Hive SchemaTool 命令详解

Hive schematool 是 hive 自带的管理 schema 的相关工具。


bash 复制代码
schematool -help

直接输入 schematool 或者schematool -help 输出结果如下:

bash 复制代码
usage: schemaTool
 -alterCatalog <arg>                Alter a catalog, requires
                                    --catalogLocation and/or
                                    --catalogDescription parameter as well
 -catalogDescription <arg>          Description of new catalog
 -catalogLocation <arg>             Location of new catalog, required when
                                    adding a catalog
 -createCatalog <arg>               Create a catalog, requires
                                    --catalogLocation parameter as well
 -dbOpts <databaseOpts>             Backend DB specific options
 -dbType <databaseType>             Metastore database type
 -driver <driver>                   driver name for connection
 -dryRun                            list SQL scripts (no execute)
 -fromCatalog <arg>                 Catalog a moving database or table is
                                    coming from.  This is required if you
                                    are moving a database or table.
 -fromDatabase <arg>                Database a moving table is coming
                                    from.  This is required if you are
                                    moving a table.
 -help                              print this message
 -ifNotExists                       If passed then it is not an error to
                                    create an existing catalog
 -info                              Show config and schema details
 -initSchema                        Schema initialization
 -initSchemaTo <initTo>             Schema initialization to a version
 -metaDbType <metaDatabaseType>     Used only if upgrading the system
                                    catalog for hive
 -moveDatabase <arg>                Move a database between catalogs.
                                    Argument is the database name.
                                    Requires --fromCatalog and --toCatalog
                                    parameters as well
 -moveTable <arg>                   Move a table to a different database.
                                    Argument is the table name. Requires
                                    --fromCatalog, --toCatalog,
                                    --fromDatabase, and --toDatabase
                                    parameters as well.
 -passWord <password>               Override config file password
 -servers <serverList>              a comma-separated list of servers used
                                    in location validation in the format
                                    of scheme://authority (e.g.
 -toCatalog <arg>                   Catalog a moving database or table is
                                    going to.  This is required if you are
                                    moving a database or table.
 -toDatabase <arg>                  Database a moving table is going to.
                                    This is required if you are moving a
 -upgradeSchema                     Schema upgrade
 -upgradeSchemaFrom <upgradeFrom>   Schema upgrade from a version
 -url <url>                         connection url to the database
 -userName <user>                   Override config file user name
 -validate                          Validate the database
 -verbose                           only print SQL statements




bash 复制代码

如列出当前 schema 的信息

bash 复制代码
schematool -dbType mysql -info


bash 复制代码
Metastore connection URL:	 jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hive?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
Metastore Connection Driver :	 com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Metastore connection User:	 hive
Hive distribution version:	 3.1.0
Metastore schema version:	 3.1.0
schemaTool completed



bash 复制代码
schematool -dbType mysql -driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -info 




覆盖 hive 配置中的 javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword参数。


覆盖 hive 配置文件中的 javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL 参数

bash 复制代码
schematool -dbType mysql -url 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hive?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8' -info


覆盖 hive 配置文件中的 javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName 参数

bash 复制代码
schematool -dbType mysql -userName hive -info




bash 复制代码
schematool -dbType mysql -info 




初始化 schema,如以下命令会在 mysql 数据库里创建 schema 相关的表和插入记录。mysql 的参数在hive-site.xml 或者 hivemetastore-site.xml 配置文件里。注意,连接的数据库要先建立,并且为空(没有任何表)。

bash 复制代码
schematool -dbType mysql -initSchema


创建 catalog, 需要 --catalogLocation 参数。

可选参数 --catalogDescription desc
-ifNotExists ,仅不存在。

bash 复制代码
schematool -dbType mysql -createCatalog spark1 --catalogLocation '/user/spark/warehouse1' -catalogDescription 'spark description' -ifNotExists 
bash 复制代码
Create catalog spark at location /user/spark/warehouse
Metastore connection URL:	 jdbc:mysql://master-e812d44/hive?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
Metastore Connection Driver :	 com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Metastore connection User:	 hive
schemaTool completed


可选参数 --catalogLocation <location> 参数。

可选参数 --catalogDescription <description>

bash 复制代码
schematool -dbType mysql -alterCatalog spark1 --catalogLocation '/user/spark/warehouse' -catalogDescription 'spark description'


初始化 schema 到指定的版本,如 2.3.0。


仅仅在 -dbType hive 中使用,用于升级 hive 中的 system catalog。


升级 schema。如之前 schema 是1.2.0,当前 hive为 3.1.0。

bash 复制代码
schematool -dbType mysql -upgradeSchema


从指定的版本升级 schema.


移动数据库,需要 --fromCatalog--toCatalog 参数

bash 复制代码
schematool -dbType mysql \
-moveDatabase  test  \
--fromCatalog hive \
---toCatalog spark


移动数据库,需要 --fromCatalog--toCatalog--fromDatabase,--toDatabase参数

bash 复制代码
schematool -dbType mysql \
-moveTable  t1  \
--fromCatalog hive \
---toCatalog spark \
--fromDatabase test \
--toDatabase dbw 



schematool -dbType mysql -validate


bash 复制代码
Starting metastore validation

Validating schema version
Succeeded in schema version validation.

Validating sequence number for SEQUENCE_TABLE
Succeeded in sequence number validation for SEQUENCE_TABLE.

Validating metastore schema tables
Succeeded in schema table validation.

Validating DFS locations
Succeeded in DFS location validation.

Validating columns for incorrect NULL values.
Succeeded in column validation for incorrect NULL values.

Done with metastore validation: [SUCCESS]
schemaTool completed
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