Filter and Group Data in Angular Spreadsheet Apps

Filter and Group Data in Angular Spreadsheet Apps

December 19, 2023

Data filtering and grouping allow spreadsheet users to efficiently manage and analyze large datasets with ease.

Data filtering and grouping are key spreadsheet features that allow users to manage and analyze large datasets efficiently. Filtering enables users to hide data that does not meet certain criteria, making it easier to focus on relevant information. Grouping clusters related data together, which can then be summarized with functions such as sum, average, and count. These features are vital for working with extensive spreadsheets, enabling users to simplify their view, and gain insights from specific subsets of data.

Several Angular Spreadsheet components provide data filtering and grouping support including:

  • Jspreadsheet Pro supports navigating large datasets with ease using multi-level filtering and summarize key trends with dynamic group summaries.
  • Syncfusion Spreadsheet JavaScript (part of Syncfusion Essential Studio) allows you to gain insights and enhance understanding with nested grouping.
  • Infragistics Spreadsheet Angular (part of Infragistics Ignite UI) lets you simplify data exploration with drag-and-drop grouping and aggregate functions for instant summaries.
  • SpreadJS by MESCIUS supports crafting precise filters using advanced formulas and grouping data by multiple criteria for deeper analysis.

For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our Angular Spreadsheet Component comparison.


SpreadJS is a complete enterprise JavaScript spreadsheet solution used to create financial reports and dashboards, budgeting and forecasting models, scientific, engineering, healthcare, education, science lab notebooks, and other similar JavaScript business applications. Leverage the high-speed calculation engine with over 500 Excel built-in functions in 19 languages, to deliver true Excel-like spreadsheet experiences with zero dependencies on Excel. Fully customize your application's needs with SpreadJS's optional deployment add-on components for Pivot Tables UI, and an Excel-like Designer ribbon, allowing your users to perform complex interactive analysis and data visualization. Full support for React, Vue, Angular, and TypeScript.

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