《动手学深度学习 Pytorch版》 9.3 深度循环神经网络


9.3.1 函数依赖关系

将深度架构中的函数依赖关系形式化,第 l l l 个隐藏层的隐状态表达式为:

H t ( l ) = ϕ l ( H t ( l − 1 ) W x h ( l ) + H t − 1 ( l ) W h h ( l ) + b h ( l ) ) \boldsymbol{H}^{(l)}t=\phi_l(\boldsymbol{H}^{(l-1)}t\boldsymbol{W}^{(l)}{xh}+\boldsymbol{H}^{(l)}{t-1}\boldsymbol{W}^{(l)}_{hh}+\boldsymbol{b}^{(l)}_h) Ht(l)=ϕl(Ht(l−1)Wxh(l)+Ht−1(l)Whh(l)+bh(l))


  • ϕ l \phi_l ϕl 表示第 l l l 个隐藏层的激活函数

  • X t ∈ R n × d \boldsymbol{X}_t\in\R^{n\times d} Xt∈Rn×d 表示小批量输入

    • n n n 表示样本个数

    • d d d 表示输入个数

  • H t ( l ) ∈ R n × h \boldsymbol{H}^{(l)}_{t}\in\R^{n\times h} Ht(l)∈Rn×h 表示 l t h l^{th} lth 隐藏层 ( l = 1 , ... , L ) (l=1,\dots,L) (l=1,...,L) 的隐状态

    • h h h 表示隐藏单元个数

    • 设置 H t ( 0 ) = X t \boldsymbol{H}^{(0)}{t}=\boldsymbol{X}{t} Ht(0)=Xt

  • O t ∈ R n × q \boldsymbol{O}_{t}\in\R^{n\times q} Ot∈Rn×q 表示输出层变量

    • q q q 表示输出数
  • W x h ( l ) , W h h ( l ) ∈ R h × h \boldsymbol{W}^{(l)}{xh},\boldsymbol{W}^{(l)}{hh}\in\R^{h\times h} Wxh(l),Whh(l)∈Rh×h 表示第 l l l 个隐藏层的权重参数

  • b h ( l ) ∈ R 1 × h \boldsymbol{b}^{(l)}_h\in\R^{1\times h} bh(l)∈R1×h 表示第 l l l 个隐藏层的偏重参数

最后,输出层的计算仅基于第 l l l 个隐藏层最终的隐状态:

O t = H t L W h q + b q \boldsymbol{O}_t=\boldsymbol{H}^{L}t\boldsymbol{W}{hq}+\boldsymbol{b}_q Ot=HtLWhq+bq

其中 W h q ∈ R h × q \boldsymbol{W}_{hq}\in\R^{h\times q} Whq∈Rh×q 和 b q ∈ R 1 × q \boldsymbol{b}_q\in\R^{1\times q} bq∈R1×q 表示输出层的模型参数

9.3.2 简洁实现


python 复制代码
import torch
from torch import nn
from d2l import torch as d2l
python 复制代码
batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35
train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps)
python 复制代码
vocab_size, num_hiddens, num_layers = len(vocab), 256, 2  # 用 num_layers 来设定隐藏层数
num_inputs = vocab_size
device = d2l.try_gpu()
lstm_layer = nn.LSTM(num_inputs, num_hiddens, num_layers)
model = d2l.RNNModel(lstm_layer, len(vocab))
model = model.to(device)

9.3.3 训练与预测

python 复制代码
num_epochs, lr = 500, 2
d2l.train_ch8(model, train_iter, vocab, lr*1.0, num_epochs, device)  # 多了一层后训练速度大幅下降
perplexity 1.0, 116173.5 tokens/sec on cuda:0
time travelleryou can show black is white by argument said filby
travelleryou can show black is white by argument said filby


(1)基于我们在 8.5 节中讨论的单层实现,尝试从零开始实现两层循环神经网络。

python 复制代码
batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35
train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps)

def get_params_bilayer(vocab_size, num_hiddens, device):
    num_inputs = num_outputs = vocab_size

    def normal(shape):
        return torch.randn(size=shape, device=device) * 0.01

    # 隐藏层1参数
    W_xh1 = normal((num_inputs, num_hiddens))
    W_hh1 = normal((num_hiddens, num_hiddens))
    b_h1 = torch.zeros(num_hiddens, device=device)
    # 新增隐藏层2参数
    W_hh2 = normal((num_hiddens, num_hiddens))
    b_h2 = torch.zeros(num_hiddens, device=device)
    # 输出层参数
    W_hq = normal((num_hiddens, num_outputs))
    b_q = torch.zeros(num_outputs, device=device)
    # 附加梯度
    params = [W_xh1, W_hh1, b_h1, W_hh2, b_h2, W_hq, b_q]
    for param in params:
    return params

def init_rnn_state_bilayer(batch_size, num_hiddens, device):
    return (torch.zeros((batch_size, num_hiddens), device=device),
            torch.zeros((batch_size, num_hiddens), device=device))  # 新增第二个隐状态初始化张量

def rnn_bilayer(inputs, state, params):  # inputs的形状:(时间步数量,批量大小,词表大小)
    W_xh1, W_hh1, b_h1, W_hh2, b_h2, W_hq, b_q = params  # 新增第二层参数
    H1, H2 = state
    outputs = []
    for X in inputs:  # X的形状:(批量大小,词表大小) 前面转置是为了这里遍历
        H1 = torch.tanh(torch.mm(X, W_xh1) + torch.mm(H1, W_hh1) + b_h1)  # 计算隐状态1
        H2 = torch.tanh(torch.mm(H1, W_hh2) + b_h2)  # 计算隐状态2
        Y = torch.mm(H2, W_hq) + b_q  # 计算输出
    return torch.cat(outputs, dim=0), (H1, H2)  # 沿时间步拼接

num_hiddens = 512
net_rnn_bilayer = d2l.RNNModelScratch(len(vocab), num_hiddens, d2l.try_gpu(), get_params_bilayer,
                      init_rnn_state_bilayer, rnn_bilayer)
num_epochs, lr = 500, 1
d2l.train_ch8(net_rnn_bilayer, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, d2l.try_gpu())
perplexity 1.0, 63514.3 tokens/sec on cuda:0
time travelleryou can show black is white by argument said filby
travelleryou can show black is white by argument said filby


python 复制代码
vocab_size, num_hiddens, num_layers = len(vocab), 256, 2  # 用 num_layers 来设定隐藏层数
num_inputs = vocab_size
device = d2l.try_gpu()
# lstm_layer = nn.LSTM(num_inputs, num_hiddens, num_layers)
# model = d2l.RNNModel(lstm_layer, len(vocab))
gru_layer = nn.GRU(num_inputs, num_hiddens)
model_gru = d2l.RNNModel(gru_layer, len(vocab))
model_gru = model_gru.to(device)

num_epochs, lr = 500, 2
d2l.train_ch8(model_gru, train_iter, vocab, lr*1.0, num_epochs, device)  # 换 gru 后更快了
perplexity 1.0, 230590.6 tokens/sec on cuda:0
time traveller for so it will be convenient to speak of himwas e
travelleryou can show black is white by argument said filby


已经是 1 了,没得降了。



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