USB - libusbg vs libusbgx


GitHub - libusbg/libusbg: USB Gadget Configfs Library


GitHub - linux-usb-gadgets/libusbgx: C library encapsulating the Linux kernel USB gadget configfs userspace API functionality

libusbg 和 libusbgx 都是与 Linux 中 USB gadgets配置相关的库。它们的主要区别在于,libusbgx 是 libusbg 的延续,封装了 Linux 内核 USB gadget configfs 用户空间 API 功能。libusbgx 提供了使用 configfs API 创建和解析 USB gadget设备的例程,并支持内核 3.11 版中启用的所有 USB gadget configfs 功能。它也被称为 libusbg-neXt,包括对原始 libusbg 的改进和附加功能。该库采用 GNU LGPL-2.1(或更高版本)授权,其中提供的示例采用 GNU GPL-2.0(或更高版本)授权。

libusbg and libusbgx are both libraries related to the configuration of USB gadgets in Linux. The key difference is that libusbgx is a continuation of libusbg, encapsulating the Linux kernel USB gadget configfs userspace API functionality. libusbgx provides routines for creating and parsing USB gadget devices using the configfs API and supports all USB gadget configfs functions that can be enabled in kernel release 3.111. It is also known as libusbg-neXt and includes improvements and additional features over the original libusbg2. The library is licensed under the GNU LGPL-2.1 (or later), and the examples provided within it are licensed under the GNU GPL-2.0 (or later)1.

Libusbg 和 libusbgx 都是为方便与 USB 小工具设备交互而设计的 C 语言库,但两者之间存在明显差异。

Libusbg and libusbgx are both C libraries designed to facilitate the interaction with USB gadget devices, but there are distinct differences between the two.

Functionality and Scope: (功能和范围)

* Libusbg:

该库主要侧重于封装内核 USB 小工具配置文件用户空间 API 功能,并提供两个传输接口。它支持所有 USB 传输类型(控制、批量、中断、等时),并提供对 USB 小工具设备属性、配置属性和功能属性的支持。Libusbg 允许使用 configfs API 创建和解析 USB 小工具设备,并提供获取和设置 USB 小工具设备属性和属性的例程。

* Libusbg:

This library primarily focuses on encapsulating the kernel USB gadget-configfs userspace API functionality and offers two transfer interfaces. It supports all USB transfer types (control, bulk, interrupt, isochronous) and provides support for USB gadget device attributes, configuration attributes, and function attributes. Libusbg allows for the creation and parsing of USB gadget devices using the configfs API, and it provides routines for getting and setting USB gadget device attributes and properties.

* libusbgx:

相比之下,libusbgx 是一个功能更丰富的库,它扩展了 libusbg 的功能。它包括用于显示和配置 USB 小工具设备的实用程序,并提供内部 API 以简化对新功能的添加支持。此外,libusbgx 还支持 MIDI、大容量存储和环回等其他功能,使其在 USB 小工具功能方面更加多样化。该库全面支持 Linux ConfigFS、FunctionFS 和 USB 小工具 API。

* Libusbgx:

In contrast, libusbgx is a more feature-rich library that expands on the functionality of libusbg. It includes utilities to display and configure USB gadget devices and provides an internal API to simplify adding support for new functions. Furthermore, libusbgx supports additional functions such as MIDI, Mass Storage, and Loopback, making it more diverse in terms of USB gadget functionality. This library is well-rounded for Linux ConfigFS, FunctionFS, and USB Gadget API.

Licensing: (许可)

* Libusbg: 它根据 GNU 通用公共许可证 3.0 版 (GPLv3) 和 GNU 图书馆或较小通用公共许可证 3.0 版 (LGPLv3) 发布。

* Libusbgx: 该库根据 GNU LGPL-2.1(或更高版本)发布,示例根据 GNU GPL-2.0(或更高版本)授权。libusbgx 的许可与 libusbg 不同,这表明它们的开发路径各不相同。

* Libusbg: It is released under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3) and GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 3.0 (LGPLv3).

* Libusbgx: This library is released under the GNU LGPL-2.1 (or later), and the examples are licensed under the GNU GPL-2.0 (or later). The licensing for libusbgx differs from that of libusbg, indicative of their separate development pathways.

摘要:尽管 libusbg 和 libusbgx 都旨在为管理 USB 小工具设备提供类似的基本功能,但后者(即 libusbgx)是一个更全面、功能更丰富的库,提供更广泛的工具和功能,包括对各种 USB 小工具功能和 API 的额外支持。另一方面,与 libusbgx 相比,libusbg 更专注于 USB 小工具配置用户空间 API 功能的核心封装,并涉及更基本的功能集。

Summary: While both libusbg and libusbgx aim to provide similar fundamental functionality for managing USB gadget devices, the latter, libusbgx, stands out as a more comprehensive and feature-rich library, offering a broader set of tools and functions, including additional support for various USB gadget functions and APIs. On the other hand, libusbg is more focused on the core encapsulation of USB gadget-configfs userspace API functionality and involves a more basic feature set compared to libusbgx.


1,Liner AI

2,Bing copilot

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