CSC8021_computer network_The Transport Layer

Role of the transport layer

• The transport layer is responsible for providing a reliable end-to-end connection between two application processes in a network

• Abstracting away the physical subnet

• Does not involve intermediate nodes

• Takes a network address (IP) and transport address (port) to ensure packets are received by the desired service





Comparison with other OSI layers

• Much of the functionality of the Transport and Datalink layers are the same but with any complex network between hosts abstracted away

• The Network layer is run by communications providers while the Transport layer is run by communicating hosts



Well known ports

• Well known ports are (usually) assigned to a standard service that a

system offers.

• In combination with an IP, the port is used to move packets from the network to the desired application layer service. An example might be for SSH

• This combination of IP + port is called a socket



·这种IP +端口的组合称为套接字

Transport protocol data unit (TPDU)

• Used to encapsulate transport layer data

• Passed to the Network layer, which is passed to the Datalink layer, which is passed to the Physical layer, sent across a network, then back up the stack and unwrapped



Unicast vs Multicast vs Broadcast

• Unicast is a one-to-one transmission from one node in a network to another

• Multicast is a one-to-many transmission from one node in a network to many selected nodes

• Broadcast is a one-to-all transmission from one node to all other nodes on the network




Transport protocols

• There are two commonly supported transport layer protocols

  1. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
  2. User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
    • UDP is connectionless (also called fire and forget) and consequentially faster than TCP
    -- Used for real-time services (DNS lookup, online gaming, video streaming)
    • TCP is connection oriented and while slower is more reliable
    -- Used for transfers that cannot fail (email, webpages, file transfers)
    UDP是无连接的(也称为fire and forget),因此比TCP快。
  • 用于实时服务(DNS查找、在线游戏、视频流)
    · TCP是面向连接的,速度越慢越可靠
  • 用于不会失败的传输(电子邮件、网页、文件传输)

User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

• Designed for "one request, one response" applications where setting up a connection is too much work

• An unreliable transport protocol

• UDP is not very popular but has its use cases

• "IP with extra header"

• Many systems reject UDP on non-standard ports by default




·"IP with extra header"


Transmission control protocol (TCP)

• Designed to be robust under unreliable internet conditions

• Provides end-to-end connection

• Utilises a 3-way handshake for connection

• Utilises a sliding window protocol for flow control





3-Way handshake

The TCP 3-Way Handshake prevents duplicate connections,and allows the nodes to reject spurious packets

  1. SYN (sync)
  2. SYN/ACK
  3. ACK (acknowledged)
    At this point x becomes the starting sequence number for the sender, and y becomes the starting sequence number for the receiver
    TCP 3-Way Handshake防止重复连接,并允许节点拒绝虚假数据包
  4. SYN(同步)
  5. SYN/ACK
  6. ACK(已确认)

Flow control

• TCP operates a sliding window mechanism where each acknowledge includes the amount of data the receiver is now willing to accept.

• A number of measures are commonly employed to ensure that the window size is roughly a multiple of the senders desired segment size.

• Different flow control schemes are one of the main differences between different versions of TCP used today (there are several).




Sliding window

• Sender sends 2048 bits to start

• Receiver's buffer has capacity so it acks the send and sets the window

• Sender sends the same amount which fills receiver's buffer

• Receiver acks the send and sets the window to 0 until the buffer is cleared

• Receivers buffer gets cleared 2048 bits so it acks the last send again and sends the new window








• Connectionless

• Unicast, Multicast, or Broadcast communication

• No guarantees (packets may be lost, out of order,dropped)

• Faster due to "fire and forget" model


• Connection oriented

• Unicast communication

• Data delivery guarantees

-- Packets arrive in order

-- Duplicate packets are rejected

-- Dropped packets are retransmitted

• Slower due to connection overhead

• Can deal with congestion










  • 数据包按顺序到达

  • 拒绝重复的数据包

  • 重传丢弃的数据包



TCP congestion control - slow start

In order to deal with packet congestion,TCP utilises an algorithm called slow start

  1. Window starts at 1 max segment(TDPU) size
  2. Doubles window each time an ack is received, exponential increase
  3. When a packet is lost (congestion), the window reverts to 1 max segment and the process starts from step 1 again

TCP congestion control - threshold

Another way TCP deals with congestion is by utilising a threshold

  1. Window starts at 1 max segment(TDPU) size
  2. State some threshold (e.g. 32k) and double the window each time an ack is received until it is reached
  3. Once threshold is met, linearly increase window size
  4. When a packet is lost (congestion) reset threshold to ½ current window and the process starts from step 1 again
    2.规定某个阈值(例如32 k),并在每次收到确认时将窗口加倍,直到达到该阈值
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