

我正在的github给大家开发一个用于做实验的项目 ------ github.com/qw225967/Bifrost






1.1 背景介绍



cpp 复制代码
class FecController {
  virtual ~FecController() {}

  virtual void SetProtectionCallback(
      VCMProtectionCallback* protection_callback) = 0;
  virtual void SetProtectionMethod(bool enable_fec, bool enable_nack) = 0;

  // Informs loss protectoin logic of initial encoding state.
  virtual void SetEncodingData(size_t width,
                               size_t height,
                               size_t num_temporal_layers,
                               size_t max_payload_size) = 0;

  // Returns target rate for the encoder given the channel parameters.
  // Inputs:  estimated_bitrate_bps - the estimated network bitrate in bits/s.
  //          actual_framerate - encoder frame rate.
  //          fraction_lost - packet loss rate in % in the network.
  //          loss_mask_vector - packet loss mask since last time this method
  //          was called. round_trip_time_ms - round trip time in milliseconds.
  virtual uint32_t UpdateFecRates(uint32_t estimated_bitrate_bps,
                                  int actual_framerate,
                                  uint8_t fraction_lost,
                                  std::vector<bool> loss_mask_vector,
                                  int64_t round_trip_time_ms) = 0;

  // Informs of encoded output.
  virtual void UpdateWithEncodedData(
      size_t encoded_image_length,
      VideoFrameType encoded_image_frametype) = 0;

  // Returns whether this FEC Controller needs Loss Vector Mask as input.
  virtual bool UseLossVectorMask() = 0;


cpp 复制代码
class FecControllerDefault : public FecController {
  FecControllerDefault(Clock* clock,
                       VCMProtectionCallback* protection_callback);
  explicit FecControllerDefault(Clock* clock);
  ~FecControllerDefault() override;

  FecControllerDefault(const FecControllerDefault&) = delete;
  FecControllerDefault& operator=(const FecControllerDefault&) = delete;

  void SetProtectionCallback(
      VCMProtectionCallback* protection_callback) override;
  void SetProtectionMethod(bool enable_fec, bool enable_nack) override;
  void SetEncodingData(size_t width,
                       size_t height,
                       size_t num_temporal_layers,
                       size_t max_payload_size) override;
  uint32_t UpdateFecRates(uint32_t estimated_bitrate_bps,
                          int actual_framerate_fps,
                          uint8_t fraction_lost,
                          std::vector<bool> loss_mask_vector,
                          int64_t round_trip_time_ms) override;
  void UpdateWithEncodedData(size_t encoded_image_length,
                             VideoFrameType encoded_image_frametype) override;
  bool UseLossVectorMask() override;
  float GetProtectionOverheadRateThreshold();

  enum { kBitrateAverageWinMs = 1000 };
  Clock* const clock_;
  VCMProtectionCallback* protection_callback_;
  Mutex mutex_;
  std::unique_ptr<media_optimization::VCMLossProtectionLogic> loss_prot_logic_
  size_t max_payload_size_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);

  const float overhead_threshold_;


丢包和RTT的数据需要根据对端回复的RR而进行动态调整,因此可以理解为:Fec动态调整的粒度依赖于RR回复的频率 。我们可以考虑调整RR的反馈频率,来获得自己理想的动态调整粒度,做进一步的优化。


1.2 VCMLossProtectionLogic

cpp 复制代码
// 可以设置不同的保护方法,Nack/Fec/Nack+Fec,在下一节分析一下几个方法
void VCMLossProtectionLogic::SetMethod(
    enum VCMProtectionMethodEnum newMethodType) {
  if (_selectedMethod && _selectedMethod->Type() == newMethodType)

  switch (newMethodType) {
    case kNack:
      _selectedMethod.reset(new VCMNackMethod());
    case kFec:
      _selectedMethod.reset(new VCMFecMethod());
    case kNackFec:
      _selectedMethod.reset(new VCMNackFecMethod(kLowRttNackMs, -1));
    case kNone:


// 过滤丢包数据,可以 平均过滤/最大值过滤/不过滤
uint8_t VCMLossProtectionLogic::FilteredLoss(int64_t nowMs,
                                             FilterPacketLossMode filter_mode,
                                             uint8_t lossPr255) {
  // Update the max window filter.
  UpdateMaxLossHistory(lossPr255, nowMs);

  // Update the recursive average filter.
  _lossPr255.Apply(rtc::saturated_cast<float>(nowMs - _lastPrUpdateT),
  _lastPrUpdateT = nowMs;

  // Filtered loss: default is received loss (no filtering).
  uint8_t filtered_loss = lossPr255;

  switch (filter_mode) {
    case kNoFilter:
    case kAvgFilter:
      filtered_loss = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(_lossPr255.filtered() + 0.5);
    case kMaxFilter:
      filtered_loss = MaxFilteredLossPr(nowMs);

  return filtered_loss;


1.3 VCMProtectionMethod

下面提到了保护因子计算的逻辑,该逻辑是通过查询 kFecRateTable 表,这个表分了很多个部分。每部分的数据都是从 0 ~ X作为一个部分。因为原先这个表是二维的表:kFecRateTable[rate][loss],在数学上WebRTC团队把它简化成了一维表:kFecRateTable[k],其实逻辑差不多,大家可以换算一下:k = rate_i*129 + loss_j。

cpp 复制代码
// VCMNackMethod 比较简单,这里不展开。
// VCMFecMethod 这个类就有部分计算的逻辑:

// 该函数调用的 parameters 参数是从上述的loss中的丢包、RTT、帧率等更新进去的
// _protectionFactorK 关键帧保护因子
// _protectionFactorD p帧保护因子
bool VCMFecMethod::ProtectionFactor(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters) {
  // FEC PROTECTION SETTINGS: varies with packet loss and bitrate

  // No protection if (filtered) packetLoss is 0
  // 没有丢包直接返回
  uint8_t packetLoss = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(255 * parameters->lossPr);
  if (packetLoss == 0) {
    _protectionFactorK = 0;
    _protectionFactorD = 0;
    return true;

  // Parameters for FEC setting:
  // first partition size, thresholds, table pars, spatial resoln fac.

  // First partition protection: ~ 20%

  // firstPartitionProt 换算出来是 51,该值应用在表中。
  // kFecRateTable 是一个每帧包数和丢包率对应的一个表,根据两个参数换算出一个fec_rate。
  // 这个表的第一部分就是 0 - 51,因此这个参数代表的是第一部分的最大fec_rate

  uint8_t firstPartitionProt = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(255 * 0.20);

  // Minimum protection level needed to generate one FEC packet for one
  // source packet/frame (in RTP sender)
  // 在 ForwardErrorCorrection 类中 NumFecPackets 计算了至少生成一个Fec的码率,
  // 假设 媒体数据为 1 个,那么经过换算之后必须得把 fec_rate 设置为 85 才能生成一个Fec包。
  uint8_t minProtLevelFec = 85;

  // Threshold on packetLoss and bitRrate/frameRate (=average #packets),
  // above which we allocate protection to cover at least first partition.

  // 每帧包数量 和 丢包率
  // 用于计算查表,表的k为:k = rate_i*129 + loss_j
  uint8_t lossThr = 0;
  uint8_t packetNumThr = 1;

  // Parameters for range of rate index of table.
  const uint8_t ratePar1 = 5;
  const uint8_t ratePar2 = 49;

  // Spatial resolution size, relative to a reference size.
  // 计算:rate_i*129
  // 换算表的参数根据 宽高 704 * 576 为换算基础值。约大我们需要的增幅值越大。
  float spatialSizeToRef = rtc::saturated_cast<float>(parameters->codecWidth *
                                                      parameters->codecHeight) /
                           (rtc::saturated_cast<float>(704 * 576));
  // resolnFac: This parameter will generally increase/decrease the FEC rate
  // (for fixed bitRate and packetLoss) based on system size.
  // Use a smaller exponent (< 1) to control/soften system size effect.

  // powf 是平方函数,spatialSizeToRef 的 0.3 平方可以获得一个缩小增长趋势的值,保证了平滑性

  const float resolnFac = 1.0 / powf(spatialSizeToRef, 0.3f);

  // 计算帧的包数量
  const int bitRatePerFrame = BitsPerFrame(parameters);

  // Average number of packets per frame (source and fec):

  // 计算平均包数
  const uint8_t avgTotPackets = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(
      1.5f + rtc::saturated_cast<float>(bitRatePerFrame) * 1000.0f /
                 rtc::saturated_cast<float>(8.0 * _maxPayloadSize));

  // FEC rate parameters: for P and I frame
  uint8_t codeRateDelta = 0;
  uint8_t codeRateKey = 0;

  // Get index for table: the FEC protection depends on an effective rate.
  // The range on the rate index corresponds to rates (bps)
  // from ~200k to ~8000k, for 30fps

  // 包数量根据前面分辨率换算的参数,计算得到 码率/帧率 的一个参数,用来查表

  const uint16_t effRateFecTable =
      rtc::saturated_cast<uint16_t>(resolnFac * bitRatePerFrame);
  uint8_t rateIndexTable = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(
      VCM_MAX(VCM_MIN((effRateFecTable - ratePar1) / ratePar1, ratePar2), 0));

  // Restrict packet loss range to 50:
  // current tables defined only up to 50%
  // 计算:loss_j
  // 当前默认只支持到50%的丢包

  if (packetLoss >= kPacketLossMax) {
    packetLoss = kPacketLossMax - 1;

  // 最终:k = rate_i*129 + loss_j
  uint16_t indexTable = rateIndexTable * kPacketLossMax + packetLoss;

  // Check on table index
  RTC_DCHECK_LT(indexTable, kFecRateTableSize);

  // Protection factor for P frame
  codeRateDelta = kFecRateTable[indexTable];

  // 查表完成后取了前面的边界条件。
  if (packetLoss > lossThr && avgTotPackets > packetNumThr) {
    // Set a minimum based on first partition size.
    if (codeRateDelta < firstPartitionProt) {
      codeRateDelta = firstPartitionProt;

  // Check limit on amount of protection for P frame; 50% is max.
  if (codeRateDelta >= kPacketLossMax) {
    codeRateDelta = kPacketLossMax - 1;

  // For Key frame:
  // Effectively at a higher rate, so we scale/boost the rate
  // The boost factor may depend on several factors: ratio of packet
  // number of I to P frames, how much protection placed on P frames, etc.

  // 关键帧 和 p帧 的保护需要区分开,一是关键帧更重要、二是关键帧的数据量更多,因此保护的内容需要给更多倾斜

  const uint8_t packetFrameDelta =
      rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(0.5 + parameters->packetsPerFrame);
  const uint8_t packetFrameKey =
      rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(0.5 + parameters->packetsPerFrameKey);
  const uint8_t boostKey = BoostCodeRateKey(packetFrameDelta, packetFrameKey);

  rateIndexTable = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(VCM_MAX(
      VCM_MIN(1 + (boostKey * effRateFecTable - ratePar1) / ratePar1, ratePar2),
  uint16_t indexTableKey = rateIndexTable * kPacketLossMax + packetLoss;

  indexTableKey = VCM_MIN(indexTableKey, kFecRateTableSize);

  // Check on table index
  assert(indexTableKey < kFecRateTableSize);

  // Protection factor for I frame
  codeRateKey = kFecRateTable[indexTableKey];

  // Boosting for Key frame.
  int boostKeyProt = _scaleProtKey * codeRateDelta;
  if (boostKeyProt >= kPacketLossMax) {
    boostKeyProt = kPacketLossMax - 1;

  // Make sure I frame protection is at least larger than P frame protection,
  // and at least as high as filtered packet loss.
  codeRateKey = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(
      VCM_MAX(packetLoss, VCM_MAX(boostKeyProt, codeRateKey)));

  // Check limit on amount of protection for I frame: 50% is max.
  if (codeRateKey >= kPacketLossMax) {
    codeRateKey = kPacketLossMax - 1;

  _protectionFactorK = codeRateKey;
  _protectionFactorD = codeRateDelta;

  // Generally there is a rate mis-match between the FEC cost estimated
  // in mediaOpt and the actual FEC cost sent out in RTP module.
  // This is more significant at low rates (small # of source packets), where
  // the granularity of the FEC decreases. In this case, non-zero protection
  // in mediaOpt may generate 0 FEC packets in RTP sender (since actual #FEC
  // is based on rounding off protectionFactor on actual source packet number).
  // The correction factor (_corrFecCost) attempts to corrects this, at least
  // for cases of low rates (small #packets) and low protection levels.

  float numPacketsFl =
      1.0f + (rtc::saturated_cast<float>(bitRatePerFrame) * 1000.0 /
                  rtc::saturated_cast<float>(8.0 * _maxPayloadSize) +

  const float estNumFecGen =
      0.5f +
      rtc::saturated_cast<float>(_protectionFactorD * numPacketsFl / 255.0f);

  // We reduce cost factor (which will reduce overhead for FEC and
  // hybrid method) and not the protectionFactor.
  _corrFecCost = 1.0f;
  if (estNumFecGen < 1.1f && _protectionFactorD < minProtLevelFec) {
    _corrFecCost = 0.5f;
  if (estNumFecGen < 0.9f && _protectionFactorD < minProtLevelFec) {
    _corrFecCost = 0.0f;

  return true;



cpp 复制代码
// FlexfecSender中的两个函数:SetFecParameters、AddRtpPacketAndGenerateFec。
// 在地下都是 ulpfec_generator_ 直接调用对应的,SetFecParameters、AddRtpPacketAndGenerateFec。

constexpr size_t kUlpfecMaxMediaPackets = 48;
constexpr uint8_t kHighProtectionThreshold = 80;
constexpr size_t kMinMediaPackets = 4;


void UlpfecGenerator::SetFecParameters(const FecProtectionParams& params) {
  RTC_DCHECK_GE(params.fec_rate, 0);
  RTC_DCHECK_LE(params.fec_rate, 255);
  // Store the new params and apply them for the next set of FEC packets being
  // produced.
  new_params_ = params;

  // 当fec_rate大于阈值,那么媒体包数最低也要 4 个
  if (params.fec_rate > kHighProtectionThreshold) {
    min_num_media_packets_ = kMinMediaPackets;
  } else {
    min_num_media_packets_ = 1;


int UlpfecGenerator::AddRtpPacketAndGenerateFec(const uint8_t* data_buffer,
                                                size_t payload_length,
                                                size_t rtp_header_length) {
  if (media_packets_.empty()) {
    params_ = new_params_;
  bool complete_frame = false;

  // marker_bit 代表了帧的结尾
  const bool marker_bit = (data_buffer[1] & kRtpMarkerBitMask) ? true : false;

  // 每次最大只能保护 80 个包
  if (media_packets_.size() < kUlpfecMaxMediaPackets) {
    // Our packet masks can only protect up to |kUlpfecMaxMediaPackets| packets.
    std::unique_ptr<ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet> packet(
        new ForwardErrorCorrection::Packet());
    packet->length = payload_length + rtp_header_length;
    memcpy(packet->data, data_buffer, packet->length);
    // Keep track of the RTP header length, so we can copy the RTP header
    // from |packet| to newly generated ULPFEC+RED packets.
    RTC_DCHECK_GE(rtp_header_length, kRtpHeaderSize);
    last_media_packet_rtp_header_length_ = rtp_header_length;

  // 当帧完整了就进行Fec保护,每次保护都是按帧级别进行
  if (marker_bit) {
    complete_frame = true;
  // Produce FEC over at most |params_.max_fec_frames| frames, or as soon as:
  // (1) the excess overhead (actual overhead - requested/target overhead) is
  // less than |kMaxExcessOverhead|, and
  // (2) at least |min_num_media_packets_| media packets is reached.
  if (complete_frame &&
      (num_protected_frames_ == params_.max_fec_frames ||
       (ExcessOverheadBelowMax() && MinimumMediaPacketsReached()))) {
    // We are not using Unequal Protection feature of the parity erasure code.
    constexpr int kNumImportantPackets = 0;
    constexpr bool kUseUnequalProtection = false;
    int ret = fec_->EncodeFec(media_packets_, params_.fec_rate,
                              kNumImportantPackets, kUseUnequalProtection,
                              params_.fec_mask_type, &generated_fec_packets_);
    if (generated_fec_packets_.empty()) {
    return ret;
  return 0;

2.1 ForwardErrorCorrection


cpp 复制代码
int ForwardErrorCorrection::EncodeFec(const PacketList& media_packets,
                                      uint8_t protection_factor,
                                      int num_important_packets,
                                      bool use_unequal_protection,
                                      FecMaskType fec_mask_type,
                                      std::list<Packet*>* fec_packets) {
  const size_t num_media_packets = media_packets.size();

  // Sanity check arguments.
  RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_media_packets, 0);
  RTC_DCHECK_GE(num_important_packets, 0);
  RTC_DCHECK_LE(num_important_packets, num_media_packets);
  const size_t max_media_packets = fec_header_writer_->MaxMediaPackets();
  if (num_media_packets > max_media_packets) {
    RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Can't protect " << num_media_packets
                        << " media packets per frame. Max is "
                        << max_media_packets << ".";
    return -1;

  // Error check the media packets.
  // 根据媒体队列进行非平衡编码,编码的内容则是针对payload进行。
  for (const auto& media_packet : media_packets) {
    if (media_packet->data.size() < kRtpHeaderSize) {
      RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Media packet " << media_packet->data.size()
                          << " bytes "
                             "is smaller than RTP header.";
      return -1;
    // Ensure the FEC packets will fit in a typical MTU.
    if (media_packet->data.size() + MaxPacketOverhead() + kTransportOverhead >
        IP_PACKET_SIZE) {
      RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Media packet " << media_packet->data.size()
                          << " bytes "
                             "with overhead is larger than "
                          << IP_PACKET_SIZE << " bytes.";

  // Prepare generated FEC packets.
  // 根据保护因子和媒体数据包获取fec的包数
  int num_fec_packets = NumFecPackets(num_media_packets, protection_factor);
  if (num_fec_packets == 0) {
    return 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_fec_packets; ++i) {
    memset(generated_fec_packets_[i].data.MutableData(), 0, IP_PACKET_SIZE);
    // Use this as a marker for untouched packets.

  // 创建编码表,编码表会根据fec_mask_type的类型,分两类:随机丢包 和 聚簇丢包
  // 同时媒体包数量越多编码的表更大。
  internal::PacketMaskTable mask_table(fec_mask_type, num_media_packets);
  packet_mask_size_ = internal::PacketMaskSize(num_media_packets);
  memset(packet_masks_, 0, num_fec_packets * packet_mask_size_);

  // 开始根据掩码表换算重点保护包数和非平衡保护数
  internal::GeneratePacketMasks(num_media_packets, num_fec_packets,
                                num_important_packets, use_unequal_protection,
                                &mask_table, packet_masks_);

  // Adapt packet masks to missing media packets.
  int num_mask_bits = InsertZerosInPacketMasks(media_packets, num_fec_packets);
  if (num_mask_bits < 0) {
    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Due to sequence number gaps, cannot protect media "
                        "packets with a single block of FEC packets.";
    return -1;
  packet_mask_size_ = internal::PacketMaskSize(num_mask_bits);

  // Write FEC packets to `generated_fec_packets_`.
  // 生成Fec保护Payload
  GenerateFecPayloads(media_packets, num_fec_packets);
  // TODO(brandtr): Generalize this when multistream protection support is
  // added.
  const uint32_t media_ssrc = ParseSsrc(media_packets.front()->data.data());
  const uint16_t seq_num_base =
  FinalizeFecHeaders(num_fec_packets, media_ssrc, seq_num_base);

  return 0;


int ForwardErrorCorrection::NumFecPackets(int num_media_packets,
                                          int protection_factor) {
  // Result in Q0 with an unsigned round.
  // 这个逻辑很有意思,protection_factor是8位的 最大是256, 1<<7 是128。
  // 媒体包数*protection_factor + 128 之后再 >>8 就是 媒体包数*(protection_factor/255)
  int num_fec_packets = (num_media_packets * protection_factor + (1 << 7)) >> 8;
  // Generate at least one FEC packet if we need protection.
  if (protection_factor > 0 && num_fec_packets == 0) {
    num_fec_packets = 1;
  RTC_DCHECK_LE(num_fec_packets, num_media_packets);
  return num_fec_packets;


void GeneratePacketMasks(int num_media_packets,
                         int num_fec_packets,
                         int num_imp_packets,
                         bool use_unequal_protection,
                         PacketMaskTable* mask_table,
                         uint8_t* packet_mask) {
  RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_media_packets, 0);
  RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_fec_packets, 0);
  RTC_DCHECK_LE(num_fec_packets, num_media_packets);
  RTC_DCHECK_LE(num_imp_packets, num_media_packets);
  RTC_DCHECK_GE(num_imp_packets, 0);

  const int num_mask_bytes = PacketMaskSize(num_media_packets);

  // Equal-protection for these cases.
  if (!use_unequal_protection || num_imp_packets == 0) {
    // Retrieve corresponding mask table directly:for equal-protection case.
    // Mask = (k,n-k), with protection factor = (n-k)/k,
    // where k = num_media_packets, n=total#packets, (n-k)=num_fec_packets.
    rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> mask =
        mask_table->LookUp(num_media_packets, num_fec_packets);
    memcpy(packet_mask, &mask[0], mask.size());
  } else {  // UEP case
    UnequalProtectionMask(num_media_packets, num_fec_packets, num_imp_packets,
                          num_mask_bytes, packet_mask, mask_table);
  }  // End of UEP modification
}  // End of GetPacketMasks


void ForwardErrorCorrection::GenerateFecPayloads(
    const PacketList& media_packets,
    size_t num_fec_packets) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_fec_packets; ++i) {
    Packet* const fec_packet = &generated_fec_packets_[i];
    size_t pkt_mask_idx = i * packet_mask_size_;
    const size_t min_packet_mask_size = fec_header_writer_->MinPacketMaskSize(
        &packet_masks_[pkt_mask_idx], packet_mask_size_);
    const size_t fec_header_size =

    size_t media_pkt_idx = 0;
    auto media_packets_it = media_packets.cbegin();
    uint16_t prev_seq_num =
    while (media_packets_it != media_packets.end()) {
      Packet* const media_packet = media_packets_it->get();
      // Should `media_packet` be protected by `fec_packet`?
      if (packet_masks_[pkt_mask_idx] & (1 << (7 - media_pkt_idx))) {
        size_t media_payload_length =
            media_packet->data.size() - kRtpHeaderSize;

        size_t fec_packet_length = fec_header_size + media_payload_length;
        if (fec_packet_length > fec_packet->data.size()) {
          // Recall that XORing with zero (which the FEC packets are prefilled
          // with) is the identity operator, thus all prior XORs are
          // still correct even though we expand the packet length here.
		// 根据之前提到的编码逻辑,多个媒体包会生成一个fec包的payload,丢弃的数据需要几个媒体包一起进行恢复
        XorHeaders(*media_packet, fec_packet);
        XorPayloads(*media_packet, media_payload_length, fec_header_size,
      if (media_packets_it != media_packets.end()) {
        uint16_t seq_num =
        media_pkt_idx += static_cast<uint16_t>(seq_num - prev_seq_num);
        prev_seq_num = seq_num;
      pkt_mask_idx += media_pkt_idx / 8;
      media_pkt_idx %= 8;
    RTC_DCHECK_GT(fec_packet->data.size(), 0)
        << "Packet mask is wrong or poorly designed.";

2.2 码表换算

Fec码表是根据 fec_mask_type 的类型和媒体数据包数量决定使用哪个表。

cpp 复制代码
const uint8_t* PacketMaskTable::PickTable(FecMaskType fec_mask_type,
                                          int num_media_packets) {
  RTC_DCHECK_GE(num_media_packets, 0);
  RTC_DCHECK_LE(static_cast<size_t>(num_media_packets), kUlpfecMaxMediaPackets);

  if (fec_mask_type != kFecMaskRandom &&
      num_media_packets <=
          static_cast<int>(fec_private_tables::kPacketMaskBurstyTbl[0])) {
    return &fec_private_tables::kPacketMaskBurstyTbl[0];

  return &fec_private_tables::kPacketMaskRandomTbl[0];


cpp 复制代码
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> LookUpInFecTable(const uint8_t* table,
                                               int media_packet_index,
                                               int fec_index) {
  RTC_DCHECK_LT(media_packet_index, table[0]);

  // Skip over the table size.
  const uint8_t* entry = &table[1];

  uint8_t entry_size_increment = 2;  // 0-16 are 2 byte wide, then changes to 6.

  // Hop over un-interesting array entries.
  for (int i = 0; i < media_packet_index; ++i) {
    if (i == 16)
      entry_size_increment = 6;
    uint8_t count = entry[0];
    ++entry;  // skip over the count.
    for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
      entry += entry_size_increment * (j + 1);  // skip over the data.

  if (media_packet_index == 16)
    entry_size_increment = 6;

  RTC_DCHECK_LT(fec_index, entry[0]);
  ++entry;  // Skip over the size.

  // Find the appropriate data in the second dimension.

  // Find the specific data we're looking for.
  // 索引出fec的表
  for (int i = 0; i < fec_index; ++i)
    entry += entry_size_increment * (i + 1);  // skip over the data.

  size_t size = entry_size_increment * (fec_index + 1);
  return {&entry[0], size};











媒体包数 < 16个时:我们是可以确认最大16个,因此使用2行来进行运算;

媒体包数 > 16个时:是一组数据,因此用6行来进行换算。

cpp 复制代码
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> PacketMaskTable::LookUp(int num_media_packets,
                                                      int num_fec_packets) {
  RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_media_packets, 0);
  RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_fec_packets, 0);
  RTC_DCHECK_LE(num_media_packets, kUlpfecMaxMediaPackets);
  RTC_DCHECK_LE(num_fec_packets, num_media_packets);

  if (num_media_packets <= 12) {
    return LookUpInFecTable(table_, num_media_packets - 1, num_fec_packets - 1);
  int mask_length =

  // Generate FEC code mask for {num_media_packets(M), num_fec_packets(N)} (use
  // N FEC packets to protect M media packets) In the mask, each FEC packet
  // occupies one row, each bit / coloumn represent one media packet. E.g. Row
  // A, Col/Bit B is set to 1, means FEC packet A will have protection for media
  // packet B.

  // Loop through each fec packet.
  for (int row = 0; row < num_fec_packets; row++) {
    // Loop through each fec code in a row, one code has 8 bits.
    // Bit X will be set to 1 if media packet X shall be protected by current
    // FEC packet. In this implementation, the protection is interleaved, thus
    // media packet X will be protected by FEC packet (X % N)
    for (int col = 0; col < mask_length; col++) {
      fec_packet_mask_[row * mask_length + col] =
          ((col * 8) % num_fec_packets == row && (col * 8) < num_media_packets
               ? 0x80
               : 0x00) |
          ((col * 8 + 1) % num_fec_packets == row &&
                   (col * 8 + 1) < num_media_packets
               ? 0x40
               : 0x00) |
          ((col * 8 + 2) % num_fec_packets == row &&
                   (col * 8 + 2) < num_media_packets
               ? 0x20
               : 0x00) |
          ((col * 8 + 3) % num_fec_packets == row &&
                   (col * 8 + 3) < num_media_packets
               ? 0x10
               : 0x00) |
          ((col * 8 + 4) % num_fec_packets == row &&
                   (col * 8 + 4) < num_media_packets
               ? 0x08
               : 0x00) |
          ((col * 8 + 5) % num_fec_packets == row &&
                   (col * 8 + 5) < num_media_packets
               ? 0x04
               : 0x00) |
          ((col * 8 + 6) % num_fec_packets == row &&
                   (col * 8 + 6) < num_media_packets
               ? 0x02
               : 0x00) |
          ((col * 8 + 7) % num_fec_packets == row &&
                   (col * 8 + 7) < num_media_packets
               ? 0x01
               : 0x00);
  return {&fec_packet_mask_[0],
          static_cast<size_t>(num_fec_packets * mask_length)};



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