Information Systems Governance and Assurance BISM7221

Task Description
This is an individual assignment.
Students will use their understanding from the course of IT governance, fraud detection, and general controls to prepare a Business Consulting Report with recommendations that improve business performance.
This report is derived from a case organisation described in the Assignment Specification.
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The Business Consulting Report will require analytical skills to assess the case organisation's portfolio of IT governance mechanisms, consider the potential for fraud arising from weaknesses in the internal control mechanisms, document any findings of fraud, and how to improve organisational performance through recommendations that strengthen the internal controls environment.
The report will document the project rationale and approach, findings, and key recommendations for IT governance, fraud prevention, and the IT general controls environment.
The report is a cohesive document that can be communicated to the client.
The results are communicated as a Business Consulting Report of 8 to 12 pages in length (excluding appendices).
Students are to use SQL data analytic techniques used in tutorials for fraud detection work and use Excel data visualisations to highlight their findings in the report.
These visualisations should be to a high standard as they are to be communicated directly to the client.
Software Required:
• PostgreSQL is available as open source software for installation on your own computer
• PostgreSQL is not installed on the University's computer laboratories
• Excel is available as part of the Office 365 package available to students free-of-charge and installation on your own computer
Key to success in this assessment is a professional Business Consulting Report that demonstrates completeness, attention to detail, insightful analysis, and clear communication.
This task has been designed to be challenging, authentic and complex. Whilst students may use AI technologies, successful completion of assessment in this course will require students to critically engage in specific contexts and tasks for which artificial intelligence will provide
only limited support and guidance.
This assessment task is a full and complete Business Consulting Report, formatted
professionally and appropriately.
Students shall address this task individually.
This Business Consulting Report is to be written by you as an individual consultant that has been asked to use your understanding of IT governance as well as the systems analytical skills and techniques to provide advice to a client identified in the accompanying Assignment Specification.
The Assignment Specification is provided on Learn.UQ as a supporting document separate to this Guideline. You are to document the results of your analysis as a business consulting report. The business consulting report is addressed to the audience noted in the Assignment Specification but is
to be executed to a high standard as this report will be provided to the Board and Chief Executive Officer.
In the Assignment Specification, you are provided with four Guiding Questions. Answering these questions requires that you apply your understanding of IT Governance and IT General Controls to provide IT governance and operational advice, and use the PostgreSQL and Microsoft Excel tools to undertake fraud analysis.
The data files used are provided with the Assignment Specification in the assessment folder -- it is a zip file that will need to be unzipped. You are to download these files to your computer and import the data into PostgreSQL.

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