Go 使用ObjectID


MongoDB中的ObjectId是一种特殊的12字节 BSON 类型数据,用于为主文档提供唯一的标识符,默认情况下作为 _id 字段的默认值出现在每一个MongoDB集合中的文档中。以下是ObjectId的具体组成:

1. 时间戳(Timestamp):

  • 前4个字节(32位)表示创建该ObjectId时的Unix时间戳,精确到秒,从1970年1月1日UTC时间零点开始计算,这使得ObjectId具有一定程度的时间有序性。

2. 机器标识符(Machine ID):

  • 接下来的3个字节(24位)代表了生成此ObjectId的机器主机的唯一标识符。这个标识符通常是基于主机的网络接口地址哈希得到的,目的是确保不同主机生成的ObjectId是不同的。

3. 进程标识符(PID):

  • (旧版描述中提到的是进程ID,但在MongoDB较新版本中已不再使用)在某些早期的描述中提及2个字节代表进程ID,不过实际上MongoDB并不使用进程ID来生成ObjectId,以避免因为PID重用导致的冲突。现在这部分数据通常用于其他目的以保证全局唯一性。

4. 计数器(Counter):

  • 最后的3个字节(24位)是一个自增计数器,在同一台机器同一秒内生成的ObjectId会通过这个计数器递增来确保唯一性。计数器在一个秒内是从一个随机数开始递增的,这样即使在同一秒内创建多个ObjectId也能保证在单机上的唯一性。







Go 复制代码
package hobjectid

import (

// 代码来自  https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-go-driver/blob/v1/bson/primitive/objectid.go

// ErrInvalidHex indicates that a hex string cannot be converted to an ObjectID.
var ErrInvalidHex = errors.New("the provided hex string is not a valid ObjectID")

// ObjectID is the BSON ObjectID type.
type ObjectID [12]byte

// NilObjectID is the zero value for ObjectID.
var NilObjectID ObjectID

var objectIDCounter = readRandomUint32()
var processUnique = processUniqueBytes()

var _ encoding.TextMarshaler = ObjectID{}
var _ encoding.TextUnmarshaler = &ObjectID{}

// NewObjectID generates a new ObjectID.
func NewObjectID() ObjectID {
    return NewObjectIDFromTimestamp(time.Now())

// NewObjectIDFromTimestamp generates a new ObjectID based on the given time.
func NewObjectIDFromTimestamp(timestamp time.Time) ObjectID {
    var b [12]byte

    binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b[0:4], uint32(timestamp.Unix()))
    copy(b[4:9], processUnique[:])
    putUint24(b[9:12], atomic.AddUint32(&objectIDCounter, 1))

    return b

// Timestamp extracts the time part of the ObjectId.
func (id ObjectID) Timestamp() time.Time {
    unixSecs := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(id[0:4])
    return time.Unix(int64(unixSecs), 0).UTC()

// Hex returns the hex encoding of the ObjectID as a string.
func (id ObjectID) Hex() string {
    var buf [24]byte
    hex.Encode(buf[:], id[:])
    return string(buf[:])

func (id ObjectID) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("ObjectID(%q)", id.Hex())

// IsZero returns true if id is the empty ObjectID.
func (id ObjectID) IsZero() bool {
    return id == NilObjectID

// ObjectIDFromHex creates a new ObjectID from a hex string. It returns an error if the hex string is not a
// valid ObjectID.
func ObjectIDFromHex(s string) (ObjectID, error) {
    if len(s) != 24 {
        return NilObjectID, ErrInvalidHex

    var oid [12]byte
    _, err := hex.Decode(oid[:], []byte(s))
    if err != nil {
        return NilObjectID, err

    return oid, nil

// IsValidObjectID returns true if the provided hex string represents a valid ObjectID and false if not.
// Deprecated: Use ObjectIDFromHex and check the error instead.
func IsValidObjectID(s string) bool {
    _, err := ObjectIDFromHex(s)
    return err == nil

// MarshalText returns the ObjectID as UTF-8-encoded text. Implementing this allows us to use ObjectID
// as a map key when marshalling JSON. See https://pkg.go.dev/encoding#TextMarshaler
func (id ObjectID) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
    return []byte(id.Hex()), nil

// UnmarshalText populates the byte slice with the ObjectID. Implementing this allows us to use ObjectID
// as a map key when unmarshalling JSON. See https://pkg.go.dev/encoding#TextUnmarshaler
func (id *ObjectID) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error {
    oid, err := ObjectIDFromHex(string(b))
    if err != nil {
        return err
    *id = oid
    return nil

// MarshalJSON returns the ObjectID as a string
func (id ObjectID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(id.Hex())

// UnmarshalJSON populates the byte slice with the ObjectID. If the byte slice is 24 bytes long, it
// will be populated with the hex representation of the ObjectID. If the byte slice is twelve bytes
// long, it will be populated with the BSON representation of the ObjectID. This method also accepts empty strings and
// decodes them as NilObjectID. For any other inputs, an error will be returned.
func (id *ObjectID) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
    // Ignore "null" to keep parity with the standard library. Decoding a JSON null into a non-pointer ObjectID field
    // will leave the field unchanged. For pointer values, encoding/json will set the pointer to nil and will not
    // enter the UnmarshalJSON hook.
    if string(b) == "null" {
        return nil

    var err error
    switch len(b) {
        case 12:
        copy(id[:], b)
        // Extended JSON
        var res interface{}
        err := json.Unmarshal(b, &res)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        str, ok := res.(string)
        if !ok {
            m, ok := res.(map[string]interface{})
            if !ok {
                return errors.New("not an extended JSON ObjectID")
            oid, ok := m["$oid"]
            if !ok {
                return errors.New("not an extended JSON ObjectID")
            str, ok = oid.(string)
            if !ok {
                return errors.New("not an extended JSON ObjectID")

        // An empty string is not a valid ObjectID, but we treat it as a special value that decodes as NilObjectID.
        if len(str) == 0 {
            copy(id[:], NilObjectID[:])
            return nil

        if len(str) != 24 {
            return fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal into an ObjectID, the length must be 24 but it is %d", len(str))

        _, err = hex.Decode(id[:], []byte(str))
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return err

func processUniqueBytes() [5]byte {
    var b [5]byte
    _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, b[:])
    if err != nil {
        panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot initialize objectid package with crypto.rand.Reader: %w", err))

    return b

func readRandomUint32() uint32 {
    var b [4]byte
    _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, b[:])
    if err != nil {
        panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot initialize objectid package with crypto.rand.Reader: %w", err))

    return (uint32(b[0]) << 0) | (uint32(b[1]) << 8) | (uint32(b[2]) << 16) | (uint32(b[3]) << 24)

func putUint24(b []byte, v uint32) {
    b[0] = byte(v >> 16)
    b[1] = byte(v >> 8)
    b[2] = byte(v)

使用生成算法,生成的ID 可以与环境无关、业务无关。通用性更好。

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