IPhone 端口使用

Port Range Protocol Service/Protocol Name RFC Service Name Used By
22 TCP Secure Shell (SSH), SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), Secure Copy (SCP) 4253 ssh Xcode Server (hosted and remote Git+SSH; remote SVN+SSH)
25 TCP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 5321 smtp Mail (sending email); iCloud Mail (sending email)
53 TCP/UDP Domain Name System (DNS) 1034 domain ---
80 TCP Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 2616 http World Wide Web, FaceTime, iMessage, iCloud, Maps, Apple Music, iTunes Store, Podcasts, Mac App Store, Backup, Calendar, WebDAV, AirPlay, macOS Internet Recovery, Xcode Server (Xcode app, hosted and remote Git HTTP, remote SVN HTTP)
88 TCP Kerberos 4120 kerberos Kerberos, including Screen Sharing authentication
110 TCP Post Office Protocol (POP3), Authenticated Post Office Protocol (APOP) 1939 pop3 Mail (receiving email)
123 UDP Network Time Protocol (NTP) 1305 ntp Date & Time preferences, network time server synchronization, Apple TV network time server sync
137 UDP Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) --- netbios-ns ---
138 UDP NETBIOS Datagram Service --- netbios-dgm Windows Datagram Service, Windows Network Neighborhood
139 TCP Server Message Block (SMB) --- netbios-ssn File sharing and Windows print services
143 TCP Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) 3501 imap Mail (receiving email)
192 UDP OSU Network Monitoring System --- osu-nms AirPort Base Station PPP status or discovery (certain configurations), AirPort Admin Utility, AirPort Express Assistant
389 TCP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 4511 ldap Apps that look up addresses, such as Mail and Address Book
443 TCP Secure Sockets Layer (SSL or HTTPS) 2818 https TLS websites, iTunes Store, Software Update, Spotlight Suggestions, Mac App Store, Maps, FaceTime, Game Center, iCloud authentication and DAV Services (Contacts, Calendars, Bookmarks), iCloud backup and apps (Calendars, Contacts, Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, Mail, iMessage, Documents & Photo Stream), iCloud Key Value Store (KVS), AirPlay, macOS Internet Recovery, Dictation, Siri, Xcode Server (hosted and remote Git HTTPS, remote SVN HTTPS, Apple Developer registration), Push notifications (if necessary)
445 TCP Microsoft SMB Domain Server --- microsoft-ds ---
465 TCP Message Submission for Mail (Authenticated SMTP) smtp (legacy) smtp Mail (sending mail)
500 UDP Wi-Fi Calling 5996 IKEv2 Wi-Fi Calling
515 TCP Line Printer (LPR), Line Printer Daemon (LPD) --- printer Printing to a network printer, Printer Sharing in macOS
548 TCP Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) over TCP --- afpovertcp AppleShare, Personal File Sharing, Apple File Service
554 TCP/UDP Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) 2326 rtsp AirPlay, streaming media players
587 TCP Message Submission for Mail (Authenticated SMTP) 4409 submission Mail (sending mail), iCloud Mail (SMTP authentication)
631 TCP Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) 2910 ipp macOS Printer Sharing, printing to many common printers
636 TCP Secure LDAP --- ldaps ---
749 TCP/UDP Kerberos 5 admin/changepw --- kerberos-adm ---
993 TCP Mail IMAP SSL --- imaps iCloud Mail (SSL IMAP)
995 TCP/UDP Mail POP SSL --- pop3s ---
1900 UDP SSDP --- ssdp Bonjour
2197 TCP Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) --- --- Push notifications
3031 TCP/UDP Remote AppleEvents --- eppc Program Linking, Remote Apple Events
3283 TCP/UDP Apple Remote Desktop and Classroom --- net-assistant, classroom Apple Remote Desktop
3284 TCP Classroom File Transfer --- classroom Classroom app (document sharing)
3285 TCP Classroom --- classroom Classroom
3478--3497 UDP --- --- nat-stun-port - ipether232port FaceTime, Game Center
3689 TCP Digital Audio Access Protocol (DAAP) --- daap iTunes Music Sharing, AirPlay
3690 TCP/UDP Subversion --- svn Xcode Server (anonymous remote SVN)
4398 UDP --- --- --- Game Center
4500 UDP Wi-Fi Calling 5996 IKEv2 Wi-Fi Calling
5100 TCP --- --- socalia macOS camera and scanner sharing
5223 TCP Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) --- --- iCloud DAV Services (Contacts, Calendars, Bookmarks), Push Notifications, FaceTime, iMessage, Game Center, Photo Stream
5228 TCP --- --- --- Spotlight Suggestions, Siri
5297 TCP --- --- --- Messages (local traffic)
5350 UDP NAT Port Mapping Protocol Announcements --- --- Bonjour
5351 UDP NAT Port Mapping Protocol --- nat-pmp Bonjour
5353 UDP Multicast DNS (MDNS) 3927 mdns Bonjour, AirPlay, Home Sharing, Printer Discovery
5900 TCP Remote Framebuffer 6143 rfb Apple Remote Desktop, Screen Sharing
5900 UDP Remote Framebuffer, Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP), Real-Time Control Protocol (RTCP) --- --- Apple Remote Desktop, Screen Sharing
5901--5902 UDP Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP), Real-Time Control Protocol (RTCP) --- --- Apple Remote Desktop, Screen Sharing
8000--8999 TCP --- --- irdmi Web service, iTunes Radio streams
9100 TCP Printing --- --- Printing to certain network printers
9418 TCP/UDP git pack transfer --- git Xcode Server (remote git)
16384--16403 UDP Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP), Real-Time Control Protocol (RTCP) --- connected, --- Messages (Audio RTP, RTCP; Video RTP, RTCP)
16384--16387 UDP Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP), Real-Time Control Protocol (RTCP) --- connected, --- FaceTime, Game Center
16393--16402 UDP --- --- --- FaceTime, Game Center
16403--16472 UDP Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP), Real-Time Control Protocol (RTCP) --- --- Game Center
42000--42999 TCP --- --- --- iTunes Radio streams
49152--65535 TCP Xsan --- --- Xsan Filesystem Access


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