C++ Redis 读写


bool RS::set_m(ITEM* itemp)


if (itemp == nullptr)

return false;

char itemkey[LEN_ITEM], itemval[LEN_ITEM];

try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

sprintf(itemkey, "M%02d%04d%02d%s", itemp->devno, itemp->modno, itemp->partno, itemp->key);

strcpy(itemp->mkey, itemkey);

redis.hset(itemkey, "mkey", itemp->mkey);

sprintf(itemp->pkey, "P%02d%04d%02d%s", itemp->devno, itemp->modno, itemp->partno, itemp->key);

redis.hset(itemkey, "pkey", itemp->pkey);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", itemp->devno); redis.hset(itemkey, "devno", itemval); //redis.hset(itemkey, std::make_pair("devno", itemval));

sprintf(itemval, "%d", itemp->modno); redis.hset(itemkey, "modno", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", itemp->partno); redis.hset(itemkey, "partno", itemval);

redis.hset(itemkey, "key", itemp->key);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", itemp->ifvar); redis.hset(itemkey, "ifvar", itemval); //redis.hset(itemkey, std::make_pair("devno", itemval));

sprintf(itemval, "%d", itemp->datatype); redis.hset(itemkey, "datatype", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", itemp->datalen); redis.hset(itemkey, "datalen", itemval);

redis.hset(itemkey, "value", itemp->value);

redis.hset(itemkey, "valdef", itemp->valdef);

redis.hset(itemkey, "valall", itemp->valall);

redis.hset(itemkey, "style", itemp->style);


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;






using namespace std;

using namespace sw::redis;

char RS::ip[LEN_ITEM] = {0};

unsigned int RS::port = 6379;

char RS::tcpipport[LEN_ITEM] = {0}; //such as "tcp://"

char RS::db[LEN_ITEM] = "db0";

std::string RS::mConnString;

void RS::configRS(const char* ipSvr, const char* dbName, const int mport)


if (strlen(ipSvr) < 7 || mport == 0)return;

std::string strPre = "tcp://";

std::copy(ipSvr, ipSvr + strlen(ipSvr), RS::ip);

std::copy(dbName, dbName + strlen(dbName), RS::db);

RS::port = mport;

std::string strIP = std::string(RS::ip);

std::string strdb = std::string(RS::db);

ostringstream ost;


mConnString = ost.str(); //tcp://

CLog::rec(CPPFILE,"connect string is :%s", mConnString);



typedef struct _ITEM { //管理表格,目前用于初始化

char mkey[LEN_ITEM];

char pkey[LEN_ITEM];

// jlong id; //内部标识号,长整型

int devno; //部署三级参数,devno00,01-99

int modno; //分片编号,如控制器00-09;驱动器20-39

int partno; //尽量不使用,到具体参数定. 00,01-99

// int keyno; //

char key[LEN_ITEM]; //KEY

bool ifvar; //

int datatype; //1:1bit; 10:单字节; 20 short; 40 int;41 float;46 datatime; 80 jlong; 81 double; 610字符串\0结束 32位以内

int datalen; //数值字节长度

char value[LEN_ITEM]; //VALUE

char valdef[LEN_ITEM]; //VALUE缺省值 如果因为没有设置、或者采集到,则填写为缺省值

char valall[LEN_ITEM]; //分割符号

char style[LEN_ITEM]; //text,radio,range,select








#include "../app/yx00_macro.h"

#include "../app/yx00_type.h"


class RS {


static char ip[LEN_ITEM];

static int port;

static char tcpipport[LEN_ITEM]; //such as "tcp://"


static void config(const char* tcpiport);


static bool log(std::string value);

static bool empty_db(); //清空内存pars

static bool empty_pars(); //清空内存pars

static bool empty_m(const std::string mkey_pattern,std::string &report); // RS 清空m key 及其数据

static bool empty_p(); // RS 清空p key 及其数据

static bool get_hash_all(const std::string pattern, std::initializer_listfields,std::vector> &valss); //从redis库中获取M表,用于管理

static bool get_p(std::string key, ITEM* item); //获取p参数,填写到item的value

static bool get_p(std::string key, int &intvalue); //获取p参数,填写到int的value

static bool get_p(const char* key, int& intvalue); //获取p参数,填写到int的value

static bool get_p(std::string key, std::string &strvalue); //获取p参数,填写到int的value

static bool get_p(const char *key, char *strvalue); //

static bool get_m(std::string key, ITEM& item); //获取m参数,填写整个item

static bool get_m(std::string key, std::string& itemstring); //获取m参数,填写整个item

static bool set_m(ITEM* itemp);

static bool set_m_all(std::vector pars); //向redis库中设置M表,用于管理

static bool get_m_all(std::vector& pars); //从redis库中获取M表,用于管理

static bool get_m_all(const std::string pattern, std::string& report); //从redis库中获取M表,用于管理

static bool get_chn(std::string key, std::string& itemstring);

static bool get_chn_all(const std::string pattern, std::string& report); //从redis库中获取M表,用于管理

// static bool get_chn_all(const std::string pattern, std::string& report); //从redis库中获取M表,用于管理

static bool get_pro(std::string key, std::string& itemstring);

static bool get_pro_all(const std::string pattern, std::string& report); //从redis库中获取M表,用于管理

static bool set_p(const std::string key,const std::string value, std::string excepcontent); //向redis库中设置P表,用于监控和操作

static bool set_p_all(std::vector pars); //向redis库中设置P表,用于监控和操作

static bool set_p_kvs(std::vector> pars);

static bool get_p_all(std::vector& pars); //向redis库中设置P表,用于监控和操作

static bool get_p_keys(std::map&maps);

//const char* name, const int type, const bool issvr, const char* addr, const int port, const int timeout,

//const int speed, const bool openkeep, const bool byrecv, const bool connected, const bool flag_task_run, const time_t recvtime, const int cmdid, const int tasknum, const int cur

static bool set_chn(const char*name, const int type, const bool issvr,const char *addr, const int port, const int timeout, const int speed, const bool openkeep, const bool byrecv, const bool connected, const bool flag_task_run, const time_t recvtime,const int cmdid,const int tasknum,const int cur);

static bool set_pro(const char* name, const jlong id, const int type, const char* chn, const char* sendbuf, const int sendbuflen_must, const int sendbuflen_act, const int sendtime, const char* recvbuf, const int recvbuflen_must, const int recvbuflen_act, const int recvtime, const char* ecpttext, const int status);

static int init();

// static bool set_p(const char* item, char* val); //获取参数

// static bool get_p(const char* item, char* val); //获取参数

// static bool getp(const int devno, const int modno, const int partno, const char* item, char* val);//获取参数


// static bool setvall(std::vector vars); //从redis库中获取所有的变量表,用于管理

// static bool setv(const char* item, char* val); //获取参数

// static bool getv(const char* item, char* val); //获取变量




#include "redis++.h"






#include "../app/yx00_var.h"


#include "../app/yx01_log.h"

#include "redispp_main.h"

using namespace sw::redis;

char RS::ip[LEN_ITEM] = "";

int RS::port = 6379;

char RS::tcpipport[LEN_ITEM] = "tcp://"; //such as "tcp://"

//Redis缓存Object,List对象 https://www.cnblogs.com/firstdream/p/7802295.html

//结构化存储 http://www.doc88.com/p-7466440106885.html

void RS::config(const char* tcpipport_ext)


strcpy(tcpipport, tcpipport_ext);


bool RS::log(std::string value)


try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

redis.rpush("log", { value });


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::empty_pars() //清空内存pars



return true;


bool RS::empty_db() //清空内存pars


try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);



catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::empty_m(const std::string mkey_pattern, std::string& report)


try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

// redis.command("flushall");//把M值也清除了

auto cursor = 0LL;

//auto mkey_pattern = "M*"; //只清除P*

auto count = 5;

std::unordered_set keys;

while (true) {

cursor = redis.scan(cursor, mkey_pattern, count, std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()));

// Default pattern is "*", and default count is 10

// cursor = redis.scan(cursor, std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()));

if (cursor == 0) {




if (!keys.empty())

redis.del(keys.begin(), keys.end()); //清除P*

report = "{\"success\":true,\"message\":\"success\",\"code\":200}";


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

report = "{\"success\":false,\"message\":\"";

report += e.what();

report += "\",\"code\":500}";

return false;


return true;


bool RS::empty_p()


try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

// redis.command("flushall");//把M值也清除了

auto cursor = 0LL;

auto pattern = "P*"; //只清除P*

auto count = 5;

std::unordered_set keys;

while (true) {

cursor = redis.scan(cursor, pattern, count, std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()));

// Default pattern is "*", and default count is 10

// cursor = redis.scan(cursor, std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()));

if (cursor == 0) {





redis.del(keys.begin(), keys.end()); //清除P*


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.



// CLog::rec(CPPFILE,e.what());

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::get_hash_all(const std::string pattern, std::initializer_listfields, std::vector> &valss) //从redis库中获取M表,用于管理


try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

// redis.command("select 0");

// redis.command("flushall");

auto cursor = 0LL;

//auto pattern = "M*";

auto count = 5;

std::unordered_set keys;

while (true) {

cursor = redis.scan(cursor, pattern, count, std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()));

// Default pattern is "*", and default count is 10

// cursor = redis.scan(cursor, std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()));

if (cursor == 0) {




std::vector line_vals;

std::vector line;

for (auto it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it) {



redis.hmget(it->c_str(), fields, std::back_inserter(line_vals));

size_t len = line_vals.size();

for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {






catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.



CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::set_m(ITEM *itemp)


if (itemp == nullptr)

return false;

char itemkey[LEN_ITEM], itemval[LEN_ITEM];

try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

sprintf(itemkey, "M%02d%04d%02d%s", itemp->devno, itemp->modno, itemp->partno, itemp->key);

strcpy(itemp->mkey, itemkey); redis.hset(itemkey, "mkey", itemp->mkey);

sprintf(itemp->pkey, "P%02d%04d%02d%s", itemp->devno, itemp->modno, itemp->partno, itemp->key);

redis.hset(itemkey, "pkey", itemp->pkey);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", itemp->devno); redis.hset(itemkey, "devno", itemval); //redis.hset(itemkey, std::make_pair("devno", itemval));

sprintf(itemval, "%d", itemp->modno); redis.hset(itemkey, "modno", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", itemp->partno); redis.hset(itemkey, "partno", itemval);

redis.hset(itemkey, "key", itemp->key);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", itemp->ifvar); redis.hset(itemkey, "ifvar", itemval); //redis.hset(itemkey, std::make_pair("devno", itemval));

sprintf(itemval, "%d", itemp->datatype); redis.hset(itemkey, "datatype", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", itemp->datalen); redis.hset(itemkey, "datalen", itemval);

redis.hset(itemkey, "value", itemp->value);

redis.hset(itemkey, "valdef", itemp->valdef);

redis.hset(itemkey, "valall", itemp->valall);

redis.hset(itemkey, "style", itemp->style);


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::set_m_all(std::vector pars) //向redis库中设置所有参量表,用于管理


char itemkey[LEN_ITEM], itemval[LEN_ITEM];

try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

for (auto item : pars) {

sprintf(itemkey, "M%02d%04d%02d%s", item.devno, item.modno, item.partno, item.key);

strcpy(item.mkey, itemkey); redis.hset(itemkey, "mkey", item.mkey);

sprintf(item.pkey, "P%02d%04d%02d%s", item.devno, item.modno, item.partno, item.key);

redis.hset(itemkey, "pkey", item.pkey);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", item.devno); redis.hset(itemkey, "devno", itemval); //redis.hset(itemkey, std::make_pair("devno", itemval));

sprintf(itemval, "%d", item.modno); redis.hset(itemkey, "modno", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", item.partno); redis.hset(itemkey, "partno", itemval);

redis.hset(itemkey, "key", item.key);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", item.ifvar); redis.hset(itemkey, "ifvar", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", item.datatype); redis.hset(itemkey, "datatype", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", item.datalen); redis.hset(itemkey, "datalen", itemval);

redis.hset(itemkey, "value", item.value);

redis.hset(itemkey, "valdef", item.valdef);

redis.hset(itemkey, "valall", item.valall);

redis.hset(itemkey, "style", item.style);



catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::get_p(std::string key, ITEM* item) //获取P参数


if (key.size()

return false;

try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

auto val = redis.get(key);

if (!val)

return false;

strcpy(item->value, (*val).c_str());


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::get_p(std::string key, int& intvalue) //获取p参数,填写到int的value


if (key.size()

return false;

try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

auto val = redis.get(key);

if (!val)

return false;

intvalue = atoi((*val).c_str());

return true;


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return false;


bool RS::get_p(const char* key, int& intvalue) //获取p参数,填写到int的value


if (strlen(key)

return false;

try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

auto val = redis.get(key);

if (!val)

return false;

intvalue = atoi((*val).c_str());

return true;


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return false;


bool RS::get_p(std::string key, std::string & strvalue) //获取p参数,填写到string的value


if (key.size()

return false;

try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

auto val = redis.get(key);

if (!val)

return false;

strvalue = *val;

return true;


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return false;


bool RS::get_p(const char* key, char* strvalue) //


if (strlen(key)

return false;

try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

auto val = redis.get(key);

if (!val)

return false;


return true;


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return false;


bool RS::get_m(std::string key, ITEM& item) //获取M参数


if (key.size()

return false;


auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

// std::unordered_map m;

// m.clear();

// redis.hgetall(key, std::inserter(m, m.begin()));

// Get value only.

// NOTE: since field might NOT exist, so we need to parse it to OptionalString.

std::vector vals;

redis.hmget(key, { "mkey","pkey","devno","modno","partno","key","ifvar","datatype","datalen","value","valdef","valall","style" }, std::back_inserter(vals));

strcpy(item.mkey, vals[0].value().c_str());

strcpy(item.pkey, vals[1].value().c_str());

item.devno = atoi(vals[2].value().c_str());

item.modno = atoi(vals[3].value().c_str());

item.partno = atoi(vals[4].value().c_str());

strcpy(item.key, vals[5].value().c_str());

item.ifvar = atoi(vals[6].value().c_str());

item.datatype = atoi(vals[7].value().c_str());

item.datalen = atoi(vals[8].value().c_str());

strcpy(item.value, vals[9].value().c_str());

strcpy(item.valdef, vals[10].value().c_str());

strcpy(item.valall, vals[11].value().c_str());

strcpy(item.style, vals[12].value().c_str());


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::get_m(std::string key, std::string& itemstring) //获取m参数,填写整个item


if (key.size()

return false;

try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

// std::unordered_map m;

// m.clear();

// redis.hgetall(key, std::inserter(m, m.begin()));

// Get value only.

// NOTE: since field might NOT exist, so we need to parse it to OptionalString.

std::vector vals;

redis.hmget(key, { "mkey","pkey","devno","modno","partno","key","ifvar","datatype","datalen","value","valdef","valall","style" }, std::back_inserter(vals));

itemstring = "{";

itemstring += ("\"mkey\":\"" + vals[0].value() + "\",");

itemstring += ("\"pkey\":\"" + vals[1].value() + "\",");

itemstring += ("\"devno\":" + vals[2].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"modno\":" + vals[3].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"partno\":" + vals[4].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"key\":\"" + vals[5].value() + "\",");

itemstring += ("\"ifvar\":" + vals[6].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"datatype\":" + vals[7].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"datalen\":" + vals[8].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"value\":\"" + vals[9].value() + "\",");

itemstring += ("\"valdef\":\"" + vals[10].value() + "\",");

itemstring += ("\"valall\":\"" + vals[11].value() + "\",");

itemstring += ("\"style\":\"" + vals[12].value() + "\"");

itemstring += "}";


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::get_m_all(std::vector & pars) //从redis库中获取所有参量表,用于管理


//char itemkey[LEN_ITEM], itemval[LEN_ITEM];

try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

// redis.command("select 0");

// redis.command("flushall");

auto cursor = 0LL;

auto pattern = "M*";

auto count = 5;

std::unordered_set keys;

while (true) {

cursor = redis.scan(cursor, pattern, count, std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()));

// Default pattern is "*", and default count is 10

// cursor = redis.scan(cursor, std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()));

if (cursor == 0) {




ITEM item;

for (auto it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it){

get_m(it->c_str(), item);




catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.



CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::get_m_all(const std::string pattern, std::string& report) //从redis库中获取M表,用于管理


try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

// redis.command("select 0");

// redis.command("flushall");

auto cursor = 0LL;

//auto pattern = "M*";

auto count = 5;

std::unordered_set keys;

while (true) {

cursor = redis.scan(cursor, pattern, count, std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()));

// Default pattern is "*", and default count is 10

// cursor = redis.scan(cursor, std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()));

if (cursor == 0) {




//ITEM item;

std::string itemstring = "";

report = "[";

for (auto it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it) {

get_m(it->c_str(), itemstring);//


report += (itemstring + ",");




report += "]";


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.



CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::get_chn(std::string key, std::string& itemstring) //获取m参数,填写整个item


try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

// std::unordered_map m;

// m.clear();

// redis.hgetall(key, std::inserter(m, m.begin()));

// Get value only.

// NOTE: since field might NOT exist, so we need to parse it to OptionalString.

std::vector vals;

//const char* name, const int type, const bool issvr, const char* addr, const int port, const int timeout, const int speed, const bool openkeep, const bool byrecv, const bool connected, const bool flag_task_run, const time_t recvtime, const int cmdid, const int tasknum, const int cur

redis.hmget(key, { "name","type","issvr","addr","port","timeout","speed","openkeep","byrecv","connected","flag_task_run","recvtime","cmdid","tasknum","cur" }, std::back_inserter(vals));

itemstring = "{";

itemstring += ("\"name\":\"" + vals[0].value() + "\",");

itemstring += ("\"type\":" + vals[1].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"issvr\":" + vals[2].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"addr\":\"" + vals[3].value() + "\",");

itemstring += ("\"port\":" + vals[4].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"timeout\":" + vals[5].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"speed\":" + vals[6].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"openkeep\":" + vals[7].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"byrecv\":" + vals[8].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"connected\":" + vals[9].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"flag_task_run\":" + vals[10].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"recvtime\":" + vals[11].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"cmdid\":" + vals[12].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"tasknum\":" + vals[13].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"cur\":" + vals[14].value() + "");

itemstring += "}";


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::get_chn_all(const std::string pattern, std::string& report) //从redis库中获取M表,用于管理


try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

// redis.command("select 0");

// redis.command("flushall");

auto cursor = 0LL;

//auto pattern = "M*";

auto count = 5;

std::unordered_set keys;

while (true) {

cursor = redis.scan(cursor, pattern, count, std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()));

// Default pattern is "*", and default count is 10

// cursor = redis.scan(cursor, std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()));

if (cursor == 0) {




//ITEM item;

std::string itemstring = "";

report = "[";

for (auto it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it) {

get_chn(it->c_str(), itemstring);//


report += (itemstring + ",");


if (report.length() != 1)


report += "]";


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.



CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::get_pro(std::string key, std::string& itemstring) //获取m参数,填写整个item


try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

// std::unordered_map m;

// m.clear();

// redis.hgetall(key, std::inserter(m, m.begin()));

// Get value only.

// NOTE: since field might NOT exist, so we need to parse it to OptionalString.

std::vector vals;

//const char* name, const jlong id, const int type, const char* sendbuf, const int sendbuflen_must, const int sendbuflen_act, const int sendtime, const char* recvbuf, const int recvbuflen_must, const int recvbuflen_act, const int recvtime, const char* ecpttext, const int status

redis.hmget(key, { "name","id","type","chn","sendbuf","sendbuflen_must","sendbuflen_act","sendtime","recvbuf","recvbuflen_must","recvbuflen_act","recvtime","ecpttext","status" }, std::back_inserter(vals));

itemstring = "{";

itemstring += ("\"name\":\"" + vals[0].value() + "\",");

itemstring += ("\"id\":" + vals[1].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"type\":" + vals[2].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"chn\":\"" + vals[3].value() + "\",");

itemstring += ("\"sendbuf\":\"" + vals[4].value() + "\",");

itemstring += ("\"sendbuflen_must\":" + vals[5].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"sendbuflen_act\":" + vals[6].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"sendtime\":" + vals[7].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"recvbuf\":\"" + vals[8].value() + "\",");

itemstring += ("\"recvbuflen_must\":" + vals[9].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"recvbuflen_act\":" + vals[10].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"recvtime\":" + vals[11].value() + ",");

itemstring += ("\"ecpttext\":\"" + vals[12].value() + "\",");

itemstring += ("\"status\":" + vals[13].value() + "");

itemstring += "}";


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::get_pro_all(const std::string pattern, std::string& report) //从redis库中获取M表,用于管理


try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

// redis.command("select 0");

// redis.command("flushall");

auto cursor = 0LL;

//auto pattern = "M*";

auto count = 5;

std::unordered_set keys;

while (true) {

cursor = redis.scan(cursor, pattern, count, std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()));

// Default pattern is "*", and default count is 10

// cursor = redis.scan(cursor, std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()));

if (cursor == 0) {




//ITEM item;

std::string itemstring = "";

report = "[";

for (auto it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it) {

get_pro(it->c_str(), itemstring);//


report += (itemstring + ",");


if (report.length() != 1)


report += "]";


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.



CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::set_p(const std::string key, const std::string value, std::string excepcontent) //向redis库中设置P表,用于监控和操作


try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

//itemkey=myprintf("P%02d%04d%02d%s", item.devno, item.modno, item.partno, item.keyname);

redis.set(key, value);


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.



CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

excepcontent = e.what();

return false;


return true;


/// std::vector> kvs1 = {{"k1", "v1"}, {"k2", "v2"}};

/// redis.mset(kvs1.begin(), kvs1.end());

/// std::unordered_map kvs2 = {{"k3", "v3"}, {"k4", "v4"}};

/// redis.mset(kvs2.begin(), kvs2.end());


bool RS::set_p_kvs(std::vector> pars)


try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

redis.mset(pars.begin(), pars.end());

//itemkey=myprintf("P%02d%04d%02d%s", item.devno, item.modno, item.partno, item.keyname);

//redis.set(key, value);


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.



CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

//excepcontent = e.what();

return false;


return true;


bool RS::set_p_all(std::vector pars) //向redis库中设置P表,用于监控和操作


// redis.command("flushall");//把P值也清除了


char itemkey[LEN_ITEM];

try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

for (auto item : pars) {

//itemkey=myprintf("P%02d%04d%02d%s", item.devno, item.modno, item.partno, item.keyname);

sprintf(itemkey, "P%02d%04d%02d%s", item.devno, item.modno, item.partno, item.key);

redis.set(itemkey, item.value);



catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.



CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


ITEM* getitem(std::vector pars, std::string key)


for (auto item : pars)

if (key == item.mkey )

return &item;

return nullptr;

// std::vector::iterator it = std::find_if(pars.begin(), pars.end(), ((ITEM)(*it)).mkey==key);

// if (it == pars.end())

// return nullptr;

// else

// return &(*it);


bool RS::get_p_all(std::vector& pars) //



try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

// redis.command("select 0");

// redis.command("flushall");

auto cursor = 0LL;

auto pattern = "P*";

auto count = 5;

std::unordered_set keys;

while (true) {

cursor = redis.scan(cursor, pattern, count, std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()));

// Default pattern is "*", and default count is 10

// cursor = redis.scan(cursor, std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()));

if (cursor == 0) {




ITEM* pitem = nullptr;

for (auto it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it) {

if((pitem = getitem(pars,it->c_str()))!=nullptr)

get_p(it->c_str(), pitem);



catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.



CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::get_p_keys(std::map &maps) {


try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

auto tx = redis.transaction();

std::vector keys;

std::map::iterator iter;

for (iter = maps.begin(); iter != maps.end(); iter++)


std::vector vals;

redis.mget(keys.begin(), keys.end(), std::back_inserter(vals));

iter = maps.begin();

for (const auto &val : vals) {

if (val)

iter->second = *val;// std::cout


iter->second = ""; //std::cout




catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


//name,type,issvr,addr,port,timeout,speed,openkeep,byrecv,connected,flag_task_run, recvtime, cmdid,tasknum,cur

bool RS::set_chn(const char* name, const int type, const bool issvr, const char* addr, const int port, const int timeout, const int speed, const bool openkeep, const bool byrecv, const bool connected, const bool flag_task_run, const time_t recvtime, const int cmdid, const int tasknum, const int cur)


char itemkey[LEN_ITEM], itemval[LEN_ITEM];

try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

sprintf(itemkey, "chn%s",name);

redis.hset(itemkey, "name", name);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", type); redis.hset(itemkey, "type", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", issvr); redis.hset(itemkey, "issvr", itemval);

redis.hset(itemkey, "addr", addr);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", port); redis.hset(itemkey, "port", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", timeout); redis.hset(itemkey, "timeout", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", speed); redis.hset(itemkey, "speed", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", openkeep); redis.hset(itemkey, "openkeep", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", byrecv); redis.hset(itemkey, "byrecv", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", connected); redis.hset(itemkey, "connected", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", flag_task_run); redis.hset(itemkey, "flag_task_run", itemval);

#ifdef _MSC_VER

sprintf(itemval, "%I64d", recvtime); redis.hset(itemkey, "recvtime", itemval);


sprintf(itemval, "%lld", recvtime); redis.hset(itemkey, "recvtime", itemval);


sprintf(itemval, "%d", cmdid); redis.hset(itemkey, "cmdid", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", tasknum); redis.hset(itemkey, "tasknum", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", cur); redis.hset(itemkey, "cur", itemval);


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


bool RS::set_pro(const char* name, const jlong id, const int type, const char * chn,const char* sendbuf, const int sendbuflen_must, const int sendbuflen_act, const int sendtime,

const char* recvbuf, const int recvbuflen_must, const int recvbuflen_act, const int recvtime, const char* ecpttext, const int status)


char itemkey[LEN_ITEM], itemval[LEN_ITEM];

try {

auto redis = Redis(tcpipport);

sprintf(itemkey, "pro%s", name);

redis.hset(itemkey, "name", name);

#ifdef _MSC_VER

sprintf(itemval, "%I64d", id); redis.hset(itemkey, "id", itemval);


sprintf(itemval, "%lld", id); redis.hset(itemkey, "id", itemval);


sprintf(itemval, "%d", type); redis.hset(itemkey, "type", itemval);

redis.hset(itemkey, "chn", chn);

redis.hset(itemkey, "sendbuf", sendbuf);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", sendbuflen_must); redis.hset(itemkey, "sendbuflen_must", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", sendbuflen_act); redis.hset(itemkey, "sendbuflen_act", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", sendtime * 1); redis.hset(itemkey, "sendtime", itemval);

redis.hset(itemkey, "recvbuf", recvbuf);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", recvbuflen_must); redis.hset(itemkey, "recvbuflen_must", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", recvbuflen_act); redis.hset(itemkey, "recvbuflen_act", itemval);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", recvtime * 1); redis.hset(itemkey, "recvtime", itemval);

redis.hset(itemkey, "ecpttext", ecpttext);

sprintf(itemval, "%d", status); redis.hset(itemkey, "status", itemval);


catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());

return false;


return true;


//bool RS::getmodpar(std::string mod, std::string item, int defval, std::string path)


// //从 redis 获取分类配置的int值,如果没有,则新增并设置缺省值

// if(true)

// return true;

// return false;



//bool RS::getp(const int devno, const int modno, const int partno, const char* item, char *val)//获取参数


// //获取类型,返回

// return true;



int RS::init()


// empty_db();

// empty_m();

// set_m_all(pars);







// empty_p();

// get_p_all(pars);

return 0;


static int basedemo()//int argc, char** argv


try {

// Create an Redis object, which is movable but NOT copyable.

auto redis = Redis(RS::tcpipport);

// ***** STRING commands *****

redis.set("key", "val");

auto val = redis.get("key"); // val is of type OptionalString. See 'API Reference' section for details.

if (val) {

// Dereference val to get the returned value of std::string type.


} // else key doesn't exist.

// ***** LIST commands *****

// std::vector to Redis LIST.

std::vector vec = { "a", "b", "c" };

redis.rpush("list", vec.begin(), vec.end());

// std::initializer_list to Redis LIST.

redis.rpush("list", { "a", "b", "c" });

// Redis LIST to std::vector.


redis.lrange("list", 0, -1, std::back_inserter(vec));

// ***** HASH commands *****

redis.hset("hash", "field", "val");

// Another way to do the same job.

redis.hset("hash", std::make_pair("field", "val"));

// std::unordered_map to Redis HASH.

std::unordered_map m = {

{"field1", "val1"},

{"field2", "val2"}


redis.hmset("hash", m.begin(), m.end());

// Redis HASH to std::unordered_map.


redis.hgetall("hash", std::inserter(m, m.begin()));

// Get value only.

// NOTE: since field might NOT exist, so we need to parse it to OptionalString.

std::vector vals;

redis.hmget("hash", { "field1", "field2" }, std::back_inserter(vals));

// ***** SET commands *****

redis.sadd("set", "m1");

// std::unordered_set to Redis SET.

std::unordered_set set = { "m2", "m3" };

redis.sadd("set", set.begin(), set.end());

// std::initializer_list to Redis SET.

redis.sadd("set", { "m2", "m3" });

// Redis SET to std::unordered_set.


redis.smembers("set", std::inserter(set, set.begin()));

if (redis.sismember("set", "m1")) {


} // else NOT exist.

// ***** SORTED SET commands *****

redis.zadd("sorted_set", "m1", 1.3);

// std::unordered_map to Redis SORTED SET.

std::unordered_map scores = {

{"m2", 2.3},

{"m3", 4.5}


redis.zadd("sorted_set", scores.begin(), scores.end());

// Redis SORTED SET to std::unordered_map.



UnboundedInterval{}, // (-inf, +inf)

std::inserter(scores, scores.begin()));

// Only get member names:

// pass an inserter of std::vector type as output parameter.

std::vector without_score;


BoundedInterval(1.5, 3.4, BoundType::CLOSED), // [1.5, 3.4]


// Get both member names and scores:

// pass an inserter of std::unordered_map as output parameter.

std::unordered_map with_score;


BoundedInterval(1.5, 3.4, BoundType::LEFT_OPEN), // (1.5, 3.4]

std::inserter(with_score, with_score.end()));

// ***** SCRIPTING commands *****

// Script returns a single element.

auto num = redis.eval("return 1", {}, {});

// Script returns an array of elements.

std::vector nums;

redis.eval("return {ARGV[1], ARGV[2]}", {}, { "1", "2" }, std::back_inserter(nums));

// ***** Pipeline *****

// Create a pipeline.

auto pipe = redis.pipeline();

// Send mulitple commands and get all replies.

auto pipe_replies = pipe.set("key", "value")


.rename("key", "new-key")

.rpush("list", { "a", "b", "c" })

.lrange("list", 0, -1)


// Parse reply with reply type and index.

auto set_cmd_result = pipe_replies.get(0);

auto get_cmd_result = pipe_replies.get(1);

// rename command result


auto rpush_cmd_result = pipe_replies.get(3);

std::vector lrange_cmd_result;

pipe_replies.get(4, back_inserter(lrange_cmd_result));

// ***** Transaction *****

// Create a transaction.

auto tx = redis.transaction();

// Run multiple commands in a transaction, and get all replies.

auto tx_replies = tx.incr("num0")


.mget({ "num0", "num1" })


// Parse reply with reply type and index.

auto incr_result0 = tx_replies.get(0);

auto incr_result1 = tx_replies.get(1);

std::vector mget_cmd_result;

tx_replies.get(2, back_inserter(mget_cmd_result));

// ***** Generic Command Interface *****

// There's no *Redis::client_getname* interface.

// But you can use *Redis::command* to get the client name.

val = redis.command("client", "getname");

if (val) {



// Same as above.

auto getname_cmd_str = { "client", "getname" };

val = redis.command(getname_cmd_str.begin(), getname_cmd_str.end());

// There's no *Redis::sort* interface.

// But you can use *Redis::command* to send sort the list.

std::vector sorted_list;

redis.command("sort", "list", "ALPHA", std::back_inserter(sorted_list));

// Another *Redis::command* to do the same work.

auto sort_cmd_str = { "sort", "list", "ALPHA" };

redis.command(sort_cmd_str.begin(), sort_cmd_str.end(), std::back_inserter(sorted_list));

// ***** Redis Cluster *****

// Create a RedisCluster object, which is movable but NOT copyable.

auto redis_cluster = RedisCluster("tcp://");

// RedisCluster has similar interfaces as Redis.

redis_cluster.set("key", "value");

val = redis_cluster.get("key");

if (val) {


} // else key doesn't exist.

// Keys with hash-tag.

redis_cluster.set("key{tag}1", "val1");

redis_cluster.set("key{tag}2", "val2");

redis_cluster.set("key{tag}3", "val3");

std::vector hash_tag_res;

redis_cluster.mget({ "key{tag}1", "key{tag}2", "key{tag}3" },



catch (const sw::redis::Error& e) {

// Error handling.

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());


return 0;


int redispp_main_test()


try {

Redis redis = Redis(RS::tcpipport);

redis.set("key", "Test redis-cplus-cplus");

OptionalString val = redis.get("key");

if (val) {





catch (const sw::redis::Error& e ) {

CLog::rec(CPPFILE, e.what());


return 0;


Uitwaaien5411 分钟前
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