[Model.py 03]Modification for creating terrain matrix3.

Modification for wall and ditch matrix



Delete : Except for ditch_matrix, all varibles and code relevant with ditch are deleted.


For initial_positon

python 复制代码
                if pos_type == 'wall':
                        Applying: 1 to self.wall_matrix along the route 
                        from the start point(start_x,start_y) to end point (end_x,end_y) 
                    self.apply_matrix_dots(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, 'wall')

For apply_matrix_dots

python 复制代码
        if attri=='wall':
                Considering wall is initialized with two dots, finding out all the dots lying in the rectangular first, 
                then acquiring all the dots lying in the outer line. 
            for x,y in rectangle_dots:
            for x,y in ditch:

Full code

python 复制代码
# 获取坐标文件
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

class Evaluation():

    def __init__(self):
        # 获取偏移转化参数
        x_shifting, y_shifting, x_scale, y_scale = 2850, 1500, 10, 10
        road_positions_filename = f'./road.xlsx'
        wall_positions_filename = f'./east_station.xlsx'
        river_positions_filename = f'./river3.xlsx'
        self.ditch_matrix = np.zeros((self.width, self.height))  # initializing ditch matrix
        self.wall_matrix = np.zeros((self.width, self.height))  # initializing wall matrix
        self.initial_position(wall_positions_filename, x_shifting, y_shifting, x_scale, y_scale, 'wall')

        ditch_df = pd.DataFrame(self.ditch_matrix)
        ditch_df.to_csv('.\\ditch_matrix.csv', index=False, header=False)
        ditch_df = pd.DataFrame(self.wall_matrix)
        ditch_df.to_csv('.\\wall_matrix.csv', index=False, header=False)

    def initial_position(self, file_name, x_shifting, y_shifting, x_scale, y_scale, pos_type):
        参数:file_name(文件路径名字), pos_type(坐标类型)
        # 读取文件
        if pos_type == 'road':
            df = pd.read_excel(file_name, header=None)
            tuple_list = []

            # 遍历每一行
            for index, row in df.iterrows():
                tuple_row = []
                col_index = 1  # 初始列索引
                # 在每行内部,每次读取两列数据,直到读完所有列
                while col_index < len(row):
                    data1 = row.iloc[col_index]  # 第一列的数据
                    data2 = row.iloc[col_index + 1]  # 第二列的数据
                    if pd.notna(data1) and pd.notna(data2):
                        tuple_row.append((data1, data2))
                    col_index += 2  # 更新列索引,跳过已读取的两列
                if tuple_row:
            for sublist in tuple_list:
                # 遍历每一行
                maxy = -100000
                col_index = 0
                while col_index + 1 < len(sublist):
                    # 获取两列数据
                    data1 = sublist[col_index]
                    data2 = sublist[col_index + 1]
                    start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y = data1[0], data1[1], data2[0], data2[1]

                    end_x += x_shifting
                    end_x /= x_scale
                    # end_x *= self.grid.width
                    end_x = round(end_x)
                    end_y += y_shifting
                    end_y /= y_scale
                    # end_y *= self.grid.height
                    end_y = round(end_y)
                    start_x += x_shifting
                    start_x /= x_scale
                    start_x = round(start_x)
                    start_y += y_shifting
                    start_y /= y_scale
                    start_y = round(start_y)
                    self.roads.append({"start_x": start_x, "end_x": end_x, "start_y": start_y, "end_y": end_y})
                        Applying 1 to self.road_matrix along the route 
                        from the start point(star_x,star_y) to end point (end_x,end_x) 
                    self.apply_matrix_dots(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, 'road')
                    col_index += 1
        elif pos_type == "river":
            df = pd.read_excel(file_name)
            num = df['x1'].notna().sum()
            print(pos_type, "数量:", num)
            # 坐标变化
            for i in range(num):
                start_x, start_y = df['x1'][i], df['y1'][i]
                start_x += x_shifting
                start_x /= x_scale
                start_x = round(start_x)
                # align with roads
                start_x = start_x - 38
                start_y += y_shifting
                start_y /= y_scale
                start_y = round(start_y)
                # align with roads
                start_y = start_y + 28
                self.stream_pos.append((start_x, start_y))
                if i > 0:
                        Applyiing 1 to self.river_matrix along the route 
                        from the start point(start0_x,start0_y) to end point (start_x,start_y) 
                    self.apply_matrix_dots(start0_x, start0_y, start_x, start_y, 'river')
                start0_x, start0_y = start_x, start_y
            num2 = df['x2'].notna().sum()
            print(pos_type, "add 数量:", num2)
            # 坐标变化
            for i in range(num2):
                start_x, start_y = df['x2'][i], df['y2'][i]
                start_x += x_shifting
                start_x /= x_scale
                start_x = round(start_x)
                # align with roads
                start_x = start_x - 38
                start_y += y_shifting
                start_y /= y_scale
                start_y = round(start_y)
                # align with roads
                start_y = start_y + 28
                self.stream_pos2.append((start_x, start_y))
                if i > 0:
                        Applying 1 to self.river_matrix along the route 
                        from the start point(start0_x,start0_y) to end point (start_x,start_y) 
                    self.apply_matrix_dots(start0_x, start0_y, start_x, start_y, 'river')
                start0_x, start0_y = start_x, start_y
            df = pd.read_excel(file_name)
            num = len(df['x1'])
            print(pos_type, "数量:", num)
            # 坐标变化
            for i in range(num):
                if pos_type == 'wall':
                    start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y = df['x1'][i], df['y1'][i], df['x2'][i], df['y2'][i]
                    end_x += x_shifting
                    end_x /= x_scale
                    end_x = round(end_x)
                    end_y += y_shifting
                    end_y /= y_scale
                    end_y = round(end_y)

                    start_x, start_y = df['x1'][i], df['y1'][i]

                start_x += x_shifting
                start_x /= x_scale

                start_x = round(start_x)
                start_y += y_shifting
                start_y /= y_scale

                start_y = round(start_y)

                if pos_type == 'wall':
                        Applying: 1 to self.wall_matrix along the route 
                        from the start point(start_x,start_y) to end point (end_x,end_y) 
                    self.apply_matrix_dots(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, 'wall')
                elif pos_type == 'indoor':
                    self.indoors.append((start_x, start_y))
                    if i > 0:
                            Applying 1 to self.indoor_matrix along the route 
                            from the start point(start0_x,start0_y) to end point (start_x,start_y) 
                        self.apply_matrix_dots(start0_x, start0_y, start_x, start_y, 'indoor')
                    start0_x, start0_y = start_x, start_y
                elif pos_type == 'exit':
                    if start_x == end_x:
                        for i in range(start_y, end_y + 1):
                            self.pos_exits.append((start_x, i))
                            # 920 apply coordinates to exits_matrix
                            self.exits_matrix[start_x][i] = 1
                    elif start_y == end_y:
                        for i in range(start_x, end_x + 1):
                            self.pos_exits.append((i, start_y))
                            # 920 apply coordinates to exits_matrix
                            self.exits_matrix[i][start_y] = 1
                elif pos_type == "pillar":
                    pillar_positions = {"start_x": start_x, "end_x": end_x, "start_y": start_y, "end_y": end_y}
                        Applying 1 to self.pillar_matrix along the route 
                        from the start point(start_x,start_y) to end point (end_x,end_y) 
                    self.apply_matrix_dots(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, 'pillar')
                    # self.water_initial_pos.append((start_x, start_y))
    def get_rectangle_coordinates(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
        acquiring all the dots of outer line which is composed with two dots(x1,y1) (x2,y2)
        :param x1:
        :param y1:
        :param x2:
        :param y2:
        # Ensure (x1, y1) is the bottom-left corner and (x2, y2) is the top-right corner
        x_min = min(x1, x2)
        x_max = max(x1, x2)
        y_min = min(y1, y2)
        y_max = max(y1, y2)

        # Calculate coordinates of the four corners
        bottom_left = (x_min, y_min)
        bottom_right = (x_max, y_min)
        top_left = (x_min, y_max)
        top_right = (x_max, y_max)

        # Generate points along each edge
        left_edge = [(x_min, y) for y in range(y_min, y_max + 1)]
        right_edge = [(x_max, y) for y in range(y_min, y_max + 1)]
        bottom_edge = [(x, y_min) for x in range(x_min, x_max + 1)]
        top_edge = [(x, y_max) for x in range(x_min, x_max + 1)]

        # Combine all the points
        all_points = [bottom_left, bottom_right, top_left, top_right]

        return list(set(all_points))

    def get_coordinates_in_range(self, bottom_left, top_right):
        find the rectangle between the two dots
        :param bottom_left:(x0,y0) left dot
        :param top_right:(x1,y1) right dot
        :return: a list containing all dots within the rectangle which is composed with two dots
        coordinates = []
        for x in range(bottom_left[0], top_right[0] + 1):
            for y in range(bottom_left[1], top_right[1] + 1):
                coordinates.append((x, y))
        return coordinates

    def apply_matrix_dots(self, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, attri):
        Applying Bresenham's line algorithm to find out all the points along the route and updating all the location on matrix as 1.
            attri: Utilized for determining which matrix should be modified.



        # Get the points for the line between start and end
        if attri!='wall':
            points = self.bresenham_line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y)
        if attri=='road':
            # Update the road_matrix for each point on the line
            for x, y in points:
                self.road_matrix[x][y] = 1
        if attri=='river':
            for x, y in points:
                self.river_matrix[x][y] = 1
        if attri=='wall':
                Considering wall is initialized with two dots, finding out all the dots lying in the rectangular first, 
                then acquiring all the dots lying in the outer line. 
            for x,y in rectangle_dots:
            for x,y in ditch:
        if attri=='indoor':
            # Question: what's the meaning of indoor? The output of inoor matrix contains nothing.
            for x,y in points:
        if attri=='pillar':
            # Question: what's the meaning of pillar? The output of pillar matrix contains nothing.
            for x,y in points:

    def bresenham_line(self,x0, y0, x1, y1):
        """Bresenham's Line Algorithm
        Produces a list of tuples from start and end points
        This  is used to determine the points of an n-dimensional
        raster that should be selected in order to form a close
        approximation to a straight line between two points.
        points = []
        is_steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0)
        if is_steep:
            x0, y0 = y0, x0
            x1, y1 = y1, x1
        swapped = False
        if x0 > x1:
            x0, x1 = x1, x0
            y0, y1 = y1, y0
            swapped = True
        dx = x1 - x0
        dy = y1 - y0
        error = int(dx / 2.0)
        y_step = 1 if y0 < y1 else -1
        y = y0
        for x in range(x0, x1 + 1):
            coord = (y, x) if is_steep else (x, y)
            error -= abs(dy)
            if error < 0:
                y += y_step
                error += dx
        if swapped:
        return points

if __name__ == '__main__':
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