* esp32 OTA 固件升级
* 输入参数:
* ota_buf:固件数据
* data_len:固件长度
* 返回:
* 0:升级成功 ,其他错误代码
int esp_ota_update_process(uint8_t *ota_buf, uint32_t data_len)
esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;
esp_ota_handle_t update_handle = 0;
const esp_partition_t *update_partition = NULL;
update_partition = esp_ota_get_next_update_partition(NULL);
printf("ota update_partition address = 0x%p \n", update_partition->address);
uint32_t tick_record = esp_log_timestamp();
err = esp_ota_begin(update_partition, OTA_SIZE_UNKNOWN, &update_handle);
if (err != ESP_OK)
printf("error:esp_ota_begin failed.code=%x.\n", err);
return 1;
printf("esp_ota_begin,length=%ld bytes,take = %ld ms.\n", data_len, esp_log_timestamp() - tick_record);
// 这个步骤可以分包处理,(本方法用了整包写入的方式).
err = esp_ota_write(update_handle, ota_buf, data_len); // firmware_bin writing to ESP32 chip
if (err != ESP_OK)
printf("error:ota_write,code=%d.\n", err);
return 2;
// 调用此函数前,需要关闭看门狗
err = esp_ota_end(update_handle);
printf("esp_ota_end,ret=%d\n", err);
if (err != ESP_OK)
printf("error:at esp_ota_end,code=%d.\n", err);
err = esp_ota_set_boot_partition(update_partition);
printf("Reboot system, code=%d\n", err);
return 0;
char* load_file_pt(const char* file_name)
FILE *fp = fopen(file_name, "rb");
if (fp == NULL)
printf("file [%s] open fail.\n", file_name);
return NULL;
fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
long file_len = ftell(fp);
printf("file[%s],length = %ld bytes.\n",file_name,file_len);
char *ota_file_data = (char *)malloc(file_len);
if (ota_file_data == NULL)
printf("error:no mem to malloc!\n");
return NULL;
memset(ota_file_data, 0,file_len);
fread(ota_file_data, 1, file_len, fp);
return ota_file_data;
* spi flash file system [for esp32]
void spiffs_init(void)
esp_vfs_spiffs_conf_t conf = {
.base_path = "/spiffs",
.partition_label = NULL,
.max_files = 5,
.format_if_mount_failed = false
esp_err_t ret = esp_vfs_spiffs_register(&conf);
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
if (ret == ESP_FAIL) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to mount or format filesystem");
} else if (ret == ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to find SPIFFS partition");
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to initialize SPIFFS (%s)", esp_err_to_name(ret));
size_t total = 0, used = 0;
ret = esp_spiffs_info(NULL, &total, &used);
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to get SPIFFS partition information (%s)", esp_err_to_name(ret));
} else {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Partition size: total: %d, used: %d", total, used);