


1. 需求描述






2.1 概念模型ER图

2.2 关系模式转换


​ 2.斜体代表外键

goods(goods_id, goods_name, supplier_id, price, good_num, shelf_no)

//food(goods_id, goods_name, supplier_id, price, shelf_life)

supplier(sp_id, sp_name, phone, address)

supply(sp_id , goods_id, enter_time, costs)

employee(emp_no, emp_name, salary)

customer(cu_id, cu_name)

buy(cu_id , goods_id, buy_time, buy_costs)

shelf(shelf_id, goods_num_on_shelf)

sell (emp_no , goods_id)

2.3 SQL创建关系模式

sql 复制代码
create table goods 
   goods_id             integer                        not null,
   shelf_id             integer                        not null,
   goods_name           varchar(10)                    not null,
   price                integer                        not null,
   goods_num            integer                        not null,
   shell_life           timestamp                      null,
   constraint PK_GOODS primary key (goods_id)

alter table goods
   add constraint FK_GOODS_ON_SHELF foreign key (shelf_id)
      references shelf (shelf_id)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

create table supplier 
   sp_id                integer                        not null,
   sp_name              varchar(10)                    not null,
   address              varchar(10)                    not null,
   phone                char(11)                       not null,
   constraint PK_SUPPLIER primary key (sp_id)

create table supply 
   goods_id             integer                        not null,
   sp_id                integer                        not null,
   enter_time           timestamp                      not null,
   costs                integer                        not null,
   constraint PK_SUPPLY primary key clustered (goods_id, sp_id)

create table customer 
   cu_id                integer                        not null,
   cu_name              varchar(4)                     not null,
   constraint PK_CUSTOMER primary key (cu_id)

create table shelf 
   shelf_id             integer                        not null,
   goods_num_on_shelf   integer                        not null,
   constraint PK_SHELF primary key (shelf_id)

create table employee 
   emp_name             varchar(4)                     not null,
   emp_no               integer                        not null,
   salary               integer                        null,
   constraint PK_EMPLOYEE primary key (emp_no)

create table buy 
   cu_id                integer                        not null,
   goods_id             integer                        not null,
   buy_time             timestamp                      null,
   buy_costs            integer                        null,
   constraint PK_BUY primary key clustered (cu_id, goods_id)

alter table buy
   add constraint FK_BUY_BUY_CUSTOMER foreign key (cu_id)
      references customer (cu_id)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

create table sell 
   emp_no               integer                        not null,
   goods_id             integer                        not null,
   constraint PK_SELL primary key clustered (emp_no, goods_id)

alter table sell
   add constraint FK_SELL_SELL_EMPLOYEE foreign key (emp_no)
      references employee (emp_no)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

alter table sell
   add constraint FK_SELL_SELL2_GOODS foreign key (goods_id)
      references goods (goods_id)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

2.4 查询语句样例



sql 复制代码
select goods_name 
from goods
where price=10



SQL 复制代码
select sp_id,avg(price)
from supply natural join goods
group by sp_id



sql 复制代码
select goods_name,shelf_id
from goods,shelf
where goods.shelf_id=shelf.shelf_id and goods.goods_num=shelf.goods_num_on_shelf


sql 复制代码
select goods_name
from goods g1
where not exists (select
from goods
where shelf.id=e1.shelf.id and



sql 复制代码
select shelf_id,count(*)
from goods
group by shef_id
having count(*)>10;

3.1 PowerDesigner 绘制ER图

3.2 转为关系模型

3.3 生成SQL语句

sql 复制代码
/* DBMS name:      Sybase SQL Anywhere 12                       */
/* Created on:     2022/4/15 22:28:49                           */

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='FK_BUY_BUY_CUSTOMER') then
    alter table buy
       delete foreign key FK_BUY_BUY_CUSTOMER
end if;

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='FK_BUY_BUY2_GOODS') then
    alter table buy
       delete foreign key FK_BUY_BUY2_GOODS
end if;

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='FK_GOODS_ON_SHELF') then
    alter table goods
       delete foreign key FK_GOODS_ON_SHELF
end if;

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='FK_SELL_SELL_EMPLOYEE') then
    alter table sell
       delete foreign key FK_SELL_SELL_EMPLOYEE
end if;

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='FK_SELL_SELL2_GOODS') then
    alter table sell
       delete foreign key FK_SELL_SELL2_GOODS
end if;

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='FK_SUPPLY_SUPPLY_GOODS') then
    alter table supply
       delete foreign key FK_SUPPLY_SUPPLY_GOODS
end if;

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='FK_SUPPLY_SUPPLY2_SUPPLIER') then
    alter table supply
       delete foreign key FK_SUPPLY_SUPPLY2_SUPPLIER
end if;

drop index if exists buy.buy2_FK;

drop index if exists buy.buy_FK;

drop index if exists buy.buy_PK;

drop table if exists buy;

drop index if exists customer.customer_PK;

drop table if exists customer;

drop index if exists employee.emplyer_PK;

drop table if exists employee;

drop index if exists goods.on_FK;

drop index if exists goods.goods_PK;

drop table if exists goods;

drop index if exists sell.sell2_FK;

drop index if exists sell.sell_FK;

drop index if exists sell.sell_PK;

drop table if exists sell;

drop index if exists shelf.shelf_PK;

drop table if exists shelf;

drop index if exists supplier.supplier_PK;

drop table if exists supplier;

drop index if exists supply.supply2_FK;

drop index if exists supply.supply_FK;

drop index if exists supply.supply_PK;

drop table if exists supply;

/* Table: buy                                                   */
create table buy 
   cu_id                integer                        not null,
   goods_id             integer                        not null,
   buy_time             timestamp                      null,
   buy_costs            integer                        null,
   constraint PK_BUY primary key clustered (cu_id, goods_id)

/* Index: buy_PK                                                */
create unique clustered index buy_PK on buy (
cu_id ASC,
goods_id ASC

/* Index: buy_FK                                                */
create index buy_FK on buy (
cu_id ASC

/* Index: buy2_FK                                               */
create index buy2_FK on buy (
goods_id ASC

/* Table: customer                                              */
create table customer 
   cu_id                integer                        not null,
   cu_name              varchar(4)                     not null,
   constraint PK_CUSTOMER primary key (cu_id)

/* Index: customer_PK                                           */
create unique index customer_PK on customer (
cu_id ASC

/* Table: employee                                              */
create table employee 
   emp_name             varchar(4)                     not null,
   emp_no               integer                        not null,
   salary               integer                        null,
   constraint PK_EMPLOYEE primary key (emp_no)

/* Index: emplyer_PK                                            */
create unique index emplyer_PK on employee (
emp_no ASC

/* Table: goods                                                 */
create table goods 
   goods_id             integer                        not null,
   shelf_id             integer                        not null,
   goods_name           varchar(10)                    not null,
   price                integer                        not null,
   goods_num            integer                        not null,
   shell_life           timestamp                      null,
   constraint PK_GOODS primary key (goods_id)

/* Index: goods_PK                                              */
create unique index goods_PK on goods (
goods_id ASC

/* Index: on_FK                                                 */
create index on_FK on goods (
shelf_id ASC

/* Table: sell                                                  */
create table sell 
   emp_no               integer                        not null,
   goods_id             integer                        not null,
   constraint PK_SELL primary key clustered (emp_no, goods_id)

/* Index: sell_PK                                               */
create unique clustered index sell_PK on sell (
emp_no ASC,
goods_id ASC

/* Index: sell_FK                                               */
create index sell_FK on sell (
emp_no ASC

/* Index: sell2_FK                                              */
create index sell2_FK on sell (
goods_id ASC

/* Table: shelf                                                 */
create table shelf 
   shelf_id             integer                        not null,
   goods_num_on_shelf   integer                        not null,
   constraint PK_SHELF primary key (shelf_id)

/* Index: shelf_PK                                              */
create unique index shelf_PK on shelf (
shelf_id ASC

/* Table: supplier                                              */
create table supplier 
   sp_id                integer                        not null,
   sp_name              varchar(10)                    not null,
   address              varchar(10)                    not null,
   phone                char(11)                       not null,
   constraint PK_SUPPLIER primary key (sp_id)

/* Index: supplier_PK                                           */
create unique index supplier_PK on supplier (
sp_id ASC

/* Table: supply                                                */
create table supply 
   goods_id             integer                        not null,
   sp_id                integer                        not null,
   enter_time           timestamp                      not null,
   costs                integer                        not null,
   constraint PK_SUPPLY primary key clustered (goods_id, sp_id)

/* Index: supply_PK                                             */
create unique clustered index supply_PK on supply (
goods_id ASC,
sp_id ASC

/* Index: supply_FK                                             */
create index supply_FK on supply (
goods_id ASC

/* Index: supply2_FK                                            */
create index supply2_FK on supply (
sp_id ASC

alter table buy
   add constraint FK_BUY_BUY_CUSTOMER foreign key (cu_id)
      references customer (cu_id)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

alter table buy
   add constraint FK_BUY_BUY2_GOODS foreign key (goods_id)
      references goods (goods_id)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

alter table goods
   add constraint FK_GOODS_ON_SHELF foreign key (shelf_id)
      references shelf (shelf_id)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

alter table sell
   add constraint FK_SELL_SELL_EMPLOYEE foreign key (emp_no)
      references employee (emp_no)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

alter table sell
   add constraint FK_SELL_SELL2_GOODS foreign key (goods_id)
      references goods (goods_id)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

alter table supply
   add constraint FK_SUPPLY_SUPPLY_GOODS foreign key (goods_id)
      references goods (goods_id)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

alter table supply
   add constraint FK_SUPPLY_SUPPLY2_SUPPLIER foreign key (sp_id)
      references supplier (sp_id)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

4.1 分析差异


4.2 语句特点


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