Spring Boot框架在教育领域的创新应用:导师双选系统

摘 要






In today's information age, there are high requirements for information sharing and information circulation, so traditional management methods are not suitable. In order to upgrade the management model of tutor selection information, and to better maintain tutor selection information, the development and application of the excellent tutor double selection system becomes necessary. And through the development of the excellent mentor double selection system, not only can the SpringBoot framework learned be used in practice, but also the use of MySQL can be mastered, and there is a process of testing and improving its own programming ability. Especially through practice, you can deepen the impression of the development process of the system, whether it is the analysis and design in the early stage, or the coding test in the later stage, you can have a deep understanding.

The excellent mentor double selection system determines the administrator to manage students, mentors, manage project information, manage project submission, and manage and guide project information based on the survey. The instructor manages the instructor to select information, manage the project, manage the project submission and guide the project submitted by the trainees. Participants select a mentor, view the project, submit completed project documents, and view the guidance information of the mentor on the project.

With the help of tools such as the excellent mentor double selection system, the information system, process, and standardization are the final development results. Under the condition of following the actual operation process, the mentor selection information will be standardized and the mentor selection information will be processed electronically. The way of saving, whether it is the management personnel to retrieve the mentor selection information, and the maintenance of the mentor selection information can facilitate the operation, truly shorten the information processing time, and save the cost of manpower and information management.

Key Words:Excellent mentor double selection system, SpringBoot framework, MySQL

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 选题意义 1

1.3 研究内容 2

第二章 开发环境 3

2.1 SpringBoot框架 3

2.2 JSP技术 3

2.3 MYSQL数据库 4

第三章 系统分析 5

3.1可行性分析 5

3.1.1技术可行性 5

3.1.2操作可行性 5

3.1.3经济可行性 5

3.2系统流程分析 6

3.3系统性能分析 9

3.3.1数据完整性 9

3.3.2系统可扩展性 10

3.3.3系统安全性 10

3.4系统功能分析 10

第四章 系统设计 14

4.1 系统设计思想 14

4.2功能结构设计 15

4.3数据库设计 17

4.3.1 数据库E-R图 17

4.3.2 数据库表结构 20

第五章 系统实现 24

5.1管理员功能实现 24

5.1.1 导师信息管理 24

5.1.2 导师选择统计报表 24

5.1.3 学员管理 25

5.2导师功能实现 26

5.2.1 项目信息管理 26

5.2.2 项目提交管理 27

5.3 学员功能实现 27

5.3.1 导师信息管理 27

5.3.2 项目信息管理 28

5.3.3 指导项目查看 28

第六章 系统测试 29

6.1系统测试的特点 29

6.2 系统功能测试 29

6.2.1 用户登录测试 29

6.2.2 导师信息查询功能测试 30

6.3 系统测试结果 30

结 论 31

致 谢 32

参考文献 33

第六章 系统测试








6.2 系统功能测试


6.2.1 用户登录测试


表6-1 管理员登录测试表

测试功能 操作步骤 数据输入 预期结果 最终结果

管理员登录 在登录页面,根据提示填写验证信息,最后提交

验证的信息有账号,也有密码,输入的数据保证其中一个是正确的,进行测试 失败 失败

输入的数据都保持正确 成功 成功

6.2.2 导师信息查询功能测试


表6-2 导师信息查询功能测试表

测试功能 操作步骤 数据输入 预期结果 最终结果

导师信息查询功能 进入查询页面,登记要查询内容的关键词并提交 登记格式有误的内容,或者是保持教师姓名为空 失败 失败

正确录入教师姓名 成功 成功

6.3 系统测试结果


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