作者:来自 Elastic Jeffrey Rengifo
了解如何使用 Python 在 Elasticsearch 中索引和搜索 Google BigQuery 数据。
BigQuery 是 Google 的一个平台,允许你将来自不同来源和服务的数据集中到一个存储库中。它还支持数据分析,并可使用生成式 AI (GenAI) 和机器学习 (ML) 工具。以下是将数据引入 BigQuery 的方式:
将所有这些来源的数据索引到 Elasticsearch,可帮助你集中数据源,从而获得更好的可观测性体验。
在本文中,你将学习如何使用 Python 将 BigQuery 数据索引到 Elasticsearch,使你能够统一来自不同系统的数据,以便进行搜索和分析。
你可以在此 Google Colab 笔记本中使用本文提供的示例。
- 准备 BigQuery
- 配置 BigQuery Python 客户端
- 将数据索引到 Elasticsearch
- 搜索数据
准备 BigQuery
要使用 BigQuery,你需要访问 Google Cloud 控制台并创建一个项目。完成后,你将被重定向到以下界面:
BigQuery 允许你从 Google Drive 和 Google Cloud Storage 传输数据,并支持上传本地文件。要将数据上传到 BigQuery,你首先需要创建一个数据集。创建一个并命名为 "server-logs",这样我们就可以上传一些文件。
在本文中,我们将上传一个包含不同类型文章的本地数据集。请查看 BigQuery 的官方文档,了解如何上传本地文件。
我们将上传到 BigQuery 的文件包含服务器日志数据,其中包含 HTTP 响应及其描述,文件格式为 ndjson。该 ndjson 文件包含以下字段:ip_address
和 status_code_description
BigQuery 将从该文件中提取数据,然后我们将使用 Python 进行整理,并将其索引到 Elasticsearch。
创建一个名为 logs.ndjson
1. {"ip_address": "", "_timestamp": "2024-12-03T12:00:03Z", "http_method": "GET", "endpoint": "/about", "status_code": "404", "response_time": 89, "status_code_description": "The requested contact page does not exist or was removed."}
2. {"ip_address": "", "_timestamp": "2024-12-03T12:00:07Z", "http_method": "GET", "endpoint": "/contact", "status_code": "404", "response_time": 76, "status_code_description": "The requested contact page does not exist or was removed."}
3. {"ip_address": "", "_timestamp": "2024-12-03T12:00:01Z", "http_method": "GET", "endpoint": "/home", "status_code": "200", "response_time": 123, "status_code_description": "OK"}
4. {"ip_address": "", "_timestamp": "2024-12-03T12:00:04Z", "http_method": "GET", "endpoint": "/products", "status_code": "200", "response_time": 156, "status_code_description": "OK"}
5. {"ip_address": "", "_timestamp": "2024-12-03T12:00:05Z", "http_method": "GET", "endpoint": "/home", "status_code": "200", "response_time": 101, "status_code_description": "OK"}
6. {"ip_address": "", "_timestamp": "2024-12-03T12:00:08Z", "http_method": "GET", "endpoint": "/home", "status_code": "200", "response_time": 98, "status_code_description": "OK"}
7. {"ip_address": "", "_timestamp": "2024-12-03T12:00:10Z", "http_method": "GET", "endpoint": "/home", "status_code": "200", "response_time": 105, "status_code_description": "OK"}
8. {"ip_address": "", "_timestamp": "2024-12-03T12:00:02Z", "http_method": "POST", "endpoint": "/login", "status_code": "500", "response_time": 340, "status_code_description": "Internal error while processing the payment gateway."}
9. {"ip_address": "", "_timestamp": "2024-12-03T12:00:09Z", "http_method": "POST", "endpoint": "/payment", "status_code": "500", "response_time": 512, "status_code_description": "Internal error while processing the payment gateway."}
10. {"ip_address": "", "_timestamp": "2024-12-03T12:00:06Z", "http_method": "POST", "endpoint": "/checkout", "status_code": "503", "response_time": 450, "status_code_description": "Service temporarily unavailable during the checkout process."}
我们将此文件上传到刚刚创建的数据集(显示为 "server_logs"),并使用 "logs" 作为表名(显示为 "table id")。
配置 BigQuery Python 客户端
下面,我们将学习如何使用 BigQuery Python 客户端和 Google Colab 来构建一个应用。
1. 安装依赖
!pip install google-cloud-bigquery elasticsearch==8.16
依赖项提供了访问 BigQuery 数据所需的工具,elasticsearch
允许连接到 Elastic 并索引数据,而 getpass
1. from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, exceptions
2. from google.cloud import bigquery
3. from google.colab import auth
4. from getpass import getpass
5. from datetime import datetime
6. import json
我们还需要声明其他变量,并初始化 Elasticsearch 的 Python 客户端:
1. ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT = getpass("Elasticsearch endpoint: ")
2. ELASTIC_API_KEY = getpass("Elastic Api Key: ")
3. # Google Cloud project name and BigQuery dataset name
4. PROJECT_ID = "elasticsearch-bigquery"
5. # dataset_id in format <your-project-name>.<your-dataset-name>
6. DATASET_ID = f'{PROJECT_ID}.server-logs'
7. # Elasticsearch client
8. es_client = Elasticsearch(
10. api_key=ELASTIC_API_KEY,
11. )
2. 身份验证
为了获取使用 BigQuery 所需的凭证,我们将使用认证。运行下面的命令行,并选择你用于创建 Google Cloud 项目的相同账户:
现在,让我们查看 BigQuery 中的数据:
1. client = bigquery.Client(project=PROJECT_ID)
2. # Getting tables from dataset
3. tables = client.list_tables(DATASET_ID)
4. data = {}
5. for table in tables:
6. # Table id must be in format <dataset_name>.<table_name>
7. table_id = f"{DATASET_ID}.{table.table_id}"
8. print(f"Processing table: {table.table_id}")
9. # Query to retrieve BigQuery tables data
10. query = f"""
11. SELECT *
12. FROM `{table_id}`
13. """
14. query_job = client.query(query)
15. results = query_job.result()
16. print(f"Results for table: {table.table_id}:")
17. data[table.table_id] = []
18. for row in results:
19. # Saving data with key=table_id
20. data[table.table_id].append(dict(row))
21. print(row)
23. # variable with data
24. logs_data = data['logs']
1. Processing table: logs
2. Results for table: logs:
3. Row(('The requested contact page does not exist or was removed.', 404, 'GET', '/about', datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 3, 12, 0, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 89, ''), {'status_code_description': 0, 'status_code': 1, 'http_method': 2, 'endpoint': 3, '_timestamp': 4, 'response_time': 5, 'ip_address': 6})
4. Row(('The requested contact page does not exist or was removed.', 404, 'GET', '/contact', datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 3, 12, 0, 7, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 76, ''), {'status_code_description': 0, 'status_code': 1, 'http_method': 2, 'endpoint': 3, '_timestamp': 4, 'response_time': 5, 'ip_address': 6})
5. Row(('OK', 200, 'GET', '/home', datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 3, 12, 0, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 123, ''), {'status_code_description': 0, 'status_code': 1, 'http_method': 2, 'endpoint': 3, '_timestamp': 4, 'response_time': 5, 'ip_address': 6})
6. Row(('OK', 200, 'GET', '/products', datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 3, 12, 0, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 156, ''), {'status_code_description': 0, 'status_code': 1, 'http_method': 2, 'endpoint': 3, '_timestamp': 4, 'response_time': 5, 'ip_address': 6})
7. Row(('OK', 200, 'GET', '/home', datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 3, 12, 0, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 101, ''), {'status_code_description': 0, 'status_code': 1, 'http_method': 2, 'endpoint': 3, '_timestamp': 4, 'response_time': 5, 'ip_address': 6})
8. Row(('OK', 200, 'GET', '/home', datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 3, 12, 0, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 98, ''), {'status_code_description': 0, 'status_code': 1, 'http_method': 2, 'endpoint': 3, '_timestamp': 4, 'response_time': 5, 'ip_address': 6})
9. Row(('OK', 200, 'GET', '/home', datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 3, 12, 0, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 105, ''), {'status_code_description': 0, 'status_code': 1, 'http_method': 2, 'endpoint': 3, '_timestamp': 4, 'response_time': 5, 'ip_address': 6})
10. Row(('Internal error while processing the payment gateway.', 500, 'POST', '/login', datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 3, 12, 0, 2, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 340, ''), {'status_code_description': 0, 'status_code': 1, 'http_method': 2, 'endpoint': 3, '_timestamp': 4, 'response_time': 5, 'ip_address': 6})
11. Row(('Internal error while processing the payment gateway.', 500, 'POST', '/payment', datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 3, 12, 0, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 512, ''), {'status_code_description': 0, 'status_code': 1, 'http_method': 2, 'endpoint': 3, '_timestamp': 4, 'response_time': 5, 'ip_address': 6})
12. Row(('Service temporarily unavailable during the checkout process.', 503, 'POST', '/checkout', datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 3, 12, 0, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 450, ''), {'status_code_description': 0, 'status_code': 1, 'http_method': 2, 'endpoint': 3, '_timestamp': 4, 'response_time': 5, 'ip_address': 6})
通过这段简单的代码,我们已经从 BigQuery 提取了数据,并将其存储在 logs_data
变量中,现在可以将其与 Elasticsearch 一起使用。
将数据索引到 Elasticsearch
我们将首先在 Kibana Devtools 控制台中定义数据结构:
1. es_client.indices.create(
2. index="bigquery-logs",
3. body={
4. "mappings": {
5. "properties": {
6. "status_code_description": {"type": "match_only_text"},
7. "status_code": {"type": "keyword"},
8. "@timestamp": {"type": "date"},
9. "ip_address": {"type": "ip"},
10. "http_method": {"type": "keyword"},
11. "endpoint": {"type": "keyword"},
12. "response_time": {"type": "integer"},
13. }
14. }
15. }
16. )
[match_only_text](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/text.html#match-only-text-field-type "match_only_text")
字段是 [text](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/text.html#text-field-type "text")
字段类型的一种变体,通过不存储用于计算分数的元数据来节省磁盘空间。我们使用它,因为日志通常是时间为中心的,即日期比文本字段中的匹配质量更为重要。使用 textfield
的查询与使用 match_only_text
我们将使用 Elasticsearch
_bulk API 来索引这些文件:
1. bulk_data = []
3. for log_entry in logs_data:
4. # Convert timestamp to ISO 8601 string
5. timestamp_iso8601 = log_entry["_timestamp"].isoformat()
7. # Prepare action metadata
8. action_metadata = {
9. "index": {
10. "_index": "bigquery-logs",
11. "_id": f"{log_entry['ip_address']}-{timestamp_iso8601}"
12. }
13. }
14. # Prepare document
15. document = {
16. "ip_address": log_entry["ip_address"],
17. "status_code": log_entry["status_code"],
18. "@timestamp": timestamp_iso8601,
19. "http_method": log_entry["http_method"],
20. "endpoint": log_entry["endpoint"],
21. "response_time": log_entry["response_time"],
22. "status_code_description": log_entry["status_code_description"]
23. }
24. # Append to bulk data
25. bulk_data.append(action_metadata)
26. bulk_data.append(document)
28. print(bulk_data)
29. # Indexing data
30. response = es_client.bulk(body=bulk_data)
现在,我们可以使用来自 bigquery-logs
字段)进行搜索。此外,我们将按日期对结果进行排序,并获取错误的 IP 地址:
1. es_client.search(
2. index="bigquery-logs",
3. body={
4. "query": {"match": {"status_code_description": "error"}},
5. "sort": [{"@timestamp": {"order": "desc"}}],
6. "aggs": {"by_ip": {"terms": {"field": "ip_address", "size": 10}}},
7. },
8. )
1. {
2. ...
3. "hits": {
4. ...
5. "hits": [
6. {
7. "_index": "bigquery-logs",
8. "_id": "",
9. "_score": null,
10. "_source": {
11. "ip_address": "",
12. "status_code": 500,
13. "@timestamp": "2024-12-03T12:00:09+00:00",
14. "http_method": "POST",
15. "endpoint": "/payment",
16. "response_time": 512,
17. "status_code_description": "Internal error while processing the payment gateway."
18. },
19. "sort": [
20. 1733227209000
21. ]
22. },
23. {
24. "_index": "bigquery-logs",
25. "_id": "",
26. "_score": null,
27. "_source": {
28. "ip_address": "",
29. "status_code": 500,
30. "@timestamp": "2024-12-03T12:00:02+00:00",
31. "http_method": "POST",
32. "endpoint": "/login",
33. "response_time": 340,
34. "status_code_description": "Internal error while processing the payment gateway."
35. },
36. "sort": [
37. 1733227202000
38. ]
39. }
40. ]
41. },
42. "aggregations": {
43. "by_ip": {
44. "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
45. "sum_other_doc_count": 0,
46. "buckets": [
47. {
48. "key": "",
49. "doc_count": 1
50. },
51. {
52. "key": "",
53. "doc_count": 1
54. }
55. ]
56. }
57. }
58. }
像 BigQuery 这样的工具有助于集中信息,对于数据管理非常有用。除了搜索,将 BigQuery 与 Elasticsearch 一起使用,可以利用机器学习和数据分析的强大功能,更简单、更快速地检测或分析问题。
想要获得 Elastic 认证吗?了解下一期 Elasticsearch 工程师培训的时间!
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