
再思即可8 天前
sicp每日一题[2.31]Abstract your answer to Exercise 2.30 to produce a procedure t r e e − m a p tree-map tree−map with the property that s q u a r e − t r e e square-tree square−tree could be defined as
再思即可19 天前
sicp每日一题[2.13-2.16]Show that under the assumption of small percentage tolerances there is a simple formula for the approximate percentage tolerance of the product of two intervals in terms of the tolerances of the factors. You may simplify the problem by assumingthat all nu
再思即可1 个月前
sicp每日一题[2.1]Exercise 2.1: Define a better version of make-rat that handles both positive and negative arguments. make-rat should normalize the sign so that if the rational number is positive, both the numerator and denominator are positive, and if the rational number
再思即可1 个月前
sicp每日一题[1.45]We saw in Section 1.3.3 that attempting to compute square roots by naively finding a fixed point of y->x/y does not converge, and that this can be fixed by average damping. The same method works for finding cube roots as fixed points of the average-damped
Yongqiang Cheng8 个月前
pycharm·scheme·主题和字体·editor font
PyCharm 主题和字体 (Scheme & Editor Font)File -> Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Font
gqkmiss9 个月前
前端·chrome·浏览器插件·match pattern·scheme
Chrome 插件匹配模式(Match patterns)规则匹配模式是采用以下结构的网址,用于指定一组网址:必须是以下内容之一,并使用双斜线 (//) 与格式的其余部分分隔开: