C 语言函数指针 (Pointers to Functions, Function Pointers)

C 语言函数指针 {Pointers to Functions, Function Pointers}

  • [1. Pointers to Functions (函数指针)](#1. Pointers to Functions (函数指针))
  • [2. Function Pointers (函数指针)](#2. Function Pointers (函数指针))
    • [2.1. Declaring Function Pointers](#2.1. Declaring Function Pointers)
    • [2.2. Assigning Function Pointers](#2.2. Assigning Function Pointers)
    • [2.3. Calling Function Pointers](#2.3. Calling Function Pointers)
  • [3. Jump Tables (转移表)](#3. Jump Tables (转移表))
  • References

1. Pointers to Functions (函数指针)

jump tables and passing a function pointer as an argument in a function call


Like any other pointer, a pointer to a function must be initialized to point to something before indirection can be performed on it.


The following code fragment illustrates one way to initialize a pointer to a function.

	int f(int);
	int(*pf)(int) = &f;

The second declaration creates pf, a pointer to a function, and initializes it to point to the function f. The initialization can also be accomplished with an assignment statement.

第 2 个声明创建了函数指针 pf,并把它初始化为指向函数 f。函数指针的初始化也可以通过一条赋值语句来完成。

It is important to have a prototype for f prior to the initialization, for without it the compiler would be unable to check whether the type of f agreed with that of pf.

在函数指针的初始化之前具有 f 的原型是很重要的,否则编译器就无法检查 f 的类型是否与 pf 所指向的类型一致。

The ampersand in the initialization is optional, because the compiler always converts function names to function pointers wherever they are used. The ampersand does explicitly what the compiler would have done implicitly anyway.
初始化表达式中的 & 操作符是可选的,因为函数名被使用时总是由编译器把它转换为函数指针。& 操作符只是显式地说明了编译器将隐式执行的任务。

ampersand /ˈæmpəsænd/:n. &

After the pointer has been declared and initialized, there are three ways to call the function:

	int ans;
	ans = f(25);
	ans = (*pf)(25);
	ans = pf(25);

The first statement simply calls the function f by name, though its evaluation is probably not what you expected. The function name f is first converted to a pointer to the function; the pointer specifies where the function is located. The function call operator then invokes the function by executing the code beginning at this address.

第 1 条语句简单地使用名字调用函数 f,但它的执行过程可能和你想象的不太一样。函数名 f 首先被转换为一个函数指针,该指针指定函数在内存中的位置。然后,函数调用操作符调用该函数,执行开始于这个地址的代码。

The second statement applies indirection to pf, which converts the function pointer to a function name. This conversion is not really necessary, because the compiler converts it back to a pointer before applying the function call operator. Nevertheless, this statement has exactly the same effect as the first one.

第 2 条语句对 pf 执行间接访问操作,它把函数指针转换为一个函数名。这个转换并不是真正需要的,因为编译器在执行函数调用操作符之前又会把它转换回去。不过,这条语句的效果和第 1 条语句是完全一样的。

The third statement has the same effect as the first two. Indirection is not needed, because the compiler wants a pointer to the function anyway. This example shows how function pointers are usually used.

第 3 条语句和前两条语句的效果是一样的。间接访问操作并非必需,因为编译器需要的是二个函数指针。这个例子显示了函数指针通常是如何使用的。

The two most common uses of pointers to functions are passing a function pointer as an argument in a function call and jump tables.


2. Function Pointers (函数指针)

A function name refers to a fixed function. Sometimes it is useful to call a function to be determined at run time; to do this, you can use a function pointer value that points to the chosen function (see Pointers).


Pointer-to-function types can be used to declare variables and other data, including array elements, structure fields, and union alternatives. They can also be used for function arguments and return values. These types have the peculiarity that they are never converted automatically to void * or vice versa. However, you can do that conversion with a cast.

指向函数的指针类型可用于声明变量和其他数据,包括数组元素、结构字段和联合替代项。它们还可用于函数参数和返回值。这些类型的特性是它们永远不会自动转换为 void * 。但是,你可以使用强制类型转换来完成这种转换。

2.1. Declaring Function Pointers

The declaration of a function pointer variable (or structure field) looks almost like a function declaration, except it has an additional * just before the variable name. Proper nesting requires a pair of parentheses around the two of them. For instance, int (*a) (); says, "Declare a as a pointer such that *a is an int-returning function."


Contrast these three declarations:

// Declare a function returning char *
char *a (char *);
// Declare a pointer to a function returning char
char (*a) (char *);
// Declare a pointer to a function returning char *
char *(*a) (char *);

The possible argument types of the function pointed to are the same as in a function declaration. You can write a prototype that specifies all the argument types:

rettype (*function) (arguments...);

or one that specifies some and leaves the rest unspecified:

rettype (*function) (arguments..., ...);

or one that says there are no arguments:

rettype (*function) (void);

You can also write a non-prototype declaration that says nothing about the argument types:

rettype (*function) ();

For example, here's a declaration for a variable that should point to some arithmetic function that operates on two doubles:

double (*binary_op) (double, double);

Structure fields, union alternatives, and array elements can be function pointers; so can parameter variables. The function pointer declaration construct can also be combined with other operators allowed in declarations. For instance,

int **(*foo)();

declares foo as a pointer to a function that returns type int **, and

int **(*foo[30])();

declares foo as an array of 30 pointers to functions that return type int **.

int **(**foo)();

declares foo as a pointer to a pointer to a function that returns type int **.

2.2. Assigning Function Pointers

Assuming we have declared the variable binary_op as in the previous section, giving it a value requires a suitable function to use. So let's define a function suitable for the variable to point to. Here's one:

double double_add(double a, double b) {
	return a + b;

Now we can give it a value:

binary_op = double_add;

The target type of the function pointer must be upward compatible with the type of the function.

There is no need for & in front of double_add. Using a function name such as double_add as an expression automatically converts it to the function's address, with the appropriate function pointer type. However, it is ok to use & if you feel that is clearer:

binary_op = &double_add;

2.3. Calling Function Pointers

To call the function specified by a function pointer, just write the function pointer value in a function call. For instance, here's a call to the function binary_op points to:

binary_op (x, 5)

Since the data type of binary_op explicitly specifies type double for the arguments, the call converts x and 5 to double.

The call conceptually dereferences the pointer binary_op to "get" the function it points to, and calls that function. If you wish, you can explicitly represent the dereference by writing the * operator:

(*binary_op) (x, 5)

The * reminds people reading the code that binary_op is a function pointer rather than the name of a specific function.
* 提醒阅读代码的人 binary_op 是一个函数指针,而不是特定函数的名称。

3. Jump Tables (转移表)

The following code fragment is from a program that implements a pocket calculator. Other parts of the program have already read in two numbers (op1 and op2) and an operator (oper). This code tests the operator to determine which function to invoke.

下面的代码段取自一个程序,它用于实现一个袖珍式计算器。程序的其他部分已经读入两个数 (op1 and op2) 和一个操作符 (oper)。下面的代码对操作符进行测试,然后决定调用哪个函数。

	switch (oper) {
	case ADD:
		result = add(op1, op2);
	case SUB:
		result = sub(op1, op2);
	case MUL:
		result = mul(op1, op2);
	case DIV:
		result = div(op1, op2);

It is good design to separate the operations from the code that chooses among them. The more complex operations will certainly be implemented as separate functions because of their size, but even the simple operations may have side effects, such as saving a constant value for later operations.


In order to use a switch, the codes that represent the operators must be integers. If they are consecutive integers starting with zero, we can use a jump table to accomplish the same thing. A jump table is just an array of pointers to functions.

为了使用 switch 语句,表示操作符的代码必须是整数。如果它们是从零开始连续的整数,我们可以使用转换表来实现相同的任务。转换表就是一个函数指针数组。

There are two steps in creating a jump table. First, an array of pointers to functions is declared and initialized. The only trick is to make sure that the prototypes for the functions appear before the array declaration.


	double add(double, double);
	double sub(double, double);
	double mul(double, double);
	double div(double, double);

	double (*oper_func[])(double, double) = {
		add, sub, mul, div, ...

The proper order for the functionsʹ names in the initializer list is determined by the integer codes used to represent each operator in the program. This example assumes that ADD is zero, SUB is one, MUL is two, and so forth.

初始化列表中各个函数名的正确顺序取决于程序中用于表示每个操作符的整型代码。这个例子假定 ADD 是 0,SUB 是 1,MUL 是 2,接下去以此类推。

The second step is to replace the entire switch statement with this one!

第 2 个步骤是用下面这条语句替换前面整条 switch 语句。

result = oper_func[oper](op1, op2);

oper selects the correct pointer from the array, and the function call operator executes it.
oper 从数组中选择正确的函数指针,而函数调用操作符将执行这个函数。

An out‐of‐bounds subscript is just as illegal on a jump table as it is on any other array, but it is much more difficult to diagnose.



If the random address is in an area in memory that contains data, the program usually aborts very quickly due to an illegal instruction or an illegal operand address (although data values sometimes represent valid instructions, they do not often make any sense).

如果程序此时还未失败,机器将开始执行根据非法下标所获得的虚假地址的指令,此时要调试出问题根源就更为困难了。如果这个随机地址位于一块存储数据的内存中,程序通常会很快终止,这通常是由于非法指令或非法的操作数地址所致 (尽管数据值有时也能代表有效的指令,但并不总是这样)。要想知道机器为什么会到达那个地方,唯一的线索是转移表调用函数时存储于堆栈中的返回地址。如果任何随机指令在执行时修改了堆栈或堆栈指针,那么连这个线索也消失了。



It is much easier to make sure that the subscript used in a jump table is within range in the first place.



[1] Yongqiang Cheng, https://yongqiang.blog.csdn.net/

[2] Pointers on C (C 和指针), https://www.cs.rit.edu/~kar/pointers.on.c/index.html

[3] 22.5 Function Pointers, https://www.gnu.org/software/c-intro-and-ref/manual/html_node/Function-Pointers.html

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