input [3]: [bid#387, pv#388, event_day#391]

(11) Exchange
Input [2]: [bid#387, pv#388]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#387, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=933]

(12) ShuffleQueryStage
Output [2]: [bid#387, pv#388]
Arguments: 1

(13) AQEShuffleRead
Input [2]: [bid#387, pv#388]
Arguments: coalesced

(14) Sort [codegen id : 4]
Input [2]: [bid#387, pv#388]
Arguments: [bid#387 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0

(15) SortMergeJoin [codegen id : 5]
Left keys [1]: [bid#350]
Right keys [1]: [bid#387]
Join condition: None

(16) Project [codegen id : 5]
Output [5]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370, pv#388]
Input [6]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370, bid#387, pv#388]

(17) CollectLimit
Input [5]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370, pv#388]
Arguments: 1000

(18) Filter
Input [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Condition : (StartsWith(bid#350, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#350))

(19) Exchange
Input [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#350, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=893]

(20) Sort
Input [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Arguments: [bid#350 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0

(21) Filter
Input [3]: [bid#387, pv#388, event_day#391]
Condition : (((isnotnull(bid#387) AND isnotnull(pv#388)) AND StartsWith(bid#387, 1)) AND (pv#388 > 100))

(22) Project
Output [2]: [bid#387, pv#388]
Input [3]: [bid#387, pv#388, event_day#391]

(23) Exchange
Input [2]: [bid#387, pv#388]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#387, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=894]

(24) Sort
Input [2]: [bid#387, pv#388]
Arguments: [bid#387 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0

(25) SortMergeJoin
Left keys [1]: [bid#350]
Right keys [1]: [bid#387]
Join condition: None

(26) Project
Output [5]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370, pv#388]
Input [6]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370, bid#387, pv#388]

(27) CollectLimit
Input [5]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370, pv#388]
Arguments: 1000

(28) AdaptiveSparkPlan
Output [5]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370, pv#388]
Arguments: isFinalPlan=true




sql 复制代码
from poi_data.poi_res t1 
left join (select bid, pv from bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv where event_day='20240522') t2
on t1.bid=t2.bid 
and t2.bid like '1%' and t2.pv>100;
== Physical Plan ==
AdaptiveSparkPlan (28)
+- == Final Plan ==
   CollectLimit (17)
   +- * Project (16)
      +- * SortMergeJoin LeftOuter (15)
         :- * Sort (6)
         :  +- AQEShuffleRead (5)
         :     +- ShuffleQueryStage (4), Statistics(sizeInBytes=36.5 MiB, rowCount=3.07E+5)
         :        +- Exchange (3)
         :           +- * LocalLimit (2)
         :              +- Scan hive poi_data.poi_res (1)
         +- * Sort (14)
            +- AQEShuffleRead (13)
               +- ShuffleQueryStage (12), Statistics(sizeInBytes=58.5 MiB, rowCount=1.28E+6)
                  +- Exchange (11)
                     +- * Project (10)
                        +- * Filter (9)
                           +- * ColumnarToRow (8)
                              +- Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv (7)
+- == Initial Plan ==
   CollectLimit (27)
   +- Project (26)
      +- SortMergeJoin LeftOuter (25)
         :- Sort (20)
         :  +- Exchange (19)
         :     +- LocalLimit (18)
         :        +- Scan hive poi_data.poi_res (1)
         +- Sort (24)
            +- Exchange (23)
               +- Project (22)
                  +- Filter (21)
                     +- Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv (7)

(1) Scan hive poi_data.poi_res
Output [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423], HiveTableRelation [`poi_data`.`poi_res`, org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe, Data Cols: [bid#403, type#404, name#405, address#406, phone#407, alias#408, post_code#409, catalog_id#410, c..., Partition Cols: []]

(2) LocalLimit [codegen id : 1]
Input [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: 1000

(3) Exchange
Input [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#403, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=1043]

(4) ShuffleQueryStage
Output [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: 0

(5) AQEShuffleRead
Input [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: coalesced

(6) Sort [codegen id : 3]
Input [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: [bid#403 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0

(7) Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv
Output [3]: [bid#440, pv#441, event_day#444]
Batched: true
Location: InMemoryFileIndex [afs://kunpeng.afs.baidu.com:9902/user/g_spark_rdw/rdw/poi_engine/warehouse/bi_report.db/mon_ronghe_pv/event_day=20240522]
PartitionFilters: [isnotnull(event_day#444), (event_day#444 = 20240522)]
PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(bid), IsNotNull(pv), StringStartsWith(bid,1), GreaterThan(pv,100)]
ReadSchema: struct<bid:string,pv:int>

(8) ColumnarToRow [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [bid#440, pv#441, event_day#444]

(9) Filter [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [bid#440, pv#441, event_day#444]
Condition : (((isnotnull(bid#440) AND isnotnull(pv#441)) AND StartsWith(bid#440, 1)) AND (pv#441 > 100))

(10) Project [codegen id : 2]
Output [2]: [bid#440, pv#441]
Input [3]: [bid#440, pv#441, event_day#444]

(11) Exchange
Input [2]: [bid#440, pv#441]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#440, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=1067]

(12) ShuffleQueryStage
Output [2]: [bid#440, pv#441]
Arguments: 1

(13) AQEShuffleRead
Input [2]: [bid#440, pv#441]
Arguments: coalesced

(14) Sort [codegen id : 4]
Input [2]: [bid#440, pv#441]
Arguments: [bid#440 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0

(15) SortMergeJoin [codegen id : 5]
Left keys [1]: [bid#403]
Right keys [1]: [bid#440]
Join condition: None

(16) Project [codegen id : 5]
Output [5]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423, pv#441]
Input [6]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423, bid#440, pv#441]

(17) CollectLimit
Input [5]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423, pv#441]
Arguments: 1000

(18) LocalLimit
Input [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: 1000

(19) Exchange
Input [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#403, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=1029]

(20) Sort
Input [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: [bid#403 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0

(21) Filter
Input [3]: [bid#440, pv#441, event_day#444]
Condition : (((isnotnull(bid#440) AND isnotnull(pv#441)) AND StartsWith(bid#440, 1)) AND (pv#441 > 100))

(22) Project
Output [2]: [bid#440, pv#441]
Input [3]: [bid#440, pv#441, event_day#444]

(23) Exchange
Input [2]: [bid#440, pv#441]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#440, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=1030]

(24) Sort
Input [2]: [bid#440, pv#441]
Arguments: [bid#440 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0

(25) SortMergeJoin
Left keys [1]: [bid#403]
Right keys [1]: [bid#440]
Join condition: None

(26) Project
Output [5]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423, pv#441]
Input [6]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423, bid#440, pv#441]

(27) CollectLimit
Input [5]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423, pv#441]
Arguments: 1000

(28) AdaptiveSparkPlan
Output [5]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423, pv#441]
Arguments: isFinalPlan=true



sql 复制代码
from poi_data.poi_res t1 
left join (select bid, pv from bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv where event_day='20240522') t2
on t1.bid=t2.bid 
where t2.bid like '1%' and t2.pv>100;
== Physical Plan ==
AdaptiveSparkPlan (28)
+- == Final Plan ==
   CollectLimit (17)
   +- * Project (16)
      +- * SortMergeJoin Inner (15)
         :- * Sort (6)
         :  +- AQEShuffleRead (5)
         :     +- ShuffleQueryStage (4), Statistics(sizeInBytes=5.3 GiB, rowCount=4.57E+7)
         :        +- Exchange (3)
         :           +- * Filter (2)
         :              +- Scan hive poi_data.poi_res (1)
         +- * Sort (14)
            +- AQEShuffleRead (13)
               +- ShuffleQueryStage (12), Statistics(sizeInBytes=58.5 MiB, rowCount=1.28E+6)
                  +- Exchange (11)
                     +- * Project (10)
                        +- * Filter (9)
                           +- * ColumnarToRow (8)
                              +- Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv (7)
+- == Initial Plan ==
   CollectLimit (27)
   +- Project (26)
      +- SortMergeJoin Inner (25)
         :- Sort (20)
         :  +- Exchange (19)
         :     +- Filter (18)
         :        +- Scan hive poi_data.poi_res (1)
         +- Sort (24)
            +- Exchange (23)
               +- Project (22)
                  +- Filter (21)
                     +- Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv (7)

(1) Scan hive poi_data.poi_res
Output [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Arguments: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476], HiveTableRelation [`poi_data`.`poi_res`, org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe, Data Cols: [bid#456, type#457, name#458, address#459, phone#460, alias#461, post_code#462, catalog_id#463, c..., Partition Cols: []]

(2) Filter [codegen id : 1]
Input [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Condition : (StartsWith(bid#456, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#456))

(3) Exchange
Input [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#456, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=1176]

(4) ShuffleQueryStage
Output [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Arguments: 0

(5) AQEShuffleRead
Input [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Arguments: coalesced

(6) Sort [codegen id : 3]
Input [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Arguments: [bid#456 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0

(7) Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv
Output [3]: [bid#493, pv#494, event_day#497]
Batched: true
Location: InMemoryFileIndex [afs://kunpeng.afs.baidu.com:9902/user/g_spark_rdw/rdw/poi_engine/warehouse/bi_report.db/mon_ronghe_pv/event_day=20240522]
PartitionFilters: [isnotnull(event_day#497), (event_day#497 = 20240522)]
PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(bid), IsNotNull(pv), StringStartsWith(bid,1), GreaterThan(pv,100)]
ReadSchema: struct<bid:string,pv:int>

(8) ColumnarToRow [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [bid#493, pv#494, event_day#497]

(9) Filter [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [bid#493, pv#494, event_day#497]
Condition : (((isnotnull(bid#493) AND isnotnull(pv#494)) AND StartsWith(bid#493, 1)) AND (pv#494 > 100))

(10) Project [codegen id : 2]
Output [2]: [bid#493, pv#494]
Input [3]: [bid#493, pv#494, event_day#497]

(11) Exchange
Input [2]: [bid#493, pv#494]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#493, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=1201]

(12) ShuffleQueryStage
Output [2]: [bid#493, pv#494]
Arguments: 1

(13) AQEShuffleRead
Input [2]: [bid#493, pv#494]
Arguments: coalesced

(14) Sort [codegen id : 4]
Input [2]: [bid#493, pv#494]
Arguments: [bid#493 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0

(15) SortMergeJoin [codegen id : 5]
Left keys [1]: [bid#456]
Right keys [1]: [bid#493]
Join condition: None

(16) Project [codegen id : 5]
Output [5]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476, pv#494]
Input [6]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476, bid#493, pv#494]

(17) CollectLimit
Input [5]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476, pv#494]
Arguments: 1000

(18) Filter
Input [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Condition : (StartsWith(bid#456, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#456))

(19) Exchange
Input [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#456, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=1161]

(20) Sort
Input [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Arguments: [bid#456 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0

(21) Filter
Input [3]: [bid#493, pv#494, event_day#497]
Condition : (((isnotnull(bid#493) AND isnotnull(pv#494)) AND StartsWith(bid#493, 1)) AND (pv#494 > 100))

(22) Project
Output [2]: [bid#493, pv#494]
Input [3]: [bid#493, pv#494, event_day#497]

(23) Exchange
Input [2]: [bid#493, pv#494]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#493, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=1162]

(24) Sort
Input [2]: [bid#493, pv#494]
Arguments: [bid#493 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0

(25) SortMergeJoin
Left keys [1]: [bid#456]
Right keys [1]: [bid#493]
Join condition: None

(26) Project
Output [5]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476, pv#494]
Input [6]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476, bid#493, pv#494]

(27) CollectLimit
Input [5]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476, pv#494]
Arguments: 1000

(28) AdaptiveSparkPlan
Output [5]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476, pv#494]
Arguments: isFinalPlan=true




  • 内连接:内连接的两个执行计划中,对t2表都使用了PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(bid), IsNotNull(pv), StringStartsWith(bid,1), GreaterThan(pv,100)],对t1表都使用了Condition : (StartsWith(bid#297, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#297)) ,因此可以说,内连接中where和on在执行效率上没区别。
  • 外连接:还是拿左外连接来说,右表相关的条件会使用谓词下推,而左表是否会提前过滤数据,取决于where还是on以及筛选条件是否与左表相关,1)当为on时,左表的数据必须全量读取,此时效率的差别主要取决于左表的数据量。2)当为where时,如果筛选条件涉及到左表,则会进行数据的提前过滤,否则左表仍然全量读取。


在内连接的物理执行计划中,对poi_res表的过滤单独作为一个Filter步骤(2)Condition : (StartsWith(bid#297, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#297)),而对mon_ronghe_pv表的过滤在第(7)步scan中PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(bid), IsNotNull(pv), StringStartsWith(bid,1), GreaterThan(pv,100)] ,二者有什么区别?查了一些资料,说的是可以将PushedFilters理解为在读取数据时的过滤,不满足条件的数据直接不读取。Filter时将数据读取之后,再判断是否满足条件,决定是否参与后续计算。


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