- [一、Meshtastic 是什么?](#一、Meshtastic 是什么?)
- [二、Meshtastic 烧录过程](#二、Meshtastic 烧录过程)
- [1. 在线烧录工具](#1. 在线烧录工具)
- [2. 刷机进度](#2. 刷机进度)
- 总结
一、Meshtastic 是什么?
Meshtastic 是一种基于 LoRa 技术的离网通信平台。它通过低成本、低功耗的无线电设备,实现远距离自组网通信。可在脱离现有通信网络的情况下,依然进行通信的一种方法。通过自组网实现节点间的消息发送。
Meshtastic 目前仍处于实验阶段,其固件大多为 Beta 或 Alpha 版本。这意味着它还不够完善,但正在不断改进。
想玩Meshtastic 就得有硬件,目前LILYGO已经有很多在卖,现在又出来个Ebyte EoRa Pi。本篇以它为技术演示烧录过程,其它型号方法雷同。
二、Meshtastic 烧录过程
1. 在线烧录工具
打开 Meshtastic 在线烧录工具(https://flasher.meshtastic.org/)
在 Chrome 浏览器(Edge浏览器也可以)中打开 Meshtastic Flasher 网站。进入页面后,界面如下,选择设备和固件版本。
选择EBYTE EoRa-S3 (这一选项是专门为 Ebyte EoRa Pi系列模块设计的,可以确保烧录过程顺利完成),固件这里选择Stable里的2.5.15.79版本,选择后点击Flash按钮即可。
点击Continue,1、2参数默认即可,3、Full Erase and Install建议勾选,尤其是第一次。
点击 绿色 Erase and Install,系统开始自动刷机,如下:
2. 刷机进度
Serial port WebSerial VendorID 0x303a ProductID 0x1001
Detecting chip type... ESP32-S3
Chip is ESP32-S3
Features: Wi-Fi,BLE,Embedded Flash 4MB (XMC),Embedded PSRAM 2MB (AP_3v3)
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: 24:ec:4a:2d:2b:c0
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Erasing flash (this may take a while)...
Chip erase completed successfully in 14.797s
Not changing the image
Compressed 2000512 bytes to 1238550...
Writing at 0x0... (1%)
Writing at 0x138c4... (2%)
Writing at 0x1d50a... (3%)
Writing at 0x28274... (5%)
Writing at 0x328a4... (6%)
Writing at 0x3e749... (7%)
Writing at 0x48c73... (9%)
Writing at 0x520ec... (10%)
Writing at 0x5a370... (11%)
Writing at 0x686b5... (13%)
Writing at 0x7e410... (14%)
Writing at 0x8476b... (15%)
Writing at 0x8a84a... (17%)
Writing at 0x8fb5b... (18%)
Writing at 0x95131... (19%)
Writing at 0x9a686... (21%)
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Writing at 0xa4d25... (23%)
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Writing at 0xaf579... (26%)
Writing at 0xb50a0... (27%)
Writing at 0xba625... (28%)
Writing at 0xc0122... (30%)
Writing at 0xc570c... (31%)
Writing at 0xcadbe... (32%)
Writing at 0xd0bb2... (34%)
Writing at 0xd5e15... (35%)
Writing at 0xdb6d9... (36%)
Writing at 0xe0f64... (38%)
Writing at 0xe62aa... (39%)
Writing at 0xeb616... (40%)
Writing at 0xf11a3... (42%)
Writing at 0xf6967... (43%)
Writing at 0xfc50c... (44%)
Writing at 0x101f23... (46%)
Writing at 0x1078f1... (47%)
Writing at 0x10caff... (48%)
Writing at 0x111c27... (50%)
Writing at 0x116afb... (51%)
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Writing at 0x120a8a... (53%)
Writing at 0x125b52... (55%)
Writing at 0x12ab6d... (56%)
Writing at 0x12fc3b... (57%)
Writing at 0x134d55... (59%)
Writing at 0x13a4a0... (60%)
Writing at 0x13fa94... (61%)
Writing at 0x1454ac... (63%)
Writing at 0x14a781... (64%)
Writing at 0x14f7a0... (65%)
Writing at 0x1546df... (67%)
Writing at 0x1595d7... (68%)
Writing at 0x15f3c5... (69%)
Writing at 0x1648e9... (71%)
Writing at 0x169a84... (72%)
Writing at 0x16ed6e... (73%)
Writing at 0x173c05... (75%)
Writing at 0x178ccf... (76%)
Writing at 0x17de1e... (77%)
Writing at 0x183111... (78%)
Writing at 0x1885eb... (80%)
Writing at 0x18e2bb... (81%)
Writing at 0x1938b3... (82%)
Writing at 0x199aa0... (84%)
Writing at 0x1a051a... (85%)
Writing at 0x1aa598... (86%)
Writing at 0x1b25b1... (88%)
Writing at 0x1b7c1c... (89%)
Writing at 0x1bd722... (90%)
Writing at 0x1c2e46... (92%)
Writing at 0x1c8379... (93%)
Writing at 0x1cf41f... (94%)
Writing at 0x1d45c5... (96%)
Writing at 0x1d9a6d... (97%)
Writing at 0x1df501... (98%)
Writing at 0x1e4c4e... (100%)
Wrote 2000512 bytes (1238550 compressed) at 0x0 in 18.824 seconds.
Compressed 506704 bytes to 309041...
Writing at 0x260000... (5%)
Writing at 0x26abc1... (10%)
Writing at 0x279dd9... (15%)
Writing at 0x27f923... (21%)
Writing at 0x285295... (26%)
Writing at 0x28a709... (31%)
Writing at 0x28fd5b... (36%)
Writing at 0x295599... (42%)
Writing at 0x29a8f0... (47%)
Writing at 0x29ff85... (52%)
Writing at 0x2a57b1... (57%)
Writing at 0x2aaef3... (63%)
Writing at 0x2b02ab... (68%)
Writing at 0x2b59ef... (73%)
Writing at 0x2bb0d1... (78%)
Writing at 0x2c0954... (84%)
Writing at 0x2c9cfa... (89%)
Writing at 0x2d0fa9... (94%)
Writing at 0x2d6a47... (100%)
Wrote 506704 bytes (309041 compressed) at 0x260000 in 4.731 seconds.
Compressed 1048576 bytes to 1169...
Writing at 0x300000... (100%)
Wrote 1048576 bytes (1169 compressed) at 0x300000 in 7.231 seconds.
Build:Mar 27 2021
Saved PC:0x40378c15
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x403c98b8
[ 405][D][esp32-hal-tinyusb.c:680] tinyusb_enable_interface(): Interface CDC enabled
E (416) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found!
E (416) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found!
[ 418][D][esp32-hal-tinyusb.c:569] tinyusb_load_enabled_interfaces(): Load Done: if_num: 2, descr_len: 75, if_mask: 0x10
Esp32就很好玩,再加上LoRa,后期再加上gps,玩法越来越多。目前EoRa Pi 已经在TB上卖断货了,希望厂家快快生产!