Run the OnlyOffice Java Spring demo project in local


  • [1.Download the sample project in java](#1.Download the sample project in java)
  • [2.Run the project](#2.Run the project)
  • [3.Test the example document](#3.Test the example document)

Before you run your java Spring project in your local server, there are several prepare works:

  1. Remote onlyoffice server is running
  2. The local java environment can run java application: JDK 11 or later version, maven

1.Download the sample project in java

Link: download the sample code in official website

document properties setting

propeties 复制代码
# the server of local spring project
server. Address=
# the directory to store the files in local server
storage-folder = app_data

# documentary  server, we user docker image in a  ubuntu virtual machine. If you don't have install the OnlyOffice, you could watch my other blog.

# You have to attention this setting, if you set the JWT function in OnlyOffice

2.Run the project

Use this terminal to get IP of local server

shell 复制代码

3.Test the example document

You can find the setting of OnlyOffice welcome page:

run these command in document server.

in you browser, you will get the an online editor.

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