
public class ResourceRequestHandler : IResourceRequestHandler
/// <summary>
/// Called on the CEF IO thread before a resource request is loaded. To optionally filter cookies for the request return a
/// <see cref="ICookieAccessFilter"/> object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">The ChromiumWebBrowser control.</param>
/// <param name="browser">the browser object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="frame">the frame object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="request">the request object - can be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <returns>To optionally filter cookies for the request return a ICookieAccessFilter instance otherwise return null.</returns>
ICookieAccessFilter IResourceRequestHandler.GetCookieAccessFilter(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request)
return GetCookieAccessFilter(chromiumWebBrowser, browser, frame, request);
/// <summary>
/// Called on the CEF IO thread before a resource request is loaded. To optionally filter cookies for the request return a
/// <see cref="ICookieAccessFilter"/> object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">The ChromiumWebBrowser control.</param>
/// <param name="browser">the browser object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="frame">the frame object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="request">the request object - can be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <returns>To optionally filter cookies for the request return a ICookieAccessFilter instance otherwise return null.</returns>
protected virtual ICookieAccessFilter GetCookieAccessFilter(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request)
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Called on the CEF IO thread before a resource is loaded. To specify a handler for the resource return a
/// <see cref="IResourceHandler"/> object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">The browser UI control.</param>
/// <param name="browser">the browser object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="frame">the frame object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="request">the request object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <returns>
/// To allow the resource to load using the default network loader return null otherwise return an instance of
/// <see cref="IResourceHandler"/> with a valid stream.
/// </returns>
IResourceHandler IResourceRequestHandler.GetResourceHandler(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request)
return GetResourceHandler(chromiumWebBrowser, browser, frame, request);
/// <summary>
/// Called on the CEF IO thread before a resource is loaded. To specify a handler for the resource return a
/// <see cref="IResourceHandler"/> object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">The browser UI control.</param>
/// <param name="browser">the browser object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="frame">the frame object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="request">the request object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <returns>
/// To allow the resource to load using the default network loader return null otherwise return an instance of
/// <see cref="IResourceHandler"/> with a valid stream.
/// </returns>
protected virtual IResourceHandler GetResourceHandler(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request)
return null;
/// <summary>Called on the CEF IO thread to optionally filter resource response content.</summary>
/// <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">The ChromiumWebBrowser control.</param>
/// <param name="browser">the browser object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="frame">the frame object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="request">the request object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <param name="response">the response object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <returns>Return an IResponseFilter to intercept this response, otherwise return null.</returns>
IResponseFilter IResourceRequestHandler.GetResourceResponseFilter(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IResponse response)
return GetResourceResponseFilter(chromiumWebBrowser, browser, frame, request, response);
/// <summary>Called on the CEF IO thread to optionally filter resource response content.</summary>
/// <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">The ChromiumWebBrowser control.</param>
/// <param name="browser">the browser object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="frame">the frame object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="request">the request object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <param name="response">the response object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <returns>Return an IResponseFilter to intercept this response, otherwise return null.</returns>
protected virtual IResponseFilter GetResourceResponseFilter(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IResponse response)
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Called on the CEF IO thread before a resource request is loaded. To redirect or change the resource load optionally modify
/// <paramref name="request"/>. Modification of the request URL will be treated as a redirect.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">The ChromiumWebBrowser control.</param>
/// <param name="browser">the browser object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="frame">the frame object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="request">the request object - can be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <param name="callback">Callback interface used for asynchronous continuation of url requests.</param>
/// <returns>
/// Return <see cref="CefReturnValue.Continue"/> to continue the request immediately. Return
/// <see cref="CefReturnValue.ContinueAsync"/> and call <see cref="IRequestCallback.Continue"/> or
/// <see cref="IRequestCallback.Cancel"/> at a later time to continue or the cancel the request asynchronously. Return
/// <see cref="CefReturnValue.Cancel"/> to cancel the request immediately.
/// </returns>
CefReturnValue IResourceRequestHandler.OnBeforeResourceLoad(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IRequestCallback callback)
return OnBeforeResourceLoad(chromiumWebBrowser, browser, frame, request, callback);
/// <summary>
/// Called on the CEF IO thread before a resource request is loaded. To redirect or change the resource load optionally modify
/// <paramref name="request"/>. Modification of the request URL will be treated as a redirect.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">The ChromiumWebBrowser control.</param>
/// <param name="browser">the browser object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="frame">the frame object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="request">the request object - can be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <param name="callback">Callback interface used for asynchronous continuation of url requests.</param>
/// <returns>
/// Return <see cref="CefReturnValue.Continue"/> to continue the request immediately. Return
/// <see cref="CefReturnValue.ContinueAsync"/> and call <see cref="IRequestCallback.Continue"/> or
/// <see cref="IRequestCallback.Cancel"/> at a later time to continue or the cancel the request asynchronously. Return
/// <see cref="CefReturnValue.Cancel"/> to cancel the request immediately.
/// </returns>
protected virtual CefReturnValue OnBeforeResourceLoad(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IRequestCallback callback)
return CefReturnValue.Continue;
/// <summary>
/// Called on the CEF UI thread to handle requests for URLs with an unknown protocol component. SECURITY WARNING: YOU SHOULD USE
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">The ChromiumWebBrowser control.</param>
/// <param name="browser">the browser object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="frame">the frame object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="request">the request object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <returns>
/// return to true to attempt execution via the registered OS protocol handler, if any. Otherwise return false.
/// </returns>
bool IResourceRequestHandler.OnProtocolExecution(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request)
return OnProtocolExecution(chromiumWebBrowser, browser, frame, request);
/// <summary>
/// Called on the CEF UI thread to handle requests for URLs with an unknown protocol component. SECURITY WARNING: YOU SHOULD USE
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">The ChromiumWebBrowser control.</param>
/// <param name="browser">the browser object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="frame">the frame object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="request">the request object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <returns>
/// return to true to attempt execution via the registered OS protocol handler, if any. Otherwise return false.
/// </returns>
protected virtual bool OnProtocolExecution(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request)
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Called on the CEF IO thread when a resource load has completed. This method will be called for all requests, including
/// requests that are aborted due to CEF shutdown or destruction of the associated browser. In cases where the associated browser
/// is destroyed this callback may arrive after the <see cref="ILifeSpanHandler.OnBeforeClose"/> callback for that browser. The
/// <see cref="IFrame.IsValid"/> method can be used to test for this situation, and care
/// should be taken not to call <paramref name="browser"/> or <paramref name="frame"/> methods that modify state (like LoadURL,
/// SendProcessMessage, etc.) if the frame is invalid.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">The ChromiumWebBrowser control.</param>
/// <param name="browser">the browser object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="frame">the frame object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="request">the request object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <param name="response">the response object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <param name="status">indicates the load completion status.</param>
/// <param name="receivedContentLength">is the number of response bytes actually read.</param>
void IResourceRequestHandler.OnResourceLoadComplete(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IResponse response, UrlRequestStatus status, long receivedContentLength)
OnResourceLoadComplete(chromiumWebBrowser, browser, frame, request, response, status, receivedContentLength);
/// <summary>
/// Called on the CEF IO thread when a resource load has completed. This method will be called for all requests, including
/// requests that are aborted due to CEF shutdown or destruction of the associated browser. In cases where the associated browser
/// is destroyed this callback may arrive after the <see cref="ILifeSpanHandler.OnBeforeClose"/> callback for that browser. The
/// <see cref="IFrame.IsValid"/> method can be used to test for this situation, and care
/// should be taken not to call <paramref name="browser"/> or <paramref name="frame"/> methods that modify state (like LoadURL,
/// SendProcessMessage, etc.) if the frame is invalid.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">The ChromiumWebBrowser control.</param>
/// <param name="browser">the browser object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="frame">the frame object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="request">the request object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <param name="response">the response object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <param name="status">indicates the load completion status.</param>
/// <param name="receivedContentLength">is the number of response bytes actually read.</param>
protected virtual void OnResourceLoadComplete(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IResponse response, UrlRequestStatus status, long receivedContentLength)
/// <summary>
/// Called on the CEF IO thread when a resource load is redirected. The <paramref name="request"/> parameter will contain the old
/// URL and other request-related information. The <paramref name="response"/> parameter will contain the response that resulted
/// in the redirect. The <paramref name="newUrl"/> parameter will contain the new URL and can be changed if desired.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">The ChromiumWebBrowser control.</param>
/// <param name="browser">the browser object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="frame">the frame object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="request">the request object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <param name="response">the response object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <param name="newUrl">[in,out] the new URL and can be changed if desired.</param>
void IResourceRequestHandler.OnResourceRedirect(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IResponse response, ref string newUrl)
OnResourceRedirect(chromiumWebBrowser, browser, frame, request, response, ref newUrl);
/// <summary>
/// Called on the CEF IO thread when a resource load is redirected. The <paramref name="request"/> parameter will contain the old
/// URL and other request-related information. The <paramref name="response"/> parameter will contain the response that resulted
/// in the redirect. The <paramref name="newUrl"/> parameter will contain the new URL and can be changed if desired.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">The ChromiumWebBrowser control.</param>
/// <param name="browser">the browser object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="frame">the frame object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="request">the request object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <param name="response">the response object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <param name="newUrl">[in,out] the new URL and can be changed if desired.</param>
protected virtual void OnResourceRedirect(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IResponse response, ref string newUrl)
/// <summary>
/// Called on the CEF IO thread when a resource response is received. To allow the resource load to proceed without modification
/// return false. To redirect or retry the resource load optionally modify <paramref name="request"/> and return true.
/// Modification of the request URL will be treated as a redirect. Requests handled using the default network loader cannot be
/// redirected in this callback.
/// WARNING: Redirecting using this method is deprecated. Use OnBeforeResourceLoad or GetResourceHandler to perform redirects.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">The ChromiumWebBrowser control.</param>
/// <param name="browser">the browser object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="frame">the frame object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="request">the request object.</param>
/// <param name="response">the response object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <returns>
/// To allow the resource load to proceed without modification return false. To redirect or retry the resource load optionally
/// modify <paramref name="request"/> and return true. Modification of the request URL will be treated as a redirect. Requests
/// handled using the default network loader cannot be redirected in this callback.
/// </returns>
bool IResourceRequestHandler.OnResourceResponse(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IResponse response)
return OnResourceResponse(chromiumWebBrowser, browser, frame, request, response);
/// <summary>
/// Called on the CEF IO thread when a resource response is received. To allow the resource load to proceed without modification
/// return false. To redirect or retry the resource load optionally modify <paramref name="request"/> and return true.
/// Modification of the request URL will be treated as a redirect. Requests handled using the default network loader cannot be
/// redirected in this callback.
/// WARNING: Redirecting using this method is deprecated. Use OnBeforeResourceLoad or GetResourceHandler to perform redirects.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">The ChromiumWebBrowser control.</param>
/// <param name="browser">the browser object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="frame">the frame object - may be null if originating from ServiceWorker or CefURLRequest.</param>
/// <param name="request">the request object.</param>
/// <param name="response">the response object - cannot be modified in this callback.</param>
/// <returns>
/// To allow the resource load to proceed without modification return false. To redirect or retry the resource load optionally
/// modify <paramref name="request"/> and return true. Modification of the request URL will be treated as a redirect. Requests
/// handled using the default network loader cannot be redirected in this callback.
/// </returns>
protected virtual bool OnResourceResponse(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IResponse response)
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Called when the unamanged resource is freed.
/// Unmanaged resources are ref counted and freed when
/// the last reference is released, this works differently
/// to .Net garbage collection.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Dispose()
void IDisposable.Dispose()
public class TestJsonFilter : IResponseFilter
public List<byte> DataAll = new List<byte>();
public FilterStatus Filter(System.IO.Stream dataIn, out long dataInRead, System.IO.Stream dataOut, out long dataOutWritten)
if (dataIn == null || dataIn.Length == 0)
dataInRead = 0;
dataOutWritten = 0;
return FilterStatus.Done;
dataInRead = dataIn.Length;
dataOutWritten = Math.Min(dataInRead, dataOut.Length);
dataIn.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] bs = new byte[dataIn.Length];
dataIn.Read(bs, 0, bs.Length);
dataInRead = dataIn.Length;
dataOutWritten = dataIn.Length;
return FilterStatus.NeedMoreData;
catch (Exception ex)
dataInRead = dataIn.Length;
dataOutWritten = dataIn.Length;
return FilterStatus.Done;
public bool InitFilter()
return true;
public void Dispose()
public class FilterManager
private static Dictionary<string, IResponseFilter> dataList = new Dictionary<string, IResponseFilter>();
public static IResponseFilter CreateFilter(string guid)
lock (dataList)
var filter = new TestJsonFilter();
dataList.Add(guid, filter);
return filter;
public static IResponseFilter GetFileter(string guid)
lock (dataList)
return dataList[guid];
然后重写IResponseFilter、OnResourceLoadComplete两个接口,在OnResourceLoadComplete接口中就能接收返回值了。返回值会返回到函数的request参数下,此参数是一个结构体,可以自行在 **if (request.Url.ToLower().Contains("sugrec"))**这一句上下断点查看结构体的内容,然后自行加判断来过滤返回值,这里鄙人先判断发送类型为GET消息,然后再根据发送消息URL里的关键字来过滤返回值,最后显示到WinForm窗口程序绑定的控制台窗口里。
public class WinFormResourceRequestHandler : ResourceRequestHandler
protected override IResponseFilter GetResourceResponseFilter(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IResponse response)
var filter = FilterManager.CreateFilter(request.Identifier.ToString());
return filter;
protected override void OnResourceLoadComplete(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IResponse response, UrlRequestStatus status, long receivedContentLength)
if (request.Method == "GET")
if (request.Url.ToLower().Contains("sugrec"))
var filter = FilterManager.GetFileter(request.Identifier.ToString()) as TestJsonFilter;
UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
var data = encoding.GetString(filter.DataAll.ToArray());
System.Console.WriteLine("742行:" + data);
public class WinFormsRequestHandler : RequestHandler
protected override IResourceRequestHandler GetResourceRequestHandler(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, bool isNavigation, bool isDownload, string requestInitiator, ref bool disableDefaultHandling)
//NOTE: In most cases you examine the request.Url and only handle requests you are interested in
if (request.Url.ToLower().Contains("login".ToLower()))
using (var postData = request.PostData)
if (postData != null)
var elements = postData.Elements;
var charSet = request.GetCharSet();
foreach (var element in elements)
if (element.Type == PostDataElementType.Bytes)
var body = element.GetBody(charSet);
return new WinFormResourceRequestHandler();


using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CefSharp;
using CefSharp.WinForms;
using CefSharp.Handler;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.IO;
public partial class Form1 : Form
ChromiumWebBrowser different;
public static extern bool AllocConsole();
public static extern bool FreeConsole();
public Form1()
AllocConsole(); //关联一个控制台窗口用于显示信息
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
CefSettings settings = new CefSettings();
settings.CachePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + @"\Know";
//设置cookie存储目录 C:\Users\×××(系统用户名)\AppData\Local\Know
different = new ChromiumWebBrowser("https://www.baidu.com");
different.RequestHandler = new WinFormsRequestHandler();//应用拦截规则
different.LifeSpanHandler = new CefLifeSpanHandler();//让新页面在当前页面打开
different.BrowserSettings = new BrowserSettings()
WebGl = CefState.Enabled,
ImageLoading = CefState.Enabled,
RemoteFonts = CefState.Enabled,
AcceptLanguageList = "zh-CN"
tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(different, 0, 1);//把浏览器空间加入布局容器
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
//窗口关闭前 回调函数