



arduino 复制代码
public interface Assistant {
    String chat(String userMessage);


ini 复制代码
Assistant assistant = AiServices.create(Assistant.class, chatLanguageModel);
String resp = assistant.chat(userMessage);


kotlin 复制代码
public interface AssistantV2 {

    @SystemMessage("You are a polite assistant")
    String chat(String userMessage);


less 复制代码
    AssistantV2 assistantV2;

    public String aiService(@RequestParam("prompt") String prompt) {
        return assistantV2.chat(prompt);




kotlin 复制代码
public abstract class AiServices<T> {

    protected static final String DEFAULT = "default";

    protected final AiServiceContext context;

    private boolean retrieverSet = false;
    private boolean contentRetrieverSet = false;
    private boolean retrievalAugmentorSet = false;

    protected AiServices(AiServiceContext context) {
        this.context = context;

     * Creates an AI Service (an implementation of the provided interface), that is backed by the provided chat model.
     * This convenience method can be used to create simple AI Services.
     * For more complex cases, please use {@link #builder}.
     * @param aiService         The class of the interface to be implemented.
     * @param chatLanguageModel The chat model to be used under the hood.
     * @return An instance of the provided interface, implementing all its defined methods.
    public static <T> T create(Class<T> aiService, ChatLanguageModel chatLanguageModel) {
        return builder(aiService).chatLanguageModel(chatLanguageModel).build();

     * Creates an AI Service (an implementation of the provided interface), that is backed by the provided streaming chat model.
     * This convenience method can be used to create simple AI Services.
     * For more complex cases, please use {@link #builder}.
     * @param aiService                  The class of the interface to be implemented.
     * @param streamingChatLanguageModel The streaming chat model to be used under the hood.
     *                                   The return type of all methods should be {@link TokenStream}.
     * @return An instance of the provided interface, implementing all its defined methods.
    public static <T> T create(Class<T> aiService, StreamingChatLanguageModel streamingChatLanguageModel) {
        return builder(aiService)

     * Begins the construction of an AI Service.
     * @param aiService The class of the interface to be implemented.
     * @return builder
    public static <T> AiServices<T> builder(Class<T> aiService) {
        AiServiceContext context = new AiServiceContext(aiService);
        for (AiServicesFactory factory : loadFactories(AiServicesFactory.class)) {
            return factory.create(context);
        return new DefaultAiServices<>(context);

     * Configures chat model that will be used under the hood of the AI Service.
     * <p>
     * Either {@link ChatLanguageModel} or {@link StreamingChatLanguageModel} should be configured,
     * but not both at the same time.
     * @param chatLanguageModel Chat model that will be used under the hood of the AI Service.
     * @return builder
    public AiServices<T> chatLanguageModel(ChatLanguageModel chatLanguageModel) {
        context.chatModel = chatLanguageModel;
        return this;

     * Configures streaming chat model that will be used under the hood of the AI Service.
     * The methods of the AI Service must return a {@link TokenStream} type.
     * <p>
     * Either {@link ChatLanguageModel} or {@link StreamingChatLanguageModel} should be configured,
     * but not both at the same time.
     * @param streamingChatLanguageModel Streaming chat model that will be used under the hood of the AI Service.
     * @return builder
    public AiServices<T> streamingChatLanguageModel(StreamingChatLanguageModel streamingChatLanguageModel) {
        context.streamingChatModel = streamingChatLanguageModel;
        return this;

     * Configures the system message provider, which provides a system message to be used each time an AI service is invoked.
     * <br>
     * When both {@code @SystemMessage} and the system message provider are configured,
     * {@code @SystemMessage} takes precedence.
     * @param systemMessageProvider A {@link Function} that accepts a chat memory ID
     *                              (a value of a method parameter annotated with @{@link MemoryId})
     *                              and returns a system message to be used.
     *                              If there is no parameter annotated with {@code @MemoryId},
     *                              the value of memory ID is "default".
     *                              The returned {@link String} can be either a complete system message
     *                              or a system message template containing unresolved template variables (e.g. "{{name}}"),
     *                              which will be resolved using the values of method parameters annotated with @{@link V}.
     * @return builder
    public AiServices<T> systemMessageProvider(Function<Object, String> systemMessageProvider) {
        context.systemMessageProvider = systemMessageProvider.andThen(Optional::ofNullable);
        return this;

     * Configures the chat memory that will be used to preserve conversation history between method calls.
     * <p>
     * Unless a {@link ChatMemory} or {@link ChatMemoryProvider} is configured, all method calls will be independent of each other.
     * In other words, the LLM will not remember the conversation from the previous method calls.
     * <p>
     * The same {@link ChatMemory} instance will be used for every method call.
     * <p>
     * If you want to have a separate {@link ChatMemory} for each user/conversation, configure {@link #chatMemoryProvider} instead.
     * <p>
     * Either a {@link ChatMemory} or a {@link ChatMemoryProvider} can be configured, but not both simultaneously.
     * @param chatMemory An instance of chat memory to be used by the AI Service.
     * @return builder
    public AiServices<T> chatMemory(ChatMemory chatMemory) {
        context.chatMemories = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        context.chatMemories.put(DEFAULT, chatMemory);
        return this;

     * Configures the chat memory provider, which provides a dedicated instance of {@link ChatMemory} for each user/conversation.
     * To distinguish between users/conversations, one of the method's arguments should be a memory ID (of any data type)
     * annotated with {@link MemoryId}.
     * For each new (previously unseen) memoryId, an instance of {@link ChatMemory} will be automatically obtained
     * by invoking {@link ChatMemoryProvider#get(Object id)}.
     * Example:
     * <pre>
     * interface Assistant {
     *     String chat(@MemoryId int memoryId, @UserMessage String message);
     * }
     * </pre>
     * If you prefer to use the same (shared) {@link ChatMemory} for all users/conversations, configure a {@link #chatMemory} instead.
     * <p>
     * Either a {@link ChatMemory} or a {@link ChatMemoryProvider} can be configured, but not both simultaneously.
     * @param chatMemoryProvider The provider of a {@link ChatMemory} for each new user/conversation.
     * @return builder
    public AiServices<T> chatMemoryProvider(ChatMemoryProvider chatMemoryProvider) {
        context.chatMemories = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        context.chatMemoryProvider = chatMemoryProvider;
        return this;

     * Configures a moderation model to be used for automatic content moderation.
     * If a method in the AI Service is annotated with {@link Moderate}, the moderation model will be invoked
     * to check the user content for any inappropriate or harmful material.
     * @param moderationModel The moderation model to be used for content moderation.
     * @return builder
     * @see Moderate
    public AiServices<T> moderationModel(ModerationModel moderationModel) {
        context.moderationModel = moderationModel;
        return this;

     * Configures the tools that the LLM can use.
     * @param objectsWithTools One or more objects whose methods are annotated with {@link Tool}.
     *                         All these tools (methods annotated with {@link Tool}) will be accessible to the LLM.
     *                         Note that inherited methods are ignored.
     * @return builder
     * @see Tool
    public AiServices<T> tools(Object... objectsWithTools) {
        return tools(asList(objectsWithTools));

     * Configures the tools that the LLM can use.
     * @param objectsWithTools A list of objects whose methods are annotated with {@link Tool}.
     *                         All these tools (methods annotated with {@link Tool}) are accessible to the LLM.
     *                         Note that inherited methods are ignored.
     * @return builder
     * @see Tool
    public AiServices<T> tools(Collection<Object> objectsWithTools) {
        return this;

     * Configures the tool provider that the LLM can use
     * @param toolProvider Decides which tools the LLM could use to handle the request
     * @return builder
    public AiServices<T> toolProvider(ToolProvider toolProvider) {
        return this;

     * Configures the tools that the LLM can use.
     * @param tools A map of {@link ToolSpecification} to {@link ToolExecutor} entries.
     *              This method of configuring tools is useful when tools must be configured programmatically.
     *              Otherwise, it is recommended to use the {@link Tool}-annotated java methods
     *              and configure tools with the {@link #tools(Object...)} and {@link #tools(Collection)} methods.
     * @return builder
    public AiServices<T> tools(Map<ToolSpecification, ToolExecutor> tools) {
        return this;

     * Configures the strategy to be used when the LLM hallucinates a tool name (i.e., attempts to call a nonexistent tool).
     * @param hallucinatedToolNameStrategy A Function from {@link ToolExecutionRequest} to {@link ToolExecutionResultMessage} defining
     *                                  the response provided to the LLM when it hallucinates a tool name.
     * @return builder
    public AiServices<T> hallucinatedToolNameStrategy(
            Function<ToolExecutionRequest, ToolExecutionResultMessage> hallucinatedToolNameStrategy) {
        return this;

     * @param retriever The retriever to be used by the AI Service.
     * @return builder
     * @deprecated Use {@link #contentRetriever(ContentRetriever)}
     * (e.g. {@link EmbeddingStoreContentRetriever}) instead.
     * <br>
     * Configures a retriever that will be invoked on every method call to fetch relevant information
     * related to the current user message from an underlying source (e.g., embedding store).
     * This relevant information is automatically injected into the message sent to the LLM.
    @Deprecated(forRemoval = true)
    public AiServices<T> retriever(Retriever<TextSegment> retriever) {
        if (contentRetrieverSet || retrievalAugmentorSet) {
            throw illegalConfiguration("Only one out of [retriever, contentRetriever, retrievalAugmentor] can be set");
        if (retriever != null) {
            AiServices<T> withContentRetriever = contentRetriever(retriever.toContentRetriever());
            retrieverSet = true;
            return withContentRetriever;
        return this;

     * Configures a content retriever to be invoked on every method call for retrieving relevant content
     * related to the user's message from an underlying data source
     * (e.g., an embedding store in the case of an {@link EmbeddingStoreContentRetriever}).
     * The retrieved relevant content is then automatically incorporated into the message sent to the LLM.
     * <br>
     * This method provides a straightforward approach for those who do not require
     * a customized {@link RetrievalAugmentor}.
     * It configures a {@link DefaultRetrievalAugmentor} with the provided {@link ContentRetriever}.
     * @param contentRetriever The content retriever to be used by the AI Service.
     * @return builder
    public AiServices<T> contentRetriever(ContentRetriever contentRetriever) {
        if (retrieverSet || retrievalAugmentorSet) {
            throw illegalConfiguration("Only one out of [retriever, contentRetriever, retrievalAugmentor] can be set");
        contentRetrieverSet = true;
        context.retrievalAugmentor = DefaultRetrievalAugmentor.builder()
                .contentRetriever(ensureNotNull(contentRetriever, "contentRetriever"))
        return this;

     * Configures a retrieval augmentor to be invoked on every method call.
     * @param retrievalAugmentor The retrieval augmentor to be used by the AI Service.
     * @return builder
    public AiServices<T> retrievalAugmentor(RetrievalAugmentor retrievalAugmentor) {
        if (retrieverSet || contentRetrieverSet) {
            throw illegalConfiguration("Only one out of [retriever, contentRetriever, retrievalAugmentor] can be set");
        retrievalAugmentorSet = true;
        context.retrievalAugmentor = ensureNotNull(retrievalAugmentor, "retrievalAugmentor");
        return this;

     * Constructs and returns the AI Service.
     * @return An instance of the AI Service implementing the specified interface.
    public abstract T build();





scss 复制代码
class DefaultAiServices<T> extends AiServices<T> {

    private final ServiceOutputParser serviceOutputParser = new ServiceOutputParser();
    private final Collection<TokenStreamAdapter> tokenStreamAdapters = loadFactories(TokenStreamAdapter.class);

    DefaultAiServices(AiServiceContext context) {


    public T build() {


        for (Method method : context.aiServiceClass.getMethods()) {
            if (method.isAnnotationPresent(Moderate.class) && context.moderationModel == null) {
                throw illegalConfiguration(
                        "The @Moderate annotation is present, but the moderationModel is not set up. "
                                + "Please ensure a valid moderationModel is configured before using the @Moderate annotation.");
            if (method.getReturnType() == Result.class
                    || method.getReturnType() == List.class
                    || method.getReturnType() == Set.class) {
                TypeUtils.validateReturnTypesAreProperlyParametrized(method.getName(), method.getGenericReturnType());

            if (context.chatMemoryProvider == null) {
                for (Parameter parameter : method.getParameters()) {
                    if (parameter.isAnnotationPresent(MemoryId.class)) {
                        throw illegalConfiguration(
                                "In order to use @MemoryId, please configure the ChatMemoryProvider on the '%s'.",

        Object proxyInstance = Proxy.newProxyInstance(
                new Class<?>[] {context.aiServiceClass},
                new InvocationHandler() {

                    private final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

                    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Exception {

                        if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) {
                            // methods like equals(), hashCode() and toString() should not be handled by this proxy
                            return method.invoke(this, args);


                        Object memoryId = findMemoryId(method, args).orElse(DEFAULT);

                        Optional<SystemMessage> systemMessage = prepareSystemMessage(memoryId, method, args);
                        UserMessage userMessage = prepareUserMessage(method, args);
                        AugmentationResult augmentationResult = null;
                        if (context.retrievalAugmentor != null) {
                            List<ChatMessage> chatMemory = context.hasChatMemory()
                                    ? context.chatMemory(memoryId).messages()
                                    : null;
                            Metadata metadata = Metadata.from(userMessage, memoryId, chatMemory);
                            AugmentationRequest augmentationRequest = new AugmentationRequest(userMessage, metadata);
                            augmentationResult = context.retrievalAugmentor.augment(augmentationRequest);
                            userMessage = (UserMessage) augmentationResult.chatMessage();

                        // TODO give user ability to provide custom OutputParser
                        Type returnType = method.getGenericReturnType();

                        boolean streaming = returnType == TokenStream.class || canAdaptTokenStreamTo(returnType);

                        boolean supportsJsonSchema =
                                supportsJsonSchema(); // TODO should it be called for returnType==String?
                        Optional<JsonSchema> jsonSchema = Optional.empty();
                        if (supportsJsonSchema && !streaming) {
                            jsonSchema = jsonSchemaFrom(returnType);

                        if ((!supportsJsonSchema || jsonSchema.isEmpty()) && !streaming) {
                            // TODO append after storing in the memory?
                            userMessage = appendOutputFormatInstructions(returnType, userMessage);

                        if (context.hasChatMemory()) {
                            ChatMemory chatMemory = context.chatMemory(memoryId);

                        List<ChatMessage> messages;
                        if (context.hasChatMemory()) {
                            messages = context.chatMemory(memoryId).messages();
                        } else {
                            messages = new ArrayList<>();

                        Future<Moderation> moderationFuture = triggerModerationIfNeeded(method, messages);

                        ToolExecutionContext toolExecutionContext =
                                context.toolService.executionContext(memoryId, userMessage);

                        if (streaming) {
                            TokenStream tokenStream = new AiServiceTokenStream(
                                    augmentationResult != null ? augmentationResult.contents() : null,
                            // TODO moderation
                            if (returnType == TokenStream.class) {
                                return tokenStream;
                            } else {
                                return adapt(tokenStream, returnType);

                        ResponseFormat responseFormat = null;
                        if (supportsJsonSchema && jsonSchema.isPresent()) {
                            responseFormat = ResponseFormat.builder()

                        ChatRequestParameters parameters = ChatRequestParameters.builder()

                        ChatRequest chatRequest = ChatRequest.builder()

                        ChatResponse chatResponse = context.chatModel.chat(chatRequest);


                        ToolExecutionResult toolExecutionResult = context.toolService.executeInferenceAndToolsLoop(
                                context.hasChatMemory() ? context.chatMemory(memoryId) : null,

                        chatResponse = toolExecutionResult.chatResponse();
                        FinishReason finishReason = chatResponse.metadata().finishReason();
                        Response<AiMessage> response = Response.from(
                                chatResponse.aiMessage(), toolExecutionResult.tokenUsageAccumulator(), finishReason);

                        Object parsedResponse = serviceOutputParser.parse(response, returnType);
                        if (typeHasRawClass(returnType, Result.class)) {
                            return Result.builder()
                                    .sources(augmentationResult == null ? null : augmentationResult.contents())
                        } else {
                            return parsedResponse;

                    private boolean canAdaptTokenStreamTo(Type returnType) {
                        for (TokenStreamAdapter tokenStreamAdapter : tokenStreamAdapters) {
                            if (tokenStreamAdapter.canAdaptTokenStreamTo(returnType)) {
                                return true;
                        return false;

                    private Object adapt(TokenStream tokenStream, Type returnType) {
                        for (TokenStreamAdapter tokenStreamAdapter : tokenStreamAdapters) {
                            if (tokenStreamAdapter.canAdaptTokenStreamTo(returnType)) {
                                return tokenStreamAdapter.adapt(tokenStream);
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Can't find suitable TokenStreamAdapter");

                    private boolean supportsJsonSchema() {
                        return context.chatModel != null
                                && context.chatModel.supportedCapabilities().contains(RESPONSE_FORMAT_JSON_SCHEMA);

                    private UserMessage appendOutputFormatInstructions(Type returnType, UserMessage userMessage) {
                        String outputFormatInstructions = serviceOutputParser.outputFormatInstructions(returnType);
                        String text = userMessage.singleText() + outputFormatInstructions;
                        if (isNotNullOrBlank(userMessage.name())) {
                            userMessage = UserMessage.from(userMessage.name(), text);
                        } else {
                            userMessage = UserMessage.from(text);
                        return userMessage;

                    private Future<Moderation> triggerModerationIfNeeded(Method method, List<ChatMessage> messages) {
                        if (method.isAnnotationPresent(Moderate.class)) {
                            return executor.submit(() -> {
                                List<ChatMessage> messagesToModerate = removeToolMessages(messages);
                                return context.moderationModel
                        return null;

        return (T) proxyInstance;




langchain4j提供了诸如ChatLanguageModel, ChatMessage, ChatMemory的low level的组件,也提供了诸如Chains和AI Services这样的high level的组件,用于协同多个组件(提示模版、ChatMemory、LLM、输出解析、RAG组件:嵌入模型和评分)一起。其中Chains是从Python的LangChain移植过来的,不过不方便自定义,于是后续不再继续添加新增功能了。langchain4j提供了AI Services来取代Chains,它有点类似于JPA或者Retrofit,通过简单声明接口就可以自动生成代理实现类,它可以处理LLM输入的格式化,LLM输出的解析,ChatMemory、Tools、RAG。



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