ML Design Pattern——Repeatable Splitting

In machine learning (ML), one of the most common design patterns is the Repeatable Splitting pattern. This pattern allows developers to decompose complex algorithms into smaller, reusable components, making it easier to maintain and enhance the overall functionality.

Problem Statement

When developing ML algorithms, it is often necessary to perform splitting operations on datasets. For example, data splitting can be used to prepare training data, test data, and validation data. However, implementing these splitting operations manually can be time-consuming and prone to errors. This is where Repeatable Splitting comes in.


The Repeatable Splitting pattern provides a solution by abstracting away the details of data splitting into reusable components. These components can be implemented once and then reused across different ML algorithms, saving time and effort. By encapsulating the splitting logic, developers can focus on implementing the core functionality of their algorithms without worrying about the complexities of data partitioning.

Key Components

The Repeatable Splitting pattern consists of several key components that work together to facilitate data splitting. These include:

  1. Split Strategy: A strategy that defines the rules for splitting the dataset into different partitions. The strategy can be based on different criteria such as random sampling, stratified sampling, or clustering.

  2. Splitter: A class that implements the actual splitting logic. The splitter class typically takes as input a dataset and a split strategy, and generates the required partitions.

  3. Manager: A class responsible for managing the splitter instances and coordinating the splitting process. The manager class can also provide methods for configuring and unregistering splitters.

  4. Utility Functions: Helper functions that handle common tasks such as data preparation for split and partition validation. These functions can be shared between different splitters and manager classes.


To implement the Repeatable Splitting pattern, developers can create a SplitManager class that serves as a central point of control for the splitting process. The SplitManager class can initialize a list of splitter instances, which can be registered and unregistered as needed. The manager can also expose methods for initiating the splitting process, retrieving the generated partitions, and validating the partitions.

Each splitter class can be responsible for implementing a specific split strategy. For example, one splitter class might use random sampling to split the dataset into training and test partitions, while another might use stratified sampling to ensure the partitions represent a balanced distribution. The splitter class can implement the split strategy by defining a set of split points and creating the partitions accordingly.


Implementing the Repeatable Splitting pattern offers several benefits in the context of ML development:

  • Reusability: Developers can reuse the same splitting logic across different ML algorithms, reducing code duplication and improving maintainability.

  • Flexibility: The pattern allows developers to specify different split strategies, enabling them to tailor the splitting process to their specific requirements.

  • Extensibility: The separation of the split strategy from the splitter class allows developers to extend or replace the splitting logic without affecting the rest of the codebase.

  • Efficiency: By automating the data splitting process, developers can save time and effort, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their algorithm implementation.


The Repeatable Splitting pattern is a valuable design pattern in ML development, enabling developers to decompose complex algorithms into smaller, reusable components. By implementing this pattern, developers can save time, improve code maintainability, and extend the flexibility and enhance the efficiency of their ML projects. Whether you are an experienced developer or just starting out in ML, incorporating the Repeatable Splitting pattern into your workflow can be a stepping stone to creating robust and efficient machine learning solutions.

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