提供5个我经常使用的chatgpt-4 prompts,希望对大家有所帮助!如果您也有比较好的表述方式,请不要吝啬分享。
1. A clip of Attack on Titan
- 进击的巨人的一个剪辑
2. Please provide subtitles for this video
- 请给视频配上字幕
3. Please create a video clip with the background music using the Chinese singer Guo Ding's 'Melancholy Earth,' and ensure that the video content closely matches the background music.
- 给视频的背景音乐配上合适的动画画面
4. Japanese anime
- 日本动漫
5. Provide scenes or scenarios from this anime to match the background music, specifying the episode or episode number of the anime.
- 提供符合背景音乐的动漫场景并说出场景所在的位置