
Vigo*GIS_RS1 个月前
使用python批量计算栅格像元值(像元总值等)说明:在计算tif栅格像元值的时候需要注意tif的数值类型,整数还是浮点。 在计算6位数值时,python会自动转成8位byte,这会影响计算结果。
微小冷7 个月前
scipy一维卷积函数convolve1d卷积是一种积分变换方法,可理解为滑动平均的推广,在连续函数和数列上的定义分别为f ( t ) ∗ g ( t ) = ∫ f ( τ ) g ( t − τ ) d τ x ( n ) ∗ h ( n ) = ∑ x ( i ) h ( n − i ) f(t)*g(t) = \int f(\tau)g(t-\tau)\text d\tau\\ x(n)*h(n) = \sum x(i)h(n-i) f(t)∗g(t)=∫f(τ)g(t−τ)dτx(n)∗h(n)=∑x(i)h(n−i)
微小冷7 个月前
深度混淆10 个月前
C#,《小白学程序》第十七课:随机数(Random)第四,移动平均值(Moving Average)的计算方法与代码/// <summary> /// 《小白学程序》第十七课:随机数(Random)第四,移动平均值的计算方法与代码 /// 继续学习数据统计,移动平均值的计算方法 /// 移动平均值就是一定步长内数值的平均值,用于反映阶段性的数值变化。 /// 股票软件,金融软件及一些忽悠人的预测都是这个技术。 /// 当然移动平均值也可以用于机器人、AI等等很多正能量的事情。 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></p
深度混淆10 个月前
C#,数值计算——插值和外推,RBF_fn 与 RBF_gauss 的计算方法与源程序using System;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer { public interface RBF_fn { double rbf(double r); } }
深度混淆10 个月前
C#,数值计算——有理函数插值和外推(Rational_interp)的计算方法与源程序using System;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer { /// <summary> /// 有理函数插值和外推 /// Rational Function Interpolation and Extrapolation /// Given a value x, and using pointers to data xx and yy, this routine returns /// an interpolated value y, and stores an error e
深度混淆10 个月前
C#,数值计算——插值和外推,Powvargram的计算方法与源程序using System;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer { /// <summary> /// Functor for variogram v(r)=ar^b, /// where b is specified, a is fitted from the data. /// </summary> public class Powvargram { private double alph { get; set; } private double bet { get; set; }
深度混淆10 个月前
C#,数值计算——多项式插值与外推插值(Poly2D_interp)的计算方法与源程序using System;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer { /// <summary> /// Object for two-dimensional polynomial interpolation on a matrix.Construct /// with a vector of x1 values, a vector of x2 values, a matrix of tabulated /// function values yij , and integers to s
深度混淆10 个月前
C#,数值计算——插值和外推,分段线性插值(Linear_interp)的计算方法与源程序using System;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer { /// <summary> /// 分段线性插值 /// Piecewise linear interpolation object. /// Construct with x and y vectors, then call interp for interpolated values. /// </summary> public class Linear_interp : Base_interp { public L
深度混淆1 年前
C#,数值计算——插值和外推,双线性插值(Bilin_interp)的计算方法与源程序using System;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer { /// <summary> /// 双线性插值 /// interpolation routines for two dimensions /// Object for bilinear interpolation on a matrix. /// Construct with a vector of x1. /// values, a vector of x2 values, /// and a matrix of t
深度混淆1 年前
C#,数值计算——插值和外推,Base_interp的计算方法与源程序using System;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer { /// <summary> /// Abstract base class used by all interpolation routines in this chapter. /// Only the routine interp is called directly by the user. /// </summary> public abstract class Base_interp { public int
深度混淆1 年前
C#,数值计算——多项式计算,Poly的计算方法与源程序using System; using System.Text;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer { /// <summary> /// operations on polynomials /// </summary> public class Poly { /// <summary> /// polynomial c[0]+c[1]x+c[2]x^2+ ... + c[n-2]x^n-2 + c[n-1]x^n-1 /// </summary> private double[] c
深度混淆1 年前
Python开源项目PGDiff——人脸重建(Face Restoration),模糊清晰、划痕修复及黑白上色的实践python ansconda 等的下载、安装等请参阅:Python开源项目CodeFormer——人脸重建(Face Restoration),模糊清晰、划痕修复及黑白上色的实践https://blog.csdn.net/beijinghorn/article/details/134334021
深度混淆1 年前
C#,数值计算——函数计算,Eulsum的计算方法与源程序using System;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer { public class Eulsum { private double[] wksp { get; set; } private int n { get; set; } private int ncv { get; set; } public bool cnvgd { get; set; } private double sum { get; set; } private double eps { get; set;
深度混淆1 年前
C#,数值计算——函数计算,Epsalg的计算方法与源程序using System;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer { /// <summary> /// Convergence acceleration of a sequence by the algorithm.Initialize by /// calling the constructor with arguments nmax, an upper bound on the /// number of terms to be summed, and epss, the desir
深度混淆1 年前
C#,数值计算——函数计算,切比雪夫近似算法(Chebyshev approximation)的计算方法与源程序using System;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer { /// <summary> /// Chebyshev approximation /// </summary> public class Chebyshev { private int n { get; set; } private int m { get; set; } private double[] c { get; set; } private double a { get; set; } private do
深度混淆1 年前
C#,数值计算——偏微分方程,Relaxation的计算方法与源程序using System;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer { public class Relaxation { private Relaxation() { }
深度混淆1 年前
C#,数值计算——偏微分方程,Mgfas的计算方法与源程序using System; using System.Collections.Generic;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer { public class Mgfas { public int n { get; set; } public int ng { get; set; } public double[,] uj; public double[,] uj1 { get; set; } public List<double[,]> rho { get; set; } = new
深度混淆1 年前
C#,数值计算——积分方程与逆理论,构造n点等间隔求积的权重的计算方法与源程序using System;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer { /// <summary> /// 构造n点等间隔求积的权重 /// Constructs weights for the n-point equal-interval quadrature /// from O to(n-1)h of a function f(x) times an arbitrary /// (possibly singular) weight function w(x). The indefini
深度混淆1 年前
C#,数值计算——求解一组m维线性Volterra方程组的计算方法与源程序using System;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer { /// <summary> /// 求解一组m维线性Volterra方程组 /// Solves a set of m linear Volterra equations of the second kind using the /// extended trapezoidal rule.On input, t0 is the starting point of the /// integration and h is