CData Drivers for Azure Active Directory

CData Drivers for Azure Active Directory

Key Features of CData Drivers for Azure Active Directory:

Universal Compatibility:

Support various applications, languages, and development environments, including Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, Java, Python, .NET, and more.

Security Features:

Integration with security protocols, including OAuth, for secure authentication.

Compliance with security standards and best practices for identity and access management.

Data Mapping and Transformation:

Capability to map and transform data between Azure Active Directory and connected applications or databases.

Support for handling complex identity-related data structures.

Efficient Data Retrieval:

Seamless integration with Azure Active Directory for efficient retrieval and interaction with identity-related information.

We optimized data retrieval mechanisms to ensure performance.

Authentication Protocols:

Support OAuth and other authentication protocols to ensure secure access to Azure Active Directory resources.

Integration with Azure AD's authentication mechanisms for seamless user access.

Customizable Integration:

Flexibility to tailor the integration to specific organizational requirements.

Support for custom workflows and scenarios related to identity and access management.

Regular Updates:

Continuous updates to stay current with the latest features and changes in Azure Active Directory.

Commitment to compatibility with evolving Azure AD standards.

Documentation and Samples:

Comprehensive documentation to guide developers through the integration process.

Code samples and examples for quick implementation and learning.

Compliance and Governance:

Adherence to data governance standards and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Features that support organizational identity policies and governance best practices.

User Authentication and Group Management:

Support for user authentication processes using Azure AD.

Features for efficient group management within Azure Active Directory.

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