开发一致且可靠的 3D 头影测量工作流程将为临床医生提供有价值的工具,用于面部生长的 3D 表征和量化、评估牙颌面关系和随后解剖学上准确的正畸和手术计划,以及评估治疗结果。我们提出了一种准确估计颅面对称性的协议,使用随机颅骨方向、面部生长载体和不同类型的面部不对称性来评估这一点。测试的原假设是分析面部生长和不对称性的3D方法无法可靠地量化。另一种假设是,所提出的3D算法可以准确量化颅面对称平面,面部生长和面部不对称。
📚2 运行结果
function [v, f, n, name] = stlReadAscii(fileName)
%STLREADASCII reads a STL file written in ASCII format
%V are the vertices
%F are the faces
%N are the normals
%NAME is the name of the STL object (NOT the name of the STL file)
% STL ascii file format
% ASCII STL files have the following structure. Technically each facet
% could be any 2D shape, but in practice only triangular facets tend to be
% used. The present code ONLY works for meshes composed of triangular
% facets.
% solid object_name
% facet normal x y z
% outer loop
% vertex x y z
% vertex x y z
% vertex x y z
% endloop
% endfacet
% <Repeat for all facets...>
% endsolid object_name
fid = fopen(fileName);
cellcontent = textscan(fid,'%s','delimiter','\n'); % read all the file and put content in cells
content = cellcontent{:}(logical(~strcmp(cellcontent{:},''))); % remove all blank lines
% read the STL name
line1 = char(content(1));
if (size(line1,2) >= 7)
name = line1(7:end);
name = 'Unnamed Object';
% read the vector normals
normals = char(content(logical(strncmp(content,'facet normal',12))));
n = str2num(normals(:,13:end));
% read the vertex coordinates (vertices)
vertices = char(content(logical(strncmp(content,'vertex',6))));
v = str2num(vertices(:,7:end));
nvert = size(vertices,1); % number of vertices
nfaces = sum(strcmp(content,'endfacet')); % number of faces
if (nvert == 3*nfaces)
f = reshape(1:nvert,[3 nfaces])'; % create faces
% slim the file (delete duplicated vertices)
[v,f] = stlSlimVerts(v,f);
function [v, f, n, name] = stlReadAscii(fileName)
%STLREADASCII reads a STL file written in ASCII format
%V are the vertices
%F are the faces
%N are the normals
%NAME is the name of the STL object (NOT the name of the STL file)
% STL ascii file format
% ASCII STL files have the following structure. Technically each facet
% could be any 2D shape, but in practice only triangular facets tend to be
% used. The present code ONLY works for meshes composed of triangular
% facets.
% solid object_name
% facet normal x y z
% outer loop
% vertex x y z
% vertex x y z
% vertex x y z
% endloop
% endfacet
% <Repeat for all facets...>
% endsolid object_name
fid = fopen(fileName);
cellcontent = textscan(fid,'%s','delimiter','\n'); % read all the file and put content in cells
content = cellcontent{:}(logical(~strcmp(cellcontent{:},''))); % remove all blank lines