深入解析 WezTerm 的自定义功能:键绑定和鼠标绑定

WezTerm 是一个高性能的跨平台终端模拟器,它提供了广泛的自定义选项,包括键绑定和鼠标绑定,使得用户可以根据自己的需求优化操作界面。本文将详细介绍几个关键的自定义功能,解释它们的用途,并展示如何配置这些功能来提升终端使用体验。


WezTerm 的键绑定功能允许用户为特定的操作定义快捷键。需要注意的是如果想要绑定大写或者特殊字符,需要设置key的同时设置mods,例如:

lua 复制代码
{ key = 'H', mods = 'SHIFT|LEADER', action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Left', 10 } },

这样配置的快捷键可以通过按下 Leader 后,再按下 Shift + h (H) 来调整面板大小。



首先,定义一个 LEADER 键,作为其他快捷键的前缀。在 WezTerm 中,LEADER 键的设置如下:

lua 复制代码
local leader = {
	key = 'Space',
	mods = 'SUPER|ALT',
	timeout_milliseconds = math.maxinteger

这个设置允许用户通过同时按下 Win + Alt + Space 来激活领导键模式,实现类似 tmux 的操作方式。


lua 复制代码
{ key = "c", mods = "LEADER",       action = act { SpawnTab = "CurrentPaneDomain" } },
{ key = "&", mods = "LEADER",       action = act { CloseCurrentTab = { confirm = false } } },
{ key = "q", mods = "LEADER",       action = act { CloseCurrentTab = { confirm = false } } },
{ key = "x", mods = "LEADER",       action = act { CloseCurrentPane = { confirm = false } } },
{ key = 's', mods = 'LEADER',       action = act.PaneSelect },
{ key = 'S', mods = 'SHIFT|LEADER', action = act.PaneSelect { mode = 'SwapWithActive' } },
{ key = 'w', mods = 'LEADER',       action = act.ShowTabNavigator },
{ key = "k", mods = "LEADER",       action = act.RotatePanes "Clockwise" },

{ key = "T",      mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act { SpawnTab = "CurrentPaneDomain" } },
{ key = "W",      mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act { CloseCurrentTab = { confirm = true } } },
{ key = "V",      mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act { PasteFrom = "Clipboard" } },
{ key = "C",      mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act { CopyTo = "Clipboard" } },
{ key = "Tab",    mods = "CTRL",         action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) },
{ key = "Tab",    mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },
{ key = "Return", mods = "ALT",          action = "ToggleFullScreen" },
{ key = "F11",    mods = "",             action = "ToggleFullScreen" },


ALT 风格的配置:

一些程序比如 tmux zellij 等会使用这些快捷键,所以这里自定义 create_keybind 函数来实现识别当前面板是否在这些程序中,如果是则不执行对应的操作,而是直接传递给程序。create_keybind 函数的实现见完整配置文件。

lua 复制代码
create_keybind("SpawnTab", "ALT", "t", "CurrentPaneDomain"),
create_keybind("smart_split", "ALT", "n"),
create_keybind("CloseCurrentTab", "ALT", "q"),
create_keybind("CloseCurrentPane", "ALT", "x"),

create_keybind("ActivatePaneDirection", "ALT", "h", "Left"),
create_keybind("ActivatePaneDirection", "ALT", "j", "Down"),
create_keybind("ActivatePaneDirection", "ALT", "k", "Up"),
create_keybind("ActivatePaneDirection", "ALT", "l", "Right")

create_keybind("ActivatePaneDirection", "ALT", "[", "Prev"),
create_keybind("ActivatePaneDirection", "ALT", "]", "Next"),

create_keybind("AdjustPaneSize", "ALT", "LeftArrow", "Left"),
create_keybind("AdjustPaneSize", "ALT", "RightArrow", "Right"),
create_keybind("AdjustPaneSize", "ALT", "UpArrow", "Up"),
create_keybind("AdjustPaneSize", "ALT", "DownArrow", "Down")

WezTerm Leader 键的缺点在于每个 action 都需要按下 Leader 键,这样会导致操作繁琐。例如,我们如果直接使用

lua 复制代码
{ key = 'h', mods = 'LEADER', action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Left' },
{ key = 'j', mods = 'LEADER', action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Down' },
{ key = 'k', mods = 'LEADER', action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Up' },
{ key = 'l', mods = 'LEADER', action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Right' }

这样配置的问题在于,用户每切换一次都需要按下一次 Leader 键。为了解决这个问题,我们可以创建一个函数activate_pane_with_dir来激活指定方向的面板,并通过resize_pane_with_dir来调整面板大小。这两个函数会调用对应action后,再调用ActivateKeyTable来激活对应的快捷键表。这样就可以像 tmux 一样,按下一次 Leader 键,然后连续按下 hjkl 来切换面板。


lua 复制代码
local key_tables = {
	resize_pane = {
		{ key = 'LeftArrow',  action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Left', 1 } },
		{ key = 'h',          action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Left', 1 } },
		{ key = 'H',          action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Left', 10 } },

		{ key = 'RightArrow', action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Right', 1 } },
		{ key = 'l',          action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Right', 1 } },
		{ key = 'L',          action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Right', 10 } },

		{ key = 'UpArrow',    action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Up', 1 } },
		{ key = 'k',          action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Up', 1 } },
		{ key = 'K',          action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Up', 10 } },

		{ key = 'DownArrow',  action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Down', 1 } },
		{ key = 'j',          action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Down', 1 } },
		{ key = 'J',          action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Down', 10 } },

		{ key = 'Escape',     action = 'PopKeyTable' },
		{ key = 'q',          action = 'PopKeyTable' },
		{ key = 'Q',          action = 'PopKeyTable' }
	activate_pane = {
		{ key = 'LeftArrow',  action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Left' },
		{ key = 'h',          action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Left' },

		{ key = 'RightArrow', action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Right' },
		{ key = 'l',          action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Right' },

		{ key = 'UpArrow',    action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Up' },
		{ key = 'k',          action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Up' },

		{ key = 'DownArrow',  action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Down' },
		{ key = 'j',          action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Down' },

		{ key = 'Escape',     action = 'PopKeyTable' },
		{ key = 'q',          action = 'PopKeyTable' },
		{ key = 'Q',          action = 'PopKeyTable' }
	move_tab = {
		{ key = 'N',          action = act.MoveTabRelative(1) },
		{ key = 'P',          action = act.MoveTabRelative(-1) },

		{ key = 'n',          action = act.MoveTabRelative(1) },
		{ key = 'p',          action = act.MoveTabRelative(-1) },

		{ key = 'h',          action = act.MoveTabRelative(-1) },
		{ key = 'j',          action = act.MoveTabRelative(1) },
		{ key = 'k',          action = act.MoveTabRelative(-1) },
		{ key = 'l',          action = act.MoveTabRelative(1) },

		{ key = 'LeftArrow',  action = act.MoveTabRelative(-1) },
		{ key = 'RightArrow', action = act.MoveTabRelative(1) },
		{ key = 'UpArrow',    action = act.MoveTabRelative(-1) },
		{ key = 'DownArrow',  action = act.MoveTabRelative(1) },

		{ key = 'Escape',     action = 'PopKeyTable' },
		{ key = 'q',          action = 'PopKeyTable' },
		{ key = 'Q',          action = 'PopKeyTable' }
	activate_tab = {
		{ key = 'N',          action = act.ActivateTab(0) },
		{ key = 'P',          action = act.ActivateTab(-1) },

		{ key = 'n',          action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) },
		{ key = 'p',          action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },

		{ key = 'h',          action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },
		{ key = 'j',          action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) },
		{ key = 'k',          action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },
		{ key = 'l',          action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) },

		{ key = 'LeftArrow',  action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },
		{ key = 'RightArrow', action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) },
		{ key = 'UpArrow',    action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },
		{ key = 'DownArrow',  action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) },

		{ key = 'Escape',     action = 'PopKeyTable' },

lua 复制代码
local function activate_pane_with_dir(dir)
		return function(win, pane)
				win:perform_action(wezterm.action.ActivatePaneDirection(dir), pane)
				win:perform_action(wezterm.action.ActivateKeyTable { name = 'activate_pane', one_shot = false, timeout_milliseconds = 600 }, pane)

local function resize_pane_with_dir(dir)
		return function(win, pane)
				win:perform_action(wezterm.action.AdjustPaneSize { dir, 10 }, pane)
				win:perform_action(wezterm.action.ActivateKeyTable { name = 'resize_pane', one_shot = false, timeout_milliseconds = 600 }, pane)

local function activate_tab_with_dir(dir)
	return function(win, pane)
		win:perform_action(act.ActivateTabRelative(dir), pane)
		win:perform_action(act.ActivateKeyTable { name = 'activate_tab', one_shot = false, timeout_milliseconds = 600 },

local function move_tab_with_dir(dir)
	return function(win, pane)
		win:perform_action(act.MoveTabRelative(dir), pane)
		win:perform_action(act.ActivateKeyTable { name = 'move_tab', one_shot = false, timeout_milliseconds = 600 },


lua 复制代码
{ key = "a",          mods = "LEADER",   action = act.ActivateKeyTable { name = 'activate_pane', one_shot = false, timeout_milliseconds = 5000 } },

{ key = 'h',          mods = 'LEADER',   action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_pane_with_dir("Left")) },
{ key = 'j',          mods = 'LEADER',   action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_pane_with_dir("Down")) },
{ key = 'k',          mods = 'LEADER',   action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_pane_with_dir("Up")) },
{ key = 'l',          mods = 'LEADER',   action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_pane_with_dir("Right")) },

{ key = "UpArrow",    mods = "LEADER",   action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_pane_with_dir("Up")) },
{ key = "DownArrow",  mods = "LEADER",   action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_pane_with_dir("Down")) },
{ key = "LeftArrow",  mods = "LEADER",   action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_pane_with_dir("Left")) },
{ key = "RightArrow", mods = "LEADER",   action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_pane_with_dir("Right")) },

{ key = "h",          mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Left" } },
{ key = "j",          mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Down" } },
{ key = "k",          mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Up" } },
{ key = "l",          mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Right" } },

{ key = "UpArrow",    mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Up" } },
{ key = "DownArrow",  mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Down" } },
{ key = "LeftArrow",  mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Left" } },
{ key = "RightArrow", mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Right" } },

{ key = 'r',          mods = 'LEADER',         action = act.ActivateKeyTable { name = 'resize_pane', one_shot = false, timeout_milliseconds = 5000 } },

-- use Multiple keybinds fails because of async, so use action_callback
{ key = 'H',          mods = 'SHIFT|LEADER',   action = wezterm.action_callback(resize_pane_with_dir("Left")) },
{ key = 'J',          mods = 'SHIFT|LEADER',   action = wezterm.action_callback(resize_pane_with_dir("Down")) },
{ key = 'K',          mods = 'SHIFT|LEADER',   action = wezterm.action_callback(resize_pane_with_dir("Up")) },
{ key = 'L',          mods = 'SHIFT|LEADER',   action = wezterm.action_callback(resize_pane_with_dir("Right")) },

{ key = "UpArrow",    mods = "SHIFT|LEADER",   action = wezterm.action_callback(resize_pane_with_dir("Up")) },
{ key = "DownArrow",  mods = "SHIFT|LEADER",   action = wezterm.action_callback(resize_pane_with_dir("Down")) },
{ key = "LeftArrow",  mods = "SHIFT|LEADER",   action = wezterm.action_callback(resize_pane_with_dir("Left")) },
{ key = "RightArrow", mods = "SHIFT|LEADER",   action = wezterm.action_callback(resize_pane_with_dir("Right")) },

{ key = "h",          mods = "SHIFT|ALT|CTRL", action = act { AdjustPaneSize = { "Left", 1 } } },
{ key = "l",          mods = "SHIFT|ALT|CTRL", action = act { AdjustPaneSize = { "Right", 1 } } },
{ key = "k",          mods = "SHIFT|ALT|CTRL", action = act { AdjustPaneSize = { "Up", 1 } } },
{ key = "j",          mods = "SHIFT|ALT|CTRL", action = act { AdjustPaneSize = { "Down", 1 } } },

{ key = "UpArrow",    mods = "SHIFT|ALT|CTRL", action = act { AdjustPaneSize = { "Up", 1 } } },
{ key = "DownArrow",  mods = "SHIFT|ALT|CTRL", action = act { AdjustPaneSize = { "Down", 1 } } },
{ key = "LeftArrow",  mods = "SHIFT|ALT|CTRL", action = act { AdjustPaneSize = { "Left", 1 } } },
{ key = "RightArrow", mods = "SHIFT|ALT|CTRL", action = act { AdjustPaneSize = { "Right", 1 } } },



lua 复制代码
{ key = "-", mods = "LEADER", action = act { SplitVertical = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } } },
{ key = "\\", mods = "LEADER", action = act { SplitHorizontal = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } } },
{ key = "-", mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { SplitVertical = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } } },
{ key = "\\", mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { SplitHorizontal = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } } },
{ key = "_", mods = "SHIFT|CTRL", action = act { SplitVertical = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } } },
{ key = "|", mods = "SHIFT|CTRL", action = act { SplitHorizontal = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } } },

通过使用 LEADER,ALT+CTRL,SHIFT+CTRL + -\ 来分别进行垂直和水平分割。



lua 复制代码
local function smart_split_callback(window, pane)
		local dim = pane:get_dimensions()
		if dim.pixel_height > dim.pixel_width then
				window:perform_action(wezterm.action.SplitVertical({ domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" }), pane)
				window:perform_action(wezterm.action.SplitHorizontal({ domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" }), pane)

local smart_split = wezterm.action_callback(smart_split_callback)
keys = {
		{ key = "Enter", mods = "LEADER", action = smart_split },
		{ key = "Enter", mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = smart_split },
		{ key = "Enter", mods = "SHIFT|CTRL", action = smart_split }


lua 复制代码
create_keybind("ActivateTabRelative", "ALT|CTRL", "[", -1),
create_keybind("ActivateTabRelative", "ALT|CTRL", "]", 1),

{ key = "A",          mods = "SHIFT|LEADER", action = act.ActivateKeyTable { name = "activate_tab", one_shot = false, timeout_milliseconds = 5000 } },

{ key = "LeftArrow",  mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },
{ key = "RightArrow", mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) },

{ key = "n",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) },
{ key = "p",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },

{ key = "1",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 0 } },
{ key = "2",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 1 } },
{ key = "3",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 2 } },
{ key = "4",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 3 } },
{ key = "5",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 4 } },
{ key = "6",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 5 } },
{ key = "7",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 6 } },
{ key = "8",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 7 } },
{ key = "9",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 8 } },
{ key = "0",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = -1 } },

create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "1", 0),
create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "2", 1),
create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "3", 2),
create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "4", 3),
create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "5", 4),
create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "6", 5),
create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "7", 6),
create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "8", 7),
create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "9", 8),
create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "0", -1),

{ key = "1",      mods = "ALT|CTRL",   action = act { ActivateTab = 0 } },
{ key = "2",      mods = "ALT|CTRL",   action = act { ActivateTab = 1 } },
{ key = "3",      mods = "ALT|CTRL",   action = act { ActivateTab = 2 } },
{ key = "4",      mods = "ALT|CTRL",   action = act { ActivateTab = 3 } },
{ key = "5",      mods = "ALT|CTRL",   action = act { ActivateTab = 4 } },
{ key = "6",      mods = "ALT|CTRL",   action = act { ActivateTab = 5 } },
{ key = "7",      mods = "ALT|CTRL",   action = act { ActivateTab = 6 } },
{ key = "8",      mods = "ALT|CTRL",   action = act { ActivateTab = 7 } },
{ key = "9",      mods = "ALT|CTRL",   action = act { ActivateTab = 8 } },
{ key = "0",      mods = "ALT|CTRL",   action = act { ActivateTab = -1 } },


lua 复制代码
{ key = "R",         mods = "LEADER",       action = act.ActivateKeyTable { name = "move_tab", one_shot = false, timeout_milliseconds = 5000 } },

create_keybind("MoveTabRelative", "SHIFT|ALT", "{", -1),
create_keybind("MoveTabRelative", "SHIFT|ALT", "}", 1),

{ key = "UpArrow",   mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act.MoveTabRelative(-1) },
{ key = "DownArrow", mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act.MoveTabRelative(1) },

{ key = "P",         mods = "SHIFT|LEADER", action = wezterm.action_callback(move_tab_with_dir(-1)) },
{ key = "N",         mods = "SHIFT|LEADER", action = wezterm.action_callback(move_tab_with_dir(1)) },


沿用 windows 终端的习惯是:

lua 复制代码
event = { Down = { streak = 1, button = 'Right' } },
mods = "NONE",
action = wezterm.action_callback(function(window, pane)
	local has_selection = window:get_selection_text_for_pane(pane) ~= ""
	if has_selection then
		window:perform_action(act.CopyTo("ClipboardAndPrimarySelection"), pane)
		window:perform_action(act.ClearSelection, pane)
			PasteFrom = "Clipboard"
		}), pane)




lua 复制代码
local wezterm = require("wezterm")
local act = wezterm.action

-- key bindings
local leader = {
	-- win + alt + space
	key = 'Space',
	mods = 'SUPER|ALT',
	timeout_milliseconds = math.maxinteger

local key_tables = {
	resize_pane = {
		{ key = 'LeftArrow',  action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Left', 1 } },
		{ key = 'h',          action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Left', 1 } },
		{ key = 'H',          action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Left', 10 } },

		{ key = 'RightArrow', action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Right', 1 } },
		{ key = 'l',          action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Right', 1 } },
		{ key = 'L',          action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Right', 10 } },

		{ key = 'UpArrow',    action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Up', 1 } },
		{ key = 'k',          action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Up', 1 } },
		{ key = 'K',          action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Up', 10 } },

		{ key = 'DownArrow',  action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Down', 1 } },
		{ key = 'j',          action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Down', 1 } },
		{ key = 'J',          action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Down', 10 } },

		{ key = 'Escape',     action = 'PopKeyTable' },
		{ key = 'q',          action = 'PopKeyTable' },
		{ key = 'Q',          action = 'PopKeyTable' }
	activate_pane = {
		{ key = 'LeftArrow',  action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Left' },
		{ key = 'h',          action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Left' },

		{ key = 'RightArrow', action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Right' },
		{ key = 'l',          action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Right' },

		{ key = 'UpArrow',    action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Up' },
		{ key = 'k',          action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Up' },

		{ key = 'DownArrow',  action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Down' },
		{ key = 'j',          action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Down' },

		{ key = 'Escape',     action = 'PopKeyTable' },
		{ key = 'q',          action = 'PopKeyTable' },
		{ key = 'Q',          action = 'PopKeyTable' }
	move_tab = {
		{ key = 'N',          action = act.MoveTabRelative(1) },
		{ key = 'P',          action = act.MoveTabRelative(-1) },

		{ key = 'n',          action = act.MoveTabRelative(1) },
		{ key = 'p',          action = act.MoveTabRelative(-1) },

		{ key = 'h',          action = act.MoveTabRelative(-1) },
		{ key = 'j',          action = act.MoveTabRelative(1) },
		{ key = 'k',          action = act.MoveTabRelative(-1) },
		{ key = 'l',          action = act.MoveTabRelative(1) },

		{ key = 'LeftArrow',  action = act.MoveTabRelative(-1) },
		{ key = 'RightArrow', action = act.MoveTabRelative(1) },
		{ key = 'UpArrow',    action = act.MoveTabRelative(-1) },
		{ key = 'DownArrow',  action = act.MoveTabRelative(1) },

		{ key = 'Escape',     action = 'PopKeyTable' },
		{ key = 'q',          action = 'PopKeyTable' },
		{ key = 'Q',          action = 'PopKeyTable' }
	activate_tab = {
		{ key = 'N',          action = act.ActivateTab(-1) },
		{ key = 'P',          action = act.ActivateTab(0) },

		{ key = 'n',          action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) },
		{ key = 'p',          action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },

		{ key = 'h',          action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },
		{ key = 'j',          action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) },
		{ key = 'k',          action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },
		{ key = 'l',          action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) },

		{ key = 'LeftArrow',  action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },
		{ key = 'RightArrow', action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) },
		{ key = 'UpArrow',    action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },
		{ key = 'DownArrow',  action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) },

		{ key = 'Escape',     action = 'PopKeyTable' },
		{ key = 'q',          action = 'PopKeyTable' },
		{ key = 'Q',          action = 'PopKeyTable' }

-- Helper functions
-- enable actions for activating and resizing panes similar to tmux.
local function activate_pane_with_dir(dir)
	return function(win, pane)
		win:perform_action(act.ActivatePaneDirection(dir), pane)
		win:perform_action(act.ActivateKeyTable { name = 'activate_pane', one_shot = false, timeout_milliseconds = 600 },

local function resize_pane_with_dir(dir)
	return function(win, pane)
		win:perform_action(act.AdjustPaneSize { dir, 10 }, pane)
		win:perform_action(act.ActivateKeyTable { name = 'resize_pane', one_shot = false, timeout_milliseconds = 600 },

local function activate_tab_with_dir(dir)
	return function(win, pane)
		win:perform_action(act.ActivateTabRelative(dir), pane)
		win:perform_action(act.ActivateKeyTable { name = 'activate_tab', one_shot = false, timeout_milliseconds = 600 },

local function move_tab_with_dir(dir)
	return function(win, pane)
		win:perform_action(act.MoveTabRelative(dir), pane)
		win:perform_action(act.ActivateKeyTable { name = 'move_tab', one_shot = false, timeout_milliseconds = 600 },

local function smart_split_callback(window, pane)
	local dim = pane:get_dimensions()
	if dim.pixel_height > dim.pixel_width then
		window:perform_action(act.SplitVertical({ domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" }), pane)
		window:perform_action(act.SplitHorizontal({ domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" }), pane)

local function is_nvim_or_tmux_or_zellij(pane)
	local foreground_process = pane:get_foreground_process_name() or ""
	local user_vars = pane:get_user_vars()
	if user_vars.IS_TMUX == "true" or foreground_process:find("tmux") then
		return true
	if user_vars.IS_ZELLIJ == "true" or foreground_process:find("zellij") then
		return true
	if user_vars.IS_NVIM == "true" or foreground_process:find("n?vim") then
		return true
	if foreground_process:find("kitten") then
		return true
	return false

local function activate_pane_and_tab(window, pane, dir)
	local tab = window:mux_window():active_tab()
	local directions = {
		Left = { pane_check = "Left", tab_offset = -1 },
		Right = { pane_check = "Right", tab_offset = 1 }

	local dir_config = directions[dir]
	local action = tab:get_pane_direction(dir_config.pane_check) ~= nil
			and wezterm.action.ActivatePaneDirection(dir_config.pane_check)
			or wezterm.action.ActivateTabRelative(dir_config.tab_offset)

	window:perform_action(action, pane)

	AdjustPaneSize = function(win, pane, dir)
		return { AdjustPaneSize = { dir, 5 } }
	ActivatePaneDirection = function(win, pane, dir)
		local panes = pane:tab():panes_with_info()
		local is_zoomed = false
		for _, p in ipairs(panes) do
			if p.is_zoomed then
				is_zoomed = true
		if is_zoomed then
			dir = (dir == "Up" or dir == "Right") and "Next" or "Prev"
		if dir == "Left" or dir == "Right" then
			activate_pane_and_tab(win, pane, dir)
		win:perform_action({ ActivatePaneDirection = dir }, pane)
		win:perform_action({ SetPaneZoomState = is_zoomed }, pane)
	ActivateTab = function(win, pane, dir)
		return wezterm.action.ActivateTab(dir)
	ActivateTabRelative = function(win, pane, dir)
		return wezterm.action.ActivateTabRelative(dir)
	MoveTabRelative = function(win, pane, dir)
		return wezterm.action.MoveTabRelative(dir)
	SpawnTab = function(win, pane, dir)
		return wezterm.action.SpawnTab(dir)
	CloseCurrentTab = function()
		return wezterm.action.CloseCurrentTab { confirm = true }
	CloseCurrentPane = function()
		return wezterm.action.CloseCurrentPane { confirm = true }
	smart_split = smart_split_callback,

local function create_keybind(action_str, mods, key, dir)
	return {
		key = key,
		mods = mods,
		action = wezterm.action_callback(function(win, pane)
			if is_nvim_or_tmux_or_zellij(pane) then
					SendKey = { key = key, mods = mods }
				}, pane)
			local handler = ACTION_HANDLERS[action_str]
			if handler then
				local result = handler(win, pane, dir)
				if result then
					win:perform_action(result, pane)
					SendKey = { key = key, mods = mods }
				}, pane)

local keys = {
	-- {key = "s",mods = "LEADER|CTRL",action = wezterm.action {SendString = "\x01"}},

	-- Normal
	create_keybind("SpawnTab", "ALT", "t", "CurrentPaneDomain"),
	create_keybind("smart_split", "ALT", "n"),
	create_keybind("CloseCurrentTab", "ALT", "q"),
	create_keybind("CloseCurrentPane", "ALT", "x"),

	{ key = "T",      mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act { SpawnTab = "CurrentPaneDomain" } },
	{ key = "W",      mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act { CloseCurrentTab = { confirm = true } } },
	{ key = "V",      mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act { PasteFrom = "Clipboard" } },
	{ key = "C",      mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act { CopyTo = "Clipboard" } },
	{ key = "Tab",    mods = "CTRL",         action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) },
	{ key = "Tab",    mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },
	{ key = "Return", mods = "ALT",          action = "ToggleFullScreen" },
	{ key = "F11",    mods = "",             action = "ToggleFullScreen" },

	{ key = "c",      mods = "LEADER",       action = act { SpawnTab = "CurrentPaneDomain" } },
	{ key = "&",      mods = "LEADER",       action = act { CloseCurrentTab = { confirm = false } } },
	{ key = "q",      mods = "LEADER",       action = act { CloseCurrentTab = { confirm = false } } },
	{ key = "x",      mods = "LEADER",       action = act { CloseCurrentPane = { confirm = false } } },
	{ key = 's',      mods = 'LEADER',       action = act.PaneSelect },
	{ key = 'S',      mods = 'SHIFT|LEADER', action = act.PaneSelect { mode = 'SwapWithActive' } },
	{ key = 'w',      mods = 'LEADER',       action = act.ShowTabNavigator },
	{ key = "k",      mods = "LEADER",       action = act.RotatePanes "Clockwise" },

	-- Pane navigation
	create_keybind("ActivatePaneDirection", "ALT", "h", "Left"),
	create_keybind("ActivatePaneDirection", "ALT", "j", "Down"),
	create_keybind("ActivatePaneDirection", "ALT", "k", "Up"),
	create_keybind("ActivatePaneDirection", "ALT", "l", "Right"),

	create_keybind("ActivatePaneDirection", "ALT", "[", "Prev"),
	create_keybind("ActivatePaneDirection", "ALT", "]", "Next"),

	{ key = "a",          mods = "LEADER",   action = act.ActivateKeyTable { name = 'activate_pane', one_shot = false, timeout_milliseconds = 5000 } },

	{ key = 'h',          mods = 'LEADER',   action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_pane_with_dir("Left")) },
	{ key = 'j',          mods = 'LEADER',   action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_pane_with_dir("Down")) },
	{ key = 'k',          mods = 'LEADER',   action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_pane_with_dir("Up")) },
	{ key = 'l',          mods = 'LEADER',   action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_pane_with_dir("Right")) },

	{ key = "UpArrow",    mods = "LEADER",   action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_pane_with_dir("Up")) },
	{ key = "DownArrow",  mods = "LEADER",   action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_pane_with_dir("Down")) },
	{ key = "LeftArrow",  mods = "LEADER",   action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_pane_with_dir("Left")) },
	{ key = "RightArrow", mods = "LEADER",   action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_pane_with_dir("Right")) },

	{ key = "h",          mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Left" } },
	{ key = "j",          mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Down" } },
	{ key = "k",          mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Up" } },
	{ key = "l",          mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Right" } },

	{ key = "UpArrow",    mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Up" } },
	{ key = "DownArrow",  mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Down" } },
	{ key = "LeftArrow",  mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Left" } },
	{ key = "RightArrow", mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Right" } },

	-- Pane resize
	create_keybind("AdjustPaneSize", "ALT", "LeftArrow", "Left"),
	create_keybind("AdjustPaneSize", "ALT", "RightArrow", "Right"),
	create_keybind("AdjustPaneSize", "ALT", "UpArrow", "Up"),
	create_keybind("AdjustPaneSize", "ALT", "DownArrow", "Down"),

	{ key = 'r',          mods = 'LEADER',         action = act.ActivateKeyTable { name = 'resize_pane', one_shot = false, timeout_milliseconds = 5000 } },

	-- use Multiple keybinds fails because of async, so use action_callback
	{ key = 'H',          mods = 'SHIFT|LEADER',   action = wezterm.action_callback(resize_pane_with_dir("Left")) },
	{ key = 'J',          mods = 'SHIFT|LEADER',   action = wezterm.action_callback(resize_pane_with_dir("Down")) },
	{ key = 'K',          mods = 'SHIFT|LEADER',   action = wezterm.action_callback(resize_pane_with_dir("Up")) },
	{ key = 'L',          mods = 'SHIFT|LEADER',   action = wezterm.action_callback(resize_pane_with_dir("Right")) },

	{ key = "UpArrow",    mods = "SHIFT|LEADER",   action = wezterm.action_callback(resize_pane_with_dir("Up")) },
	{ key = "DownArrow",  mods = "SHIFT|LEADER",   action = wezterm.action_callback(resize_pane_with_dir("Down")) },
	{ key = "LeftArrow",  mods = "SHIFT|LEADER",   action = wezterm.action_callback(resize_pane_with_dir("Left")) },
	{ key = "RightArrow", mods = "SHIFT|LEADER",   action = wezterm.action_callback(resize_pane_with_dir("Right")) },

	{ key = "h",          mods = "SHIFT|ALT|CTRL", action = act { AdjustPaneSize = { "Left", 1 } } },
	{ key = "l",          mods = "SHIFT|ALT|CTRL", action = act { AdjustPaneSize = { "Right", 1 } } },
	{ key = "k",          mods = "SHIFT|ALT|CTRL", action = act { AdjustPaneSize = { "Up", 1 } } },
	{ key = "j",          mods = "SHIFT|ALT|CTRL", action = act { AdjustPaneSize = { "Down", 1 } } },

	{ key = "UpArrow",    mods = "SHIFT|ALT|CTRL", action = act { AdjustPaneSize = { "Up", 1 } } },
	{ key = "DownArrow",  mods = "SHIFT|ALT|CTRL", action = act { AdjustPaneSize = { "Down", 1 } } },
	{ key = "LeftArrow",  mods = "SHIFT|ALT|CTRL", action = act { AdjustPaneSize = { "Left", 1 } } },
	{ key = "RightArrow", mods = "SHIFT|ALT|CTRL", action = act { AdjustPaneSize = { "Right", 1 } } },

	-- Pane splitting
	{ key = "Enter",      mods = "LEADER",         action = wezterm.action_callback(smart_split_callback) },
	{ key = "Enter",      mods = "ALT|CTRL",       action = wezterm.action_callback(smart_split_callback) },
	{ key = "Enter",      mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",     action = wezterm.action_callback(smart_split_callback) },
	{ key = "-",          mods = "ALT|CTRL",       action = act { SplitVertical = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } } },
	{ key = "\\",         mods = "ALT|CTRL",       action = act { SplitHorizontal = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } } },
	{ key = "-",          mods = "LEADER",         action = act { SplitVertical = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } } },
	{ key = "\\",         mods = "LEADER",         action = act { SplitHorizontal = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } } },
	{ key = "_",          mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",     action = act { SplitVertical = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } } },
	{ key = "|",          mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",     action = act { SplitHorizontal = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } } },
	{ key = "m",          mods = "LEADER",         action = "TogglePaneZoomState" },

	-- Tab navigation
	create_keybind("ActivateTabRelative", "ALT|CTRL", "[", -1),
	create_keybind("ActivateTabRelative", "ALT|CTRL", "]", 1),

	{ key = "A",          mods = "SHIFT|LEADER", action = act.ActivateKeyTable { name = "activate_tab", one_shot = false, timeout_milliseconds = 5000 } },

	{ key = "LeftArrow",  mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },
	{ key = "RightArrow", mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) },

	{ key = "n",          mods = "LEADER",       action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_tab_with_dir(1)) },
	{ key = "p",          mods = "LEADER",       action = wezterm.action_callback(activate_tab_with_dir(-1)) },

	{ key = "1",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 0 } },
	{ key = "2",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 1 } },
	{ key = "3",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 2 } },
	{ key = "4",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 3 } },
	{ key = "5",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 4 } },
	{ key = "6",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 5 } },
	{ key = "7",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 6 } },
	{ key = "8",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 7 } },
	{ key = "9",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = 8 } },
	{ key = "0",          mods = "LEADER",       action = act { ActivateTab = -1 } },

	create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "1", 0),
	create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "2", 1),
	create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "3", 2),
	create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "4", 3),
	create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "5", 4),
	create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "6", 5),
	create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "7", 6),
	create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "8", 7),
	create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "9", 8),
	create_keybind("ActivateTab", "ALT", "0", -1),

	{ key = "1", mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivateTab = 0 } },
	{ key = "2", mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivateTab = 1 } },
	{ key = "3", mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivateTab = 2 } },
	{ key = "4", mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivateTab = 3 } },
	{ key = "5", mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivateTab = 4 } },
	{ key = "6", mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivateTab = 5 } },
	{ key = "7", mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivateTab = 6 } },
	{ key = "8", mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivateTab = 7 } },
	{ key = "9", mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivateTab = 8 } },
	{ key = "0", mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act { ActivateTab = -1 } },

	-- Tab movement
	{ key = "R", mods = "LEADER",   action = act.ActivateKeyTable { name = "move_tab", one_shot = false, timeout_milliseconds = 5000 } },
	create_keybind("MoveTabRelative", "SHIFT|ALT", "{", -1),
	create_keybind("MoveTabRelative", "SHIFT|ALT", "}", 1),

	{ key = "UpArrow",   mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act.MoveTabRelative(-1) },
	{ key = "DownArrow", mods = "SHIFT|CTRL",   action = act.MoveTabRelative(1) },

	{ key = "P",         mods = "SHIFT|LEADER", action = wezterm.action_callback(move_tab_with_dir(-1)) },
	{ key = "N",         mods = "SHIFT|LEADER", action = wezterm.action_callback(move_tab_with_dir(1)) },

	-- other
	{ key = 'S',         mods = 'SHIFT|ALT',    action = act.ShowLauncherArgs { flags = 'FUZZY|TABS|LAUNCH_MENU_ITEMS' }, },
	{ key = 'F9',        mods = 'ALT',          action = act.ShowTabNavigator },
	{ key = 'Space',     mods = 'LEADER',       action = act.ShowLauncher },
	{ key = '/',         mods = 'LEADER',       action = act.ActivateCopyMode },


local mouse_bindings = {
		-- right clink select (not wezterm copy mode),copy, and if don't select anything, paste
		-- https://github.com/wez/wezterm/discussions/3541#discussioncomment-5633570
		event = { Down = { streak = 1, button = 'Right' } },
		mods = "NONE",
		action = wezterm.action_callback(function(window, pane)
			local has_selection = window:get_selection_text_for_pane(pane) ~= ""
			if has_selection then
				window:perform_action(act.CopyTo("ClipboardAndPrimarySelection"), pane)
				window:perform_action(act.ClearSelection, pane)
					PasteFrom = "Clipboard"
				}), pane)
	-- Change the default click behavior so that it only selects
	-- text and doesn't open hyperlinks
		event = { Up = { streak = 1, button = 'Left' } },
		mods = 'NONE',
		-- action = act.CompleteSelection('ClipboardAndPrimarySelection'),
		action = act.Nop
	-- and make CTRL-Click open hyperlinks
		event = { Up = { streak = 1, button = 'Left' } },
		mods = 'CTRL',
		action = act.OpenLinkAtMouseCursor,

return {
	leader = leader,
	key_tables = key_tables,
	keys = keys,
	mouse_bindings = mouse_bindings,


lua 复制代码
local config = {
	check_for_updates = false,
	enable_wayland = false,
	front_end = "WebGpu",
	max_fps = 165,
	enable_kitty_keyboard = true,
	disable_default_key_bindings = true,

config.leader = keymap_config.leader
config.key_tables = keymap_config.key_tables
config.keys = keymap_config.keys
config.mouse_bindings = keymap_config.mouse_bindings
config.launch_menu = launch_menu

return config