Swift/ObjC 语言基础

请比较 Swift 中的结构体和类的主要区别?


  1. 值类型 vs 引用类型:

    • 结构体是值类型,而类是引用类型[1]
    • 当结构体被赋值给一个新的变量或常量,或者作为函数参数传递时,它们的值会被复制。这意味着每个副本都有自己的独立内存空间,对一个副本的修改不会影响其他副本[1]
    • 类是引用类型,当类的实例被赋值给一个新的变量或常量,或者作为函数参数传递时,实际上是将引用传递给了新的变量或常量。这意味着多个变量或常量可以引用同一个实例,对一个引用的修改会影响到其他引用[1]
  2. 内存管理:

    • 结构体的实例是在栈上分配内存的,它们的生命周期与其所在的作用域相同。当作用域结束时,内存会自动释放[2]
    • 类的实例是在堆上分配内存的,它们的生命周期不受作用域的限制。需要手动管理内存,当没有任何引用指向一个实例时,内存会被自动释放,这个过程由ARC(自动引用计数)来管理[2]
  3. 继承:

    • 类支持继承,可以通过继承一个基类来获得其属性和方法,并且可以重写基类的方法[2]
    • 结构体不支持继承,不能继承其他结构体或类[2]
  4. 默认初始化器:

    • 结构体会自动生成一个默认的成员初始化器,用于初始化所有的存储属性[2]
    • 类不会自动生成默认的成员初始化器,需要手动定义初始化器来初始化所有的存储属性[2]
  5. 扩展:

    • 结构体和类都可以使用扩展来添加新的功能,包括属性、方法和初始化器等[2]

综上所述,结构体和类在Swift中有一些重要的区别,包括值类型 vs 引用类型、内存管理、继承和默认初始化器等。根据具体的需求和场景,选择合适的数据类型可以提高代码的可读性和性能。

Learn more:

  1. Swift结构体和类的本质 - 稀土掘金
  2. Swift系列六 - 结构体与类的本质区别 - 掘金
  3. swift中结构体和类的区别(值类型和引用类型的区别) - 知乎

Swift 的 Copy-on-Write 是怎么实现的




Learn more:

  1. How to implement copy-on-write behavior for my own collections? - Using Swift - Swift Forums
  2. Understanding Swift Copy-on-Write mechanisms | by Luciano Almeida | Medium
  3. Copy on Write in Swift explained with examples

WHY Swift not ObjC?

There are several reasons why Swift is often preferred over Objective-C for iOS and macOS development. Here are some key advantages of Swift:

  1. Safety and Performance : Swift was designed with a focus on safety and performance. It includes modern features like optionals, type inference, and automatic memory management, which help reduce common programming errors and improve code stability [1]. Additionally, Swift's compiler is optimized for performance, resulting in faster execution compared to Objective-C [2].

  2. Simplicity and Readability : Swift has a more concise and expressive syntax compared to Objective-C. It eliminates many of the cumbersome and error-prone aspects of Objective-C, such as manual memory management and the need for header files. Swift's syntax is designed to be more readable and easier to understand, making it more approachable for beginners and more productive for experienced developers [1].

  3. Interoperability : Swift is fully interoperable with Objective-C, allowing developers to use existing Objective-C code and frameworks in their Swift projects. This makes it easier to adopt Swift gradually and leverage the extensive ecosystem of Objective-C libraries and tools [1].

  4. Active Development and Community Support : Swift is an open-source language with an active and growing community. It is continuously evolving, with regular updates and improvements from Apple and the community. This ensures that Swift remains modern, efficient, and well-supported for future development [2].

  5. Playgrounds and Interactive Development : Swift's Playgrounds feature allows developers to experiment, prototype, and test code in an interactive and visual environment. This makes learning and exploring Swift concepts more engaging and efficient [2].

  6. Platform Compatibility : While Objective-C is primarily used for Apple platforms, Swift is designed to be cross-platform. It can be used not only for iOS and macOS development but also for server-side programming and Linux applications [1].

In summary, Swift offers a safer, more modern, and more efficient alternative to Objective-C. Its simplicity, readability, and interoperability make it an attractive choice for iOS and macOS development.

Learn more:

  1. Objective-C vs Swift: iOS Comparison [2024 Update] - Netguru
  2. Swift vs. Objective-C: 10 reasons the future favors Swift | InfoWorld
  3. Objective-C or Swift | Apple Developer Forums

if a struct is an immutable value type, why we can mutate the size property?

In Swift, structs are generally considered to be immutable types because they are copied on mutation. However, it is possible to mutate properties of a struct instance, including the size property, even if the struct is declared as a constant (let).

Here's why we can mutate the size property in an immutable struct:

  1. Copy-on-Write (COW) Optimization: When a struct is assigned to a new variable or passed as a function argument, a copy of the struct is made. However, the actual copying of the struct's data is deferred until a mutation is attempted. This optimization is known as Copy-on-Write (COW) [1].

  2. In-Place Mutation: In many cases, the Swift compiler optimizes the mutation of a struct's property by performing the mutation in-place, without creating a new copy of the entire struct. This means that the original struct instance is modified directly, even if it is declared as a constant (let). However, logically, you should still consider the struct as immutable because the mutation is not observable from outside the struct [1].

  3. let vs var: The ability to mutate properties of a struct instance is not related to whether the struct is declared as a constant (let) or a variable (var). Both let and var allow you to mutate the properties of a struct instance. The difference between let and var is that let declares the struct instance itself as a constant, meaning you cannot reassign a new value to the struct instance, while var allows reassignment of the struct instance [1].

In summary, while structs in Swift are generally considered to be immutable types, the ability to mutate properties of a struct instance, including the size property, is possible due to the Copy-on-Write optimization and in-place mutation. However, it is important to remember that the mutation is not observable from outside the struct, and the struct should still be treated as immutable.

Learn more:

  1. Why are structs in Swift said to be immutable? - Using Swift - Swift Forums
  2. c# - Why are mutable structs "evil"? - Stack Overflow
  3. Structs and mutation in Swift - Chris Eidhof

What are the basic categories of types in Swift?

In Swift, there are two basic categories of types: named types and compound types.

  1. Named Types:

    • Named types are types that can be given a specific name when they are defined.
    • Examples of named types in Swift include:
      • Classes: Classes are reference types that can have properties, methods, and inheritance.
      • Structures: Structures are value types that can have properties and methods. They are typically used for simpler data structures.
      • Enumerations: Enumerations define a group of related values and can have associated values and methods.
      • Protocols: Protocols define a set of methods, properties, and other requirements that a type must conform to.
  2. Compound Types:

    • Compound types are types that are composed of multiple values.
    • Examples of compound types in Swift include:
      • Tuples: Tuples allow you to group multiple values of different types into a single compound value.
      • Functions: Functions are a type that can take parameters and return a value.
      • Closures: Closures are self-contained blocks of functionality that can be passed around and used in your code.

Learn more:

  1. Types - Documentation - Swift.org
  2. Swift - Data Types - GeeksforGeeks
  3. Swift - Data Types

What is a Tuple in Swift?

A tuple in Swift is a lightweight data structure that allows you to group multiple values together into a single compound value. It is a convenient way to store and pass around related values without defining a custom struct or class.

Here are some key features of tuples in Swift:

  1. Multiple Values: Tuples can contain two or more values of any type, including different types. For example, a tuple can hold a combination of integers, strings, booleans, or even other tuples.

  2. Type Safety: Each value within a tuple can have its own type, and the types of the values are enforced by the Swift compiler. This ensures type safety and helps catch any type mismatches at compile-time.

  3. Accessing Values : You can access the individual values within a tuple using dot syntax followed by the index or name of the value. For example, if you have a tuple (name: String, age: Int), you can access the name value using tupleName.name and the age value using tupleName.age.

  4. Function Return Values: Tuples are commonly used as return types for functions when you need to return multiple values. This allows you to conveniently return multiple values without defining a custom struct or class.

  5. Pattern Matching: Tuples can be used in pattern matching to extract values and perform conditional logic based on the values. This is particularly useful when working with functions that return tuples or when using switch statements.

Here's an example of creating and using a tuple in Swift:

swift 复制代码
let person = (name: "John", age: 30, isEmployed: true)

print(person.name)        // Output: John
print(person.age)         // Output: 30
print(person.isEmployed)  // Output: true

In the example above, we create a tuple person with three values: name, age, and isEmployed. We can access each value using dot syntax.

Tuples are a flexible and lightweight way to group related values together in Swift, providing a convenient alternative to defining custom data structures.

String 与 NSString 的关系与区别:

String 和 NSString 是在不同的编程语言中表示字符串的类型。String 是 Swift 语言中的字符串类型,而 NSString 是 Objective-C 语言中的字符串类型。它们之间有一些区别和关系。


  1. 可变性:String 是不可变的,即一旦创建就不能修改其内容。而 NSString 是可变的,可以通过 NSMutableString 类来修改其内容。
  2. 语法:String 使用双引号(")来表示字符串,而 NSString 使用@"来表示字符串。
  3. 类型推断:String 可以使用类型推断,不需要显式声明变量的类型。而 NSString 需要显式声明变量的类型为 NSString。
  4. 方法和属性:String 和 NSString 有一些相同的方法和属性,但也有一些不同的方法和属性。例如,String 有一个 count 属性来获取字符串的字符数,而 NSString 则有一个 length 方法来获取字符串的字符数。


  1. 桥接:String 和 NSString 之间可以进行桥接,即可以相互转换。可以使用 as 关键字将 String 转换为 NSString,也可以使用 as? 或 as! 进行可选类型转换。同样,可以使用 as 关键字将 NSString 转换为 String。
  2. 共享基础实现:String 和 NSString 在底层共享相同的字符串表示方式,即 Unicode 编码。因此,它们可以相互转换而不会导致数据丢失。

综上所述,String 和 NSString 是不同编程语言中表示字符串的类型,它们有一些区别和不同的语法,但也可以相互转换并共享相同的字符串表示方式。

Learn more:

  1. NSString | Apple Developer Documentation
  2. ios - Difference between String and NSString in Struct in Swift - Stack Overflow
  3. Swift String vs. NSString - Swift Talk - objc.io

defer 使⽤场景:


  1. 文件操作:在打开文件后,可以使用defer语句来确保文件在离开当前代码块时被关闭,以防止忘记关闭文件或发生错误而导致文件未能正常关闭[1]
swift 复制代码
func readFile() {
    let file = open("file.txt")
    defer {
    // 读取文件内容
  1. 内存管理:在手动分配内存的情况下,可以使用defer语句来确保在离开当前代码块时释放内存,以防止忘记释放内存或发生错误而导致内存泄漏[1]
swift 复制代码
func allocateMemory() {
    let pointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>.allocate(capacity: 1)
    defer {
    // 使用指针进行操作
  1. 加锁/解锁:在使用锁进行临界区操作时,可以使用defer语句来确保在离开当前代码块时解锁,以防止忘记解锁或发生错误而导致死锁[1]
swift 复制代码
func performCriticalTask() {
    defer {
    // 执行临界区操作
  1. 调用completion block:在某些情况下,一个函数可能有多个分支,可能会忘记调用completion block,使用defer语句可以确保在离开当前代码块时调用completion block,以避免潜在的bug[1]
swift 复制代码
func performTask(completion: () -> Void) {
    defer {
    // 执行任务
  1. 调用super方法:在重写父类方法时,可以使用defer语句来确保在离开当前代码块之前调用super方法,以便在super方法之前进行一些准备工作[1]
swift 复制代码
override func viewDidLoad() {
    defer {
    // 准备工作


Learn more:

  1. swift 的 defer 几个简单的使用场景 - 简书
  2. swift中defer小结 - 掘金
  3. iOS OC 实现 swift defer 效果_oc defer-CSDN博客

iOS struct 在堆区还是栈区?


  1. 栈区分配:

    • 当一个函数被调用时,函数内的局部变量和参数会被分配在栈区。
    • 结构体实例作为局部变量时,会被分配在栈区。
    • 栈区的分配和释放是自动进行的,不需要手动管理内存。
  2. 栈区的特点:

    • 栈区的访问速度非常快,因为它是线性的数据结构,可以直接访问最新分配的内存。
    • 栈区的大小是有限的,通常比堆区小。
    • 栈区的内存分配和释放是自动的,不需要手动管理内存。


Learn more:

  1. ios - Swift stack and heap understanding - Stack Overflow
  2. Memory management in Swift(Heap, Stack, ARC) | by Manasa M P | Medium
  3. Is String allocated on the Stack o... | Apple Developer Forums


值属性(Stored Properties)和计算属性(Computed Properties)是iOS开发中属性的两种不同类型,它们有以下区别:

  1. 存储方式:值属性是直接存储值的属性,它们在内存中有自己的存储空间。而计算属性不直接存储值,它们通过计算或其他逻辑来获取值。

  2. 存储位置:值属性通常存储在实例的内存中或者类的静态存储区中。而计算属性没有自己的存储位置,它们的值是通过计算得到的。

  3. 访问方式:值属性的值可以直接读取和设置,类似于普通的变量。而计算属性的值是通过计算得到的,不能直接设置,只能通过计算逻辑来获取。

  4. 依赖关系:计算属性可以依赖于其他属性的值进行计算。当依赖的属性发生变化时,计算属性会重新计算并返回新的值。而值属性的值是固定的,不会因其他属性的变化而改变。


swift 复制代码
struct Circle {
    var radius: Double // 值属性
    var area: Double { // 计算属性
        return Double.pi * radius * radius

var circle = Circle(radius: 5.0)
print(circle.area) // 输出: 78.53981633974483

circle.radius = 7.0
print(circle.area) // 输出: 153.93804002589985

在上面的示例中,radius 是值属性,它直接存储了圆的半径。area 是计算属性,它通过计算 radius 的平方乘以π来获取圆的面积。当修改 radius 的值时,area 会重新计算并返回新的面积值。




swift 复制代码
typealias SimpleClosure = (Int) -> Void

func performClosure(closure: SimpleClosure) {

let myClosure: SimpleClosure = { number in
    print("Number: \(number)")

performClosure(closure: myClosure) // 输出: Number: 10






  1. 泛型函数(Generic Functions):我们可以创建可以适用于任何数据类型的函数。通过在函数定义中使用类型参数(type parameter),我们可以在函数内部使用这些参数来处理不同类型的数据。例如,我们可以创建一个泛型函数来打印任意类型的数据 [2]
swift 复制代码
func displayData<T>(data: T) {
  print("Data Passed:", data)

// 使用泛型函数打印不同类型的数据
displayData(data: "Swift") // 输出: Data Passed: Swift
displayData(data: 5) // 输出: Data Passed: 5
  1. 泛型类(Generic Classes):类也可以是泛型的,这意味着我们可以创建一个可以适用于不同类型数据的类。通过在类定义中使用类型参数,我们可以在类内部使用这些参数来定义属性、方法等。例如,我们可以创建一个泛型类来存储任意类型的数据 [2]
swift 复制代码
class Information<T> {
  var data: T
  init(data: T) {
    self.data = data
  func getData() -> T {
    return self.data

// 使用泛型类存储不同类型的数据
var intObj = Information<Int>(data: 6)
print(intObj.getData()) // 输出: 6

var strObj = Information<String>(data: "Swift")
print(strObj.getData()) // 输出: Swift
  1. 泛型约束(Generic Constraints):有时候,我们希望泛型只能接受特定类型的数据,而不是任意类型。在这种情况下,我们可以使用泛型约束来限制泛型的类型范围。例如,我们可以创建一个泛型函数,只接受符合特定协议的数据类型 [2]
swift 复制代码
func addition<T: Numeric>(num1: T, num2: T) {
  print("Sum:", num1 + num2)

// 使用泛型函数进行加法运算
addition(num1: 5, num2: 10) // 输出: Sum: 15
addition(num1: 5.5, num2: 10.8) // 输出: Sum: 16.3



Learn more:

  1. Generics in Swift explained with code examples - SwiftLee
  2. Swift Generics (With Examples)
  3. Learn Generics in Swift. Know what it is, how to use them, and... | by Taha Bebek | Better Programming

请解释 Swift 中的泛型是什么?并描述一下它的本质?

泛型(Generics)是 Swift 中的一种特性,它允许我们编写通用且可重用的代码,避免重复。泛型类型或函数在当前作用域中创建了约束,要求输入值符合这些要求。


使用泛型可以使现有代码更具可重用性。一个经典的例子是使用一个元素的堆栈,也就是 Swift 中的数组。在没有使用泛型的情况下,我们可能会创建一个只支持整数的堆栈(IntStack),当我们需要一个字符串的堆栈时,就需要创建一个新的堆栈(StringStack),这样会导致代码重复和维护多个类型的问题。而使用泛型,我们可以定义一个通用的堆栈(Stack),其中的元素类型由泛型参数 Element 决定,从而避免了代码重复和多个类型的维护。

除了在类型级别上使用泛型,我们还可以在方法中使用泛型。例如,我们可以编写一个打印方法,该方法接受一个符合 CustomStringConvertible 协议的元素,并将其转换为字符串后打印出来。通过使用泛型,我们可以在方法定义中使用类型参数 T,并对 T 添加约束,要求它符合 CustomStringConvertible 协议。


在 Swift 中,我们还可以使用关联类型和协议扩展来创建带有约束的泛型代码。通过在协议扩展中使用关联类型,我们可以对特定类型的数组添加特定的方法或属性。


Learn more:

  1. Generics in Swift explained with code examples - SwiftLee

  2. What is Generics in Swift ? | by Şevval Alev | Medium

  3. Swift Generics (With Examples)

What's the difference between opaque type and generic?

sql 复制代码
In Swift, both opaque types and generics are used to provide type abstraction and flexibility. However, there are some key differences between the two.


  • Generics allow the code that calls a function to pick the type for that function's parameters and return value in a way that's abstracted away from the function implementation [1].
  • With generics, the type information is preserved and can be accessed and manipulated by the caller of the function.
  • Generics are useful when you want to write code that can work with different types without sacrificing type safety.
  • Generic functions and types are defined using type parameters, which are placeholders for actual types that will be provided when the code is used.
  • The type parameters can be used throughout the function or type to define the behavior and constraints.

Opaque Types:

  • Opaque types, on the other hand, are used when you want to hide the underlying type and provide a consistent interface without exposing the implementation details [1].
  • Opaque types are the reverse of generics. Instead of allowing the caller to choose the type, the implementation of the function or type chooses the type and returns an opaque type to the caller.
  • The opaque type hides the actual type and only exposes the interface defined by a protocol or a concrete type.
  • Opaque types are useful when you want to provide an abstract interface without revealing the implementation details or when you want to optimize performance by using concrete types instead of protocols [2].
  • Opaque types are defined using the some keyword followed by a protocol or a concrete type. The actual type is determined by the implementation and is not visible to the caller.


  • Generics allow the caller to choose the type, while opaque types hide the underlying type and provide a consistent interface.
  • Generics preserve type information and allow type manipulation, while opaque types hide the type information and only expose the interface.
  • Generics are useful for writing code that works with different types, while opaque types are useful for providing abstract interfaces and optimizing performance.

Learn more:

  1. Opaque and Boxed Types - Documentation - Swift.org
  2. Opaque, Existential & Generic Types in Swift - Explained In 5 minutes | by Daniel James | Medium
  3. Why use generics and opaque type when the protocol seems adequate? - Using Swift - Swift Forums
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