





The number of net names in China is increasing. With the growth of the number of Internet users, there are a lot of topic information and classified content of daily news information on the Internet. People increasingly think that it is a very common thing to express personal feelings and feelings through the Internet. Now it is very common for people to use the network to transmit and exchange information. When they encounter any problem, they will find the answer on the network at the first time. Now, with the continuous development of artificial intelligence, natural language is used to classify the information people input into the network, so that the system can segment the relevant emotions according to the information content people input, so that the computer system can count the text into the text database and form a data source, so as to realize the process of better judging the information content. Natural language classification is now a very hot topic. Through the text classification of natural language, it can better help promote the development of artificial intelligence and make the database form a large amount of data content, so that the system can better judge the content to be expressed by people's daily input information through language classification, so as to achieve better information processing effect.

This time, python language technology is used to build a text emotion system based on machine learning through Django framework. The text emotion classification is used to judge the emotion of the text sentences input by the user. The information input by the user can determine whether the emotion to be expressed by the user is positive or negative, Through this system development, the program can realize the learning of machine language with the technical support of natural language.

Key words: natural language; Machine learning; Text emotion system; Python Technology

目 录

摘要 3

Abstract 4

第1章 绪论 5

1.1开发背景 5

1.2开发意义 5

1.3相关技术介绍 6

1.3.1 Python语言 6

1.3.2 django框架 7

1.3.3MySQL数据库 7

第2章 系统分析 8

2.1自然语言的介绍 8

2.2可行性分析 8

2.2.1技术可行性 8

2.2.2操作的可行性 9

2.2.3经济可行性 9

2.2.4法律可行性 9

2.3设计的基本思想 9

2.4设计的原则 10

第3章 系统设计 11

3.1系统结构设计 11

3.2功能模块设计 11

3.3数据库设计 11

第4章 系统实现 13

4.1基本任务 13

4.2系统主要功能得实现 13

4.2.1登录模块的实现 13

4.2.2 管理员登录首页的实现 13

4.2.3文本分类界面的实现 14

4.2.4文本管理界面的实现 15

4.2.5用户信息管理界面的实现 15

第5章 系统测试 17

5.1测试目的 17

5.2 测试的方法 17

5.3 测试结果 17

结论 18

致谢 19

参考文献 20

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