
比较简单,简单说就是进入bootload清除密码,然后进入default mode下重置密码。

拨电源重启交换机,大约开机10多秒的时候会出现提示按Ctrl+B可以进入BootLoad menu.

bash 复制代码
Last reset type: PowerOn

Press Ctrl+B to enter BootLoad menu : 1 


bash 复制代码

        BootLoad Menu 

     1. Boot with default mode
     2. Enter startup submenu
     3. Enter ethernet submenu
     4. Enter filesystem submenu
     5. Enter password submenu
     6. Clear password for console user
     7. Reboot
    (Press Ctrl+E to enter diag menu)

Enter your choice(1-7): 6    

Note: Clear password for console user? Yes or No(Y/N): y    
Clear password for console user successfully. 

3.进入默认模式(default mode)

bash 复制代码
Note: Choose "1. Boot with default mode" to boot, then set a new password.

Note: If the device is restarted during startup, you need to perform this operation again.

        BootLoad Menu 

     1. Boot with default mode
     2. Enter startup submenu
     3. Enter ethernet submenu
     4. Enter filesystem submenu
     5. Enter password submenu
     6. Clear password for console user
     7. Reboot
    (Press Ctrl+E to enter diag menu)

Enter your choice(1-7): 1    

Startup information : 1

Read boot file: flash:/s5735-l1-v200r021c00spc600.cc 


bash 复制代码
Recover configuration begin ...
Recover configuration end
Press ENTER to get started.

An initial password is required for the first login via the console.
Set a password and keep it safe. Otherwise you will not be able to login via the console.

Please configure the login password (8-16)
Enter Password:
Confirm Password:
Warning: The authentication mode was changed to password authentication and the user level was changed to 15 on con0 at the first user login.
Warning: There is a risk on the user-interface which you login through. Please change the configuration of the user-interface as soon as possible. 

Info: Smart-upgrade is currently disabled. Enable Smart-upgrade to get recommended version information.



bash 复制代码
user-interface con 0
 authentication-mode password
 set authentication password cipher $1a$/U[)(~F@>7$p<=fF:/-"1jtO|,7NM'(wYsxBK_'0YdABj'U%TCB$
 idle-timeout 5 0


bash 复制代码
The current configuration will be written to flash:/gz-dg-fhyyb-af-as-s1.cfg.
Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]y
Now saving the current configuration to the slot 0..
2024-7-13 00:14:46.570.2+08:00 GZ-DG-FHYYB-AF-AS-S1 %%01CFM/4/SAVE(s)[0]:The user chose Y when deciding whether to save the configuration to the device...
Save the configuration successfully.
Info: The system is now comparing the configuration, please wait.......
Info: If want to reboot with saving diagnostic information, input 'N' and then execute 'reboot save diagnostic-information'.
System will reboot! Continue?[Y/N]:y
2024-7-13 00:18:28.810.2+08:00 GZ-DG-FHYYB-AF-AS-S1 %%01CMD/4/REBOOT(s)[2]:The user chose Y when deciding whether to reboot the system. (Task=co0, Ip=**, VpnName=, User=**)
Comparing the firmware versions
The latest firmware version is in use.
Info: System is rebooting, please wait...
Jul 13 2024 00:18:29+08:00 GZ-DG-FHYYB-AF-AS-S1 SYSMIB/4/RELOAD_END: Reload operation completed
2024-7-13 00:18:29.730.1+08:00 GZ-DG-FHYYB-AF-AS-S1 %%01SRM/4/MSTRSCURST(l)[3]:Master SCU is reset.
2024-7-13 00:18:29.730.2+08:00 GZ-DG-FHYYB-AF-AS-S1 %%01SRM/4/RESETREASON(l)[4]:Board reset by VRP command or net manager, the barcode is: 4E21B0116269.
starting pid 1250, tty '': '/etUnmounting all filesystems: 
The system is going down NOW!
Sent SIGTERM to all processes


命令:reset saved-configuration

然后在是否保存配置时,选择 n,不保存。

bash 复制代码
<GZ-DG-FHYYB-AF-AS-S1>reset saved-configuration 
Warning: The action will delete the saved configuration in the device.
The configuration will be erased to reconfigure. Continue? [Y/N]:y
Warning: Now clearing the configuration in the device..
2024-7-13 02:52:18.70.2+08:00 GZ-DG-FHYYB-AF-AS-S1 %%01CFM/4/RST_CFG(s)[0]:The user chose Y when deciding whether to reset the saved configuration.
Jul 13 2024 02:52:18+08:00 GZ-DG-FHYYB-AF-AS-S1 HWCM/4/CFGCHANGE:OID Configure changed. (EventIndex=3, CommandSource=1, ConfigSource=1, ConfigDestination=4)
Info: Succeeded in clearing the configuration in the device.
Info: The system is now comparing the configuration, please wait................
Warning: The configuration has been modified, and it will be saved to the next startup saved-configuration file . Continue? [Y/N]:n
Info: If want to reboot with saving diagnostic information, input 'N' and then execute 'reboot save diagnostic-information'.
System will reboot! Continue?[Y/N]:y
Comparing the firmware versions
The latest firmware version is in use.
2024-7-13 02:52:46.590.2+08:00 GZ-DG-FHYYB-AF-AS-S1 
Sent SIGKILL to all processes
Requesting system reboot
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