雅思写作 三小时浓缩学习顾家北 笔记总结(二)



[Using government funds for pollution cleanup work can create a comfortable environment.](#Using government funds for pollution cleanup work can create a comfortable environment.)

["Allocating government funds to pollution cleanup work can contribute to the creation of a comfortable environment."](#"Allocating government funds to pollution cleanup work can contribute to the creation of a comfortable environment.")

[Some advertisements encourage consumers to buy things they don't need, and stronger regulations should be imposed on them.](#Some advertisements encourage consumers to buy things they don't need, and stronger regulations should be imposed on them.)

[Afforestation can help to improve air quality, which can reduce the risk of suffering health problems such as respiratory diseases.](#Afforestation can help to improve air quality, which can reduce the risk of suffering health problems such as respiratory diseases.)

[Authorities should regulate news that exaggerates social issues.](#Authorities should regulate news that exaggerates social issues.)

[That's why clerks nowadays often have health issues.](#That's why clerks nowadays often have health issues.)

[Many employees are willing to work in companies where they can have opportunities for promotion.](#Many employees are willing to work in companies where they can have opportunities for promotion.)

[Many young people choose to study in English-speaking countries, where they can attend world-renowned universities.](#Many young people choose to study in English-speaking countries, where they can attend world-renowned universities.)

[Because there are no internship opportunities, it's difficult for students to enhance their hands-on skills.](#Because there are no internship opportunities, it's difficult for students to enhance their hands-on skills.)

[Even with a diploma, college students cannot earn a lot of money.](#Even with a diploma, college students cannot earn a lot of money.)

[Due to intense competition and rapid technological advancements, running a company nowadays is a challenging task.](#Due to intense competition and rapid technological advancements, running a company nowadays is a challenging task.)

[Exercising regularly boosts people's confidence.](#Exercising regularly boosts people's confidence.)

[The quality of teaching has a significant impact on students' academic performance.](#The quality of teaching has a significant impact on students' academic performance.)

[Parents and teachers should make an effort to reduce the amount of time children spend watching television.](#Parents and teachers should make an effort to reduce the amount of time children spend watching television.)

[The economic slowdown leads to an increase in the unemployment rate.](#The economic slowdown leads to an increase in the unemployment rate.)

[Economic development requires young laborers.](#Economic development requires young laborers.)

[People with heavy workloads don't have time to rest.](#People with heavy workloads don't have time to rest.)

[In China, many students have self-study sessions at night.](#In China, many students have self-study sessions at night.)



[In so far as](#In so far as)

[work up](#work up)

[impinge on](#impinge on)

[act on](#act on)

[follow through](#follow through)

[当涉及到 "顾客"(customers)时,有许多词汇可以用来描述与顾客相关的不同方面。以下是一些与顾客相关的常见词汇:](#当涉及到 "顾客"(customers)时,有许多词汇可以用来描述与顾客相关的不同方面。以下是一些与顾客相关的常见词汇:)

[当涉及到 "风险"(risk)这一概念时,有许多与风险相关的词汇可以描述不同方面的风险、影响和情况。以下是一些与风险相关的常见词汇:](#当涉及到 "风险"(risk)这一概念时,有许多与风险相关的词汇可以描述不同方面的风险、影响和情况。以下是一些与风险相关的常见词汇:)

[当涉及到 "夸张"(exaggeration)这一概念时,有许多与夸张相关的词汇可以用来描述夸大其词、强调或夸张表达的情况。以下是一些与夸张相关的常见词汇:](#当涉及到 "夸张"(exaggeration)这一概念时,有许多与夸张相关的词汇可以用来描述夸大其词、强调或夸张表达的情况。以下是一些与夸张相关的常见词汇:)

["Due to"](#"Due to")

[当涉及到 "自习"(self-study)时,有许多词汇可以用来描述与自主学习相关的不同方面。以下是一些与自习相关的常见词汇:](#当涉及到 "自习"(self-study)时,有许多词汇可以用来描述与自主学习相关的不同方面。以下是一些与自习相关的常见词汇:)


Using government funds for pollution cleanup work can create a comfortable environment.

"Allocating government funds to pollution cleanup work can contribute to the creation of a comfortable environment."

注意,政府的资金,government funds

cleanup work 污染处理工作

can continue to

comfortable 这个词弄舒适就很巴适了

Some advertisements encourage consumers to buy things they don't need, and stronger regulations should be imposed on them.

"Some advertisements that encourage customers to purchase things they don't actually need should be regulated."


Afforestation can help to ++improve air quality++ , which can reduce the risk of ++suffering health problems++ such as ++respiratory diseases++.

Afforestation helps improve air quality, thereby reducing the risk of certain diseases, such as respiratory disorders.

risk 一般都是与reduce跟在一起

reduce the risk of

一些 ,老外喜欢使用certain这个单词

respiratory disorders

thereby 从而

Authorities should regulate news that exaggerates social issues.

"Local authorities should be responsible for addressing news stories that exaggerate social issues."



news report 更符合新闻报道

be responsible to addressing

That's why clerks nowadays often have health issues.

"It is why clerks often have health problems nowadays."

Many employees are willing to work in companies where they can have opportunities for promotion.

"Many employees would like to work at companies that offer opportunities for promotion."

Many employees are willing to work for companies where they can obtain ++promotional opportunities++.

offer opportunities for promotion



are willing to 感觉意愿很强烈

Many young people choose to study in English-speaking countries, where they can attend world-renowned universities.

"Many young individuals choose to study in English-speaking countries, where they have the opportunity to attend prestigious universities."

English-speaking countries




之后用world famous universities就可以



Because there are no internship opportunities, it's difficult for students to enhance their hands-on skills.


enhance their hands-on skils

Even with a diploma, college students cannot earn a lot of money.

"College students cannot earn more money, even though they have achieved the diploma."

Due to intense competition and rapid technological advancements, running a company nowadays is a challenging task.

advancement 这个进步就是比较不错的


"Due to high competition and rapid technological development, running a company now is a challenging task."

rapid 来形容快速的 其实的确要更好一些

Exercising regularly boosts people's confidence.

不用 doing exercise 用exercising就可以呀,多好

"Engaging in regular exercise can usually enhance the confidence of individuals."

students' academic performance.这个说成是学习成绩的确是好的

The quality of teaching has a significant impact on students' academic performance.

"The quality of teaching has a significant impact on students' scores."

impact 后面跟on 才对呀

students' academic performance

Parents and teachers should make an effort to reduce the amount of time children spend watching television.

"Parents and teachers should make efforts to reduce the time children spend watching TV."

The economic slowdown leads to an increase in the unemployment rate.

in the unemployment rate.

Economic development requires young laborers.


People with heavy workloads don't have time to rest.

rest 休息

heavy workloads 这个更贴合大的工作量

In China, many students have self-study sessions at night.



"self-study" 是一个复合名词短语,由一个名词 "study" 和一个前缀 "self-" 组成。其中,"self-" 是一个前缀,表示自我、个体、自己的意思。而 "study" 则是名词,表示学习的行为或过程。因此,"self-study" 整体作为一个名词短语,用来描述个人自主进行的学习行为,不依赖于教师或课堂环境。


In so far as

当表达某事物在特定程度上成立或适用时,常会使用短语 "in so far as"。它用来引导一个限制性从句,以说明一个主要论点或情况的范围或限制。换句话说,它强调一个观点或情况只在某种程度上成立,而不是完全适用。

以下是一些例句,以帮助你更好地理解 "in so far as" 的用法:

  1. In so far as I understand, he's coming to the party tonight. (就我所了解的情况而言,他今晚会来参加聚会。)

  2. The plan is acceptable in so far as it addresses the immediate concerns, but it lacks a long-term strategy. (这个计划在解决眼前问题方面是可接受的,但缺乏长远战略。)

  3. She supports the idea in so far as it benefits the community as a whole. (她支持这个想法,因为它在一定程度上有益于整个社区。)

  4. His argument is valid in so far as it pertains to historical context, but it doesn't consider modern perspectives. (他的论点在涉及历史背景的范围内是有效的,但没有考虑现代观点。)

总之,"in so far as" 是一个用来限定论述范围或程度的短语,它在表达某观点、情况或论点时,强调了其仅在特定程度上成立或适用,而不是全面适用。

当表达某个概念或情况在特定程度上成立或适用时,英语中常常使用短语 "in so far as"。这个短语在句子中通常用来引出一个限制或条件,用以说明一个事物或概念的范围或程度。它用于强调某种关系的限制性质。

例如,在一句话中使用 "in so far as" 可能是这样的:

"His success can be attributed to his dedication, in so far as he worked tirelessly to achieve his goals."

在这个句子中,短语 "in so far as" 表示虽然他的成功归功于他的奉献精神,但这种关系有限,仅限于他为实现目标而不懈努力的程度。


"The new policy will be effective in improving efficiency, in so far as it streamlines the workflow."

在这个例子中,"in so far as" 强调了新政策的效果在于提高效率,但这种效果是通过优化工作流程实现的,而不是其他途径。

总之,"in so far as" 是一个用于限制性陈述的短语,强调某事物或概念在特定范围或程度上成立或适用,而不是完全通用或普遍适用。

work up

作为一个动词短语,"work up" 在英语中有多种意义和用法,具体的意思会根据上下文而有所不同。以下是一些常见的用法:

  1. 积累、逐步发展(情感、知识、能力等): 当你逐渐培养出某种情感、能力或知识时,可以使用 "work up" 来描述这一过程。例如:

    • "She worked up the courage to speak in front of a large audience."
    • "I need to work up my knowledge of this subject before the exam."
  2. 逐步准备、安排: 当你需要逐步做一些准备或安排,以便达到某个目标时,也可以使用 "work up"。

    • "We need to work up a detailed plan before we start the project."
    • "The chef is working up a special menu for the event."
  3. 激起、引发: 在一些情境中,"work up" 可以表示引发某种情感、反应或局势。

    • "The news about the layoffs worked up a lot of anxiety among the employees."
    • "His comments worked up a heated debate in the meeting."
  4. 逐渐增加、提高: 这种用法通常指逐步增加数量、强度等。

    • "She worked up her exercise routine from 20 minutes to an hour."
    • "They worked up the price gradually to make it more acceptable."

总之,"work up" 是一个多义词组,它的含义会根据上下文而有所变化。这个短语通常用于描述逐步发展、积累或准备的过程,以及激发情感、引发反应或逐渐增加某种数量或强度。

impinge on

你的句子 "you impinge on my way" 使用了 "impinge on" 这个短语,但在这个句子中,使用 "impinge on" 可能不太自然,因为 "impinge on" 通常用于描述更加抽象的影响或干扰,而不是字面上的阻挡或挡道。


  • "You are getting in my way."
  • "You are obstructing my path."
  • "You are blocking my route."

如果你想要使用 "impinge on",可以考虑以下例句:

  • "The new construction will impinge on the natural habitat of local wildlife."
  • "The noise from the party next door is impinging on my ability to concentrate."

在这些例句中,"impinge on" 被用来描述一种抽象的影响或干扰,而不是字面上的阻碍。

act on

作为动词短语,"act on" 在英语中有多种意义和用法,具体的含义会根据上下文而有所不同。以下是一些常见的用法:

  1. 根据某事采取行动: 这是 "act on" 最常见的用法之一,指的是根据特定信息、建议、命令等采取行动。

    • "The company decided to act on the customer feedback and make necessary improvements."
    • "The police acted on the tip they received and apprehended the suspect."
  2. 对某种影响或刺激做出反应: "act on" 也可以指在某种情况下产生反应或作出回应。

    • "The medicine acts on the nervous system to reduce pain."
    • "Certain chemicals in the brain act on mood and emotions."
  3. 执行、实施: 在某些情况下,"act on" 可以表示执行或实施某项行动。

    • "The committee will act on the recommendations put forth in the report."
    • "The government plans to act on its promises to improve public services."
  4. 受...影响: "act on" 还可以表示某种因素对某事物产生影响。

    • "The weather can act on the condition of the roads, causing them to deteriorate."

总之,"act on" 是一个多义词组,其含义会根据上下文而有所变化。这个短语通常用于描述根据信息采取行动、产生反应、执行计划或被某种因素影响等情况。

follow through

作为动词短语,"follow through" 在英语中有多种意义和用法,具体的含义会根据上下文而有所不同。以下是一些常见的用法:

  1. 贯彻、执行: 这是 "follow through" 最常见的用法之一,指的是按照开始的计划、决定或承诺进行行动,确保事情得以完成。

    • "It's important to follow through on your promises to build trust with others."
    • "The team needs to follow through with the project plan to meet the deadline."
  2. 持续到底、坚持到底: "follow through" 也可以指持续进行某项活动,直到完成或达到目标。

    • "If you want to succeed, you need to follow through with consistent effort."
    • "She followed through with her training routine and achieved her fitness goals."
  3. 继续、连续: 这种用法强调在一系列动作或事件中的连续性。

    • "The dance routine requires smooth follow-through from one move to the next."
    • "The story has a logical follow-through, leading to a satisfying conclusion."

总之,"follow through" 是一个多义词组,其含义会根据上下文而有所变化。这个短语通常用于描述贯彻执行、持续努力、坚持到底或在一系列动作中的连续性。

当涉及到 "顾客"(customers)时,有许多词汇可以用来描述与顾客相关的不同方面。以下是一些与顾客相关的常见词汇:

  1. Customer (顾客): 购买产品或服务的个人或组织。
  2. Client (客户): 通常用于指与公司或专业服务相关的顾客。
  3. Consumer (消费者): 购买和使用产品或服务的个人。
  4. Buyer (买家): 购买商品或服务的人。
  5. Shopper (购物者): 正在购物或正在寻找商品的人。
  6. Patron (常客): 经常光顾某个商店、餐馆等的顾客。
  7. Guest (客人): 在酒店、餐馆等接受服务的人。
  8. Visitor (访客): 到访某地或机构的人。
  9. Purchaser (购买者): 购买商品或服务的人。
  10. Customer Satisfaction (顾客满意度): 衡量顾客对产品或服务的满意程度。
  11. Customer Experience (顾客体验): 顾客在购买过程中的整体体验,包括服务、交互等。
  12. Feedback (反馈): 顾客提供的关于产品或服务的意见和建议。
  13. Complaint (投诉): 顾客表达不满或不满意的意见。
  14. Repeat Customer (回头客): 经常回来购买的顾客。
  15. Loyalty Program (忠诚度计划): 为鼓励回头客而设立的奖励计划。
  16. Shopping Cart (购物车): 在在线购物中,用于放置选定商品的虚拟篮子。
  17. Checkout (结账): 购物结束时付款的过程。
  18. Discount (折扣): 降低商品价格的优惠。
  19. Salesperson (销售员): 在商店中与顾客互动、销售商品的人。
  20. Customer Service (客户服务): 为满足顾客需求而提供的服务,通常包括解答问题、解决问题等。


当涉及到 "风险"(risk)这一概念时,有许多与风险相关的词汇可以描述不同方面的风险、影响和情况。以下是一些与风险相关的常见词汇:

  1. Risk (风险): 表示可能遭受损失、伤害或负面结果的可能性。
  2. Hazard (危险): 指可能造成伤害、损坏或危害的事物或情况。
  3. Threat (威胁): 表示可能导致危险或损害的事物、情况或人。
  4. Vulnerability (脆弱性): 指可能受到风险、威胁或损害的程度。
  5. Exposure (暴露): 指暴露于风险、危害或不利情况的状态。
  6. Mitigation (减轻): 采取措施以降低或减轻风险的过程。
  7. Precaution (预防措施): 预先采取的措施以防止潜在的风险。
  8. Probability (概率): 事件发生的可能性大小。
  9. Consequence (后果): 事件发生后可能带来的结果或影响。
  10. Contingency (应变措施): 预先制定的应对不确定性或风险的计划。
  11. Resilience (韧性): 在面对风险或困难时能够保持弹性和适应能力。
  12. Risk Assessment (风险评估): 评估风险及其可能影响的过程。
  13. Risk Management (风险管理): 识别、评估和应对风险的过程。
  14. Uncertainty (不确定性): 缺乏明确的信息或预测,增加风险的不确定性。
  15. Crisis (危机): 突发事件或情况可能引发严重的风险或问题。
  16. Loss (损失): 因风险或危险事件造成的财务或其他损失。
  17. Gain (收益): 在承担一定风险后可能获得的好处或回报。
  18. Risk Tolerance (风险承受度): 个人或组织愿意接受的风险程度。
  19. Risk Aversion (风险规避): 对风险的不愿意或不喜欢接受。
  20. Risk Reward Ratio (风险收益比): 衡量风险与预期回报之间关系的指标。


当涉及到 "夸张"(exaggeration)这一概念时,有许多与夸张相关的词汇可以用来描述夸大其词、强调或夸张表达的情况。以下是一些与夸张相关的常见词汇:

  1. Hyperbole (夸张法): 一种修辞手法,通过夸大表达来强调某种情感或概念。
  2. Overstate (夸大): 把事物的重要性、影响等夸大或放大。
  3. Extravagant (过分的): 指过分夸张、浪费或不合理的。
  4. Dramatic (戏剧性的): 强调某种情况或效果,常常伴随有情感。
  5. Overblown (过分渲染的): 描述某事过于夸张或过分宣传。
  6. Magnify (夸大): 放大或夸大某事的影响或重要性。
  7. Inflate (夸大): 使某事的价值、数量等显得更大。
  8. Embellish (装饰): 在描述中添加夸张或过分的细节。
  9. Amplify (放大): 增加某事的程度或影响,使其显得更大。
  10. Catastrophic (灾难性的): 强调事物的严重性,通常伴随有负面的意义。
  11. Inordinate (过分的): 超出合理范围的,过于夸张的。
  12. Outrageous (荒谬的): 描述某事超出了常理,非常夸张或不合情理。
  13. Utter (彻底的): 用于夸大强调某种程度的情况。
  14. Grossly (极其): 用于强调某事的严重程度,通常带有负面的意义。
  15. Monstrous (怪异的): 描述某事异常或不寻常,常常用于夸张表达。


"Due to"

"Due to" 是一个表达因果关系的短语,通常用来指示某种原因或导致某种结果的原因。它在句子中通常作为介词短语使用。下面是关于 "due to" 的使用方法和注意事项:

  1. 作为介词: "Due to" 在句子中作为一个介词短语,连接一个原因和一个结果。它放在句子中的某个地方,通常是句首或句子中的一个适当位置。这个短语之后通常会跟随一个名词或名词短语。

  2. 替代词汇: "Due to" 可以被替代为 "because of",在大多数情况下两者可以互换使用,尽管它们可能略微在形式和语气上有所不同。

  3. 注意用法: 尽管 "due to" 是常见的表达方式,但在写作中,为了更加精准和正式,有时也可以考虑使用更具体的词汇或短语来表达原因,以避免过多地使用 "due to"。

以下是一些示例句子,展示了 "due to" 的使用方法:

  • "The flight was delayed due to bad weather."
  • "The cancellation of the event was due to low attendance."
  • "She missed the meeting due to a sudden illness."
  • "The increase in prices was due to higher production costs."
  • "The project's success was largely due to the team's dedication."

总之,"due to" 是一个常用的表达因果关系的短语,适用于句子中连接原因和结果。在使用时要注意适当的句子结构和语境。

当涉及到 "自习"(self-study)时,有许多词汇可以用来描述与自主学习相关的不同方面。以下是一些与自习相关的常见词汇:

  1. Self-Study (自习): 通过个人努力进行学习,不依赖于教师或课堂。
  2. Study Session (学习时段): 专门的时间段,用于集中进行学习。
  3. Study Materials (学习资料): 书籍、笔记、教材等,用于自习的材料。
  4. Review (复习): 回顾之前学过的内容,以强化记忆。
  5. Practice (练习): 进行题目、例题等练习,提高理解和应用能力。
  6. Study Plan (学习计划): 规划用于自习的时间表和目标。
  7. Focus (专注): 集中注意力,避免分心,以更有效地学习。
  8. Retain (保留): 将学过的知识保留在记忆中,不容易忘记。
  9. Productivity (效率): 在自习中达到高效率的学习状态。
  10. Conceptualize (概念化): 将抽象的概念理解为具体的概念,以更深入地学习。
  11. Note-Taking (记笔记): 在自习过程中记录关键点和重要信息。
  12. Distract (分散注意力): 分心于其他事物,降低学习效率。
  13. Motivation (动力): 为了实现学习目标而保持积极的态度。
  14. Self-Discipline (自律): 通过控制自己的行为来保持学习进度和效率。
  15. Resourceful (善于利用资源): 在自习过程中善于寻找并利用各种学习资源。
  16. Critical Thinking (批判性思维): 在自习中运用分析、评估和推理的能力。
  17. Independent Learning (独立学习): 通过自己的努力和自主性来获取知识。
  18. Scheduling (安排时间表): 制定自习的时间安排,以合理分配学习时间。
  19. Mnemonic Devices (记忆法): 在自习中使用技巧和方法来更好地记忆知识。
  20. Active Recall (主动回忆): 在自习中尝试从记忆中提取信息,以增强记忆效果。


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